The Vampire King’s Victory (Ever Dark #9) 15. IN YOUR SOUL 68%
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“ D o you think it will work?” Christian asked Balthazar. “The plan against the other Kalys?”

His Master was stalking around their bedroom suite. They’d dropped Caemorn off in his rooms just a hallway away from them. Caemorn had swept past them with a curt, “goodnight”. But, even without reading Caemorn’s mind, Christian knew that even that much acknowledgement from the Kaly Vampire was huge .

“Sleep well! Sweet dreams! Call if you need something!” Balthazar had called after Caemorn who hadn’t acknowledged the teasing.

But now that they were alone in their rooms, Balthazar seemed agitated. He’d bounced on the gorgeous, dark wood four-poster bed. Sniffed the high-count cotton sheets and the fluffy duvet. Gone out onto the large deck where there were countless pots of roses in between the comfortable loungers and the extra-large hot tub that bubbled away and let out a pleasant haze of steam.

Balthazar had poked into one of the huge closets that was a whole room in itself. It smelled richly of cedar and looked to have a place not just for tops, bottoms, sweaters, shoes, but also for cufflinks, watches and wallets. Once more, evidence of modern sensibilities. He’d gone out of the closet. Gone back in again. Back to the bed. Back to the closet. Back out onto the deck. Then he’d repeated the course about five times.

Meffy had left his shoulder in a huff because Balthazar kept moving. Meffy was now curled in a tiny ball on a large pillow on the couch by the fireplace in a sunken sitting area Christian scratched between the kitten’s ears and a faint, rumbling sound rose up.

“You seem a little anxious,” Christian remarked. “The plan sounds very complex. Or, not exactly complex, but--”

“Damn difficult? Near impossible? Why would I doubt that I can control each of the other Kalys? I mean it’s not like the last time I tried to do that I nearly got shredded!” Balthazar let out a shrill laugh. “But oh, wait! I’m not just supposed to control just these other Kalys, but change all of their minds that joining together under Daemon’s banner is a good idea. Their idea! Yes, what would be easier than that?”

Christian winced at Balthazar’s very accurate description of what the letter had said in regards to instructions of what to do next. “But you won’t be alone. I’ll be with you.”

“Oh, no, you will not!”

“You can’t do this alone. You’ll need backup. If not me…” Christine grimaced, “then Daemon, of course.”

“It won’t work if it’s Daemon. Letter said that. Seeyr is so unfun!” Balthazar sighed heavily as he circled a chair, unable to stand still, let alone sit down.

“I wonder if it helps us knowing the future or just is stressful,” Christian murmured.

“If we were to act rationally , without Seeyr’s visions, we would leave everything up to Daemon. But that would hardly be fair!” Balthazar’s hands flew up in the air like a startled flock of birds before falling abruptly to his sides. “Besides, it's not right that he should do everything. This is the doing of the other Immortals. It should be handled by us.”

“Can’t we just hunt the other Kalys down and have Caemorn absorb them like he did with Artemis-Kaly?” Christian suggested.

He’d only caught parts of the letter from Balthazar’s mind. But from the way that Balthazar shook his head fiercely, he obviously had missed the important bits.

“The other Kalys have gone mad. Unless their minds are fixed before Caemorn absorbs them, eventually, he will start to fracture like them,” Balthazar explained and his hands tightened into fists. “He really would become mad and evil.”

Christian shivered. “Having him absorb them at all seems wrong.”

“I think he has to,” Balthazar said. “Because if he doesn’t that might lead to another kind of fracturing. He’s not complete. He needs to be.”

Christian nodded and petted Meffy some more to calm himself. “Then you and he will make this happen. The two of you are worth all of those other Kalys.”

Balthazar bussed his cheek with a kiss before stalking outside again. Balthazar undid the laces on his shoes to stick his feet into the hot tub. Balthazar frowned at the bubbling, steaming water.

“How can there be a hot tub here?” Balthazar asked. “Or electricity for the lights and all when there are no power plants or whatever there should be?”

“Magic,” Christian deadpanned.

Balthazar’s head shot towards him at warp speed and his Master’s mouth opened in shock. “ You --my little scientist--are just going to say magic and not tell me how such magic apparently has no rhyme or reason or--”

“Oh, I will investigate this,” Christian assured her. “But that is something that can wait. I can take eternity to investigate it. But you can’t take an eternity to help Caemorn against Kaly. So that is more important to focus on. Though I admit this is all quite perplexing and exciting.”

