I get through class without any more incidents from my stalker.
When it’s over, I gather my stuff and shove it inside my backpack, taking off to my next class with Mandy. I know I’ll feel better when I’m around her.
Mandy’s already inside the classroom when I arrive. I paste a smile on my face, pretending nothing is wrong.
As I unpack my stuff, I have a nagging urge to text my stalker and ask if he put the mark on me. But I refrain, knowing that will send me spiraling, and then I’ll have no choice but to tell her what happened.
I still haven’t blocked his number. It seems unlikely I will.
After class ends, Mandy and I head to the Learning Center for initial consults with our respective tutors. Mine is named Adam. He’s a biology major, and from his biography, he seems to know his stuff.
Noticing my silence, Mandy says, “Are you nervous about the tutoring appointment?”
My gaze darts to hers, and I give her a shaky smile. “Yeah. I hope he can make the material easier to understand. ”
“I once had a tutor who confused me more than the textbook and teacher. We parted ways, and I found someone new.” She shrugs. “It’s not the end of the world if you don’t vibe with your person.”
I nod. “True.” Too bad that’s not what’s bothering me.
We enter the library and stroll to the Learning Center. Two friendly students at the front reception desk greet us. Mandy is whisked in one direction while I go in another.
I sit in a chair outside a closed office door, waiting for Adam.
Pulling my phone from my backpack, I enter my code to unlock it and then go to the text conversation between unknown and me. Doubts swirl through me, but I don’t let it deter me.
ME: Are you the same guy who wore the red purge mask? The one in the stairway?
My hands are sweaty as I press send and wait for his response.
UNKNOWN: What do you think, little prey?
ME: I don’t know who else would be stalking me.
UNKNOWN: I hate that word. Stalking sounds cold and one-sided.
ME: It’s the truth. You know me yet I don’t know a damn thing about you.
UNKNOWN: Soon you’ll know everything about me, little prey .
A shiver runs through me, but I push it down. I have a more pressing question that needs to be addressed.
ME: I found a mark on my nipple this morning.
UNKNOWN: You did, huh? What kind of mark?
ME: One that looks like a hickey. Was it you?
UNKNOWN: Do you want it to be?
What kind of answer is that? I stare at his response for another minute, debating how to answer.
ME: And if I did, would you admit it?
UNKNOWN: I’d confess either way, little prey.
ME: Why do you keep calling me that?
UNKNOWN: I’m the predator, hunting you day and night. As soon as I saw you, my veins hummed with life. My body came alive. I’ve never felt like this. I knew you were the one for me.
What the fuck? I have no idea what to say. His response is morbidly sweet yet disturbing.
“Mallory?” A cute guy with wire-rimmed glasses stands in the doorway. His hands are shoved in the pockets of his khaki pants, and he’s wearing a blue button-down shirt.
“Yes.” Jumping to my feet, I slip my phone into my pocket. Holding out my hand, I smile at him. “You must be Adam.”
He shakes my hand, eyes locked on mine. “I am. Come in.”
I step into his small office. He comes in behind me, gesturing at the table, before pulling out the chair for me.
Okay, that seems weird.
I flash him an uneasy smile as I sit down, trying to brush it off. He’s just being polite.
Adam slides into the chair beside me, shifting so he’s closer. I raise my brows, wondering what he’s doing.
“During our first appointment, I’d like to learn about your strengths and weaknesses. Things you like and don’t like. Your preferred way of learning. Those types of things.” He flashes me a warm smile.
I relax into the chair. I’m overreacting, likely because of my stalker . Don’t judge Adam based on him.
Nodding vigorously, a surge of hope rushes through me. “That sounds great.”
“I’ll give you a brief test to help discover what I’m looking for. There are a few written questions, but the rest are oral.” His eyes drop to my lips, and I tense.
Why did he say oral instead of verbal?
“I’ll set up regular appointments with you.” He grabs his laptop, sliding it closer. “We’ll schedule those now. If you need to cancel or reschedule, it’s much easier once you are in the system.”
That makes sense.
He slides closer to me so I can see his screen. We review my class schedule and his availability, then schedule appointments through the end of November.
