Thicker than Blood 20. Elias 69%
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20. Elias



I t’s nearly midnight by the time my consort stirs, rubbing his warm body against mine and murmuring into the crook of my neck. I was close to interrupting his slumber because of the audible growling of his stomach, but his body must have realized he needs sustenance on its own.

Geordi rolls onto his back and blinks slowly several times, smiling as he focuses on me, but then gasping. “Elias.”

“Hello, darling. How do you feel? Rested?”

“Groggy. What time is it?”

“Midnight. You’re hungry. Freshen up and we’ll get you fed.”

“Where is Eny—” He groans as his words are interrupted by a fierce rumbling in his belly.

“Your friend is fine.”

“Can I see him?”

“You can have anything you want.”

“Except I can’t leave.”

“Except that.” I brush my fingers across his cheek. “You are so lovely. I can’t believe I didn’t know you existed. It’s because you stay in your lab like a studious little mouse.”

“Plenty of vampires know I exist. You didn’t because you stayed in your pleasure palace.”

Chuckling, I brush his hair from his forehead. “A fair observation. Come now, my prize. You need to eat.”

“I’ll eat, but I really need to work after that.”

“Whatever you desire.”

“Except leaving.”

His insistence on this topic pricks at my skin. “Why do you desire to leave me? Am I unkind? Do you fear me?”

His heart rate picks up as his nostrils flare. “I’m not afraid of you.”

“Then why do you want to leave?”

“It’s not that I want to. It’s just weird to be held captive, and I’m used to working in my lab.”

“I will build you a better lab. As for being a captive, you are far safer here than anywhere else. No one would dare harm you now that I’ve claimed you.”

“Claimed me?”

“You are my consort, as I’ve told you many times.”

“Right.” He scratches the back of his head as his belly rumbles again. “Food would help.”

Smiling, I nod. “Of course. Freshen up and join me downstairs in the dining room.”

I force myself away from my lovely mortal, motivated by the fresh desire to provide him with nutrition. Had he been better nourished, I would’ve feasted on him while he slept, but he needs to restore himself.

I find Benicio in the study, dusting already sparkling furniture. He looks up at me and nods.


“I need a steak for the mortal. Spinach too. He’s low on iron.”

“I had a variety of food delivered. I can make a steak. And for you?”

“I’m fine. How are Jagger and the other mortal?”

“Quiet for now. Perhaps asleep.”

“I’m very much awake,” Jagger says, joining us. He’s dressed in only a pair of low-slung sweatpants. Quickly fading scratches decorate his chest and shoulders. “Are we making food for the mortals?”

I nod. “Yes. Mine is anemic and dehydrated. Yours?”

“I did not feed this time. He’s not well but he’s doing better now.”

“Judging from the marks on your flesh, he seems quite well.”

Jagger grins. “He had some pent-up energy to release. He’ll be down in a moment.”

“Benicio will prepare steak and vegetables.”

Geordi’s scent tickles my nose as he enters the room shyly. My long-dormant heart flutters in my chest at the mere sight of him. The urge to carry him back to my room and keep him there is strong, but he must eat first.

“Come sit in the dining room, darling.”

“Where is Enyo?”

“He’s coming down in a moment,” Jagger says.

Geordi nods, allowing me to sweep him out of the room and into the dining area where Benicio is already setting up water pitchers and glasses. I pour a glass for Geordi and push it toward him.

“Drink up.”

He nods, obediently lifting the glass to his lips and guzzling the water. I refill it, pleased to see him taking care of himself.

“Do you need natural light for your lab?”

“No.” Geordi shakes his head. “That’s the worst. I need good light though.”

“A lamp, perhaps?”

“A bright one.”

“What else?”

“A sturdy table.”

“I’ll get them for you.”

“Did you do anything while I was sleeping?”

“Like what?” I brush a lock of his hair behind his ear.

“Like hunt down Ronald Shaw for stealing my vaccine.”

His words rile the beast within me. I’d forgotten my previous mission in favor of watching over my mortal.

“No. I’ll go once you have your meal.”

Geordi watches me for a moment, searching my eyes. “You can’t kill him, okay? I need him alive to know why he did this and if he’s working with other people.”

I narrow my eyes. “I won’t kill him, but I may hurt him.”

“It would be better if you didn’t.” He puts his hand over mine on the table, and his touch instantly soothes me. “Please?”

