Wedded to the Duke of Lust (Dukes of Passion #1) Chapter 16 43%
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Chapter 16


“ G ood morning,” Gerard left a kiss on Seraphina’s cheek before taking his place at the head of the table.

Uncle Erasmus looked from him to his wife, a frown on his face. He took his seat to Gerard’s left, leaving Gerard’s right for Seraphina.

Gerard smiled at his wife who he had left to the attentions of her lady’s maid not an hour ago. “You’re looking well,” he said.

She gave him a shy smile. “Yes, well, Leticia insisted on a hundred brushstrokes to my hair. I feel quite well groomed.”

Gerard laughed.

One of the many things he delighted in nowadays was how very funny his wife was. She had a dry humor to her that was very complementary to his own. It was an unexpected gift.

“You look it.” His eyes fell on her naked neck.

She was wearing a low-necked green gown, and he realized that she did not have much jewelry.

I must correct that.

“The Duke of Ashthorne will stop by today as we have business to discuss. I thought he might stay for dinner, since you very generously put out a general invitation for him. We do not have any engagements tonight, do we?”

She smiled, shaking her head. “We do not. I would be delighted to host your friend to dinner, but that means I shall be busy all day in preparation. We shall not see much of each other.”

He reached out and covered her hand with his, squeezing gently. “I suppose that is a sacrifice we must make,” he said solemnly.

They both laughed. His uncle harrumphed quite loudly startling Gerard who had forgotten he was there.

“Did you need something, Uncle Erasmus?” he asked.

The earl shook his head, a pout on his lips. “I see the lady has bewitched you,” he grumbled.

Gerard frowned, tightening his hold on Seraphina’s hand which had stiffened on Lord Astor’s words. “Uncle, I cannot have you speaking to my wife in such a way. If you cannot keep a civil head on your shoulders, then I will ask you to leave. Now apologize.”

The earl looked up surprise on his face. “Apologize?” he scoffed, “Whatever for? I have said nothing that is not true.”

Gerard glared, jaw clenching. He opened his mouth to make a pronouncement but jerked in surprise as Seraphina covered his hand with hers so that his hand was sandwiched between hers.

“It’s all right, Your Grace. I’m sure your uncle has his reasons for disliking me. I doubt very much that we can change his mind.”

“Whatever he thinks, he knows how to be polite,” Gerard protested.

“Yes well, I think we both know the rudeness is deliberate. Perhaps he wishes to anger me.” She turned to look Lord Astor in the eye. “You won’t. Whatever issue you wish to have with me, I refuse. I refuse to play your game. I played enough games for a lifetime at home, with my father.”

Erasmus blinked at her, looking nonplussed. She held his gaze a moment longer and then turned to Gerard and smiled.

“I think I’m not hungry. I shall just go and confer with the housekeeper about our menu tonight. What time do you expect Dorian?”

Gerard just stared at her, impressed at her fortitude. “He should be arriving at about three. You have plenty of time. Stay please. At least have a cup of tea with me.”

She gave him a smile. “Fine. I’ll stay.”

Dorian took a sip of his tea. “Mmm. This is good.”

Gerard smiled. “Yes, my wife was full of questions about your food preferences. I do believe she wants to impress you.”

Dorian smiled. “You are looking very content. I take it your idiot strategy bore fruit.”

Gerard glared at him. “You did not call it idiotic when it was the night before my wedding.”

Dorian shrugged. “Yes well, you were very nervous at the time. It was no time for levity. And you are a clever man. I knew you’d figure out the flaw in your plan.”

Gerard snorted as he took a seat next to Dorian on the brown leather couch in his office. “You overestimated me. It was pure accident that brought it to my attention.”

Dorian put down his cup and picked up a honey cake, biting into it, chewing and swallowing before he deigned to reply. “The important thing is that you have consummated your marriage and are now ready to muddle through it.”

Gerard sipped his own tea. “Muddle through it is exactly correct. It is quite frightening wanting to live up to someone’s expectations of you. It is almost inevitable that you’ll fail.”

Dorian gave him a sober look. “She’s not your father, Gerard. Don’t borrow trouble before it finds you.”

Gerard sighed. “Speaking of trouble, I’ve been having a bit of an issue with getting an appointment with the exchequer. I fear that my appearing in the gossip rags did not help matters.”

