S eraphina could feel her cheeks heating as she relived the events of the night before.
Her body tingled everywhere, and it was all she could do to look Tessa in the eye.
They were on the way to a poetry reading at the Marchioness of Tenwhestle’s townhouse.
Tessa spent the time speculating on whether Benjamin would be there.
Suddenly, Seraphina had a thought and leaned forward, “Can we stop on Jermyn Street please?” she called to the coachman.
He immediately changed direction and Seraphina sat back to find Tessa, eyeing her curiously.
“What is it?” she asked.
“Well, since that Love Potion is working so well for you, I thought I’d buy myself a bottle,” she said.
Tessa laughed. “You know it’s not really a love potion, don’t you?”
“Of course I do. I don’t believe in witchcraft. But its effectiveness cannot be denied.”
“Well then, let us get some.”
They stepped into the shop, encountering the very same sales assistant, who was happy to provide them with another bottle.
Seraphina decided she might as well apply some right away.
When they arrived at the Tenwhestle’s residence, they found Benjamin Larson loitering outside.
His eyes lit up as soon as he caught sight of their carriage.
“Benji!” Tessa exclaimed as he helped her from the carriage. “Were you waiting for us?”
“I was indeed,” he said sheepishly. “My brother thinks I am overeager, but I do not care. The only reason I came here is for you.”
Tessa blushed prettily looking pleased.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Larson,” Seraphina said just to remind him that she was there as she stepped down from the carriage, unassisted.
He turned to her and bowed low. “Your Grace.”
Seraphina grinned. “Now shall we go inside?”
She followed the lovestruck couple into the townhouse.
Several guests milled around, and Seraphina packed up as soon as she saw Rosalind across the room.
Perhaps this will not be as much of a bore as I thought it would.
On the day of the musicale, Seraphina woke up thinking about her father. Of all the guests they were expecting, he would be the most challenging to manage. She just hoped that he would show up sober. She did not want anything to spoil Tessa’s event, certainly not their own father.
She had fallen asleep in Gerard’s bed, and so she hurried to her room to prepare for the day. A steaming tub was waiting for her in addition to a very patient Leticia. Her lady’s maid diligently scrubbed her down, and washed her hair, before brushing it dry.
There was much she had to do before she could get dressed, and so Leticia had chosen a simple morning gown for her to wear as she went about her business.
When she stepped into the kitchen, it was bustling with life. Mrs. Anderson was yelling orders to her army of minions, in an effort to get everything ready on time.
“Is everything running smoothly?” Seraphina asked her housekeeper.
“Everything is fine, Your Grace, don’t you worry,” Mrs. Anderson assured her.
Seraphina nodded to her and left her to her devices, before going to check how the cleaning and arranging of the ballroom was going.
The maids were hard at work, making the place shine and having seen that everything was proceeding according to plan Seraphina was able to go and have her breakfast.
She found Gerard lounging at the head of the table, a newspaper in hand.
“Good morning,” she murmured sweetly.
He put the newspaper aside and gestured to her, “Come here,” he demanded.
She went to him, coming to a stop beside his chair. He circled an arm around her waist and pulled her closer.
“You left my bed this morning without so much as a by your leave,” he growled.
“Forgive me, husband. I was anxious about today’s function. I needed to see that everything was proceeding as planned.”
“I see. However, that does not excuse your behavior today. I am afraid I shall have to punish you.”
Seraphina’s eyes widened. “H-how, Your Grace?”
“Your business is not to question. It is simply to obey.”
Seraphina’s heart fluttered. “Yes, Your Grace.”
He squeezed her bottom hard. “Good. You may have a seat.”
Seraphina quietly took her seat by his side, all the little anxieties about the day gone from her mind. Now all she could think of was what Gerard meant by his words.
She had to admit, if only in the privacy of her own mind, that the thought of getting spanked again was exciting.
A serving girl appeared by her side pouring a cup of tea for her, and Seraphina resolutely put Gerard’s words out of her mind.
