The Vampire King’s Victory (Ever Dark #9) 16. RETURN 73%
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T he next night…

Caemorn swept down the streets of Nightvallen towards the Kaly Palace. Balthazar prattled on beside him. Christian was quiet, but smiling happily. He didn’t seem to mind the chatter. In a way, it was a relief that Balthazar never expected anyone else to talk. It allowed Caemorn to collect his thoughts and mentally prepare for bringing back the Harrows. Their soul gems were in his front pocket.

Many Kaly Vampires had arrived in Nightvallen the evening before, but they had found the Kaly Palace closed and locked to them. No one had been able to get in. Caemorn could already see Lissette, hands on childish hips, watching him, Balthazar and Christian approach.

“You really did lock them out!” Balthazar sounded delighted.

Obviously, making love with Christian and a peaceful rest had put him in a very good mood. Caemorn had actually rested quite nicely in his rooms as well. Nightvallen was restful.

“I did. There are traps in the palace,” Caemorn answered.

“Really? You wanted to protect them from those pesky traps, did you?” Balthazar’s lips twitched.


“You just wanted to assert your dominance, Caemorn!” Balthazar chuckled happily. “Are you going to tell them you’re Kaly?”


Balthazar let out a bark of laughter. “Excellent!”

“You think they won’t obey me?” Caemorn let a brief frown flash on his face.

“Oh, they will. They absolutely will. But I think each of them had hoped to be top dog instead of you,” Balthazar explained. “You were the Preceptor. Now you’re an Immortal. That’s an upgrade!”


“I love these one word answers! So elucidating!” Balthazar though still sounded unphased.

“But you love hearing yourself talk far more than me,” Caemorn murmured.

Christian let out a laugh. “Oh, he’s got you there, Balthazar!”

“True, true.” Balthazar was unrepentant. “I am so looking forward to seeing this showdown. Go out front, Caemorn. Meet your people!”

He pushed Caemorn ahead of them, while giggling evilly. Lisette stepped in front of Caemorn. She pointed to the Kaly Palace.

“It’s locked,” she said.

“Yes,” he answered, continuing on with his one word--though very clear--answers, which had Balthazar chuckling.

“Every other palace with the flames lit is open,” she pointed out.


“The flame is burning above the Kaly Palace.” Lisette pointed to the eternal flame.


“So, ergo, the Kaly Palace should be open. But it is not,” she said.

“Your point?” Caemorn lifted an eyebrow.

“You are close to King Daemon. You must get us an audience to speak with him. Kaly has, evidently, locked the palace somehow against us,” she said. “Perhaps for some nefarious purpose. Why are you grinning like a cat, Balthazar?” She snapped that last part at the Eyros Vampire.

“No reason. No reason at all.” Balthazar had crossed his arms behind his lower back and swayed like Sophia.

Lisette’s eyes narrowed at him. “I see.” She focused again on Caemorn. “My additional point was that you should not bother trying to get in--though I am surprised to see you here so late --because the palace is closed to us.”

“It is closed to you ,” Caemorn stated and brushed past her.

He left her blinking, but she started after him with Christian and Balthazar trailing behind. He walked up the steps until he was right before the doors of the Kaly Palace. He stared at them for a long moment.

“I told you, Caemorn, that it’s locked . It’s not going to open because of your ego ,” Lisette hissed with a wave of her hand in dismissal.

It’s all right, Caemorn, Balthazar’s voice was clear in his mind. Do it. Tell them who you are. It’s time.

There was no amusement or looking for fun in this. It was like someone giving his shoulder a squeeze. Caemorn drew in a deep breath and turned to face his people. At the same moment, the flame on top of the Kaly Palace blazed twenty feet high and there was an audible clunk as all the locks of the palace opened.

The group of Kaly Vampires in front of the palace had the flames reflected in their eyes as they let out audible gasps. Then those gazes fell to him as the door swung open. Some tried to crowd forward, but Caemorn lifted a hand and they stopped. Confusion furrowed brows and narrowed silver eyes. Pale heads turned to the people beside them to see if anyone else was experiencing what they were, which was them being unable to disobey him. Caemorn’s eyes slid to Balthazar who, with Christian, was standing a step below him. Was he giving a little help? Balthazar looked at him blandly. Perhaps too blandly.

