What A Witch Claims Chapter 3 36%
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Chapter 3

Saturday, on the mountain

Ticia hadn't known what to expect when she'd asked to see Ferdie’s garden, but it wasn’t this magnificent feat of landscaping.

Covering a huge side of a gently sloping hillside, the garden was a feast for the eyes. Five terraces had been cut into the hill; on each terrace were swathes of flowers. Among the masses of colorful blooms were raised vegetable beds and rows of berry bushes and fruit trees. Who knew a troll would be into permaculture? The place was abuzz with pollinators and birds. But the biggest surprise was the greenhouse situated in the middle of the top terrace and surrounded by even more beautiful flowers.

“Blessed Goddess, Ferdie.” She turned toward him. “This is amazing. That’s a Hartley greenhouse, isn't it?"

He nodded, a wide smile on his face.

"As for the gardens, well, I’m gobsmacked. This is a gardener’s paradise.”

“Thanks.” His face bloomed an adorable shade of pink that vied with the David Austin rose trees flanking the greenhouse doorway. “I didn’t do it all on my own. Sheila helped a lot with the layout. I just sort of care for it.”

He was being modest. She could sense the emotional investment and earth magic that had gone into this wondrous place, and they had come from him.

On the first terraced level, Ticia strolled down a pea gravel path inlaid with slabs of flagstone. “Will you show me around? I want to see everything.”

Accompanying them, Fee found a patch of sunshine and stretched out. I'll just take a nap. Then maybe chase a rodent or two or three. Yell, if you need me to help the love match along.

We're not discussing that.

You keep thinking that, my witch.

For the next hour, Ferdie led her up and down paths as they worked their way to the top terrace. Every path, every corner, held amazing bounty and gorgeous flowers. Ticia had been impressed with his composting bins tucked away at the back of one of the terraces and the way he collected rainwater on each level to hydrate the plants when Nature didn’t.

As Ferdie pointed out native pollinating plants and ripening crops and spoke of succession planting, she came to realize the troll was very intelligent. He was more than an avid gardener; he had a horticulturist’s knowledge.

“Herne’s horny bal—um, tail,” Ferdie exclaimed as he pulled a pernicious weed from amongst a bed of spinach. “Sorry, I didn't mean to swear. Well, yes, I did, but I shouldn't. Um, anyway, I just weeded this bed and hate it when I miss one.”

Ticia smiled. “Don't worry about swearing. I totally understand.” And she did, because she was also a perfectionist. Another thing they had in common besides the love of gardening and cooking. It was getting harder and harder to ignore the increasingly strong connection between them, but she wasn't ready. It hadn't been all that long ago she'd fled Paris and a male who'd betrayed her trust and harmed her.

Ferdie is not that rat-bastard human , Fee weighed in.

No, he wasn't.

When they finally reached the greenhouse terrace, it was the icing on a perfect garden tour cake. At the top step, she looked back over the five levels which had led here and saw patterns that had not been discernible as she'd followed Ferdie on the paths. The gardens had not only been laid out to be pleasing to the eye, but also to take advantage of the sun and shade depending on what was being grown.


She turned at Ferdie's questioning tone. “Sorry. Just taking in the magnificent view. You should be very proud of what you've accomplished here. You've created a beautiful garden that also can feed the people of Assjacket.”

"Thank you. That was always a part of the plan," he replied.

She'd love to feature the garden on her YouTube Channel and maybe do some cooking videos using some of the produce harvested from it. The greenhouse would be the perfect backdrop for the demos. Her followers would love it. Would Ferdie be open to it? It was something to think about.

Ferdie opened the door to the greenhouse and waved her in. “Ladies, first.”

“Thank you, Fer— Oh, how wonderful.” She stepped farther inside and then just turned in a circle. Lush tropical trees and plants were mixed in with tables bearing seedling trays with summer crops. “This is the cherry on top of the tour.”

She gently touched a loaded lime tree. Next to it was a mango tree. There were terra cotta pots containing all kinds of hot peppers that could be moved outside once the weather warmed up. “This is a cook’s dream.”