The hours flew by, and soon it was time for the guests to arrive.
Tessa arrived first along with their father. Seraphina was relieved to see that Lord Northwick seemed sober. She was even more relieved when Gerard led him to the study as they conversed in low tones.
She would have liked to hear what they were saying, but she was busy reassuring her sister that everything was ready.
“What of the performers? Have they arrived yet?” Tessa asked anxiously.
Seraphina hesitated a moment, and immediately she could see Tessa’s eyes widen with alarm.
She grabbed her sister’s arm squeezing reassuringly. “They are not here yet, but there’s still time. I have sent a coach for them. They will be here,” she told her soothingly.
Tessa nodded, rubbing her hands together anxiously. “I just want everything to go well.”
“And they will.” Seraphina rubbed Tessa’s arm, as if she were a spooked horse which just needed calming.
Gently she propelled her to the ballroom, to show her what they had done with the space.
“You see. It is just as you wanted it.”
Tessa lit up as she looked around at the wooden chairs arranged in a semicircle in the middle of the room facing a stage upon which several musical instruments waited. She walked up the dais and sat down at the piano, placing her fingers on the keys.
She played a merry little tune before stopping and turning towards Seraphina.
“What if I forget how to play?” she asked with a frown.
“You won’t, don’t be silly. It will be wonderful; everybody will love your playing, especially a certain gentleman.”
Tessa smiled shyly, “I think he already does,” she said softly, “he hasn’t said so to me, but the way he looked at me…” she sighed dreamily, her eyes sparkling with joy.
“I’m glad for you,” Seraphina said and was surprised by a spark of melancholy.
To have a marriage begin from a love match was truly a blessing.
Before she could ruminate further about it, the doorbell rang. Their first guests were here.
Much as he knew he was being ridiculous, Gerard did not like that Lord Ruebridge was sauntering about in his house, casting lustful glances at Seraphina when he thought nobody was looking.
Even though his wife chose to ignore it, Gerard could see quite clearly that the earl had inappropriate feelings towards her.
“If you are trying to kill him with your glare, I am afraid it is not working,” Dorian whispered in his ear, his voice laced with amusement.
“If only I could,” Gerard murmured, mostly to himself.
“Surely you cannot feel threatened by that peacock?” Dorian said in disbelief.
“Of course I’m not threatened. That doesn’t mean I can’t be annoyed by the audacity of him, flirting with my wife right in front of me. Anyone would be irked.”
Dorian laughed quietly, “If you say so.”
“What are we conspiring about?” a new voice said, and they both turned to see William grinning at them.
“No one is conspiring,” Dorian said, “at least not yet. We may be called upon to bury a body sooner or later.”
“Oh, count me in. As long as I don’t have to dig; I have quite the bad back,” William said.
Just then the bell rang signaling the beginning of the performance and they hastened to take their seats.
Gerard had left north Lord Northwick in the study with a plate of hors de oeuvres, as he had no interest in the music. He’d also made sure to clear off every bottle of expensive brandy or alcohol he stashed in there, as Northwick’s inebriated scenes were unnecessary tonight.
Seraphina took her place at the front of the room, a warm smile on her face as she prepared to address the guests. Her gaze swept over the crowd, making sure everyone was settled before she began.
“Good evening, everyone,” she said, her voice clear and welcoming. “Thank you all for joining us tonight. We have a delightful evening planned for you. To start, my sister, Miss Tessa Pennington, will perform a piece of music she has composed herself. Following her performance, we will move to the tables on the side for dinner, accompanied by the Drury Lane orchestra and dance troupe. To conclude the evening, the beautiful Madame Magnolia will grace us with an operatic chorus.”
She gave a graceful curtsy as the room erupted into applause.
With a nod toward the stage, she gestured for Tessa to take her place and begin the performance, mouthing a ‘good luck’ to her sister, and finally sat down beside her husband.