Chapter Twenty-Five
I let out a low groan, my face contorting in discomfort as Osirus delved deeper into the concept of the spanking my miresa had mentioned. The mere thought of it made my body tense up, causing me to wince. My miresa’s perception of the spanking was more of pleasure, not punishment.
The spanking was a game to the king and queen. They both play roles with their rutting encounters. It was one that I did not find very—arousing.
Fae were different, my rutting experiences were limited and I’m sure in time I would want to experience more with my female, but to have her call me ‘Daddy’ did not settle well.
The spanking, however, did have appeal.
There are two forms in which the king talked about; both awful to hear him speak and difficult for him to deliver. One was that of pain for consequences, which was what my miresa truly needed. The other—for fun!
“Theresa has coddled Calliope. If you had seen Calliope when she was at her lowest, you would understand why.” Osirus wouldn’t look at me as he spoke.
He didn’t have to tell me about my miresa’s pain because I already felt it. When I lie awake in the night and my miresa sleeps, I’d try and concentrate. I wanted to feel all of her, not just in body but in her soul. She was mine, she was part of me and I swore I could feel pain deep within her that she ignored. It was so deep, I barely felt it myself, but it was there.
She had suffered and I didn’t want to bring it to the surface. I wanted her to be how she was now.
“But she needs boundaries, as you know. Calliope has been ignored and Theresa has turned a blind eye to her behavior. She can become bratty, just like someone else I know.” King Osirus lifts his eyebrow at his female, who sat on his lap. She shrugged her shoulders as if she had no idea what he was talking about.
“Don’t know where she got that from,” she muttered under her breath.
“Just be sure to know how to distinguish between the two spankings, like we discussed. Follow through and don’t let that pout get to you. I commend you for putting her in time-out, especially staying with her during her episode. She has a hard time staying alone with her thoughts.”
I grunted in reply. The more and more the king talked about her parents, the more I disliked them. They thought they were taking care of my female, but they were causing more problems. Birch wasn’t technically her orgamo so he felt he had no say. Theresa saw Calliope suffer for too long and just wanted to protect her, not punish her and give her what she needed.
If she was my orcling, maybe I would have done the same, but who is to know for sure? I wouldn’t have left her alone to punish her, I wouldn't have let her out of my sight. I’d talk to her, even if it is not my strongest ability.
In my drums, I felt Calliope craved someone to care enough to put a stop to her. She acted out for someone to pull her back and put her in her place. To show her they cared enough for her.
I am that orc.
I denied her my physical touch for four days. I had not claimed her. I was as bad as Theresa and Birch.
My drums plummeted into my stomach at that thought alone. But I had so much more to worry about. Stretching her, her memories returning, I never thought having a female would require so much thinking.
“Valpar, are you alright?” King Osirus’s voice entered my ears, and I jerked my chin up in acknowledgement.
“Sorry. Thinking.” Thinking alone wasn’t something I was used to. Not unless it required me to think of fighting, hitting or destroying something.
The Queen slid off the King’s lap and approached me. She gave a small smile and looked up at me, while I hung my head.
“We know you are trying. I can’t imagine what you are thinking and going through. Just follow your heart, your body, your emotions. The Moon Goddess wouldn’t have paired you with her if she didn’t think it was right.”
I grunted again, crossing my arms.
I was a terrible male. I have done everything wrong with my female. Claiming was supposed to be easy. I was to take her, shelter, feed, clothe and make her happy. I had failed on all fronts, and most of all, I left her alone multiple times a day.
I couldn’t help my body’s urges. I had to relieve my sack. Being near her for just a few moments rendered my shaft to be too hard. Cock was such a better word; it felt more dirty and vile. I was glad there was such a vulgar word for a shaft in this land.
Even now, I cannot get her body out of my mind. Her smaller form, the tight hole she has. When I was out in the forest, the many times I left her, I would think of my face between her thighs, the tiny pink lips that would welcome my tongue.
Her tiny tits, her smooth body made my cock constantly hard, and when I rushed out of our cave, I immediately would loosen the strap that tied myself to my leg and let my seed coat the outside of my shaft.
Bassza, it felt good, having my shaft coated in my seed. It was enough to make it wet, to make me feel more like I was inside her. Buried deep in that wet cunt, taking all of me.
I closed my eyes, wishing I could be in the forest right now, releasing my heavy sack. Every stroke I thought of her, how it would feel on that small nub, that she liked to have licked so much.
At the time, I thought it was best to stay away, after the news was delivered to me. I had to rethink how to claim her, what was best for her.
Then, she had to say I was supposed to love her. I didn’t know this word… love. Is it another word for rutting? Sex? What was it?
I could feel distant drums banging in my head.
She made me want to drink.
I gritted my teeth. I needed to leave this room, to relieve myself again of my seed.
It took me days to realize how she needed release as much as I did, and now I will have to do more for her. And I will. That was why I was here. She will get this spanking that she wanted, the pleasure that she needed until I find a way to claim her without having her past memories resurfacing.
“Valpar?” The Queen’s troubled look startled me when I opened my eyes again. I shifted my cloth, making sure my cock was covered.
I cursed under my breath. I swear my cock would have fallen off before this meeting was through.
“I will take care of my female. Thank you for your…informational customs that will help our bonding.” I winced as I tried to put the memories away, of King Osirus putting the Queen over his lap.
