F uck, fuck, fuck. All the fucks.
Where do I even begin to figure out what the hell went wrong with my vaccine? And why did Ronald steal it?
Elias sits next to me on the bed, stroking my hand and staring at me like I’m some kind of exotic treasure he found. Super fucking weird. What I have to figure out is why some people are horny and others violent. Oh, and why I feel perfectly normal after being injected twice.
My phone buzzes with a text message and Elias growls at it, snatching it from the mattress, but I grab it back.
“Stop. I have to work too.”
He pops his bottom lip like a petulant child. Really?
I turn my attention back to the phone to read the message.
Meredith: Ronald is MIA. Bernard is pissed and put out a notice to all law enforcement in the city.
I chew my bottom lip, but Elias tugs it free, clicking his tongue at me.
Me: Are we sure Bernard can be trusted? Why did he insist his nephew join us anyway?
Meredith: He can be trusted, but it is suspect. He told me his brother, Ronald’s dad, asked if there was a job at the research center for him.
Me: Sketchy.
Meredith: Indeed.
Me: I don’t know how Ronald knew to steal it since I haven’t told anyone about it except you and Enyo.
Meredith: That’s a concern, yes. Is Enyo okay? Where are you?
I scrunch my nose. More lies. Ugh.
Me: We’re together. He seems to be doing better.
Meredith: Good, but we really need to talk about your decision to go rogue and test this vaccine without telling me.
Guilt twists in my gut.
Me: I’m so sorry. I didn’t tell you because…
I pause, not sure if I should admit it. I hit send before I mean to.
Meredith: Because?
Me: I didn’t want you to tell me no.
Meredith: So you took a major chance with Enyo’s health. Did you consider adverse effects?
Me: I did. I have an antidote but not enough for hundreds of people. I’m gonna try to get Enyo to take it but he’s resisting me.
Meredith: I’m really surprised you didn’t try it on yourself first.
Me: I did. It has a different effect on me and I don’t know why yet.
I glance at Elias, who’s leaning over, rubbing my thigh.
Me: So… it’s having an effect on two vampires.
My phone rings and I blow out a breath as I answer.
“Hey, Mere.”
“What about the vampires? You gave them the vaccine?”
“Not exactly. In order to test it, I had to ask a vampire to compel me. Or try to. Then I repeated the experiment with Enyo.”
I squeeze my eyes closed as I admit the rest. “And then both of those vampires bit us.”
“Fuck,” she grits out.
“They drank blood with the vaccine in it.”
“You let vampires feed from you?”
Opening my eyes, I squeeze the bridge of my nose. “It was a situation.”
“Any other broken rules you want to own up to?”
I shake my head even though she can’t see. Definitely not telling her the rest or where I’m at right now.
“Geordi. Are you sure you’re telling me everything I need to know?”
“I am. The vaccine is the problem. I’m looking over my notes now trying to figure out what went wrong. As soon as I can get Enyo to take the antidote, I’ll know if it works and I can make more.”
“And you’re not having any side effects?”
“No.” The memory of Lucius and Elias telling me they felt something different in me rushes back. “I need to figure that out too. Maybe some people are naturally immune or something.”
“So you weren’t compelled?”
“No.” Twisting my lips, I bite back the full truth. How could I tell her about my loosening inhibitions without admitting how far I took it? “I’ll get back to you as soon as I have an update.”
“Okay. Where are you?”
Shit. “I’m safe. Don’t worry about me.”
Her delayed response makes it clear she’s suspicious of me.
“Do you promise you’re not in danger?”
Shifting my gaze to Elias, who’s still looking at me with adoring eyes, I nod. “I promise.”
“Okay. I’ll take your word for it. Keep me updated, and no more secrets.”
Ugh. “Okay.”
I end the call and blow out a breath.
“Would you like a bath, darling? Or a meal? I’m sure Benicio could come up with something pleasing to a mortal palate.”
“Gotta work, Elias.” I grab my notebook and flip through my notes, dragging my finger down the page. I don’t get it. What could be causing this weird side effect? Is it the saliva compound? Why would it be? Maybe it’s the isolated vampire plasma I used. Or maybe—I snap my head up to see Elias nibbling on my arm. His sharp teeth prick my skin, but he quickly kisses each spot.
“Elias, could you not?—”
I’m interrupted by the sharp sting of his fangs sinking into the flesh at my wrist. His gaze shifts up to me, his icy eyes glowing bright and luminous, like the moon on a clear night. He moans with pleasure, suckling at the wound he created, and my body floods with warmth. My eyelids flutter and I lie back against the pile of plush pillows.
“Mmm, I have… whew.” My mind grows tired, and I can no longer keep my eyes open.
“Darling,” Elias whispers. “You need to rest now. I’ll be here when you wake.”
“No.” I try to fight off the rapid fatigue taking over me. “I’m not tired.”
“You’re exhausted. Your iron is low and you’re dehydrated. We’ll make you a steak when you wake.”
“B-but Enyo…”
Sleep drags me under in spite of my mental attempts to fight it off. I feel Elias’s tongue lap at my wrist before he wraps his much larger body around mine. I inhale his scent—earthy, rich, like the finest wine. He kisses my forehead, murmuring sweet words to me.
I give up the fight, sinking into his body, and somehow convincing myself that everything will be fine while I rest.