“ W e were up until four in the morning. Did you really expect to be out of bed at sunrise?” Seraphina asked as she watched Gerard scramble out of bed, trying to gather his clothes together.
It was a good thing that Seraphina was used to late nights. Many a dinner at Rosalind and William’s residence tended to go on until the early hours of the morning. The conversation was bound to be stimulating and the company titillating, and nobody was in a hurry to leave. So, it was nothing to her to fall asleep at four in the morning and then wake up just before noon.
Gerard, on the other hand, was apparently an early riser, and apparently did not take any kindly to still being abed when the sun was halfway across the sky.
He shrugged as he picked up his banyan. “My father never cared how late I went to bed. He always made sure I was awoken with the birds. I can feel his disapproval all the way from heaven.”
She giggled, sitting up and letting the sheet fall to her waist. “I did not take you for one who was overly religious.”
“I am not, but I am not dismissive of what is unseen. There is more to this world than we know,” he said, putting on his banyan.
He walked over to her, his eyes raking her frame. “How did I keep my hands off of you for so long?” he murmured.
She shrugged. “I have no idea.”
“Neither do I.” He sat down on the side of the bed still looking at her, “If I have never said it before, you are a very beautiful woman.”
She smiled shyly dropping her eyes, “That is very pleasant of you to say.”
“I’m not being pleasant. I am being honest.”
“Well… it is nice that you finally noticed.”
There was a soft knock on the door, and they both looked towards it.
“Yes? Come in.” Seraphina called.
She was unsurprised to see her lady’s maid open the door and poked her head in. “Good morning Your Grace,” she said, “would you like me to attend you this morning?”
Seraphina looked at the clock on the wall. “I think it would be more accurate to say afternoon.”
“Yes ma’am. I came by earlier, but you were still asleep.”
“Very well, you may attend me now,” she said, and her lady’s maid disappeared from the doorway.
Gerard got to his feet turning to face her, “Well, I shall see you for breakfast in a few, shall I?”
She inclined her head to him. “You absolutely shall.”
They smiled at each other and then Gerard walked through the door that connected their rooms, one they had yet to use, and exited her chambers.
She sighed deeply, missing him already. Yesterday and last night had been rather magical and she was afraid that once they were out of sight of each other, the magic would dissipate.
Leticia returned bearing two pails of steaming hot water and followed by two other serving girls weighed down with equally full pails.
Seraphina looked forward to a luxuriant bath. The one she had managed to cobble together had been just enough to get her clean and fresh. But now she could luxuriate in the warm water, a fire at her back, and Leticia gently massaging her aching muscles.
Another thing the books did not tell her was how she would feel the day after; muscles aching in places she wasn’t even aware that she had. Her body feeling like it had taken a pummeling, the awareness of being invaded sinking into her skin making it impossible to think of anything else.
The hot water warmed and softened her muscles, and she relaxed to the sigh of relief, closing her eyes to again relive her magical night. She did not know which was the best part—the consummation? Waking up with Gerard in her bed snoring gently beside her or sneaking down to the kitchen in search of sustenance in the middle of the night due to having slept through dinner.
Lord Astor must have been furious at having to eat dinner all alone.
After hearing Gerard’s story, she was feeling a little more charitable towards the earl, but she was still very annoyed with him for his treatment of her, and so her sympathy was limited.
She blushed thinking about the serving girls seeing the evidence of their consummation on her sheets. She wondered if she would ever be able to look any of them in the eye ever again.
Such an eye-opening experience that made her think of all her married friends in a different light.
They all do that, perhaps every night.
An image of Rosalind and William rolling about in their sheets came into her mind and she pushed it away in embarrassment. She did not want to think of her friends in such a manner.
She opened her eyes to limit her imagination. Leticia was scrubbing her feet with vigor, her bottom lip caught in her teeth. Seraphina smiled at her, feeling her heart swell in affection for her lady’s maid.
Leticia had served her faithfully since her first day in this household and she had never, in word or deed, indicated that it was strange that she and Gerard did not have relations. Soon Leticia would know that that had changed.
The entire household will know.
“Thank you very much for your service,” she said.
Leticia glanced up at her strangely, before resuming her task. “You’re welcome, Your Grace,” she murmured.
Gerard didn’t believe what they had written about Seraphina was true. Still, what the rag had written about him somewhat bothered him. He was no recluse—in fact, for many years he had been the opposite. He, Dorian, and Leo had painted the town red in their heyday as rakehells.
“What events are you scheduled to attend this week?” he asked Seraphina at the breakfast table.
She looked up at him in surprise. “Surely my ears deceive me. Do you mean to come along?”
“Do you not want me to come along?” he countered.
“Of course I do. Do you know how tiring it gets making excuses for your absence?”
