What A Witch Claims Chapter 4 45%
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Chapter 4

One week later

It was a perfect spring day. The sun was warm on Ferdie's shoulders and a light breeze tossed his hair and dried the light sweat he'd worked up as he pruned shrubs and bushes. Ticia was cleaning up a bed to get it ready to plant out the tomato and hot pepper seedlings from the greenhouse. He hummed happily. She looked so at home in his garden.

Over the last week, she'd come every single day to help in the garden and the greenhouse. When he'd told her she didn't have to do that, once a week was fine. She'd smiled and said, "But, Ferdie, I love doing it. It gets me and Fee out of the house and in the fresh air."

Fee lazed in the sunshine next to her witch. The cat raised her head and gave him a slit-eyed once over every now and then. He wasn't sure what to make of the cat's behavior. Unlike most cats—and familiars while able to communicate still had cat traits—she'd shown no overt approval or disapproval of him. However, she did tolerate being in his presence, and he'd take it since it meant Ticia was also nearby.


He turned and found Jeeves hopping up the terrace levels.

"Hey, Jeeves. You don't usually come by on Sunday."

"Well, I just found out that there's a Kitchen Trade Show in Cincinnati beginning tomorrow. I know it's short notice but wanted to ask if you'd like to go." Jeeves practically bounced in place, so much like his Shifter nature that Ferdie smiled. "I want to look at dehydrators for my own kitchen. Wanda wants me to check out the convection microwaves and clad cookware for the diner. She also needs new kitchen knives." He frowned. "Ours keep going missing."

"Did you check with Bucky?" Ferdie asked.

The pack rat Shifters that made up the Assjacket CSI crew were notoriously light-fingered. Bucky as their boss frequently checked their hiding places and returned items to their rightful owners. Most of the valley residents were tolerant of the petty thefts since the pack rats were just being, well, pack rats. Shiny objects like knives were their most often acquired items.

Jeeves nodded. "Yep and nope. Bucky didn't find any knives. When he asked the pack rats, they denied taking them. Hisi said they try not to take weapons since they didn't want their fingerprints on anything that might get involved in a homicide."

"Smart." He and Jeeves exchanged smiles. "I'd like to go to the show. Is Sassy coming?"

"Yep. Since the trade show is being held near a mall, she wants to shop. My mate isn't all that excited about cookware and the like." Jeeves looked at Ticia who approached them with Fee trailing behind her. "Do you think your ma-, um, Ticia would like to go? She might need some kitchen items, and her kitchen is older from what Sassy said."

"Go where?" Ticia joined them.

She was so close he could smell her unique fragrance lightly masked with clean sweat and underlaid with their combined mating pheromones. His body reacted predictably. Luckily, he had on his baggy gardening overalls.

"Meow?" Fee sat at his feet, her wide-eyed gaze locked on his crotch. She sniffed the air, then brushed up against Ferdie's leg, once, then twice and purred up a storm. Finally, she twined around his ankles and nestled on his feet.

He looked down. "Comfy?"

Fee blinked her eyes slowly and gave him a cat smile. We'll talk later. But I approve.

Approve of what? His erection? His feet? Him? If she'd accepted him, well, that was a boon since witches were very attached to their familiars. But what he needed was Ticia to accept him. All of him.

"Ferdie?" Ticia touched his arm.

Ticia's casual touch set his nerves on fire and traveled over his skin and had every hair on his body standing on end. Even if she accepted him as a mate—and he was beginning to believe that would never happen—he might not survive being this aroused all the damn time.

"Are you okay?" she asked. "You seem a bit … tense."

That was one way of describing his current condition.

"I'm fine." Surely no one had ever died of perpetual horniness. Spotting a smudge on her chin, he wiped it off with his thumb then lingered a bit because he liked the feel of her skin against his.

Had he imagined her delicate shiver at his touch?

"Um, you had some dirt." He rubbed his thumb over the spot again. "All gone."

Oh, she had definitely reacted to his touch. A fact he'd keep in mind.

"Thank you." She grinned. "I probably have lots of dirt on me. Digging in the garden causes that you know?" She touched his cheek. "You have some also."

He tried to say thank you, but didn't trust himself not to ask her to lie down right now and make love in the grass as he'd been imagining every day since she'd come to work in his gardens.

