These Wondrous Moments (Fates) 4. Ellis 33%
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4. Ellis


The sounds of merriment are dimmed upstairs in the hallway, although Sterling’s booming laugh can be heard clearly. Cole’s follows, and I smile. The brothers are so similar, and I’m glad they finally have each other.

Taking a deep breath, I knock on Gracie’s door, her present clutched in my hand. Suddenly, I want to toss it down the stairs. Why did I get her an inspirational book and a journal? What a horrible idea.

“Gracie? It’s me.” I knock again and she slowly opens the door. “Hey.” I smile, trying to not to scan her from head to toe to see how she’s doing.

Her face is still gaunt, but it’s not near as bad as it was three months ago. I still don’t like how long it’s taking her to gain weight. With Shari’s cooking, she should be filling out a lot faster.

“Come in,” she says, quietly, and moves out of the way.

The door closes behind me, cutting off the laughter from downstairs. I try to ignore the way my heart aches when I realize I’d rather be down there than up here. My family is down there. My mates, my friends, my … in-laws-ish. That’s a weird word to apply to Shari, Cole, and Chloe since I’m not married, but it’s true. Gracie is my family, she’s my blood, my sister, but she’s so distant. It’s almost like she’s not even here.

I hate the thoughts and the guilt they make me feel. Gracie went through something horrible and she’s healing. Just because it’s not as fast as I want it to be, doesn’t invalidate it. Just because Chloe and I are able to be around people and enjoy ourselves, doesn’t make Gracie wrong.

I shake the thoughts from my head and sit on the edge of her bed. “Merry Christmas,” I offer with a tentative smile.

The last Christmas we spent together, we were a family. A happy family. Mom, dad, presents, dinner, the whole thing. There was laughter just like there is downstairs. Conversation, warmth, love. In her room tonight, it’s cold and lonely. It’s not very Chistamas-y.

She says nothing, so I hold up her presents. “I got you something. It’s not a lot, but hopefully you like it.”

She doesn’t take it, just stares at the wrapped gift in my outstretched hand. “I didn’t get you anything,” she says quietly.

“That’s okay. I don’t need anything.” I shake the present for her to take, but she just eyes it with sadness. “Seriously, Gracie. I have everything I need. I’m just glad you're here.” When she continues to stare, completely lost in her own mind, I set the present down and stand, my heart sinking as I do so. “I’ll be downstairs if you want … if you need anything.”

I slip back into the hall, and Gracie lets me. I lean against the door and squeeze my eyes shut, pushing down the emotions that threaten to consume me. Now is not the time to deal with them, so I head back downstairs, into the light and laughter and love.

The rest of the evening passes in a blur of smiles, laughter, and delicious food. The snow continues to fall, and everytime I look out the window, I get the urge to go stand in it. So when I have a moment to myself, I do exactly that.

Shari stops me in the kitchen before I can step outside, though.

“Ellis? Are you okay?” she asks, concern threading her voice.

“Oh, yeah. I just wanted to go stand outside for a second. In the snow.”

She smiles and nods, but comes to stand in front of me. “I just wanted to tell you how happy I am to have you in the family. You and the other boys. I see how happy you make Sterling, and there’s nothing else a mother could ever want than her child’s happiness.” She takes my hands and squeezes. “I am so grateful to have you as my daughter. The hope you gave me before …” she trails off and shakes her head. “Thank you, Ellis.”

I blink away my tears and wrap my arms around her. She smells like vanilla and flour. “Thank you,” I whisper. “Thank you for being a mother to me.”

“I never want you to think I’m trying to replace your mom, but I’m glad I can be there for you.” She steps away and turns to the counter. “Don’t stay out there too long, I’m cutting the pie.”

I laugh and step out into the frigid night air. It’s so quiet outside. If I strain my ears, I swear I can hear each snowflake falling to the earth. The air is fresh and wintery. I can’t describe the smell, but it smells like … snow. My boots crunch the snow on the ground under my feet as I walk down the steps and into the yard. Wet flakes cling to my eyelashes and melt on my cheeks. I lift my face to the sky and close my eyes.

Arms wrap around me, warm and inviting. I didn’t even hear Sterling approach. “You smell good,” I say. “You always smell like winter.” His scent mixed with the snow is almost intoxicating.

