These Wondrous Moments (Fates) 3. Ellis 25%
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3. Ellis


“Great work today, Maggie,” I say, smiling as the human woman packs up her bag. “You’re really making a lot of progress. I’m proud of you.”

Maggie smiles shyly, tucking a lock of red hair behind her ear. “Thank you. It’s all because of you and Allie. You’re great teachers.”

“Will we see you next week?” I ask, following her to the front door of the gym.

“Yeah. I’ll be here.”

“Great. See ya then. Have a great Christmas!”

I lock the door behind her and flip the sign to closed . It was the last class of the evening and I have something I need to do. I text Allie and let her know I’m closing up and I’ll be over in a few minutes.

Quickly, I wipe down the mats and punching bags, and toss the used towels into the washer. I’ll start it when I come back in a few days. I love this job. More than anything, I love being able to help human women gain not only confidence but strength. I love giving them weapons they can use to protect themselves. But the next few days off for Christmas will be nice.

I finish my closing duties and set the alarm before stepping outside and locking the door behind me. The icy wind bites into my cheeks and fingers and chills my ears, but I don’t put on my hat and gloves. I’m only going next door.

Allie has been splitting her time between the clinic and the gym. Oftentimes, women are uncomfortable seeing Cade, and Allie’s presence helps to ease them. Every time he has to call and ask for her to step over for a minute, it makes me furious. Not that he is calling her over, but that there is a need for him to call her. I desperately hope one day Allie won’t be needed to help calm these women.

The little bell above the clinic door chimes as I step inside. “Holy shit. It’s freezing out there,” I exclaim, stomping my feet.

“It’s supposed to snow tomorrow,” she says with a wide smile. “It hasn’t snowed on Christmas in years.”

“I know! I’m so excited. Everything feels so … magical.”

She ushers me into a private room, and I hop up on the table. “You sure about this?” she asks, studying me closely.


“I figured as much, just wanted to make sure.” She smiles then begins gathering supplies. “Okay. Arm out.”

I roll up my sleeve and hold my arm out for her. She prods my forearm with a gloved finger before wiping the area down with an alcohol pad.

“This will probably sting a bit.”

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, not watching what she does. A second later, a sharp burning pain slices into my arm. I grit my teeth, but honestly, it’s not that bad. I’ve had worse. Pressure as she prods the area, then a sharp tug that makes me gasp.

“That hurt,” I grumble, blinking back tears.

“Sorry. That was the worst part. I’m done. Just a few butterfly bandaids and you’ll be good to go. Shit. There are no bandaids in here. Hold this there, will you? Keep pressure on it.”

I look down and press the cloth into my arm. Allie strips off her gloves and heads out of the room, so I hop down and make to follow her. Except she stops suddenly in the doorway and I crash into her back.

“What are you doing here?” she asks. “You’re supposed to be off today.”

“I forgot somethi—” Cade spots me behind Allie and his violet eyes widen.

Allie quickly ducks away, making herself scarce. I bite my lip and shuffle back and forth as Cade trails his gaze over me. He spots the cloth I’m holding to my arm and steps closer.

“What happened? Why are you here?” He tries to take my arm, but I pull away. “Ellis. What happened?”

“Nothing. I’m fine.” My heart flutters in my chest. Please don’t pry. Please don’t pry. Please don’t pry. Just move on.

He narrows his gaze at me and snatches my arm faster than I can blink. “You’re bleeding, Ellis. That’s not fine.” His fingers gently move mine away from the cloth, and he lifts it up, displaying the two-inch cut Allie made. He goes still, not even his chest rises with breath. When he lifts his gaze to mine, his eyes are wide. “Ellis?”

“I wanted it to be a surprise,” I say quickly, then wince. “Maybe I shouldn’t have. I assumed the talk we had meant we were all on the same page, but maybe I should have made sure. I can have ano?—”

He cuts me off with a raised finger wreathed in violet light. Gentle warmth pulses against my arm as he runs it over the cut, his magic healing the wound. “If we’re going to have children, it would make sense to remove the implant.” His voice is quiet and low.

“Cade, is this okay?”

His answer is a kiss. It's gentle. Sweet. But when he pulls aways, his eyes are burning so incredibly bright. My stomach flutters at the same time my core clenches. I know he's giving me the choice. Walk away now, or do this thing.

But what he doesn't understand is that when it comes to him, when it comes to any of my guys, I will always, always, choose them.

I stand on my tiptoes and clasp my hands around the back of his neck. "Kiss me, Cade," I whisper.

