Unmasked (King Morine #4) 16. Stryker 23%
Library Sign in

16. Stryker



I watch Mallory push Adam back the way he came. Her words, “ Let’s go back to your office, ” ring inside my ears.

Anger zips through my veins like a fire racing across a trail of gasoline, turning into an inferno that roars inside my ears. What the hell are you doing, Mallory? You belong to me.

I’ve been lurking around, listening to their conversation because Adam didn’t bother closing the door.

Why the hell was he asking those questions? They have nothing to do with biology.

The way he’s looking at her makes me want to run up to him and snap his fucking neck.

This guy needs to be taught a lesson.

Mallory is mine. I’ll kill him if he doesn’t back the fuck off.

Mallory hurries out the door, strawberry-blonde hair streaming behind her as she races toward Mandy.

My eyes narrow as Adam pops his head out of his office. A student worker wearing a short skirt walks down the hallway. Adam whistles, and the girl stops. As she slowly turns around, her body seems to shrink in on itself, a sign she’s intimidated by him.

“Looking sexy, Arielle.” He leers at her, his gaze slowly drinking her in. “Anytime you need tutoring in human biology, I’m happy to assist.”

Her hands ball into fists as she hisses, “Drop dead, asshole,” before pivoting and walking away.

He’s an entitled, arrogant asshole who thinks he can do whatever he wants.

I do a quick search on my phone to see what I can find out about him. I’ll do a comprehensive search later, but this will suffice.

I rip off my mask and take the black ball cap from the pocket of my sweatshirt. After putting it on, I pull my hoodie overhead and stroll down the hallway, my head tilted down so no one can see my face.

I barge into Adam’s office. He jumps to his feet, his face red from outrage. He hurriedly flips the lid of his laptop closed, but not before I see the porno on the screen.

“What are you doing here? You need to make an appointment for tutoring.”

I close and lock the door behind me. Turning around, I spread my legs slightly, my hands curling into fists. “I don’t need an appointment to tell you to stay the hell away from my girlfriend.”

“Y-Your g-girlfriend.” He steps back, swallowing nervously as his eyes roam over me. I’m lean but packed with muscle. My sweatshirt and jeans don’t hide that fact. “W-Who’s your g-girlfriend?”

I cock my head, a venomous smile curling my lips. “Mess around with so many guy’s girlfriends you have to ask, huh?”

He shakes his head, his eyes wide as he takes another step back. “N-No. I d-don’t mess with people’s g-girlfriends. ”

“Just mine, huh?” I make a tsking noise. “Big fucking mistake.”

He retreats a few more steps, stopping when he hits his desk. “P-Please. I d-didn’t do anything w-wrong.”

I advance, stalking him like a panther. “Really? Considering you don’t even know who I’m referring to, I can’t imagine that’s true.” I crack my knuckles, my eyes remaining on his. “I fucking hate liars.”

His bottom lip quivers. “I-I’m s-sorry if I did anything w-wrong. W-Who is she? I’ll stay away from?—”

My hand shoots out, wrapping around his neck. “Oh, you better fucking believe you’ll stay away from her. Mallory Chapman is mine. You made her uncomfortable with your questions.”

He flails, hands smacking at my forearm, but it doesn’t deter me. I squeeze harder.

“I bet those questions you were asking weren’t part of the official Learning Center assessment, were they?”

His face is red as he makes choking noises. I loosen my grip so he can answer.

“I-I embellished on them.”

“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” I yank him forward, shoving him face-first onto the table, readjusting my grip so my hand squeezes the back of his neck. “Show me the fucking questions.”

“I-I’m not s-supposed?—”

I squeeze harder. He howls from the pain.

“O-Okay. But I could get f-fired for this.”

“And you won’t get fired for sexually harassing student employees, huh?” I lift his head, staring at his pale face. He has that “oh shit” expression, knowing I saw him harassing that girl.

“I guess you won’t get fired over fucking one of your biology professors for a better grade last semester, either? ”

His eyes are so wide they’re ready to pop out of his head. “H-How do y-you know about t-that?”

“I know a lot of things, Adam Gossert.” I smirk at him, but my eyes are full of wrath. He visibly shakes when he looks into them. “Now, fucking show me those questions.”

He slowly opens the lid of his laptop. When he puts his thumb on the key to unlock it, the porno begins playing. My smile widens when I realize it’s not from a porn site but a homemade one of him fucking Dr. Lewis, his biology professor.

“Oh, Adam. You’re such a dumb fuck.” I shake my head as I yank him upright, spinning him around. “You’re gonna upload that video to a flash drive and give it to me.” He opens his mouth, but I shove him against the wall. “Afterward, you’ll cancel Mallory’s appointments, except for the next one.”

His entire body shakes like a leaf during a thunderstorm. “Why wouldn’t I cancel the next one?”

“Because you’re going to assign her to another tutor. The best one you have.” I move my face closer to his. “You’ll tell Mallory you’ve taken on too much, and your schedule no longer aligns with hers. Then you’ll introduce her to her new tutor.” I glare at him from behind my mask.

He shivers, his eyes wide.

“You better be on your best behavior. I’ll be watching.”

The threat hangs in the air between us. His Adam’s Apple bobs before he nods.

“If you breathe a word of this to anyone, not only will I release the video of you and Dr. Lewis fucking so that everyone, including the administration, sees it, but I’ll also send it to your boss.” I move my hand, squeezing his throat and choking him, as I retrieve my cell phone. I press play on the video I recorded of him harassing the student employee in the hallway .

His shoulders slump in defeat even as he flails against me. “I-I’ll d-do it,” he rasps.

“That’s better.” I release his throat, rolling my eyes as he sputters and coughs. “I’ll have a lot more information on you the next time I see you, so heed my fucking warning.”

He nods before pointing to his desk. “I have some flash drives in the drawer.”

I grab him by the scruff of the neck, dragging him to it. “Get one.”

Once he complies, I drag him back to the computer, shoving him in the chair. I slam his head off the desk. He howls again while I insert the flash drive and upload the video. No way am I trusting this slimy bastard.

“By the way,” I say, waiting for the video to finish. “Your mom is the Dean of Arts and Sciences. If she found out you fucked your biology professor, she’d fire her, and you’d be expelled from the university.”

His shoulders shake, tears running down his face. “P-Please d-don’t.”

“Then I fucking suggest you keep your mouth shut.” I yank the flash drive out. “I was never here.”

Grabbing a fist full of hair, I slam his face off the table again, his howls like music to my ears. “Until we meet again, Adam.”

Pocketing the flash drive, I adjust my hat and hoodie before unlocking and opening the door.

I casually stroll out, my hands in the pocket of my hoodie, exiting the way I came in.

Once outside, I erase all evidence of being in the library.

I’m a damn ghost, Adam. Run your mouth, and people will think you’re crazy because there’s no evidence I was ever here.

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