Wedded to the Duke of Lust (Dukes of Passion #1) Chapter 9 24%
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Chapter 9


“ P apa has been particularly tense lately. I do not know what is going on with him, but it is becoming almost untenable to reside with him,” Tessa confided anxiously to Seraphina as they rode to the park.

Seraphina sighed. “Is he dipping deep?”

“Constantly!” Tessa exclaimed.

Seraphina nodded. “Well…” she stared out of the window, not knowing what to do. “You just have to endure it a bit longer Tessa. Just a bit.”

Seraphina hoped she wasn’t lying.

Tessa sighed. “I know. I’m just so glad that I get to spend so much time away from the house. Thank you ever so much for doing this for me.”

Tessa squeezed Seraphina’s hand, and she felt her heart drop.

She didn’t want her sister’s gratitude. It was her duty to take care of her after all. She hoped that Mr. Larson perhaps, might propose soon but she also didn’t want Tessa to be stuck in a strange marriage like she was. It was better that her sister and Mr. Larson have time for courtship, and that she examined her options carefully.

If only Father could behave for just a little longer.

“I can see I have worried you,” Tessa said sorrowfully. “I didn’t mean to do that. It’s really fine at home. I’m just…ranting.”

Seraphina gave her sister a strained smile, grateful for her efforts at pretending. “I’m not worried. I was just thinking that I want you to be happy and I hope that Mr. Larson can make you so.”

Tessa’s face lit up. “Benjamin is just so…” she sighed, shaking her head slowly, her eyes dreamy and faraway. “I think he might be the one, Seraphina.”

Seraphina squeezed her hand. “I’m glad.”

They arrived at Hyde Park and alighted from the carriage. Seraphina nodded in greeting to several acquaintances. She was quite familiar with the London scene, not having much else to do but socialize in the last year.

Tessa looped a hand through hers. “Let us go and promenade!” she said excitedly.

Seraphina smiled and nodded, leading the way towards the cobbled path. Surrounded on all sides by ton’s families that were intent on promenading as well, they were privy to snippets of conversation, mostly gossip as people caught up on the week’s happenings.

“…lost his townhouse in a wager. Lucky thing he still has…”

“…caught in flagrante in a … house. I don’t know what…wife will do.”

“…the Indies next week… better than … the continent.”

Seraphina could see that Tessa was fascinated. They had very little opportunity to mingle with other members of the ton as they grew up. Their father did not have many acquaintances let alone friends and so there was no socializing. The fact that he was more interested in gambling and debauchery and had very little interest in his children meant that they were mostly neglected and isolated from their peers.

Seraphina had mostly become immune to the vagaries of Society, but she could see how much it fascinated Tessa and that saddened her. Her sister had missed out on so much.

They were walking up the bridge, pausing to feed the ducks, when they were hailed.

They turned to see Benjamin and Nicholas Larson, Lord Ruebridge approaching, huge smiles on their faces. Benjamin had eyes only for Tessa and hastened to take her hand and kiss it.

“I hoped that I would see you today,” he said with a huge smile.

Tessa returned it with a shy one of her own. “Yes, me too.”

Remembering his manners, Mr. Larson made Seraphina an elegant leg. “Your Grace. How lovely to see you this afternoon.”

“Mr. Larson.” Seraphina nodded to him.

“How formal you all are,” Lord Ruebridge declared. “Allow me to greet you all with a delighted bow.” He proceeded to match actions to words, “And to tell you how lovely you both look this afternoon.”

Tessa giggled, “Thank you, Lord Ruebridge.”

“Please, call me Nicky.”

“No,” Seraphina interjected before Tessa could say anything. “She will not do that.”

“Whyever not?” Nicholas folded his arms and pouted.

“Because it’s not proper,” Seraphina said.

“Proper? I know you hang about with Lord and Lady Portswick. You cannot be too concerned with what’s proper.”

Seraphina blushed. It was true that her friends were a bit…unorthodox but the earl seemed to be implying something completely different.

“I don’t know what you mean,” she said weakly.

“Come, allow me to escort you so that my brother might tell your sister just why they would make the perfect match.”

He offered his arm to Seraphina. She cast an eye at Tessa who was already deeply absorbed in whatever Mr. Larson was saying and sighed inwardly.

She put her hand through Lord Ruebridge’s, allowing him to lead her along the path as they walked behind her sister and his brother. It occurred to her that the earl just might end up being her brother-in-law.

The thought was not a happy one.

But Tessa was clearly enamored—her face bright and animated as she gesticulated wildly—talking to Mr. Larson while he stared at her as if fascinated.

She couldn’t help but smile at them. Tessa deserved to have the best and not only was Mr. Larson well-heeled, but he was also clearly dangling after Tessa. If her sister had set her cap at him as well, Seraphina could only see it as serendipity.

“You know,” Lord Ruebridge leaned in to whisper confidentially to her, “They’re not the only ones who would make a perfect match.”

Seraphina laughed shaking her head. “I’m a married woman, my lord.”

“Are you now? Rumor has it your husband abandoned you.”

Seraphina stopped, turning to stare balefully at the earl, “I beg your pardon?”

Lord Ruebridge shrugged. “Don’t kill the messenger but that’s the ton gossip.”

“Well, it’s not true. Just because my husband does not like to socialize doesn’t mean he’s abandoned me,” she said sharply.

He raised his hands in surrender. “Very well. I apologize for listening to idle gossip. My mother always said it was the devil’s work.”

Seraphina hmphed, resuming her stroll and hastening her step so as to catch up to Tessa and Benjamin, who had pulled ahead. Lord Ruebridge hastened his steps as well, so as to catch up to Seraphina.

“I truly did not mean to offend,” he began contritely, “you are just such a beautiful woman. I wanted to see if I had any chance at all of making you look my way. But I see you are a devoted wife.”

Seraphina rolled her eyes.

“Assumptions have been known to make fools of us. Certainly, that is true for you in this case. I will thank you not to repeat that mistake, for you may not like the consequences,” she hissed before walking away from him.

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