King Osirus stepped down from his throne and put his hand around the queen’s waist. “Our pleasure, Valpar, truly, do not worry yourself. I believe you have gained extra wrinkles around your eyes. Would you like me to send the guards with you to help guard her?”
I growled, snapping my jaw toward him. “I can handle my female just fine!”
The king chuckled, placing a kiss on his female’s head. “It’s funny. Thorn is quite territorial, too, with his female. It isn’t just you. It must be an orc trait.”
“My-my brother has found a female?” I asked in disbelief.
“Yes, and he’s got his dick strapped to his leg, just as you. I am rather curious now, too. What are you orcs hiding?”
Queen Melina silently clapped her hands. “Yes, we are.”
I groaned. “When, where? Has Thorn claimed her, yet?” I’d like to ask him questions but of course the king shakes his head.
“I don’t know. He basically chased me off. I have no idea what is going on, but I’m sure she’s being taken care of. He’s very possessive. Maybe even more so.”
I huffed. The only reason I let Calliope out of my sight was because the guards were bonded to other females. These were guards I had fought with in the war. I knew of their loyalty to the king.
“I must find my miresa. It’s been too long.” I turned and heard footsteps behind me. They were muttering about Thorn while I tried to adjust the strap to my shaft. The leaking had stopped, but I knew I needed to relieve my sack, since I had thought too much about my little fairy’s naked body.
She was always on my mind.
Perhaps we could find her room in the palace. I could—
I palmed my shaft, feeling my seed leak down my leg. Yes, we would both benefit. Try this spanking. I could palm her ass, as Osirus said. Melina said she would like that, feel the heat of her body—
As strange as it was, getting advice from the King, it was…useful.
Distant cheers from the outside caught my attention. It stopped me in my tracks when I heard familiar, deep voices. They sounded like my tribe, so I went toward the windows in the long hallway.
“Half of the tribe went back to the Wood, but the other half stayed. Sugha led them back so you could take your time,” Kind Osirus said offhandedly. “A lot of the tribe was hopeful they could find their mates, since you found yours here…”
The king’s words became a mere murmur as my attention shifted downwards. My gaze fell upon the bustling crowd gathered at the foot of a decorated chair mimicking a throne. The tribe’s faces blurred into a sea of green, the male’s voices merging into yells and laughter.
Among the commotion, an intense heat emanated from within me, starting from my chest and gradually spreading to my face. It was as if a dormant volcano had awakened, igniting a fiery energy that coursed through the branches of my forearms. The surge of life force within me seemed to boil, matching the intensity of my emotions. A primal rage simmered beneath the surface, causing my teeth to clench and grind together. The sound reverberated in my ears. My very being of calm, since meeting my miresa, was eroding away at the barriers that held me back.
I’m sure I could have broken my jaw myself with how hard I was clenching.
The queen came beside me. Her wings touched my shoulder, and I snarled, causing the king to pull her away. “Valpar, what’s wrong?” she gasped when she looked outside.
Down below, the tribe, or what was left of it, was cheering. A bonfire sat in the middle and there was a small platform in front of it with a chair, decorated in vines, flowers and gifts at the foot of it.
Food was being placed on the large table, showcasing a delectable spread of appetizers, entrees and desserts. Mouthwatering meats, such as succulent roasted chicken and tender beef, arranged alongside an assortment of artisanal cheeses and freshly baked breads.
This looked like a miresa claiming ceremony. Long ago, when females were scarce, a female would pick her males. Females picked as many as up to five males to complete their clan, so every male was blessed time with a female. The males lived separately from each other; they had their own homes, and the female would come to them, care for them all equally. It was hard for the males, my ogamie was a beautiful female that cared for all of her males and my seeded orgamo came to be friends with all the other orgamos.
That was in the past. The Moon Fairy promised it would not happen again unless souls were open to it, and I knew my soul was not.
Calliope was mine.
I watched as the guards, the males I’d trusted with my miresa, walked out with her on their shoulders and sat her down on the cushioned throne that my tribe had created. My miresa was smiling, laughing as another orc brought her a plate of food.
Someone brought her food.
Someone brought my female food.
I was in charge of feeding my female.
I gripped my hand into fists, feeling my claws prick my palms. This was, indeed, a claiming ceremony. They were setting up the games, the sparring. The tribe was going behind my back.
With my little fairy’s delicate, slender hand, she plucked the plump grape from the iron plate made by one of the tribe members. Its vibrant purple hue contrasted against the iron. The succulent fruit disappeared into her dainty mouth, her lips parting ever so slightly in satisfaction.
But, as I witnessed this seemingly innocent act, a surge of fury consumed me, threatening to burst through my veins. My clenched fist, filled with mounting rage, collided with the unyielding surface of the immense glass window. A thunderous crash followed, and the transparent barrier shattered into a thousand glittering fragments.
The air filled with the clinking of breaking glass, the sharp shards raining down upon me like a torrential downpour. The tinkling symphony of shattered glass harmonized with my tumultuous emotions, each falling piece reflecting the shattered remnants of my composure.
As I stood there, a silent witness to the destruction I had unleashed, shards of glass settled in my disheveled hair, embedding themselves into my trembling shoulders. The weight of my unleashed anger, mingled with the icy touch of shattered glass, settled upon me, a chilling reminder of the chaos I had wrought.
Once it had all fallen and the tribe down below stilled, I let out the loudest roar I could and jumped onto the windowsill. “Get away from my female!”