“Isn’t it?” Jeeves hopped out from behind a lemon tree with a bowl full of bright yellow fruit. “Ferdie has a green thumb. Sheila told me he has an encyclopedic knowledge of what to grow with what. All his plants don't just grow, they thrive.” The pleasant kangaroo Shifter added in a mock whisper, "I’ve seen him talk to a sickly-looking plant, and it gets better overnight. He’s a plant whisperer.”

Ferdie snorted. “No, I’m not. My mother taught me a few things, and I just apply her lessons.”

Ticia sensed there was more to it than lessons from his mother. His magic was unusual for a troll, it was more that of a creator witch.

Jeeves grinned at Ferdie. “He’s modest. Sheila is jealous of his talent, and she’s no slouch at growing things. Ferdie is also generous, even though all of this is on his property, he shares his treasures with me and the other locals.”

“Hey, you and the others come and help me maintain the gardens,” Ferdie said. “It’s a fair trade. Oh, and the fact that Jeeves stocks my freezer with goodies he creates with produce from the garden is a plus. I can cook, but Jeeves is an artist in the kitchen.”

Jeeves beamed at the compliment, which he absolutely deserved. Ticia had eaten his cooking one evening when he dropped in to cook a special meal at the diner and knew the kangaroo Shifter was cordon bleu caliber. Ferdie’s home-style cooking which she'd sampled at the barbecue was also excellent.

“May I get in on this garden exchange? I’d also be happy to help tend the gardens and stock your freezer, Ferdie.”

“Take her up on it, buddy. I tasted some clam chowder she made for Baba Yaga and Fabio. It was fabulous.” Jeeves turned to Ticia. “You should join our cooking club. We meet once a month at the diner and try out different recipes using the produce and game found in the valley. Then we sample each other's dishes.”

“I’d love to join the cooking club. If that’s all right with Ferdie and the others.”

“You’re more than welcome," said Ferdie. "We have all levels of cooking expertise. Some of the members merely do charcuterie trays or simple dishes, but it’s all good. In fact, would you be willing to do a demo?”

“Sure. That sounds great,” said Ticia. “Plus, it will allow me to meet more of my neighbors. I’ve been something of a recluse since I moved here.”

Jeeves nodded. “Sassy heard all about that from Zelda …”

Ticia inhaled audibly. What had he heard?

“Oops, sorry. I forgot we’re not to mention why you moved here. Forgive me.”

The poor guy had turned beet red. Ferdie looked more than concerned. His aura read he was afraid for her. Why would he be worried about her? So much so that she could feel his aura reach out to surround her in some sort of protective field which was withdrawn almost as quickly as it had come.

Need I spell it out? Fee padded into the greenhouse and twined her way around Ticia's ankles. You're mating. I can smell it.

No, we're friends. Working on being BFFs. Ticia glared at her cat. We're not talking about the M-thing now.

Denial is a sad thing . Fee meowed.

The kitty speaks the truth. And hate to tell you, denying it won't make it go away and the connection will only get stronger, an unfamiliar feminine voice whispered through her mind, followed by a gleeful laugh.

Well, she knew that, now, didn't she? She wasn't dumb. She could feel the bonds. She. Was. Just. Not. Ready.

Turning to Jeeves, she said, “Don’t worry, Jeeves. I need to acclimate a bit more before I share my background. Yesterday was the first time I'd met a lot of the locals. For now, I'm looking forward to meeting more people like you and Ferdie and making what I hope are new friends.”

“I’m happy to be your friend, Ticia,” Jeeves said, a sweet smile on his face. “And Ferdie will be your friend, too. Right?”

“I’d be honored to be considered your friend, Ticia." Ferdie’s words were imbued with sincerity, underlaid by power unlike any Ticia had ever felt.

"Thank you." She was very much afraid that she might not be able to deny the connection between them much longer. But she was sure going to try. She could not afford to make a mistake in a relationship this time.

Because this time would be forever.

Even with downplaying the magical draw between her and Ferdie, Ticia felt a sense of belonging here. Had there ever been a time she'd felt this way before?

