S eraphina was relieved when they finally parted from the Larson men. When he’d seen that attempting to make love to her hadn’t worked, Lord Ruebridge had gone on to speak about horse racing of all things.
“What with Ascot coming up, I feel sure my method of choosing a winner will stand me in good stead,” he had said before proceeding to explain his method in excruciating detail.
Seraphina would have been quite miserable by the time he was done had she not chosen to use the time to think about Gerard and his propensity to blow hot and cold.
She truly wanted to understand why he would spank her in such a way, and then tease her so, only to walk away, leaving them both unsatisfied.
Is it a game?
She gritted her teeth, her hands fisted as she thought about his hands, pushing into her, rubbing her sensitive nub and then withdrawing. His hand on her buttock, hard and firm, smacking her until her flesh was stinging.
She wanted to squirm again as she thought about how it made her feel. To just how, but why. Why would she be aroused by his spanking her?
She had read some books which featured individuals whose sexual predilections diverted from the norm. People whose passions were aroused by pain. She would never have counted herself amongst them. But she could not deny that her passions had been aroused by Gerard’s spanking.
And how did he know how I would react?
She began to sweat slightly, wondering what Gerard must think of her. She almost stopped walking but remembered herself in time.
Tuning back in to what Lord Ruebridge was saying, she realized he was speaking about the muscular nature of a horse’s ankles and how it predicted their power of movement. Tuning out again, she went back to wondering how Gerard might have discerned what would arouse her and why he was playing with her.
Before she knew it, they were back at the gates of Hyde Park. Mr. Larson was taking an extended leave of Tessa.
Seraphina turned to Lord Ruebridge with a smile plastered on her face. “I appreciate your company very much on this balmy day. Thank you for accompanying us on our promenade around the park.”
He bent over her gloved fingers, kissing the air above them respectfully. “The pleasure was all mine, Your Grace. I do hope to see you again soon.”
Seraphina’s mouth twisted but she simply gave him a bow and turned to take her leave of his brother—and also chivvy both him and Tessa along. They seemed to be having major difficulties parting ways.
As they rode to Pennington House, Tessa sighing endlessly beside her as she stared out of the window, Seraphina came to a decision. She banged on the roof as they went down Jermyn Street.
Tessa turned to face her. “Why are we stopping?”
“I thought we might stop at the perfumers and buy you a scent. What do you think?”
Tessa lit up. “I would like that a lot. I think Benji would. Do you think he would?”
Seraphina smiled. “I’m sure he would. Come. Let’s go.”
They alighted and stepped into Floris Fragrances. Tessa looked around in awe.
Everybody knew that the shop was favored by royalty and to be able to own a fragrance that Mr. Floris made was truly an honor. They walked around for a bit, examining handmade hair combs and hatpins before stopping by the perfume counter.
A young lady smiled expectantly at them, ready to serve them. “What are you looking for today?” she asked.
“Oh. I would like something that would gain the attention of a gentleman, please,” Tessa said at once.
Seraphina and the perfumer exchanged glances. Seraphina nodded and the woman nodded back.
“I think I have just what you need,” she said before turning around and picking up a bottle of toilet water.
“This is called The Love Potion, for its ability to attract the exact suitor you want,” she said, holding it out to Tessa.
Her sister took it with awe on her face. “Truly?” she asked in wonder.
The perfumer nodded. “Indeed.”
Tessa turned to Seraphina. “Can we get it? Please?”
“You don’t really believe this is some special kind of…potion?” Seraphina said, frowning.
Tessa shrugged. “Of course not! A love potion is the stuff of fairy tales. Still, it smells very pleasant, don’t you think?”
Seraphina hummed, mouth twisting skeptically. “It does smell very agreeable. Is that why you want it?”
“I’ve never owned such a scent before,” Tessa said wistfully, staring at the bottle.”
Seraphina nodded, “In that case, of course you can have it.” She turned to the perfumer, “charge it to the Irondale account please.”
The perfumer curtsied. “Yes, Your Grace.”
It was amazing to Gerard just how much time his wife spent away from the house. Of course, she had a very efficient staff in place that made sure the house was spotless, and he was served delicious meals whenever he desired. But still, he didn’t like it.
He did realize the hypocrisy of his ambivalence given that he’d voluntarily lived apart from her for a year.
Uncle Erasmus moved his pawn. He exhaled loudly. “I could do with some tea and jam sandwiches.”
Gerard smiled, “You just had lunch. Surely you cannot be hungry again.”
“Why not? The brain power I am using takes a lot of energy.”
Gerard moved his own pawn displacing his uncle’s. “Brain power?” he laughed, “Is that what you’re doing?”
“The gambit I am using is very complicated. Designed to lull you into a false sense of security.”
Gerard snorted. “If you say so, Uncle.”
His eyebrow rose as his uncle moved his rook, giving him the opportunity to capture it.
“Very complicated,” his uncle murmured, a frown on his red face as he moved a second rook. He looked up at Gerard, “Speaking of complicated, I see your wife went out again.”
Gerard rolled his eyes even though he’d been thinking the same thing. “Is she to stay shackled in her room?”
“She is too free with her company. Do you not think so?”
Gerard snorted, his eyes on the chess board. “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.”
He almost felt ashamed that he’d been thinking approximately the same thing earlier.
That’s not what I meant, though. He shook his head minutely.
“What I mean is that she is a bit of a wanton,” Uncle Erasmus said and then muttered something about modern women.
Gerard gave him a stern look. “You’d do best to speak more politely about my wife, Uncle. She has done nothing to deserve your ire. Stop meddling in my marriage.”
He played again, moving his queen into place. Uncle Erasmus bent over the chess board, examining the pieces closely. Gerard sat back watching him. The silence wasn’t exactly comfortable, but Gerard made no attempt to break it. Uncle Erasmus picked up his rook capturing Gerard’s queen.
Gerard smiled and made his move. “Checkmate.”
Uncle Erasmus’s mouth fell open, and he immediately began to grumble under his breath.
Gerard got to his feet, a smug smile on his face. “Well, uncle, I shall see you later. Thank you for the game.”
He walked off before his uncle could say anything, feeling quite satisfied with how that had turned out.
He decided to go to his office and have a drink and write to his friend Dorian.
While uncle Erasmus words had rubbed him the wrong way, he could admit that he was… dissatisfied with Seraphina’s behavior. He felt that it would do him good to vent to someone who was discreet, who knew him, and might give some good advice on how he wants to proceed.
Perhaps when he was done, Seraphina would have decided to grace them with her presence, and they could perhaps discuss things in a calm and productive manner.
Sure. And pigs might fly.