Something feral glows in his eyes, and I know his magic is right on the surface. When he picks me up, wrapping my legs around his waist, I feel his magic caress me. It slides over my shoulders, down my back, squeezing my ass. It heats my blood almost as much as his stare does. I never know anymore if it’s him controlling his magic or if it’s taken over and doing what it wants. The thrill of that, of knowing I’m buried so deeply in his soul even his magic can’t resist me, it’s empowering.

Cade carries me to his little office and kicks the door closed behind him. His chest is heaving, his limbs trembling slightly. "Are you sure? This could ... you could ..."

I kiss him and roll my hips as much as I can in his grasp. "That’s the point of removing the implant," I say, pulling away. "We're doing this. Now."

He shudders, his magic flaring in a bright violet light around him, and he gently sits me on his desk. Right on top of the folders and papers. Eager, and needy, I unbutton his pants before sliding my hands under his shirt and up his stomach.

He mimics my movements, slipping his hands under my sweater and slowly teasing it over my head. My bra follows, and he leans forward, pushing me backward so I'm laying on the desk. It's cold against my heated skin, making me arch my back and gasp.

Cade slides his hands under me to the small of my back and he bends forward, sucking one of my nipples into his mouth.

"Cade," I breathe, tangling my fingers in his hair. "Please." My hips lift, begging him to get this moving.

He chuckles, but takes his time. Swirling his tongue, grazing his teeth, pinching the other nipple between his fingers. My body writhes under him as my nerve endings light up and burn brighter than fire.

When he finally tugs my jeans and panties down, I can feel the slickness between my thighs. Cade stares and licks his lips, palming himself through his own pants.

"Fuck, I want to taste you, but I want to be buried deep inside you even more."

I watch him yank his shirt over his head, his muscles bunching deliciously. He smirks at me as he so very slowly tugs down his pants. Growing desperate, I spread my legs wider and slip my fingers through my wetness.

Cade's eyes darken as his pupils blow out, his hand fisting around his cock as he steps out of his pants. He watches me pleasure myself for a few seconds, my hips rising to meet each thrust of my finger.

I see the moment he's had enough watching. His cock twitches in his hand, another bead of precum leaking from the tip. He growls and slaps my hand away before lining up with my entrance.

My breath freezes in my chest as I hold it, waiting for the stretch and friction of his cock inside me. He doesn't make me wait long. I tip my head back as he slides inside, moaning and wrapping my legs around his waist, pulling him even closer.

Cade doesn't waste any time. His movements start slow and unhurried, but they don't stay that way. It doesn't take long for him to increase the pace to the point where the desk groans across the floor with each thrust.

Something inside of him has gone primal. His magic flows and eddies just under the surface of his skin, making him glow violet. His eyes shimmer and fracture with purple light. It's beautiful, and sexy, and I know exactly why it's happening.

Removing my implant has turned the magical creature he is into one intent on getting me pregnant.

I can do nothing but hang on and enjoy the ride as Cade's movements become even more fierce and dominating. And I certainly enjoy the ride.

Tendrils of his magic snake over my skin, wrapping around my thighs, brushing against my core. Cade stares intently into my eyes as his magic flicks over my clit multiple times. My orgasm rises and crests, waves of pleasure spreading through me.

Cade keeps moving, he keeps pumping his hips until my body stops its shaking. Only then does he unleash himself. His magic flares from him as his hips jerk in uncoordinated movements. He groans, his entire body shuddering as he comes inside me.

When he finally stills, we stare at each other. A moment passing between us that stretches endlessly forever, the depth of his love shining in his beautiful violet eyes.

"Ellis, love,” he breathes, leaning down to kiss me.

I kiss him back. Still breathless. Still reeling. So incredibly in love with him.

“We should probably get going,” he murmurs against my neck.

I hum, but don’t move. My fingers graze his shoulders and arms, his skin is warm and his muscles are tight. I want to curl up with him, skin to skin, and lose myself in him again. But he pulls away slowly, as if he’s forcing himself to move.

“We have the Christmas Eve party at Shari’s.” He stands above me, in between my legs, and stares down at me splayed on his desk.

His gaze travels over my body, and there was a time I would have tried to hide myself from that intense perusal of my body. But Cade—and the other two-—have done nothing but show me how beautiful I am. Now, my body flushes with heat, but not in embarrassment. It’s the look he’s giving me. The way his eyes are more dark blue than violent as his pupils expand. It’s the way he swallows thickly and how his chest rises unevenly. It’s the way he is affected just by looking at me.

“Cade,” I whisper, just a little hint of begging in my voice. We can be late to the party. Shari won’t mind.