He chuckles, his breath fogging around us. “You smell good, too.” He buries his nose in my neck and inhales, making my toes curl in my boots.

“It’s fucking freezing out here,” Kai complains, coming to stand on my side. “Why are you standing in the snow like idiots?”

“It’s peaceful,” I say. “Or at least, it was peaceful, until you opened your mouth.”

“Kai ruining the peace. Sounds about right.” Cade steps up to my other side, looking at Kai around me and Sterling.

“Watch it,” Kai growls. “I bite.”

“Oh, I know,” Cade purrs.

I let their banter wash over me, closing my eyes and enjoying their warmth and their voices. When they quiet down, I say into the silence, “I had my implant removed today.”

Sterling’s arms tighten around me and Kai sucks in a breath. The silence deepens and I can practically feel all of their thoughts whirling through their minds. Kai reaches for my hand, threading our fingers together. Cade smiles at me, pure love and joy shining in his eyes. And Sterling holds me tightly.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath of the winter air. Perfect. An absolutely perfect moment.

The Hummer has no problem getting up the driveway even with the snow on the ground. The house looks beautiful in the freshly fallen snow with the Christmas lights and garland. I stand and stare at it all for a moment, committing it to memory. My first Christmas in my happily ever after era.

“Should we do presents now or wait until we wake up tomorrow?” Cade asks, climbing up the steps.

“Now,” I say, darting past him, bouncing on my toes as Sterling unlocks the front door.

They all laugh, and we head inside. The only lights inside the house come from the tree. They reflect off the shiny wrapping paper and the wooden floor. I can’t keep the smile off my face. Everything has been so perfect today. I couldn’t have asked for a better Christmas.

Cade flips the lights on and I frown, but settle on the floor in front of the tree. I hand each of the guys their present from me, and sit back a little nervously as they each open it. I don’t have a lot of money, so I struggled to find the perfect gifts.

Kai is first, and when he reads the card—the only thing he has to open—he laughs. “Cooking classes?”

“I thought they would be a fun date activity for me and you.” I study his expression, searching for any disappointment. “Is it … okay?”

He smiles broadly, showing off his fangs, and he crawls over to me. “It’s perfect, baby girl.” He kisses me, then sits back.

Cade is next. He unwraps the box and opens it. His smile is blinding as he looks up at me. “You got me the hardback box set of a medical encyclopedia?”

“I thought you could put it on your bookshelf at work.”

“I love it, Ellis. Thank you.” He leans over and kisses me, brushing a finger down my cheek.

Sterling is next. “I get two presents?” His grin is evil as he rubs it in, looking at Cade and Kai.

“Just open them,” I say with a smile.

He unwraps the biggest one first and holds it up.

“It’s a bag for you to carry your clothes in when you shift. Fluffy will be able to carry it. That way no get’s to see you naked. Only me.” I grin at him, slightly possessive.

“Of course. We wouldn’t want just anyone seeing me naked. Thank you, kitten. This will be handy for sure.” He opens the smaller box and frowns as he holds up a stuffed squirrel.

“Fluffy deserves a gift, too,” I say defensively. “It squeaks.”

Sterling squeezes it and makes it squeak. “He’ll love it. We can show him tomorrow. But first …” he trails off and pushes to his feet before pulling me up with him.

“Give me one minute,” Cade says, jumping up and rushing out the front door.

I glance between Kai and Sterling, both of them grinning, but neither say a word until a horn sounds outside. They push me toward the door and out in the snow once again. Sitting in the driveway is a white Jeep. Cade jumps out and comes to me, dangling a keychain.

“Merry Christmas, love.” His smile is so bright.

So are Kai’s and Sterling’s as I glance at them.

“You guys got me a car? A Jeep?”

“We don’t mind you driving our cars, but we figured you’d like to have one of your own,” Sterling says.

“And we remembered you mentioning you love Jeeps,” Kai adds.

Cade places the keys in my palm. “It’s all yours, Ellis.”

The tears slide down my cheeks, warm against my chilled skin. I have no words to say to them. While they could have gotten me jewelry, or any number of expensive items, they chose something that signifies my freedom. They’ve given me the final piece to live my life, and it’s more than I could have ever hoped for.

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