“I cannot deny what pleases you. I’ll bring him to you unharmed.”

“Thank you.”

Enyo stumbles into the room, a dazed look in his bloodshot eyes. He looks around for a second, leaning into Jagger for support, until his gaze settles on Geordi.

“I’m so pissed at you.”

I wrinkle my nose, ready to scold him, but Geordi squeezes my hand.

“I’m really sorry, En. Can we try the antidote now?”

“Fuck yeah.” He slouches in a chair across from us. “At this point I’d do anything to feel better.”

“Great.” Geordi tries to stand, but I gently grip his shoulder and push him back down.

“I’ll bring it. You wait for your food.”

“It’s in my messenger bag.”

I’m gone and back in a flash, handing Geordi the bag. He digs through it then pulls out a jar with bright yellow liquid in it.

“Are you injecting me with that?”

“No, you can drink it. Let’s go with an ounce and see what happens.”

Enyo blows out a breath. “Okay.”

Geordi slides the jar across the table and Jagger pours some of the liquid into a glass. Enyo sniffs it, scrunching his nose and bouncing his leg with obvious nerves.

“If this makes things worse, you’re totally on my shit list, G.”


Enyo slams it back, coughing and gagging after he swallows it, but then he sits still, all of us staring at him in anticipation.

After a few seconds, Enyo visibly shivers and his face turns red. Goose bumps ripple across his flesh as he breaks into a sweat. He squeezes his eyes shut, and Geordi tenses as all of us prepare for the outcome.

A moment later, Enyo opens his eyes and exhales slowly as a relieved smile pulls at his lips. “I think it’s over.” His eyes immediately clear and the natural color returns to his face as the redness fades. He shakes his hands and nods. “I feel normal again.”

Geordi releases a shaky breath. “Good. Okay. I think Jagger should quickly feed to get the antidote. I don’t think the vampires should drink it directly.”

“With pleasure.” Jagger leans in and bites into Enyo’s neck, drawing a euphoric smile to the mortal’s lips.

“You too, Elias,” Geordi says. “After I drink some.”

“But it didn’t affect you.”

“No, but it affected you through me.”

“I don’t want to. I like how I feel right now.”

Geordi retrieves the bottle of liquid from Enyo. “I’m afraid I need you to. It’s for research. You want to help me, right?”


“Good.” After a deep exhale, he drinks some of the liquid, waiting for a moment. “I don’t feel different, but I wasn’t expecting to. Go ahead and feed.”

I click my teeth. “You need to eat first, darling.”

“Elias, stop procrastinating. I’ll eat when the food arrives.”

“Perhaps after I retrieve Ronald.”

“I think it’s better to do it now.” He taps the thick vein in his neck, making my mouth water and my fangs drop. “I’m waiting.”

Unable to resist the allure of his neck, I dive in, indulging in the suppleness of his skin brushing against my lips as my fangs puncture his flesh. His blood gushes in warm bursts, his decadent taste exploding on my tongue. Divine.

I force myself away so as not to take too much.

“Fuuuuuck,” Jagger moans, slapping his hand on the table. He shakes his head, blinking rapidly. “What the hell happened?”

“Welcome back,” Enyo says, patting Jagger’s back.

Geordi is watching me intently, his curious eyes roaming across my face. I’m about to tell him nothing is happening, but then my chest tightens and my gut twists.

“What the?—”

I’m jolted backward in my seat as it feels like my body resets itself. How unpleasant. I blink, glancing around the room, truly confused.

“What is going on?”

Geordi exhales. “Memory loss. Hopefully it’s temporary.”

“What are you talking about?”

“It seems like the antidote knocked out your memory of recent events. I need to make a note of that.”

I study Geordi for a moment, my thoughts in a cloudy haze, but then the clouds part and memories rush back. The vaccine. Ronald. I kidnapped Geordi. I chuckle. How amusing.

“Ah. It seems my memory is back.”

“Mine too,” Jagger grunts.

“Your vaccine unlocked my truest self.” I cup Geordi’s chin. “Make a note of that, darling. It makes the vampires more vampire, if you will.”

“Super.” He groans, sitting back in his seat. “So if Ronald gave it to a bunch of people and vampires feed on those people…”

“We’re about to have a hot mess on our hands,” Enyo says.

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