Once that’s done, he pulls up a document with some questions. “For the oral part, I’ll read the questions aloud. Don’t think too deeply about the questions. Go with your gut response, okay?”
I nod, tucking my hands under my legs to try and hide my nervousness. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but there’s turmoil in my gut from the way he looks at me. He’s been nothing but polite, yet I’m uneasy.
Swallowing hard, I blow out a breath. “Okay. I’m ready.”
“What do you like to do for fun? What do you do in your spare time?”
“I like reading books. They’re an escape from reality.”
“What are some of your favorite titles? What genre do you read?”
Ummm… why do I need to disclose that?
I wave my hand dismissively, forcing out a laugh. “Oh, you know. Popular stuff mostly.” No way am I disclosing I read dark romance.
He opens his mouth, but I cut him off, rushing ahead. “I like to go hiking and on runs, especially through nature. Being outdoors really clears my head, and I find I often study and test better when?—”
“Back to the books you read. Give me one of your favorite titles. Or something you recently read.”
My brows furrow as I stare at him. That’s intrusive as hell. My clothes stick to me as the uncomfortable sensation inside me grows.
Releasing a breath, I say, “I haven’t finished anything lately. Haven't had the time between summer vacations, traveling, and moving onto campus. Since classes have started, I won’t be able to read much.”
“It’s good to have hobbies, Mallory. College is a holistic process, not purely academic. Of course, academics are a big part of it, but there’s the social nature. Forming bonds with others. Hanging with people to see if you’re compatible. Going out for pizza and to see a movie, for instance. Is that something you like to do?”
What the hell? I came here to talk about my struggles with biology, not pizza and movies. “I don’t see what those questions have to do with biology.”
He blinks at me before he puts his hand on my thigh. “Like I said, it’s important to be?—”
I shove his hand from my leg, jumping to my feet. “Excuse me. I need a drink.”
Whirling around, I flee for the door, heading for the water fountain down the hallway. My hands shake, and the walls close in. There are no windows to let in natural light, and the dim lighting in the hallway feels sterile.
As I turn the corner, I slam into someone. Strong hands reach out and grab me, steadying me. I jerk back in surprise. My eyes trail up his black hoodie to the neon mask covering his face.
“Is he bothering you, little prey?”
My brain short-circuits as I stare at the masked man. “W-What are y-you doing here?”
He cocks his head, his voice low and deep. “Watching over what’s mine.” He says it without a hint of emotion, his tone pragmatic, as though anything else would be an unreasonable assumption.
A hysterical laugh bubbles from inside me. “A-Are you serious right now?”
“As a heart attack.” His hands still grip me, keeping me from going anywhere. “You didn’t answer my question. Is that jackass making you uncomfortable?”
“How do you know what I’m doing? Are you spying on me?”
“Everything you do is my business, Mallory. I’ve already told you that. Now stop this nonsense and answer my question.” He leans closer to me, his masked face inches from mine. “Is. He. Bothering. You?”
I’m desperate to rip the mask from his face and see who he is, but he has my arms pinned in his grip.
“Are you the guy who films those thirst traps?” I blurt out, trying to peer behind the mask to get a good look at his eyes.
He sighs. “Mallory Chapman. You’re testing my patience.”
“How do you know my last name?”
Even though the mask makes it harder to see his eyes, I feel the annoyance boring from them.
“I know a lot about you.”
I blow out a breath. “You’re crazy.”
He glares at me. “Answer the question, Mallory.”
I swallow hard. “Some of his questions were uncomfortable. But it’s nothing I can’t handle.”
Footsteps sound behind me, and the masked man releases my arms. “I’ll be the judge of that.” He turns and hurries down the hallway, disappearing through a door I had no idea existed.
“Mallory. Are you okay?” Adam’s concerned voice comes from behind me.
I spin around, plastering a smile on my face. “Yes, I’m fine. I was just thirsty and feeling weird because of it.” I gesture in the direction he just came from. “Let’s go back to your office.”
I push against his shoulder, not wanting him to go anywhere near the masked man. If Adam discovers him, I have no idea what will happen. Part of me fears what the masked man will do to him, while the other is protective of a man I don’t know. One who stalks me yet seems genuinely concerned about my welfare.
I need psychological help. My next appointment should be with the counseling center.