After her parents died, she'd chosen to isolate herself among humans. It had taken until this very moment to realize that she'd cut off a part of herself that was essential to her soul. Being back among her kind—witches; Shifters; one cute, intelligent troll; carb-eating fairies; and other magic folk she hadn’t even met yet—was as if she'd been reborn. Thank the Goddess, she’d accepted Baba Yaga’s invitation to live in Assjacket.

Wasn’t just Baba Yaga, toots. I had a hand in it. Move off the dime—and do it soon.

Whose voice was that in her head? And why did she have to make this important decision quickly?

Ticia shook it off. She’d think about it later.

Fee snorted. Typical . With a huff, her cat went back to sleep on Ticia's feet.

“When is the next cooking club meeting? And is there a theme for the session?” she asked Ferdie and Jeeves who were examining the lemons Jeeves had picked.

“Tomorrow evening,” Ferdie said. “Wanda closes the diner on Sunday since it's open the rest of the week from breakfast through late-night dining.”

“The theme is French-inspired foods," Jeeves said. "I picked some herbs for a cassoulet. Once the demos are completed, we eat. That's the best part.”

“We also drink,” Ferdie added. “Lots of wine. Some of the members feel that is the best part.” He chuckled.

Ferdie’s laugh hit her hard, so hard she knew in that instant she'd never be the same again and that the soon the anonymous voice in her head mentioned was unavoidable and coming at her faster than she'd like. The power of the bond between her and Ferdie stole her breath.

Forcing herself to breathe calmly, she placed a hand over her now-racing heart as his laughter filled her mind and soul with joy and his aura reached out to surround her with his strength—and love.

In the short time since they'd met, she and Ferdie were already so connected that denying the bond for much longer was going to hurt them both.

I'm happy to see you aren’t as clueless as the fairy said. The Wheel has turned, toots. It's now your turn to face your future with a one-of-a-kind-so-homely-he’s-cute troll with hidden depths. Take a bit of time if you must. Enjoy the ride. But my advice? Don't take too long. The Wheel gets damn finicky if you drag things out.

Ticia spotted movement in the far corner of the greenhouse. A tall, dark-skinned woman with rainbow-colored hair down to her waist and dressed in camo and military style boots stepped out from behind an orange tree. The woman picked an orange then waved at her before vanishing in a cloud of butterflies.

Ticia realized she'd just seen Fate.


Sunday evening cooking club at the Diner

Ferdie was looking forward to Ticia's demonstration. He didn't know what she'd planned on making, only knew that she'd asked if she could "shop" his garden and greenhouse and in return she'd come and help weed the following week.

His response had been "of course" and "you don't have to do that." But she'd insisted. He'd make damn sure he'd be present while she worked, not because he was concerned she wouldn't know a weed from a flower or vegetable, but because being near her made his heart sing and filled him with a joy he'd never known.

Did he make her feel the same way? If she were aware of the bonds between them, she hadn't indicated it to him in any way. At least, she'd accepted him as a friend.

"Attention, everyone," Ferdie said. "It's time for the last demo of the evening. I'd like to introduce you to a new member, Ticia MacFebal. Ticia, the floor is now yours."

"Thank you, Ferdie. Hello, everyone." Ticia's smiling gaze swept the room. "Some of you I have met, but for those who haven't met me before, please call me Ticia. I recently moved to Assjacket Valley at the invitation of Baba Yaga."

A voice from the back of the room said, "Hasn't everybody?"

The crowd laughed in agreement.

"I've heard that mentioned." Ticia laughed. "Ferdie and Jeeves were kind enough to invite me to join the cooking club. I'm looking forward to tasting the dishes that the previous presenters have made. The diner smells wonderful, don't you all agree?"

A chorus of "yeahs" were the response and one of the fairies yelled, "What are you making, Ticia?"

"Dessert souffle, three different flavors, which should perfectly complement the previous dishes demonstrated."

The club members oohed . The fairies jumped up and down in excitement, chattering away in rapid French.

