Valpar (Under the Moon: Orc #2) 26. Chapter Twenty-Six 51%
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26. Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Six


“Calm down there, lass. I think you are going a little overboard.” Finley put his hand on my arm and rubbed it up and down.

“Nope, she’s right, she’s gonna be green. Hell, she might have those big tusks too.” Everett took another bite of cupcake, and my mouth dropped open.

I was going to be an orc.

I was having a hard enough time being a human, and now this? Mom was human, then she turned into a full-blooded fae and she was gorgeous. She said she didn’t change much, just the ears, looked a little younger and sprouted wings.

I loved Valpar and how he looked, don’t get me wrong, but me? I was going to turn green, have teeth and what about my hair? I loved my pink hair that Osirus had given me.

My breaths came in quickly as I started hyperventilating. Finley swore under his breath and searched in the kitchen drawers for a paper bag. Once he found one, he shoved it in my face and patted my back as I tried to calm myself, while I breathed into it.

This. Can’t. Be. Happening.

“Shit, come on, you can’t pass out. Valpar will cut off our balls.”

Everett winced, cupping himself, and I closed my eyes, trying to take slower breaths. This could not be happening. Would I really change who I was completely? Be an orc? I was trying to be a fairy or fae to fit in with my surroundings. I was just now settling with being a human and now… I had to change myself again?

Cheese and crumbs.

“Listen,” Everett sighed, and petted his beard. “I’m going to give a hypothesis here—”

Finley laughed, “Ha! That was a big word, try not to choke!”

Everett glared at Finley and continued. “I highly doubt you would become like Valpar. Orcs aren’t like any other species in Bergarian, they were segregated long ago for a reason with that wall. They were different in appearance. They don’t shift like the rest of us. Their body is completely different and, apparently, so are their appendages.”

I pulled away the paper bag and sniffed. “You think so? I’m attracted to Valpar but I don’t know if I, myself want to be green. I still want to look like me, just like how everyone else still looks like themselves when they turn into their mate’s species.”

Everett chuckled and leaned on the counter. “I’m not into the genetics of it all, but in here,” he pounded his chest with his fist, “the Goddess wouldn’t let a pretty little human like you change green if she really didn’t want to. Especially, if it was going to upset you so much.”

I gave him a small smile, but still kept the idea in my head. As long as Valpar cared for me, for me, I think I would still be happy. It would just be—really different.

The door slammed opened and humming filled the room. A large orc with leather straps criss-crossing over his body, walked past us, opened the meat locker and headed inside. He didn’t pay attention to us, while we all watched and listened as he sang to himself.

I put the paper back on my lap and when he came out, he was carrying a large, cold sack of meat over his shoulder. It wasn’t until then that he glanced over at us and raised a brow.

“Greetings. I am Olur, I was just retrieving this evening’s dinner.” He looked us over and then his eyes widened. “You are Valpar’s female!” He smiled, but it quickly faded. “Where is he? Why are you alone? Did he abandon you?” His tone grew darker, and he stepped forward.

Finley and Everett stood in front of me, their arms crossing. “No, he didn’t.” Everett spoke. “He had to speak to the King in private. She’s none of your business.”

Olur huffed and readjusted the meat on his shoulder. “Well, she is part of the tribe now. I want to make sure she is happy with Valpar. If not, I would be happy to hit him for you. I have the biggest hands of the tribe.”

And he did. There were scars all over them and his fingers were as big as zucchinis.

Good luck to his future mate.

“No, no need to beat him up. He’s fine,” I said.

“Then, why do you look distressed? Your face looks whiter than normal.” He assessed me again, and I shrunk back.

Finley wrapped his arm around my shoulder, lending me some of his confidence. “She’s fine. She’s just got a lot on her mind: The first human and orc pairing, is all. It’s a lot to take in.”

Olur pushed the meat back on his shoulder. “Well, if it was my female, I would not let her out of my sight. Especially, after my shaft had been lodged into her cunt.”


Heat rose to my cheeks. Not just at the words he used, but—at the idea that he thought I was claimed. I was wearing a sleeved dress today, so he wouldn’t see a mark on my shoulder. I swallowed heavily and couldn’t look him in the eye.

“I—uh, is it something I said?” Olur stepped forward with drooping shoulders.

I sat up straight and put a smile on my face, because it wasn’t his fault he brought up a sore spot. I mean, everyone around here expects us to be mated already, especially his tribe.

