Across the room, the bar’s newest patron shoved the bouncer to the floor. Scanning the room, grabbed two beer bottles off of the nearest table and moved toward the stage with gusto.
Mere feet from the trio he was searching for, stopped in his tracks. “Disgusting.” With the sniff of his nose, he turned to a nearby table. “ More vampires ,” he hissed.
“You got a problem?” came a nearby patron, a female flashing razor incisors.
“At least three of them, but not for long,” he replied in a very matter-of-fact tone. He then smashed one bottle upside her head and threw the other across the room.
“Fight!” howled a nearby man.
Raising his arms above his head, ’s irises disappeared as he sent an invisible magical shockwave through the room. Simultaneously, the same familiar colors as before flashed back into the eyes of at least half a dozen of the bar’s vampires. “Fangs out, friends,” said with a smile.
Without missing a beat, a female vampire pounced onto a nearby man and sunk her fangs into his neck. slipped out the front door with a smile on his face.