He steps away, his movements jerky. “No. Don’t tempt me, love. We can play later.”

Only the wicked promise of his words gets me up and moving. I’m going to hold him to that promise.

Shari’s house is warm and inviting as we pull up the drive. Garland wraps around the porch railing and the banister of the steps. A wreath hangs on the front door, the tails of the red ribbon blowing in the icy wind. Warm yellow light spills from the windows and pools on the ground outside, illuminating the snow that started falling not too long ago.

Kai parks the Hummer behind Chloe’s white Prius, and we all climb out into the bitter wind. The guys follow me up the steps carrying presents and Cade’s casserole, and Shari greets us at the door with a wide smile.

“Come in, come in,” she says warmly, ushering us inside. When we’re all piled in the entryway she wraps me in a hug. “I’m so glad you guys could come.”

“We wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” I reply. Sex, sure, but nothing else would have stopped us from coming.

It smells amazing. Roasted turkey, spices, pumpkin pie. It makes my mouth water and my stomach rumble.

“It smells great in here, Mom,” Sterling says, passing his pile of presents to Kai so he can give his mom a hug. “It reminds me of the times before Dad died.” He kisses her cheek, and we all turn away to give them a moment.

“Ellis!” Chloe bounds up to me and hands me a glass of white wine. “Cheers.” Our glasses clink and we both take a sip before she links her arm with mine and tugs me away. “What’s new? I haven’t talked to you in a few days.”

“Well,” I drawl, looking around to make sure the guys are out of earshot. “I had my implant removed today.”

Chloe gasps. “Are you trying to get pregnant?”

“Not trying, necessarily. But when—if—it happens, it won’t be unwanted.” I smile at her, one hand on my stomach like I can already imagine a little magical creature growing in there. “I mean, we don’t even know if it’s possible. More than likely, if I do get pregnant, it will be a wolf.”

She nods in understanding. Mages who mate with other species produce non-magical babies. Vampires rarely reproduce anyway, and always only with other vampires. Shifters—wolf shifters, at least—have a higher chance of reproducing with another species just because they are stubborn, and their babies are too.

“Well, with the amount of sex you have, I’m sure it will take no time at all.” She winks at me, grinning wickedly.

My face heats, and I duck my head, letting my curls hide the blush.

She grabs my arm with her freehand. “You already had sex without it, didn’t you? You had it removed today, and banged one—or more—out already.”

I choke on the wine I just swallowed. And she just grins at me.

“Which one was it? Who’s trying to be baby daddy number one?”

I give her a flat stare. “Do you really want to know?”

She blanches. “Ew. No. I don’t need to think of my little brother that way.”

“Not so little,” I mumble, making her gag. “But, all that aside,” I say, laughing, “What’s the latest on the Cole situation?”

She sighs, taking a long drink of her wine. “I feel it, you know? The connection. It’s very clearly there, and it tugs at me incessantly.”

“Yeah, it does that. Sterling was so good at ignoring it, and it drove me wild.”

She smiles coyly. “It’s fun making him pursue me, letting him think I have no interest in him. And you’re right. I can see how crazy he gets when I act like I can’t feel the thing between us.”

“So, you do like him?” I ask tentatively, not wanting to push her into talking about something she doesn’t want.

She bites her lip for a moment, thinking. “I do. I think I do, at least. It’s hard for me to accept that he’s a wolf and not a mage, you know? I’ve always wanted a family, and if I accept the bond, I won’t get that. But, I’m not sure I can reject it. I don’t know which would be more painful. Not having children or not having … him.”

“Have you talked to him about all of this?”

She shakes her head. “We’ve had coffee a couple of times, but that’s all I allow myself. It’s hard to be around him and not be with him. The temptation to touch him, to kiss him, it’s so strong. And I know if I let myself, I’ll lose myself in him, and I won’t be able to stop. So I’ve just been teasing him. Stringing him along and making him chase me.”

“You should talk to him. When you’re done making him work for it, of course. But you both need to talk about what it would mean, because he might have the same concerns.”

Her eyes flare with fear, like the thought of him deciding he didn’t want the bond is a wake up call for her.

“Start by dating. You don’t have to rush into accepting the bond first thing. Get to know each other. Who knows, maybe you’ll hate him.”

She laughs, but I already know she’s falling hard for Cole. And I don’t blame her. If he’s anything like his brother, which I suspect he is, he’ll be an amazing mate. Looking over her shoulder, I see the guys watching us, Cole included, and I sigh.

“Come on. We should mingle before people think we don’t like them. Plus, I need to give Gracie her gift.”

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