“We aren’t mated, yet. We are—”

“What?” Olur snapped. “You have not been branded? This is—this is terrible! Why would he not brand you, yet? This—this is unacceptable!” Olur huffed and paced around the room, running his free hand through his hair.

I giggled, watching this male hold a large hunk of meat over his shoulder while he mumbled under his breath. The Red Fury looked equally amused, their stances relaxed and even smiling.

“We must remedy this. We shall have to persuade him to hurry this branding along! I have an idea, and I do not have many, but this will be entertaining.”

There was a gleam in his eye and a friendly smile on his face. He looked like a troublemaker, and I was here for all of it.

“Wait here. I will inform the others!” He dashed from the room, while Everett and Finley stood by my side waiting for our surprise.

“Braxton would be so into this,” Everett said as he hoisted me up on his shoulder.

Olur had managed, in such a short amount of time, to recruit the few of the tribe who had stayed behind to look for their mates, to help. They don’t normally stay as long as this, but since Valpar found me, they didn’t want to miss any chances.

Olur was determined to make Valpar angry, feral even, to have him claim me. I didn’t ask for this. I even argued a bit with Olur, telling him I didn’t want to make my mate mad at me, but Olur shook his head and held up his hand in warning. “Valpar has always been the solemn, cranky one. This is payback.”

The tribe got to work and quickly constructed a platform with a chair decorated with flowers, a cushion, and gifts at the base. They said they used to do this long ago when the last of the females were alive and had to take multiple males as mates.

Apparently, females had harems of males.

Which sounded kind of neat, but I don’t think I could ever handle more than one of Valpar.

He was more than enough.

The females would sit on this fancy chair, and the males would compete for her affections. They would bring gifts, feed her food, spar, play games and do foot rubs. The party could last for days until she picked as many males as she wanted.

But, I only wanted one.

The longer I stood and watched as the males constructed the small platform, more guilt weighed heavily on me. I didn’t like this, I didn’t think it was a smart idea. I wanted Valpar, and if he wanted to take his time, there had to be a reason, right?

“Don’t worry,” Olur spoke when he approached me. “We are not claiming you, we are only doing this to hurry Valpar along, to make him sweat. You will pick him in the end. We want our own females.”

I snorted and shook my head. “You guys are bad. What if Vapar goes crazy? What if he hurts you?”

Olur scoffed. “So what? We like this. We are males. We like to rough each other up. Now let’s have fun with this.” Olur stepped away, his big back filled with scars, another sign that they did like to play rough.

Finley scooted me over, so I was resting my other leg on his shoulder as well. “Where is Braxton?” I asked, trying to steady myself on my two guards.

“His mate is becoming of age. He’s stalking her a bit.”

Everett rolled his eyes. “He’s had trouble staying away from her. I can’t say that I blame him. Now that’s she almost of age, he’ll claim her soon.”

Everett and Finley carried me out from the covered patio, and when he did, I saw all the orcs I had seen at the ball. They were all cheering, and there was a gorgeous spread of food laid out on a table, with all my favorite desserts and the infamous chair that Olur told me about.

“So pretty!” I squealed.

I didn’t want to hurt any of the tribe’s feelings either with how hard they worked. They thought they were helping me, but I quickly realized this was going to be a big deal.

Valpar was going to be so mad.

Finley and Everett put me in the chair, and Simon raised his head high as he sat next to me on his own cushion, and was given a plate of food.

That is so dang cute!

“Aww! You all get brownie points for taking care of Simon!” Simon lifted his head from engorging himself with a plate of grapes and let out a large burp, causing the crowd to laugh.

A plate with grapes and cheeses on it was brought in for me by an orc with a scar across his cheek and he gave me a smirk. “Food for the female?”

I smiled shyly back at him, took one and popped it into my mouth. As the juice burst onto my tongue the shattering of glass caught all of our attention, and we looked up where the noise had come from.

The huge palace window above us broke into a million pieces. They fell out of the windowsill and onto a dark figure. A loud roar, one that I had heard once before at the mating ball before I was claimed, came from the darkness and Valpar stood where the window once was.

“Get away from my female!” Valpar’s voice laid like a heavy blanket through the courtyard and even I felt the harshness of his words.

The muscles.

He jumped from the second-story window and landed with a thud. The surrounding bushes shook, as he took heavy steps toward us. The rest of the tribe moved about, almost unnerved now that Valpar was approaching, but Valpar’s gaze did not leave the males that were walking around me.