Dorian nodded, chewing thoughtfully on his honey cake. “A conservative man, that one, and given to putting too much stock in what society thinks.”

“What am I to do about it?”

“I think you’ve already done it. Being out at the events this week, having people see you and come to the conclusion that whatever the gossipmongers think, your marriage is solid and thriving… well.” he took another thoughtful bite. “It would be rather ideal for you to announce a pregnancy.”

Gerard hmphed. “Easy. We are barely acquainted as it is.”

Dorian laughed. “In any case, I can speak with him on your behalf. We have a standing game at the club on Saturdays.”

“That would be helpful. Thank you, Dorian.”

His friend clapped him on the back. “It’s my pleasure. Now, let’s get on to other things. Whose silly idea was it to mix business with friendship?”

Gerard grinned. “I believe that was Leo’s.”

“Oh, yes. And then trust him to take off at the first opportunity and leave everything to us.”

Gerard patted him consolingly. “There’s nothing to be done but to get on with it, eh chap?”

Seraphina was very nervous about dinner.

As soon as she was done with overseeing dinner she went upstairs to change. Leticia was waiting, three gowns already lying on the bed for her to choose.

She pointed to the maroon gown. “I will wear that, with my gold ear bobs. We’ll just leave my hair down and hold it back with a plait.”

“Yes, Your Grace,” Leticia said, gesturing for Seraphina to sit down so that the lady’s maid could brush her hair.

She closed her eyes, allowing Leticia to take care of her, as she focused on her breathing. She wanted to be cool and calm for dinner, so that she could put herself out to be a charming and engaging hostess.

This dinner was important because it was the first time that they would be hosting guests in their house together. The guest in question was very important to Gerard, which added an extra layer of pressure for Seraphina.

She descended the stairs and went to the parlor where she found Gerard, Dorian, and Lord Astor having drinks and conversing. They all stood up as she entered the room and bowed to her. She couldn’t help blushing at their attention and wished she had thought to invite her sister so as to balance out the numbers.

“Would you like a drink, Your Grace?” Gerard asked.

“Yes please.” She smiled gratefully at him.

“You have a beautiful home, Your Grace.” Dorian said.

“Oh, please call me Seraphina. We are among friends, are we not?”

“Yes, indeed we are. We are practically family. Please do call me Dorian.”

She inclined her head in acknowledgement, relieved that he was ready to view her as such. “Thank you.”

Gerard brought her drink, and the conversation became general again. Seraphina took a large sip of her port in order to fortify herself. She could feel Lord Astor glaring at her even as the other two men make sure to include her in the conversation.

She shrugged inwardly. There was little she could do about Gerard’s uncle other than endure him.

“You must come to a musicale we shall be throwing from my sister next week Dorian.”

His eyes brightened with interest. “You mean to tell me that Gerard will hold a society event here in his abode?”

Seraphina laughed. “Yes, we shall. Can I count on your support and attendance?”

“Oh, I would not miss it for the world. It is such a pity that our dear friend Leo is on the continent at the moment. Because I know he would feel the same.”

“Oh enough you two,” Gerard jeered, waving a dismissive hand Dorian’s way.

His friend just grinned. “You know it is true. Even in your wild days, you did not enjoy hosting.”

“That is because I did not know how to.” He reached out for Seraphina’s hand. “Luckily, my wife is an expert.”

Lord Astor snorted derisively, making all three of them turn their attention to him.

“Do you have something to say, Uncle?” Gerard challenged.

“Oh no, no. I am fine.” Erasmus lifted his hands in surrender.

Dorian and Seraphina exchanged loaded glances; his glance filled with questions while hers was simply resigned.

Just then, the butler came in to announce that dinner was served, much to Seraphina’s relief. Dorian offered her his hand, and she took it, leading him to the dining hall.

In spite of Lord Astor’s dour presence dinner was delightful. Dorian put himself out to tell hilarious tales of the adventures he and Gerard had gone through as children.

“You might not know this about your husband,” Dorian said to Seraphina, “but he is very good at building things. He got it into his head one day to build a ball. The pigs had just been slaughtered you see, and so there was plenty of skin lying around.”

Gerard groaned covering his face, “Dorian.”

His friend just grinned, “But I must tell this story. Your wife cannot go another day without knowing this about you.”

“Ugh,” Gerard said with resignation, “go on, get it over with then.”

Seraphina laughed. “How bad can this story be?”