Balthazar slipped off his socks, tucking them into his shoes, before carefully rolling up his pant legs. It was Christian’s turn to frown.

“Why don’t you just take off your pants? Or all of your clothes?” Christian asked.

Balthazar paused in his careful rolling. He opened his mouth then shut it then opened it again. “Because I didn’t… because…”

“This is our home. Our second--well, my third --home. We’re not going anywhere for awhile so take off your clothes and stay awhile,” Christian suggested as he started to do just that.

Balthazar blinked at him as Christian took off his shoes and socks before untucking his shirt.

“We did have sex in the bath before. I could do that again. Hot tub sex. If that’s what you are suggesting, my little minx,” Balthazar murmured and fluttered his eyelashes at him.

Christian snorted. “My little minx?”

Balthazar waggled his eyebrows. “No? You don’t like that nickname? What about my delicious muffin? Or snuggle snack? Or--”

“I’m not a snack. And I drink mostly from you so if anyone is a snuggle snack it would be you, Balthazar,” Christian reminded him as he took off his shirt and considered putting it in the hamper in the closet he’d chosen as his own.

But who would collect it? Would they have servants? Of course, they would. He couldn’t imagine Balthazar doing his own laundry. And there were servants for Ravenscroft Manor. Would they come here? They knew they served Vampires, but to go to a completely different universe to do so? Well, they couldn’t leave them there for the authorities. They would be questions and--

“Christian? Earth to Christian? I believe I have lost my fledgling to deep thoughts,” Balthazar sighed as he stuck his feet in the hot tub.

Christian snapped back to the moment. He watched Balthazar move his toes up and down in the bubbling water. “Sorry, just thinking about laundry.”

“L-laundry? Washing clothes has replaced the thought of having sex with me already, snuggle snack?” Balthazar gave him a stricken look.

Christian laughed. He shook his head. “Just thinking of how things are going to be. We’ve hardly had a moment to plan to be here.”

“That’s true, but it will all work out on that front. Considering this whole city seems to have been ready for us, I don’t doubt that Daemon will pull another rabbit out of the hat,” Balthazar answered with a shrug.

“You’re undoubtedly right.” Christian nodded. “But my plans for you are simple. You’re tense. Understandably so. Therefore, I intend to massage you and then--”

Balthazar was standing up in the hot tub. His nose was practically twitching. He looked like a pointer dog on a scent. He asked in a high, happy bark, “Massage?”

Christian blinked. “Ah, you like this idea?”

“Where do you want me? Bed?” Balthazar asked. “It must be the bed though knowing the magic around this place there’s likely a massage table somewhere. But a bed will do in a pinch. Face down or face up?”

Balthazar sloshed out of the water and practically levitated onto the bed, shedding clothing along the way until he was buck naked as he bounced on the foot of the bed. Christian--who had laid his shirt on the back of a chair--lifted his eyebrows.

“I see you definitely like this. On the bed. Face down,” Christian instructed.

Balthazar obeyed him with an alacrity that amused Christian no end. He smiled and shook his head as he undid his belt and the button of his pants. He gazed at Balthazar’s naked back. He was incredibly beautiful. The golden sweep of his smooth back. The swell of his buttocks. The long legs that were slightly parted. The graceful feet with those toes that were stretched out. Christian ran a finger down the length of each foot, which had those toes wiggling.

Yet there was still tension in that body, which was confirmed by Balthazar’s slightly muffled voice from the squashy pillows as he said, “I can’t believe that everything depends upon me .”

“When you think about it, it’s almost as if with great power comes great responsibility,” Christian remarked softly.

“Ack! Don’t say that!” Balthazar cried and flopped his arms on the bed like a beached bird.

“I’m only telling the truth, I’m afraid. I would rank Kaly then you in power after Daemon--”

“Kaly is not more powerful than me!” Balthazar growled.

That had another smile crossing Christian’s face. “That’s why you’ll be able to handle them with no problem.”

“I could handle one of them, but Caemorn thinks that there are a dozen left,” Balthazar whined and beat the pillows. “With each one we take out, the others will know and try to hide. When they realize that they can’t hide, they will do one of two things.”

“Which are?”

Christian pushed his pants down his legs and stepped out of them. He kicked them towards the chair where his shirt was. He did not want to take a moment longer to be with Balthazar. He crawled up onto the bed and straddled Balthazar’s back, right on the swell of his buttocks. Christian settled in so that the base of his cock and balls were along the crevice between Balthazar’s ass cheeks.