“What’s going on here, Caemorn?” Lisette asked as she moved to the head of the Kalys. “You’re not the Preceptor any more.”

“I am not,” Caemorn agreed with her.

“Kaly is your Master and you served him closest of all! So you should hardly be in charge of anything,” Lisette listed off all of the reasons why he was unworthy to be here.

“All correct,” Caemorn continued to agree with her even though there were caveats now that he had absorbed Artemis-Kaly and who knew if the soul of the real Artemis could be recovered and placed within that body again. But that wasn’t important to explain quite yet.

“So why did the flames rise and the doors open for you ?” Lisette asked, gesturing towards the palace.

“He must still be serving Kaly!” Someone shouted.

“Oh, no, he took out Artemis-Kaly!” Balthazar said with a laugh that had the Kaly Vampires staring.

“Thank you so much for sharing that, Balthazar,” Caemorn replied dryly

And he was both grateful Balthazar had and annoyed that he had. Which was par for the course with Balthazar. But it was also par for the course that Balthazar could read the room and know what had to be said. So he realized his annoyance was irrational and part of his shame and need to control all things. But he didn’t have to. Christian and Balthazar had his back.

“What do you mean? How could you… Artemis is Kaly… an Immortal…” Lisette’s forehead furrowed.

“Artemis was a copy, a slice , of Kaly, if you will. The real Artemis’ soul was replaced at some point long ago and Kaly used his body. Roan Tithe was also a slice of Kaly,” Caemorn slowly explained.

Every set of silver eyes were upon him. No blinking. No breathing. Just complete focus.

You’ve got this, Christian whispered in his mind. They already know. They’re just waiting for you to confirm it.

“There are over a dozen of these slices that Kaly allowed to be split off from themselves before the War,” Caemorn continued. “These slices of Kaly started to go mad.”

Even though it had not seemed like they were breathing before, it felt like there was a collective intake of breath. Madness for Kalys was common . It was a risk. Not quite as bad a risk as it was for Seeyr Vampires. But it was seen as a weakness if a Kaly Vampire went mad. It meant that they were unfit to understand the great secrets of the universe that were granted to them. To admit--or perhaps confirm --that Kaly had gone mad was, to some, saying that Kaly was weak. To others, it made them afraid that if Kaly could fall into insanity then all of them could.

“They refused to be integrated to avoid this fate. And, after a time, it was impossible for the true Kaly--the core of Kaly--to accept them back without assistance and great risk,” Caemorn explained and he went quiet.

His eyes slid to Balthazar who was looking out coolly at the crowd. He was certain that the Eyros Vampire was reading every mind, looking for every objection, determining how to counter it. Balthazar was doing this for him . Because making sure that he kept power in his own Bloodline was not something that Balthazar needed to do in order to stop his other selves. It would be a fit punishment if he lost everything considering what he had cost everyone through his experimentation.

It was a mistake, Balthazar said.

You didn’t intend any of this to happen, Christian added.

You’re fixing it. It’s all you can do, Balthazar concluded.

“And then…” Caemorn swallowed, “the core Kaly died . Killed in the War.”

The Kaly Vampires were all statues. They didn’t think this death was a bad thing. It was the ultimate adventure. The ultimate experiment. That he had come back …

You’re a rockstar, Caemorn, Balthazar chuckled. You got it now. You came back. You returned from a place that they haven’t--and can’t--go and return.

You’re their leader, Christian stated. As you should be.

“But all of this was part of a plan ,” Caemorn said, the words suddenly slipping through his lips like silk. “Eyros, Seeyr and I put it together. We knew that two of us would die. Seeyr would be imprisoned. Terrible things would be done in the War and after. Eyros and I would return and not know ourselves for a time. Not remembering what we were supposed to do. But now we do remember. We do know. And we have started the endgame.”