He smiled, “Is that the only reason?”
“Of course not.” She took a sip of tea, “I am enjoying this time we are spending together, and I wish it to continue.”
He nodded. “Me as well.”
“In that case, you have the choice between a masked ball Lord and Lady Jameson are throwing, a Venetian breakfast with the Claridges or dinner with the Portswicks.”
He smiled sardonically. “I’m sure I do not need to ask which one you are looking forward to the most.”
She shrugged. “Rosalind and William always have the most interesting guests. I always take my leave from them feeling cerebrally refreshed.”
“I had no idea you were such a blue stocking.”
She laughed, “Why do you say that? Is it just because I like to use my mind?”
“Is that not the very definition?”
“I think that the label is a way for men to disparage a woman who enjoys pursuits that might benefit only her mind, and not her husband’s comfort.”
Gerard smiled, spooning some scrambled eggs into his mouth. “You may be right at that.”
Seraphina looked extremely surprised. She made a great show of looking out of the window, and up at the sky.
“What are you looking for?” Gerard asked.
“Pigs flying,” She deadpanned. “Surely there must be if you are agreeing with me.”
He gave her an amused look. “Yes, very funny, my dear. Eat your breakfast.”
Seraphina picked up her fork and then paused looking at him. “You did not say which event you would like to attend.”
“Hmmm, why not all?”
Her eyebrows disappeared into her hairline, “Do you mean it?”
“I rarely if ever say anything that I do not mean.”
He could see how pleased she was by his words and could barely restrain himself from smiling. He was happy to make her happy, while also being very eager to show the ton just who she belonged to. It was way past time for stupid rumors to cease being peddled.
By the way she was beaming at him he could tell that she was pleased with his answer. It warmed him inside to make her happy, but it also perturbed him that he should feel this way.
“You know, you will have to pay a visit to your tailor and get some clothes,” she said with a naughty grin, “Make sure you don’t spend so much.”
He gave her a look. “I have enough clothes thank you very much. I shall make do.”
He could not help grinning back, nevertheless.
Tessa paused at the door of the carriage looking taken aback to see that Gerard was there as well.
“Oh,” she said quietly before instituting a quick curtsy. “Your Grace.”
He made her an elegant leg. “Miss Pennington, how wonderful to see you again. You look lovely.”
Tessa blushed. “Th-thank you.”
She took Gerard’s offered hand and let him help her up into the carriage. Seraphina’s cheeks hurt from how hard she was smiling.
“My husband has decided to join us for the festivities,” she said to Tessa.
Her sister beamed, “How wonderful!”
She gave Seraphina a look asking with her eyes if it was indeed wonderful or a problem.
Seraphina smiled and nodded. “Yes, what an exciting evening for all of us.”
Gerard looked from Seraphina to Tessa. “Had I known that it was of such consequence, I would have bought a new suit,” he said wryly.
Seraphina gave her an exaggerated gasp clutching her pearls. “What? And spend money unnecessarily? Heaven forbid.”
He rolled his eyes smiling and shook his head. “Am I to live under a cloud forever for simply being fiscally concerned for my household?”
Seraphina shrugged. “Perhaps. Who can tell what will happen in the future?”
He laughed dryly, giving her an amused look. “Behave yourself wife, or your sister will think that marriage is not worth the trouble.”
Seraphina looked to Tessa, “Pay us no mind,” she said, patting Tessa on the knee, before turning back to Gerard. “In any case, Mr. Larson is nothing like you.”
“Ouch. I sense an insult,” Gerard grinned at her.
“You just sense it? I personally feel that it is quite clear.”
She leaned towards him, her jaw resting on the back of her hand as she looked up at him from beneath her lashes. He gasped, his eyes darkening with desire. They both fell silent, just staring into each other’s eyes.
Tessa loudly cleared her throat, breaking the spell and Seraphina sat back, with a shuddering breath. Gerard gave a cough, adjusting his coat and studiously looking out of the window. Seraphina glanced at Tessa and found her sister smiling widely at them both.
“What amuses you?” she asked.
Tessa shook her head, still smiling. “Nothing. It is a nice night is it not?” she made a production of looking out of the window.
“Yes, it is,” Gerard agreed.
They rode in silence the rest of the way to Jameson house, and as they were dropped off at the front door, they put on their masks. Since the masks only covered their eyes, it was still easy to recognize the people they already knew.
Seraphina waved at Rosalind who was ahead of them in the line, along with her husband. Beside her, Seraphina squealed and did a little skip, waving her fan at a young man looking back at her from the front of the line, who had to be Benjamin. He seemed to be contemplating leaving his place in the line and joining them, but his brother pulled him into the house before he could do it.