Gerard just gestured for Dorian to continue. The latter leaned forward eagerly, his eyes on Seraphina.

“It was in the middle of summer, and everything was steaming. This old chap here got it into his head that instead of letting all the pig skin just lie about, we could make a ball then play some cricket. Now, please note that not a single one of us had any idea how to play cricket. That did not stop your dear husband. He gathered together all these pieces of skin and attempted to sew them together.”

“Did he know how to sew?” Seraphina asked, fascinated.

Dorian laughed. “Can pigs fly?”

Seraphina made an unladylike sound. “Do go on.”

“Well, after he finished sewing leaving a very tiny hole, he stuffed his new ball with pieces of cloth, forcibly jamming them in. He was getting more and more excited as the ball expanded into something fairly round shaped. He continued to stuff it and stuff it. We told him it was quite enough. But he said the ball was not firm enough. So he just continued to put in more and more cloth.”

“What happened next?” Seraphina asked, grinning.

“The entire thing came apart,” Gerard said before Dorian could answer. “It exploded on me, and I was covered in pigskin and pieces of cloth. The explosion was so sharp that it broke my nose, so I was walking around with a swollen red nose for a while and when anyone asked me what had happened, I had to tell them. I was the laughingstock of the village.”

“That is an awful story!” Seraphina reached out and squeezed Gerard’s hand. “I’m glad I wasn’t there, because I might have laughed as well.”

Gerard shook his head, “ Et tu , Seraphina?”

She shrugged. “I’m sorry. But I can just imagine your face with a huge red nose, and the rest of it red faced with embarrassment and anger. And your friends probably making it worse by goading you and asking you what you were thinking.”

She shook her head with a tsk. “Awful…just awful.” She bit her lip so as not to giggle.

Gerard glared at her, while Dorian laughed outright. “Enjoy it now because I will be sure to ask Miss Pennington for some amusing tales of your childhood,” he threatened.

“Oh,” Seraphina said breezily, “she would never tell.”

“We shall see,” Gerard said ominously.

“If Gerard asks you, you do not remember any amusing stories about me,” Seraphina told Tessa the next day when she arrived to plan the musicale.

Tessa looks surprised. “Why would he ask?”

“Never you mind. Just do as I say.”

Tessa gave her a skeptical look, “All right. Now can we turn our attention to this musicale? We barely have a week to plan it.”

“Of course. Let us begin. I always like to start with the stomach, because well fed guests are happy guests. What were you thinking of to serve them?”

“I thought I’d leave that up to you since you’re so good at it,” Tessa said with wide, pleading eyes.

Seraphina smiled. “Of course I’ll be happy to plan a menu.”

Tessa clapped looking extremely pleased. “Now let’s talk about performers. Who shall we invite?”

“Hmmm, well for one, you have to play the pianoforte. You’re ever so good at it and Benjamin will be so impressed.”

Tessa gave her a dewy-eyed gaze. “You think so?”

“I know it.”

Tessa sighed. “You know we have to invite his brother, don’t you?”

Seraphina shook her head. “No, we don’t. It’s not necessary.”

“It is, sister. The earl is his brother. Benji will feel awkward if you leave Nicky out.”

“Nicky? Since when are you on such name terms with him?”

“He asked me to call him that. We are friendly. Please. He has to come.”

“My husband will not be pleased.”

“He’ll be on his best behavior.” She clasped her hands together, “Please?”

Seraphina sighed. “I’ll have to think about it.”

“It’s my musicale for my sake, is it not?” Tessa argued softly.

“Yes, it’s yours but?—”

“Please, sister. I wish him to be my guest,” she insisted gently.

Seraphina raised her hands in surrender. “Fine. He can come. But if there is a kerfuffle with my husband, I’m blaming you.”

Tessa smiled gratefully. “I shall make sure he is on his best behavior.”

Seraphina harrumphed. “Since we’re here, we might as well set the rest of the invite list. I have already asked Gerard’s friend, the Duke of Ashthorne to attend.”

“All right. What about Father?”

Seraphina made a face. “Do you want him there?”

Tessa frowned. “Not really. He’d probably get drunk and do something mortifying.”

“I agree. But we cannot leave him out. He is your guardian, at least for now.”

“What about your friends? Rosalind and Peggy?”

“Rosalind is my friend; she and her husband would be welcome additions…and I suppose Peggy would expect an invitation…” she sighed. “Fine, I guess I can invite her too.”