“W-what?” Balthazar sounded breathless and his thoughts were wheeling as arousal spiked within him.

“You said there were two things that Kaly will do,” Christian reminded him even as his own mind was stutter-stopping.

Christian felt heat rise in Balthazar. It mirrored his own arousal. They were so in each other’s heads that they got to experience the pleasure that each other were having. It was highly distracting, but also irresistible.

Christian ground down against the pillowy soft ass and enjoyed slipping his balls between those cheeks. His cock was already hard. It would soon be drooling precum like a hungry animal looking for a meal. He swallowed as he realized that he was hungry for blood as well as sex.

“You can feed while you massage me,” Balthazar offered.

“You are more needy than that cat of yours!” Christian laughed. “Always wanting to be petted.”

“Meffy has the right idea about life. Food. Petting. Sleep. More petting. Kisses all the time. And sex when he’s old enough. But sex alot for me. Plus petting.” Balthazar counted off these on his fingers.

Christian shook his head. “You are incorrigible.”


“And totally unrepentant about it,” Christian laughed again. “Now tell me the two things while I pet you.”

Christian’s hands went to the tops of Balthazar’s shoulders. He framed his Master’s spine with his thumbs and began to massage the muscles on either side, slowly working his way down and then back up again. Balthazar purred.

“So two things. The other Kalys will either self-destruct and take as many people with them as they can,” Balthazar said and that had Christian tightening his hold on Balthazar, but his Master only sighed happily.

“Yes,” Christian breathed. “Yes, I could see that.”

Unfortunately, he could see that very easily. Backed into a corner, knowing that they would be absorbed into the whole again and their individual identity squashed, would likely inspire the other Kalys to reach for death. And not just their death, but lots of peoples’ deaths. Anything to ruin Daemon’s return to power. To make humans afraid. To cause the Vampires to be on the run.

He dug into the knots that had formed in Balthazar’s upper back. He fully understood how those were there. A lot rested on his Master’s shoulders.

“The second thing is that they could join together to fight us. Making things a lot more difficult than taking them out one by one,” Balthazar said and let out a long, low purr. “That--that is magic. Keep doing that.”

Christian had braced one hand on his upper back and was digging into those knots with his knuckles.

“Don’t you worry,” Christian said, “I have more magic to show you.”

“Oh, you can do that. I love your magic,” Balthazar sounded like he was drooling into the pillows.

Christian was happy that Balthazar was getting so relaxed even when talking of the other Kalys. He slid down to Balthazar’s thighs, exposing that lovely ass that was the same color as the rest of Balthazar. Of course, Vampires wouldn’t have tan lines, but it was incredibly sexy to Christian to see these acres of creamy skin that was gilded only by the light from the fire and the fat candles that were lit all around the bed.

He massaged those ass cheeks, pulling them apart to reveal the sweet, pink anus that was hidden within. Christian swallowed as saliva filled his mouth. Without considering it, he leaned down and licked that tight swirl of muscle.

“ Magic ,” Balthazar hissed and spread his legs wider.

Christian continued to massage those lovely cheeks even as he ate Balthazar out. His Master lifted his ass up for Christian to expose more of himself to be devoured. A pillow was tossed back and he shoved it beneath Balthazar’s body.

Christian’s tongue probed at the opening into Balthazar’s body. It gave into him even as Balthazar’s body fully relaxed. He wriggled his tongue inside. The earthy taste burst upon his tongue. But there was more copper than he had experienced when he’d done this rarely before. But that made sense. Their diet was almost wholly blood.

He used his thumbs to spread wide that anus and stabbed his tongue inside, flicking it in and out. Then his hands slid down Balthazar’s muscled legs. Christian kissed and licked Balthazar’s anus. His fangs came out and he found himself sinking them into the creamy flesh of one buttcheek. He had been given instantaneous permission to do this.

Blood gushed over his tongue and trailed down his throat. It was hot and sweet, salty and meaty all at once. It was like dinner and dessert. Fine wine and chocolates. Cognac and cigars.

Christian withdrew his fangs and dragged them along the backside of Balthazar’s thighs, paying close attention to where his Master jumped with anticipation. He would work those spots with his hands and mouth. Kissing, licking and mouthing that tender skin.

He kissed those inner thighs. He licked them. The taste of Balthazar’s skin was like complex, cinnamony ice cream. He bit in and sucked here and there. The wounds healed instantaneously as soon as he pulled off. Balthazar’s breathing had deepened with every sip of his blood. Christian’s cock felt hot and wagged between his thighs everytime he moved.