Seraphina had a moment of worry about what Gerard might do were he to come face to face with Lord Ruebridge. The whole matter was a storm in a tea cup and she just hoped they would not come to blows over it.
It wasn’t long before they were in the ballroom.
The ball was very well attended which meant there was very little room to move about. Seraphina kept her hand firmly around Gerard’s elbow. Benjamin quickly arrived to sweep Tessa away, and she went with him without a backward glance.
“Fancy meeting you here, old man,” someone said and Seraphina turned quickly to see who it might be.
She recognized the tall, ginger-haired man from her wedding day. The Duke of Ashthorne.
“Dorian,” Gerard said confirming his identity, “I thought you were off to the continent to escape the grasping mamas.”
Dorian laughed. “No, I decided to stay and fend them off. Expecting a large shipment from the East Indies, you see.”
“Ah,” Gerard’s face fell, “I forgot about that.”
Dorian clapped him on the arm. “Cheer up, old man. We shall definitely work something out with Landers. Mark my words.”
Seraphina cleared her throat and Gerard jerked in surprise before turning to gesture to her. “We better. You remember the Duchess.”
Dorian grinned. “Indeed, I do. You look lovelier than I remember. I hope this ne’er-do-well is treating you well?”
Seraphina smiled tentatively. “Oh, he’s trying his best, I suppose. But it takes more than a little effort to keep up with me.”
“Oh!” Dorian’s eyes lit up with delight, “You have a lively one here do you not, Gerard?”
Gerard gave a theatrical sigh. “Indeed, I do. They never warned me.”
Seraphina snorted, and then covered her mouth in mortification, wide eyes looking to Dorian to see his reaction.
“It’s only what you deserve, old boy.” Dorian said breezily, before leaning confidentially towards Seraphina. “Remind you to regale you with a few stories about His Grace from childhood. He was quite the lively one himself.”
Seraphina grinned. “I shall make sure to. Perhaps you can join us for dinner some night, when you’re not busy.”
“I would love to. I haven’t seen my friend in too long.”
“Well then, we shall love to have you.”
“Marvelous as it is that you are both getting along,” Gerard loudly broke in, “I must put my foot down and say there will be no regaling of anyone on pain of having me tell some of your tales, Dorian.”
“Oh pish posh.” Dorian waved a dismissive hand at Gerard. “You are no fun, Irondale.”
“Your definition of fun seems to pertain only to making fun of me,” Gerard said stoutly.
“Of course it does. Isn’t that what friends are for?”
Seraphina could not help but giggle as the two men continued to banter. She realized that this was the most she had ever enjoyed herself at a ball. She didn’t think she could ever attend another one by herself now that she knew how it was like to have a partner.
Rosalind and William came up to her and they had before Seraphina introduced her friends to Gerard and Dorian.
“You remember my husband, the Duke of Irondale and his friend, the Duke of Ashthorne,” she said before turning to gesture at her friends, “and these are my dear friends the Earl and Countess of Portswick.”
“What a pleasure to see you again,” Rosalind said, curtsying at Gerard before turning to his friend, “and Ashthorne as well.”
Dorian took her hand and kissed it. “Always a pleasure, my lady.”
“Oh, you know each other?” Gerard said.
“Yes.” Dorian replied with a smile at Gerard before turning to look at the earl and countess. “William and I have done business together.”
“Oh!” Seraphina delightedly exclaimed, “How serendipitous.”
“Yes indeed.” Dorian smiled at Seraphina. “In any case, it is a small world. I believe I once was at a card table with your father.”
“Oh?” Seraphina said faintly. “I feel I might need to apologize on his behalf.”
Dorian laughed. “Not at all. He was quite an interesting gentleman.” He clapped Gerard on the shoulder, “Though as dour as this one.”
Seraphina was surprised into laughter, realizing that it was true. Gerard glared at Dorian while William and Rosalind looked on in amusement. The talk became more general as they got comfortable in each other’s company.
Seraphina kept one eye on her sister, who was very popular on the ballroom floor. She was concerned when she saw that Benjamin had asked her for not one but two dances. It was practically a declaration.
She hoped Mr. Larson was not playing with Tessa’s heart.
She also spotted Benjamin’s brother across the room deep in conversation with a lady that Seraphina did not recognize.
Good. Let him stay on that side of the room.
As if her thought had summoned him, Lord Ruebridge began to make his way over to them. Seraphina’s shoulders tensed as he came to a stop at her side and bent over her fingers. “Your Grace. How wonderful to see you again!”
Gerard cleared his throat loudly. “I do not believe we’ve met,” he said coldly.
Lord Ruebridge straightened up. “Forgive my rudeness, Your Grace. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Nicholas, Earl of Ruebridge, at your service,” he said with a bow.