Tessa grinned. “It’s just that I don’t know many people.”

“Yes, I understand. We’re not having a large gathering however, so it should be fine. Have you thought of what singers you wish to invite?”

“A small orchestra would be lovely.”

Seraphina thought fleetingly of what Gerard might say about that.

But he agreed to this knowing it would entail hiring musicians.

“We could perhaps employ a band from Drury Lane,” Tessa said excitedly. “Perhaps a puppet show…”

Seraphina could see that Tessa was getting carried away.

“We shall have to see.”

“Oh, of course we need to find out how much they would charge for their services.”

“Yes, we would,” Seraphina said, relieved that Tessa understood that.

“We would be the talk of the town if we hired a troupe!” she continued, her eyes shining with excitement.

“We would indeed,” Seraphina said quietly. She would have liked nothing more than to give Tessa what she wanted.

I’ll have a talk with Gerard.

“Puppet show? Really?” Gerard asked in disbelief as they got ready for bed.

“She was so excited about the prospect,” Seraphina said pleadingly.

Gerard huffed. “I suppose…we could find out.”

Seraphina ran up to him and jumped into his arms, hugging him tight. “Oh, thank you.”

He patted her gently on the back. “You’re welcome.”

Lifting her head from his shoulder, she looked into his eyes. “You should know that she’s determined to invite Lord Ruebridge.”

He frowned. “And why would she want that?”

“Because she’s smitten with his brother.”

He narrowed his eyes at her. “And you? Why plead his case?”

“I’m not pleading his case. I’m pleading hers. She wants his brother there and doesn’t want to make him choose. Surely you can understand that?”

He hmphed. “I can understand it; I don’t have to like it.”

Her eyes dropped to his mouth. “How can I make it up to you?”

His eyes darkened with desire. “How do you propose to do that?”

She reached up, buried her head in his neck and suckled the bruise into his skin. He gave a long moan before cupping her bottom and carrying her over to the bed, throwing her down upon it.

She bounced twice before going still, looking up at him expectantly.

“Turn around,” he ordered.

She did as he asked and he took a silk cravat, picked up her left hand and stretched it until it was parallel with the headboard. He tied her hand and then did the same to her other with another piece of fabric.

She lay before him helpless, and he looked her over with satisfaction.

She was wearing just a cotton nightdress; her head lay on the pillow, brown hair billowing outwards like a halo. She moved her eyes trying to see him, but he stood at the bottom of the bed, out of sight.

“I have one more thing for you, darling wife,” he said as he walked over to his wardrobe and plucked another silk cravat from it.

“What is it?” she asked, her voice laced with excitement.

Gerard crawled back on the bed and hovered behind her.

“Do you trust me?” he whispered in her ear.

Seraphina gasped, and he noticed the hairs at the back of her neck stand, which sent a hot shiver down his spine.

“Y-yes,” she stammered, though he knew it was not with hesitation.

“Close your eyes then,” he said and tilted his head to the side.


“Are you going to be a good girl, or not?”

And she snapped her mouth shut at that. God, how he loved it when she obeyed.

“That’s my good girl,” he said as she closed her eyes and trailed his tongue down her neck.

Then, he wrapped the cravat over her eyes like a blindfold and tying it just so; not too tightly it’d be uncomfortable, but not too loosely either, as he did not want anything to peek through.

Seraphina let out a quiet exhale and his manhood twitched. Goodness, even the smallest of sounds she made drove him wild.

He was going to have a lot of fun with her.

There was only darkness.

Despite that, Seraphina could feel everything else; the coolness of the silk against both her wrists and her face, the sinking of the mattress under her knees and calves—above all, she could hear Gerard’s breathing, how slow and almost purposeful it was.

“I love seeing you this way. Completely at my mercy,” he said from behind her.

Her breath hitched and she licked her lips, not knowing whether to beg for clemency or present herself to him.

The truth was, she was at his mercy, and she reveled in it.

He reached down and pushed her night gown up, so it fell at her waist, exposing her naked buttocks.

Just as he let out a low growl, Seraphina’s insides clenched, begging for his touch.

“So wet for me already,” he said under his breath.

She gasped as he gently stroked down her thigh, the wetness between them pooling.

“Gerard…” she breathed out, unable to contain herself.

She needed more, she needed him .

“What is it?” he responded, his voice dark and laced with lust.