"The souffles should be done in time to be enjoyed after we sample all the other presenters' dishes." Ticia looked at him. "Ferdie, would you please bring up the box of ingredients I brought?"

Ferdie went to the back of the room and picked up the box. Bringing it to the table set up for demos, he set it down and was about to move away when Ticia touched his arm. "Don't go, Ferdie. I could use your help."

Her touch was electric, and predictably, his body tightened. Each time he was in her presence, the connection between them grew stronger. More potent. More charged. Thank Herne's hairy balls, he had left his chef's apron on after his demo, because his unruly cock had a mind of its own.

"What do you need me to do?" Ferdie would do anything she wanted. Just being near her made him happy.

"After I demonstrate my egg-cracking technique, would you help by cracking eggs and separate the yolks from the whites, please? I'm going to make several souffles since we have such a large crowd, and some noted sweet lovers here tonight." Ticia glanced at the fairies who giggled.

The club members groaned. Some covered their ears.

"Ticia, please don't make them laugh again," Hisi, one of the pack rat Shifters, begged. "My ears and nerves can't handle it."

A chorus of agreement echoed around the room.

"We're sorry," one of the fairies said. "But we're so happy that the Anonymous Chef is making us a souffle. We follow her on YouTube."

Ticia looked shocked.

Ferdie was floored. His mate was the up-and-coming sensation on social media in the cooking genre? "You're really the Anonymous Chef?"

Ticia nodded. "Yes. It's not actually a secret. I just hadn't gotten around to sharing it with many people in the valley yet. Baba Yaga knows. As does Zelda. I actually didn't realize anyone would associate me with my social media presence since I don't show my face."

"It's your voice," the fairy said. "We fairies are very attuned to sounds and can identify people by their voices even if they disguise them. Sorry, I outed you."

"That's okay. It would've come out eventually. I do the videos from my home here. Actually," she turned to look at him, "I had planned to ask you, Ferdie, if I could do a show from your gorgeous greenhouse and maybe even do a tour of the gardens for my followers."

"Of course you can." Ferdie was pleased she admired his gardens. He just hoped he wouldn't have to speak on camera. Not because he wished to remain anonymous, but because he wasn't the most handsome male in the world. "I'd be honored especially since I'm one of your followers and never miss a video or post. You even gave me some help one time on a recipe I was working on for watercress soup. I also own all your cookbooks."

"Oh, Ferdie, I remember that question. You always make such nice comments on the feed. How did the mint work out for you in your cold watercress soup?" she asked.

"It was amazing. I prepared it for one of our club meetings. Everyone loved it."

A rumbling of affirmatives came from the members but for one of the predatory Shifters mumbling, "It was okay. Needed protein."

Ferdie glared at the wolf, who smirked. "Wasn't the leg of lamb Jeeves made to go with my soup starter enough protein for you, Wally?"

"There's never enough protein," Wally retorted. "Some of us need more than most."

"Well, Wally—is it all right if I call you that?" Ticia asked sweetly.

"You can call me anything you want, sweetcakes." The wolf Shifter had a lusty gleam in his eye.

Ferdie growled and the room went silent. Wally lowered his head and shrank down in his seat.

"Ferdie? Is there a problem?" Ticia looked around as if she expected to see trouble about to erupt.

"Nope." He couldn't help it; his tone was still a bit rough.

Ticia rubbed his arm in a soothing motion and amazingly his territorial reaction to Wally's implied challenge evaporated as quickly as it had come on. Her magic had calmed him.

"Okay, Wally," Ticia turned from Ferdie to look at the wolf Shifter, "protein has its place, and, yes, you can always add it to starters such as soup. But Ferdie's recipe called for more delicacy. Cold watercress soup has a spring-like freshness to gently awaken the taste buds for what I'm sure was a perfectly prepared leg of lamb by Jeeves. When autumn and winter come round, then we can talk about heavier-on-protein soups."

Wally nodded. "Sounds good."

Ticia had handled Wally perfectly, much better than if Ferdie had beat the crap out of him for leering at her. If she hadn't already been his preordained mate, Ferdie would've fallen in love with her right then and there. She'd defended his soup and put Wally in his place in a gentle, but definitive way.