“Good evening, Lord Ruebridge,” Gerard replied clenching his jaw. “And how do you come to know my wife?”
Seraphina stared at Gerard, widening her eyes in silent communication. He ignored her, keeping his glare on Nicholas.
“My apologies. Your sister-in-law and my brother are courting, so your wife and I have had occasion to chaperone together.”
Gerard’s brows drew together, and he looked chagrined. “I see. Do they need two chaperones? Are they so ungovernable? I have not known my sister-in-law to be so.”
Seraphina laughed uncomfortably. “My husband is jesting of course,” she said stepping in between Gerard and Nicholas. “But if you don’t mind, I cannot see our errant siblings at the moment. Perhaps you can go and find them?”
Nicholas gave a knowing smile. “Of course. I would be glad to. I shall see you later, perhaps we can have a dance.”
Seraphina widened her eyes at him, unable to believe how he was stoking the flames of Gerard’s ire.
“We shall see.” It was all she could do not to shoo him away.
Thankfully, he turned away of his own volition and walked off.
She noticed that quite a few people were flicking glances their way. She turned back to their group with a feeling of relief and was glad when Dorian immediately took hold of Gerard’s attention.
After a while the men decided to go off for a bit on their own. So, Rosalind took Seraphina by the arm and led her to a quiet corner squealing with excitement.
“Oh, my lands! How did you get your husband to accompany you?”
Seraphina could not help smiling from ear to ear, “ He’s the one who suggested it.” She gave her friend a shy look, “He’s… come around the last few days. We’ve… grown closer.” Her cheeks were heating up as she stared at her friend, willing her to understand without her having to explain further.
Rosalind clapped her hands excitedly. “Oh I’m so delighted for you. You look so much happier. Long may it continue.” She squeezed Seraphina’s hand affectionately.
Seraphina felt a lump in her throat. “Thank you.”
Rosalind pulled her close and they hugged, before Seraphina leaned closer to Rosalind, so that she could whisper in her ear all the salacious details of their union.
She felt as if she might burst if she didn’t tell someone, and Rosalind was the perfect audience—validating Seraphina where she needed it or explaining why Seraphina had felt a certain way during the act.
She was generous with her knowledge, and even gave Seraphina some suggestions for the next time she and Gerard were intimate.
“You are fortunate to have found someone who understands the relationship between pleasure and pain. There is a lot more you can do with that. I shall give you some books when you come by for dinner later this week. Perhaps you can read them with your husband.”
Seraphina covered her open mouth blushing furiously. “Oh I could not. What will he think of me if I show him such a book?”
“But you said he’s already seen some of the books I lent you before. And you have already indulged in some spanking and pinching. So why not more?”
“Do you not think he’ll think me a bit of a hedonist?”
“Well, he’s hardly in a position to judge!”
That made both burst into laughter.
“What’s so funny?” They both jumped as they noticed Peggy hovering close by.
When she saw that they had seen her, she walked closer. “Was that your husband I saw, Seraphina?”
She had to grin widely, perhaps a little triumphantly. “Yes, it was. He came with me.”
“Oh,” Peggy looked pensive, “well, isn’t that nice?”
“It is quite great. The evening has been very enjoyable.”
Peggy looked around. “And where is he now?”
“The card games of course,” Rosalind said.
“Of course.” Peggy gave them a strained smile. “It must be a relief to you that he condescends to join us for an evening of entertainment.”
She squeezed Seraphina’s wrist emphatically, coming close to whisper loudly in her ear, “Honestly, there were some who have wondered aloud whether your marriage was alive. He left so fast after the wedding and has hardly been seen since.”
Seraphina blanched, taken aback that Peggy would say such a thing. “Not that it is any business of theirs,” she said coldly, “but my marriage is fine.”
Peggy snatched her hand back, looking flustered. “Oh, uh of course it is. I meant no disrespect.” She waved her hands, “Well, I should get going. Lots of people to see…” she backed away from them and walked away.
“I do not like that woman,” Rosalind said, “Why do you insist on hanging about with her?”
“I do not. She just seems to be always… there. Tormenting me with how awful marriage can be.”
Rosalind laughed. “I do hope you do not believe her. Marriage can be quite rewarding, as long as you both work at it.”
“I do hope so. I want my marriage to be as happy as yours and William’s.”
“Well, it is not always perfect; don’t be fooled by all the affection,” Rosalind warned.
“I do know that. I’m not completely na?ve.”
“Good. In any case, His Grace’s presence should dispel those ridiculous rumors that were going around.”
Seraphina grinned. “Yes, I do believe that was his primary purpose in coming here.”
“Oh good, for a moment I thought he meant to challenge Lord Ruebridge to a duel at dawn.”
Both women laughed.
“That would have been something to see,” Seraphina said.