“Please…” she begged, aching for his fingers to reach her most sensitive spot.

“Oh no, my dear. You were making it up to me, remember?” he said.


A whimper slipped out her mouth as his fingers gently caressed her folds, a jolt of pleasure jerking right through her.

“Mmhmm. That’s it. I want to see you dripping wet for me,” Gerard said, and it only enhanced the delicious sensations his hand was evoking.

Still, she wanted more; she wanted his finger inside her—better yet, him inside her.

“Gerard, please…” she begged again, pressing herself against his hand to get even more friction.

Her husband chuckled, “Oh, how I love seeing you squirm, my pretty. Beg some more.”


“Again,” he ordered, his fingers grazing her entrance ever so gently.

“Please, husband…” her mind swirled, all her being focused on that single part of hers that begged to be filled.

“Please what? What do you want?” he asked, so steadily that it angered her.

She was aching with need, and he loved it. She knew he did. But surely, his own patience would grow thin.

“I want it. All of it.”

He grunted in satisfaction, “Say it.”

“I want you inside of me,” she said and pushed herself as far back as she could, feeling the edge of his hardness against her.

Gerard cursed under his breath, and he spanked her hard, “You little minx. Is that what you want?”

“Yes,” she said and the sting as his hand made contact with her cheek again made her jump and squirm, whimpering helplessly.

“Please, Gerard,” she moaned, her body desperate to be satiated.

Gerard rubbed the spot he’d stricken and with his other hand, he gripped her waist, squeezing roughly.

Just as he pulled her closer, she felt his manhood, hard as steel, right against her naked flesh. Gerard pressed harder, knowing it’d drive her insane.

And it did.

“So desperate, my little wife…” he muttered, and his hand ran up her back and wrapped around her throat.

Swiftly, he pulled her up and brought his lips on hers, sucking and nibbling at her them while he ground against her.

There was nothing in this world but him, his touch, his hands, his lips… And goodness, she wanted to be lost in it.

Suddenly, he released her and pushed her head down the bed. She was about to let out a cry of protest but bit her lip when she heard the sound of ruffling.

He was finally undressing.

“You’ve been such a good girl, my sweet. I should give you your reward now,” he whispered, and gripped her waist again.

Then, she felt his member rubbing hard against her nether folds, teasing her entrance as he coated himself with the proof of her arousal.

“Please,” she mumbled one last time, and finally, he plunged himself inside her with a long thrust.

She cried out, arching her back and lifting her hips.

“Good girl. You take your husband so well,” he grunted, his girth filling her up with each stroke.

Seraphina kept whimpering, the pleasure building so quickly inside her that she thought she’d collapse. He had teased her so much that she was already shaking with ecstasy.

And when Gerard tucked his hand over her stomach from underneath and found her sensitive bud, rubbing it with the same rhythm of his thrusting, it instantly pushed her over the edge.

“Yes, darling, squeeze me. That’s it,” he said in her ear as her pleasure heightened.

Once she reached the peak, she cried out, her legs shaking, overwhelmed by her thunderous climax.

“Yes. Good girl,” Gerard said, and started pounding into her roughly.

Even though she’d just had an orgasm, pleasure kept ripping through her as he pushed himself inside her again and again, and she felt Gerard’s manhood throb inside her, which only added to the dizzying bliss.

Soon, Gerard dug his fingers deep into her waist, his breaths becoming shallower and quicker, and at last, he found his release with a hoarse growl, spilling himself inside her. His member twitched and throbbed, sending jolts and shivers all over her body, her heart still beating as hard and as fast as he’d claimed her.

After he pulled out, Gerard stroked her backside and even spread her cheeks apart.

“You did so well for me, wife,” she heard him say breathlessly.

Then, he kissed both her rear cheeks, and slowly dragged his tongue down her folds.

“You’re so delicious after you’ve been thoroughly ravished,” he said, and she felt him move away.

Slowly, he untied the bindings around her hands and guided her down the bed. Once they were lying down together, he took off the cravat from her eyes.

Seraphina blinked, adjusting her vision.

Gerard was there, lying on his side, a lazy smile curving his lips.

“There you are,” she said softly, and he chuckled.

He planted a soft kiss on her lips, “You were incredible.”

“I was going to say the same about you.”

He chuckled again and pulled her into his arms, his hand slowly stroking her arm.

Oh, how she adored married life.

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