Knox and I leaned against the side of the clubhouse building, watching some of the guys load their things into the rented SUVs. The distraction of activity wasn’t enough to keep out my intrusive thoughts, though. Every minute closer we came to leaving, the more doubt crested inside me. There was no way for any of us to predict the outcome of our upcoming meeting with Carrillo, leaving us to reside in the darkness of the unknown. I prayed we all walked away unscathed, but if I had to wager, I’d say that possibility had a 50 percent chance of happening, and that was me being optimistic, which I rarely was.
I bumped Knox’s shoulder with mine. “Will you check on Ria while I’m gone? I’m worried about her.”
“You know I will. She’s my sister before she’s your baby mama.”
“Really?” Every muscle in my face contorted.
“I meant to lighten the mood but ended up annoying myself instead.” He chuckled. “I still can’t believe you two are having a kid.”
“That makes two of us. ”
“Just come back so she doesn’t have to raise that baby without you.”
“That’s the plan, brother. That’s the plan.”
So as not to stick out while traveling into Mexico, none of us were taking our bikes. The two SUVs the California guys showed up in were big enough for all of us. Prez and Marek had also made the decision that we were to leave our cuts behind as well. We didn’t need to alert suspicion at the border going into Mexico or coming back. We couldn’t be completely under the radar, but the slight changes would have to be enough of a shield.
“Salzar wants everyone in Chambers. Now,” Hawke yelled from the doorway. His scowl deepened right before he disappeared back inside.
We had a lot going on right now, nerves were rattled, and everyone was at a level ten with apprehension, but the intensity that poured out of some of the California guys only served to ramp up my worry. They made me look like a touchy-feely teddy bear sometimes.
They’d been to hell and back over the years, and that was an experience I didn’t want to bond over. Everything that happened in the past several months was enough trauma to last me a lifetime, and trust me, I knew a lot about life-altering situations.
Knox and I exchanged curious glances as we crossed the threshold to the clubhouse. Renner, Tag, and Rez were several feet behind us. The rest of the guys were filing into our meeting room. Salzar stood by the head of the table with Marek to his left and Dax on his right.
“We got the final meeting time and place. It’s at midnight at a warehouse in Nuevo Leon. It’ll take us close to three hours to get there. Our intel spotted a place a mile from the warehouse where you guys will be.” He looked at the cluster of men nearest to the wall, which consisted of Hawke, Ace, Jagger, Tripp, and Miles, briefly glancing at Dax because he was part of that group as well.
“Do we know who is going to be there from the cartel other than Rafael?” Stone asked.
“No. It’s safe to assume he’ll have several of his own men with him. He’s not stupid. And I can assure you they’ll all be armed.”
“As will we,” Brick added.
“Do we think Javier will show up?” I asked, hating the thought of that bastard, let alone saying his name.
“Don’t know,” Marek responded. “But if he does, you don’t do a fuckin’ thing. Not until we”—he gestured between him and Prez—“say so. Got it?” I didn’t answer quickly enough. “Got it?” he repeated, boring holes straight through me with his penetrating stare.
“Got it.”
Did I answer honestly? I supposed we’d find out.
Marek didn’t tear his attention away from me for several seconds, making me regret having him repeat his question.
He finally glanced around the room before speaking again. “We’re gonna get there a couple hours beforehand to scope out the area, look for an escape in case we need it. The plan is to just talk to Rafael, see where his head is at, if he’s gonna side with his nephew.”
“And if he set everything in motion,” Jagger blurted.
“That too,” Marek said, pointing at the guy. “He won’t say that in front of us, but I’ve gotten pretty good at reading people over the years.”
A few of his guys nodded. Moments later, a collective acceptance permeated the space when everyone moved toward the door.
“You sure you’re up for this?” Prez’s steps fell in sync with mine as we stepped outside. “’Cause I’m good if you wanna stay back. ”
“Not a chance in hell.”
“Okay.” The inflection in his tone rose slightly, but it was the subtle crook of his brow that told me he understood why I had to go with them.
The older guys in the club were built different than us younger members, and it had everything to do with the two wars they had with the Savage Reapers. And it was because of their experiences that I had faith in their abilities to get us out of this upcoming meeting alive.
As I climbed into the back seat of the SUV, I prayed my meds weren’t making me delusional.