“You…” Lisette murmured.

Caemorn’s eyes swept the crowd. It had grown as he had spoken as more and more Kalys heard the palace was open and that it had opened for him . They were waiting on the next words. But those words didn’t come from him. Yet it was so perfect from where they did come from.

“Kaly,” Daemon said his name with affection and warmth. “I hope you do not mind if Julian and I join you for your preparations to return the Harrows. I have always learned much watching you extend the range of your gift.”

And there it was. In a simple greeting all doubt was taken away, all understanding was in place.

He was Kaly.

He was Kaly.

Everyone turned to see the Vampire King and his Prince standing at the back of the crowd, arm in arm. Julian’s eyes were lit with hope and excitement. He would get his parents back.

We should have told you right away, Caemorn , Julian sent. Can you forgive us for not doing so?

There’s nothing to forgive. Was I why you and Christian were so... happy when you returned from Moonfall? Caemorn asked and then immediately regretted it. He knew better than to ask questions that would have bad answers.

Caemorn, yes, of course, yes. You told me--showed me--our friendship and how much it has enhanced both of our lives, Julian told him and the warmth just flowed like honey through him. I knew then that everything would not only be okay, but it would be fantastic. Can you feel it too? How you were? How you actually will be?

I… I can...

Caemorn blinked and looked down. Emotions that he was not used to dealing with were rising up from inside of him. Emotions were dangerous for a Kaly Vampire. Especially tender ones like these.

“King Daemon. Prince Julian. We of the Kaly Bloodline are honored to have you both with us,” Caemorn said. “It would be my pleasure to show you all that I do. There are no secrets between us.”

And that last sentence was huge in terms of the Kaly Bloodline, which hid everything from everyone. But from Daemon, he realized, there had never truly been anything secret or hidden. The truth was that he didn’t want to hold anything back from this being. Like with Balthazar, it would be safer if he didn’t. Just in case things went badly.

They are not going to go badly. You would have told Christian and Julian in the future, Balthazar said.

True, Caemorn agreed.

The two of them moved through the crowd that parted for them like water. They all bowed and some went down to their knees. Julian hopped up the final steps to him and embraced him just before Caemorn was going to bow. He accepted the hug as he always did: awkwardly . They broke apart and Julian went to embrace Balthazar and Christian with ease. Daemon was standing in front of him and Caemorn felt like a deer in headlights. Should he embrace Daemon? Or should he bow again? To hug would likely be too familiar and that--

Daemon embraced him.

Caemorn was very still. He wasn’t sure if it was shock--or rather just shock--or if he was afraid that if he moved that Daemon would be offended and end the hug prematurely. Maybe Daemon would never hug him again. Not that he was a hugger. How had he gone from being a ruthless Preceptor to reduced to marshmallow with a single embrace?

Daemon moved back but still kept a hold of his biceps to look at him as if the Vampire King were a proud parent. Caemorn was frozen again. Daemon laughed affectionately and patted his arms.

“I am so excited to see what you will do tonight, Kaly,” Daemon said.

“There is enough power stored here to do it, I believe, for it to be successful,” Caemorn replied.

He stopped himself from hedging. He did not hedge. He would be able to do this.

“It will be. I have faith in you, Kaly,” Daemon told him.

A final squeeze and Caemorn was released. He caught sight of Lisette at that moment. The normal scheming, distrustful, and disdainful expression was missing from her face. Daemon’s actions towards him had stripped away all of her disbelief. He met Daemon’s eye and realized that, again, like with Balthazar, Daemon had done it for him . Daemon could have let his own actions hang him with his people. He could have let Caemorn crash and burn. But he hadn’t. After everything. He hadn’t.

“You're really going for that Vampire look for your parents, aren’t you, Julian,” Balthazar stated, taking in the black leather pants, form-fitting shirt and boots. “Or are you trying to be Daemon’s mini-me?”

“Hey! I look good! Some of us don’t want to rock the three-piece suits, Balthazar!” Julian stretched his arms to his sides to show off his attractive, athletic form.

“You look very handsome like always,” Christian said kindly.