"Okay, let's get the souffles put together. As I mentioned I am doing three—one is lemon with fresh lemons from Ferdie's greenhouse. The second is strawberry with spring berries from Ferdie's extensive gardens, and I'm sure you all know what a wonderful gardener he is." The audience nodded. "And the final one will be a chocolate souffle, for which I'll be using Belgian milk chocolate, which I consider the finest in the world." She turned to Ferdie. "Ready to separate eggs? It sounds as if you've watched enough of my videos to already know my technique."

"Yes, Ticia." Ferdie reached into the box and brought out the cartons of eggs. He separated the yolks and whites as Ticia talked through the process for the benefit of the club members.

"Excellent job," Ticia said. She rubbed her shoulder against his and whispered, "We make a good team."

Ferdie's heart filled with joy at her words. A team was a partnership in a way, right?

"Would you stay and pass me the ingredients as I ask for them?"she asked.

"Glad to." Ferdie's gaze swept the room and noted that several of the witches, ones that were excellent aura readers, were watching him and Ticia carefully. All of the Shifters probably could smell the mating pheromones. He mentally groaned. Later, while everyone was sampling the food, he'd have to make sure that no one would mention the mating bond to Ticia. If they gave their word, they'd keep it. Mating was considered sacrosanct among the preternaturals, and if the couple mating wasn't ready to acknowledge it, then it was the couple's business.

Unfortunately, his physical reaction to Ticia was highly noticeable. So, he wouldn't take his apron off even after the demo was over. He would also be sure to wear baggy shorts and pants when she was near, because his cock had a mind of its own.

Luckily, Ticia seemed not to notice.


Ticia sat with Jeeves and his mate Sassy. Ferdie had gone off to speak to some of the others who were present.

She sighed and patted her stomach. To say she was stuffed was minimizing the point. She couldn't eat another bite. All the food had been delicious; some of the dishes had been highly creative, and she intended to ask the members if they'd like to be featured on her videos and share their recipes with her followers.

Happily, her souffles had been a hit. She'd spotted the fairies licking the souffle dishes clean.

Jeeves stood, then kissed Sassy on the head and whispered, "Behave." Then he walked over to talk to Wanda, the owner of the diner.

Checking for Ferdie, Ticia spotted him conversing with members at yet another table. He'd been making his way from table to table, and the conversations had been animated with the males slapping him on the back.

Without even thinking about it, she touched his aura then sighed with relief. His mood was so much better than earlier when Wally had trolled him on no protein. She'd been concerned when after the souffles were in the oven, Ferdie had taken the protein-loving Wally outside. She'd almost gone outside to check on them when they both came back inside, blood-free and seemingly on good terms.

Sassy leaned over and in a low tone said, "I know Jeeves told me to mind my own business, but I consider this my business. Jeeves and I are very fond of Ferdie. Don't hurt him."

"Why does everyone think I would hurt Ferdie? I like him. He's my friend."

"Friend?" Sassy giggled. "Don't you realize what's happening? Everyone here does. Why do you think Ferdie is going around and telling people not to mention the pheromones pouring off both of you and your auras merging?"

Blessed Goddess, she'd been so busy being in denial initially she'd forgotten she was living in a place where everyone would know .

"Well, hell." Ticia looked at Sassy. "I know what's happening, believe me. It was like getting hit by a tsunami. But I'm just not prepared for this."

Sassy gave her a sympathetic look. "Honey, I'd say you'd better get ready and fast. 'Cause it's happening."

Yeah, she'd heard that before. And probably would hear it again before everything was resolved.

Her emotions were all over the place between anxiety, excitement, and, yes, even some fear. Her heart recognized that Ferdie wasn't the human who'd hurt her, but the memory of the physical pain she'd endured was still too close and she wasn't sure how to move past it.

The bond between them was tightening. The pressure to find resolution was building from within and without. She felt as if she was walking a balance beam during an earthquake, and the only thing she was sure of was that Ferdie would catch her if she fell off the plank.

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