“Can I be in you?” Christian asked as he licked blood from his lips.

“Oh, by the gods, yes ,” Balthazar hissed between clenched teeth. “Though I don’t know how long I’ll last. I’m ready to cum now.”

“Me, too,” Christian breathed.

Christian had made it down to Balthazar’s feet. He pushed up in the heels until there was a soft pop. Balthazar moaned again and lifted his hips wantonly. Christian crawled up his body. Kissing. Licking. Massaging. Biting .

He felt Balthazar’s need to be filled. He wanted to do that filling. He wanted to feel their bodies snick together and be connected just as their minds were. Christian reached down and slicked his hand as much as he could with the precum that was flowing from the slit. He ran that hand up and down his length. He had to stop for a moment as he nearly came right then all over Balthazar’s upraised ass. But he squeezed the base of his cock until the urge passed.

Christian leaned down and licked Balthazar’s asshole greedily, making it wet, too. Then he lined up his cock and gripped his Master’s hips. Balthazar was already pressing back against him as Christian was thrusting in. He was fully seated inside of his Master. He breathed. Balthazar breathed. Their hearts seemed to restart up at the same time.

There was heat and tightness. His cock was completely encased in Balthazar’s body. Christian felt himself pierced to the core, too, as he experienced this lovemaking from both his side and Balthazar’s.

He wrapped his arms around Balthazar’s taut waist. His fingers flexed over the muscles of his Master’s belly. Those muscles jumped. His hands slid up to Balthazar’s nipples. He tweaked them as he kissed the top of Balthazar’s left shoulder.

Then they began to move.

It was an unending loop of pleasure. Push and pull. Thrust and receive. Pierce and stretch. Heat. Friction. Blood on his tongue and trailing down his throat. The suck of blood from his body. Sustaining. Nourishing. Loving his fledgling. Loving his Master.

Christian pulled his hips back and thrust them back in. He drew up Balthazar’s left leg so he could get deeper inside of his Master’s body. He pushed and ground until his balls were pressing against Balthazar’s opening. Part of him wanted to be fully inside of Balthazar. Another part of him felt he already was. Their minds were meshed together.

Christian knew to reach between Balthazar’s legs and stroke his cock. The right rhythm that had his Master panting and whining. He knew to swipe his thumb over the tip and open the slit to encourage more of the salty, earthy precum. He brought his slick fingers to Balthazar’s mouth and his Master eagerly sucked his own cum off of Christian’s fingers.

Christian pounded inside of Balthazar. Short, quick, fierce thrusts that jolted Balthazar’s body and sent vibrations through his own. Every time he thrust fully in, Balthazar bore down on his cock and it felt like the entire length of his penis was being massaged. Christian gasped and curled himself over Balthazar and bit deeply into his Master’s shoulder again.

Blood as thick and sweet as honey rolled down his throat, but some spilled over his chin. Balthazar turned his head and they kissed. His Master licked his own blood from Christian’s lips then lightly dragged a fang over Christian’s tongue to add his own. He sucked eagerly on Christian’s tongue and lapped at every part of his mouth.

Christian’s thrust became mere pulses of his hips as Balthazar’s body would not let him go. Not that he wanted to be released. He was urging Balthazar to keep him inside. The final thrust had Christian gasping as heat just exploded in his groin. He pushed fully in and rotated his hips as he pressed himself as close to Balthazar as possible.

His cock swelled inside of Balthazar. Christian could feel it happening. Even as Balthazar’s cock jerked in his hands. He felt the splash of cum along his palms even as he spilled his seed deep inside of Balthazar’s willing and eager body.

Christian let out a shout. It was devoured by Balthazar’s mouth on his. Swallowing it down. Both their bodies shuddered and collapsed onto the bed. Christian curled around the bigger body, rather like a limpet. Balthazar linked their fingers together and pulled Christian as close to him as possible.

They breathed.

Sweat curled the hair on the back of Balthazar’s head. Christian found himself kissing the warm, slick skin beneath those curls. Balthazar rubbed an infinity symbol on the back of their clasped hands.

It was utterly peaceful.

“You know,” Christian said, his voice heavy with sleep and sated desire. “You don’t need to worry about the other Kalys.”

“I don’t?” Balthazar sounded amused.

“No, I haven’t just been in your head tonight,” Christian breathed across Balthazar’s shoulder blades. “I’ve been in your soul . And the other Kalys have got nothing on you.”

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