“Damn straight! See? My best friend has my back! Caemorn, I look good right?” Julian turned to him.

“Your face is very symmetrical and your body is the favored V-shape, which the close fitting clothes show off,” Caemorn told him.

Balthazar snorted. Christian grinned. Julian laughed.

“See! Another one! You’re outvoted, Balthazar,” Julian said.

“I never said looking like a goth Vampire is bad! But even if your parents didn’t already know you were a Vampire, they would once they caught sight of your outfit,” Balthazar chuckled.

Caemorn felt the Kalys’ amusement with their leaders, but also their eagerness to get inside. He met Daemon’s eyes.

It is up to you if you wish to let them in, Daemon’s mental voice was like a soothing balm. But there are plenty of other places they can be housed until you make your decision.

Thank you, but I have made my decision, Caemorn said. However, I will have Balthazar scan them for bad intent before they enter.

Daemon smiled broadly. These ones are loyal. They are just their normal prickly selves. Get ready for them to want your favor and to bask in your glory.

I dread that, Caemorn said before he could help himself.

Daemon laughed and clasped his shoulder again.

“Let us go in first and then…” Caemorn turned to the waiting crowd of Kaly Vampires, “all of you may enter the palace.”

A wash of excitement went through all of them. He knew that quite a few of them had already seen the filled soul gems that were used to light the palace. A firm look at them though made it clear they were not to disturb anything.

“You may look around, but rooms will be assigned. And be aware that the palace is booby trapped,” Caemorn told them. “Do not make me have to bring you back for a Third Life.”

There was a ripple of laughter. It was tittering and disbelieving. None of them would be so foolish as to be caught in a trap . Caemorn sighed. The Harrows might only be the first he was having to bring back that night.

Caemorn gestured for Daemon and Julian to go inside first. Julian looped one arm through Daemon’s while Daemon put a hand on Caemorn’s shoulder as they walked inside. Everyone gazed up at the soul gem ceiling as they passed into the main throne room of the Kaly Palace.

“There’s one of these in Daemon’s palace,” Julian said of the soul gem chandelier. “It’s amazing and--”

“A little creepy!” Balthazar grinned as he said it though.

“The souls of our enemies. It was… is to make a point,” Daemon said quietly. “Everything with you, Kaly, always has multiple layers of meaning. Nothing is left to chance.”

Caemorn took them to the front of the room and the secret staircase. Cold air wafted up. It was tinted with power.

Julian got a little nervous then and said, “We really don’t want to disturb you if you need quiet and to be alone to bring back my parents.”

Caemorn smiled genuinely at him. “It will be good to have you there. You and Christian are their children. It will help anchor them in the bodies I construct.”

“How long is that going to take? With Heath… ah, it took a dozen deaths and a lot of time,” Balthazar pointed out as he stared at the stairwell with little desire to go down there and find out what’s at the bottom.

Caemorn met Daemon’s eyes. “I believe the king, himself, will tell you that we do not need living sacrifices here. We already have all the power we need. Every part of the Kaly Palace is imbued with power. And Daemon was not yet himself fully when he sought to bring back Heath.”

“Meaning that you can do it more quickly without more death?” Christian clarified.

Caemorn inclined his head. “Indeed. I already feel the quickening in the palace. It is prepared for this.”

“Magic,” Balthazar said with another of his grins.

“You’re wondering about the lack of power plants, too,” Julian said with a snort.

“Yes! Not that I’m caring. Since everything works,” Balthazar said.

“And now instead of just heat and light, the magic will create flesh and blood and bone,” Christian said with a touch of awe.

“Indeed,” Daemon said with a secret smile. “Let us go down.”

Caemorn led the way into the chamber beneath the throne room. It was not as he had left it. He stopped so abruptly that Balthazar bumped into him.

“Caemorn, what’s… oh, my goodness…” Balthazar breathed.

“What? What is it?” Julian’s voice was tense.

“Nothing is wrong,” Caemorn assured him as he looked up the stairs to see Daemon’s eyes glowing like hot coals. “Come down. You must see.”