Olur stood in front of me, the bonfire had to be hot on his skin as he stood so close to it. “Valpar, great of you to finally join the claiming ceremony. We are going to be starting soon.”

Valpar’s eyes widened and narrowed again, and his head whipped in my direction. His loose hair was wildly tangled, and he was not put together like he had been the past few days with me.

“What?” he said deathly quiet. “Calliope is my miresa. There is no need for this ceremony. These ceremonies are no longer needed.”

Valpar was showing a cool exterior, but I could see his fingers flexing against his palm, his muscles rippling underneath his skin and his jaw ticking.

I shuffled in my seat; my panties were damp and it was only getting worse.

Valpar’s nose flared, and he pushed Olur to the side, causing him to trip.

“Female,” Valpar snarled and took heavy steps toward me. “Let’s go.”

“Nah, ah!” The orc that handed me the plate of grapes appeared. “She accepted my grapes. She has chosen me to compete.” His smile widened. “She has chosen Olur as well because he said he wanted to throw her a party.” Valpar turned and scowled at Olur.

“And her companion has accepted my pillow for his ass!” Another orc stepped forward, petting Simon. “Ass is another word for backside, I have learned. I like this word! I want another!” He raised his ale, slammed it on the food table and the orc toppled over.

I bit my lip. “I think he is disqualified… he just passed out.” I pointed to him.

“Agreed!” The rest of the tribe yelled, and I covered my ears from their shouts.

Valpar turned back to me, snarling. “What do you think you are doing, little fairy?” His shadow blocked out the sun and I slithered down further in my seat. He was so angry his veins were bulging in his neck, and he was huffing.

I didn’t want to make him this mad. It was supposed to be a joke. I was not afraid of him, but I was afraid of hurting him.

“Valpar?” I felt the heat behind my eyes, my eyes filling with tears. Valpar instantly softened and knelt before me.

“Did my tribe put you up to this?” he whispered, so no one could hear. Finley and Everett sighed beside me, looking guilty themselves.

I chewed on my bottom lip. I didn’t want to get his tribe in trouble, either.

“Truth, little fairy. I won’t be angry at the truth.” He kept his voice low enough so no one else could listen to our conversation.

I nodded my head slightly. “I didn’t want to hurt your feelings, and I didn’t know how to tell them no, either.” I hung my head. “They said they were doing it as a joke. For not claiming me yet.” You could hear everyone laughing in the background and the clanging of clubs and swords.

I felt so stupid. I couldn’t even tell Olur ‘No’. What kind of strong female was I for Valpar? I didn’t deserve to have males fighting over me when I couldn’t even tell them not to do these sorts of things.

“I’m sorr—”

Valpar growled and tilted up my hanging chin. “I’m proud of you.”

My eyes widened. He was proud of me?

“I’m proud of you for telling me the truth and being my good girl. You knew it would upset me, but you are so sweet as honey you did not want to hurt the tribe.”

My mouth dropped and I shook my head. “No, I was a push over. I let them walk all over me. I should have—”

Valpar leaned in and pressed a sweet kiss to my lips. It was a far cry from the usual ravenous mouth he had on me.

“You are the light source not only to me but to the others in the tribe. You give them hope. You have made them get along.” He glanced over his shoulder, and my gaze followed. The other males were laughing and slapping each other. Though it was a bit rough it was also very family like.

“Orcs do not get along. We do not spend time together. Only for traveling to mating balls. We do not laugh and speak to one another like any other species. But you have given them hope again. My little light source has made everyone happy, even this grumpy orc.”

My lip wobbled and I pulled on the leather strap that crossed his chest.

Valpar rubbed his chin. “We shall play this game they want to play. I cannot promise I will not show my jealousy as others try to win your affection. I’m going to win for your hand.”

I tilted my head in confusion.

Valpar stood up and rolled back his shoulders. “I will show you how strong and attentive I am. Then, once I win, I will pleasure you until you beg me to stop.”

I slapped my legs together.

I’m going to need me some new knickers.

“Do not fear me while I fight for you, my little fairy, because I will kill an orc or two if I have to.” Valpar winked and walked away, showing off his glorious butt.

“You don’t think he’s serious about the killing part, do you?” I leaned over to Finley.

Finley shrugged. “No, pretty sure he was serious. Orcs are weird.”

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