He quickly moved more into the room so that the others could filter in. That was so everyone could see. Julian rushed in and then stopped dead, like he had, as he saw what was there.

On top of the smooth, white sarcophagi that held no dead inside, were two figures made out of blue-white light. There was a woman and a man. Both were beautiful. They looked like they were sleeping. The forms were translucent, but Caemorn knew that they were just waiting to take physical form.

“How? Did you… last night? Did you do this?” Julian gasped as he moved over to each of those still figures and circled them.

“Don’t touch them, Julian,” Daemon told him simply.

“I was thinking of them all night. I pictured them lying here. Ready to open their eyes.” Caemorn looked over at Daemon in shock. He had seen this. Envisioned this. Figured it would take time, but it was already done, but for the last step. “Did I do this?”

“Yes, Kaly, you did. Don’t you feel it? This is all you,” Daemon told him with a smile. “Now finish it.”

Caemorn brought out the soul gems. They glowed as they neared the translucent forms. He put one in each hand and stood between the two potential bodies. He looked into Julian’s frantic and hopeful face before shutting his eyes.

He lifted his hands up above each of the figures’ chests and he started to feed energy from the palace into the gems and through them into the bodies. Though his eyes were closed and he didn’t see this, the others told him that golden light suffused the gems, making them close so brightly in his clenched hands that they could see his bones through his skin. They told him they had to shield their eyes from the light. Well, all of them, except Daemon.

The gems were fragile now. About to powder in his hands. No longer prisons. He lowered his hands until they were inside of the translucent forms and opened his fists. He felt the gems disintegrate and the souls get released.

Instead of the souls going to that gate that was always nearby, they stayed in the bodies that rapidly became material around them. Caemorn kept filling them with energy until people were gasping and Daemon said, “That’s enough, Kaly. You’ve done it.”

Caemorn nearly collapsed, but Julian was there to catch him.

“Whoa! Caemorn, are you all right? Of course, you aren’t! You just created two people!” Julian laughed slightly hysterically.

His eyelids opened and he saw two human beings lying on top of the sarcophagi. Their chests were rising and falling. Their hearts were beating. They were alive!

“Their eyes are still closed. Is that normal?” Balthazar asked.

“Y-yes, they are settling in. Give them a moment. Better yet, Julian and Christian, you should touch them,” Caemorn got out.

“First, we have to keep you on your feet,” Julian said and Caemorn felt a wave of warmth towards the young prince. He knew how much Julian wanted his parents, but he was worrying about Caemorn first.

We will be friends. More than that. I will owe you my loyalty, Caemorn said.

You owe me nothing. You’ve given them back to me, Julian said.

“Let me take him from you,” Balthazar said and easily slung Caemorn’s arm over his shoulders. They then shuffled out of the way of Christian and Julian.

Julian’s fingers flexed as he and Christian both stood between the bodies, facing one another.

“We can do this, Julian. They’re waiting for us. They want to wake up,” Christian said and nodded as if hearing something. He confirmed that by saying, “I hear them. Their souls are calling to you.”

“To us,” Julian corrected.

“Yes, to us,” Christian agreed with another nod.

Julian stretched out his hands so that when he lowered them they would land on his parents’ bare shoulders. Christian did the same, though he would touch their hands. Julian breathed in deeply and glanced at Daemon. The Vampire King smiled at him and nodded. It was time.

Both Julian and Christian lowered their hands. There was an electric spark the moment that skin touched skin. The Harrows drew in sharp breaths as if emerging from deep water and their eyelids flew open. They stared upwards, at first, with no recognition in their eyes.

“M-mom? D-dad?” Julian asked, his voice cracked.

The Harrows blinked. Caemorn was holding his breath. He felt that Balthazar was doing so as well. Only Daemon seemed calm.

And then both parents turned their heads towards their son and Christian.

“Julian? Christian?” Joanna Harrow asked.

“Oh, my God, son! Christian!” Jack Harrow cried.

“You’re back.” Julian was crying and smiling. “You’re back!”

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