"So, Jeeves told me about the trade show," Ticia said. "And I'd like to attend, if it's okay with you. He said you have a Range Rover, and it could handle all of us and any items we might purchase, well, other than large appliances."

"Of course you can come. And if you ever need to borrow my vehicle, just say so." Ferdie paused and then added, "I mean, I know you can transport, but if you needed to shop and bring lots of things home with you."

"Thanks." Ticia looked between him and Jeeves who'd been a silent audience to their exchange. "This sounds like fun. I haven't been out of the valley since I arrived. And I'm more than happy to help pay for gas and treat you all to a meal in Cincy. I've been to this trade show before when it was held in New York City, and the organizers always have a good roster of quality vendors."

"Sounds as if we'll have an excellent guide to the show," Jeeves said. "Why don't we all meet at the diner for breakfast around eight in the morning? I'll have a nice spinach and mushroom frittata ready for us to enjoy before we hit the road."

"Sounds wonderful, Jeeves," Ticia said.

Ferdie nodded. "I'll bring some of my blackberry jam to go with your homemade bread." He looked over at Ticia. "Jeeves has a deft touch with whole grain bread."

"Sounds yummy." She licked her lips. "I can almost taste it now."

At the sight of her pretty pink tongue, Ferdie's erection jerked. Gritting his teeth, he did mathematical equations in his head until his cock somewhat relaxed.

A feline voice sounded in his head, Whew. That was close.

No one likes a snarky cat, Fee.

I'll grow on you .

Ferdie just groaned.


Ticia noticed Ferdie had gone red, then white in the face. "Are you okay, Ferdie? Is it the heat?"

Covering his mouth, Jeeves coughed. Ticia could've sworn the kangaroo Shifter was trying not to laugh.

You could say that, Fee said.

She eyed her cat who sported a Cheshire cat grin.

Why were Jeeves and Fee so amused? Ferdie looked unwell. She hadn't thought Jeeves was the cruel type. Fee was a cat, enough said. So, why wasn't at least Jeeves as concerned as she was?

"I'm fine." Ferdie glared at Jeeves. "I did get a bit warm with all the pruning I've been doing. I'll go into the greenhouse and get a drink of water."

"I could use some water also," Jeeves said.

The two men left.

Fee snickered. "That was fun."

"What was fun?" Ticia picked up Fee and held her so they were eye-to-eye. "What do you know that I don't?"

"Oh, you know. " Fee purred. "You're just not willing to look because that means accepting the fact that you two are all but bound but for the physical act itself. You're mating with Ferdie. He knows it and you know it. Hecate's hair balls, everyone in the valley knows it. He's been doing the 'we'll just be friends' bit as you have. You both seem to have some serious issues . You both need to get over them and get to the sexual part, or that poor half-troll, and whatever else he is, will have blue balls 24-7."

"Blue balls? 24-7?"

Fee blinked. "Yep."

Oh, Blessed Goddess, the poor man was suffering and waiting on her to "get off the dime" as Fate had called it.

She rubbed her forehead over Fee's. "You're right." She blew out a frustrated breath. "I have issues after Alastair drugged and violated me."

"Tell me about it." Fee sniffed. "Ferdie isn't Alastair. He won't hurt you. If you can't trust the bonds, trust my instincts. He smells right. Unlike that human you consorted with."

Her cat just had to bring it up.

"Okay, you told me so. Alastair smelled rotten to the core. I didn't listen to you. You were right. I made a mistake. And I know you're right this time, too." Ticia touched her forehead to Fee's. "I need to go slower this time. I'd like to stay in this valley where we're safe—"

Fee covered Ticia's mouth with a paw. "You could've been safe in Paris, and we'd still be in our lovely apartment overlooking the Seine. I told you what to do."

Cats were so damn bloodthirsty. Ticia rolled her eyes.

"I can't go around killing humans, Fee. What about harm none don't you understand?"

"I told you to turn him into a naked, rutting statue and stick him in the Louvre. No one would've noticed. The place is full of stone-cold, naked statues sporting penises. And one or two of them had been humans once, and still are sort of alive, just in suspension—and you know it," Fee spat.

" Harm none . Suspended animation with no hope of parole is tantamount to killing them. I'm not a dark witch, and you are not a dark witch's familiar. Live with it," Ticia snapped.

"Fine," Fee sniffed.

"Fine," Ticia retorted, then sighed. "Fee … I need more time. Okay?"

The scars weren't just mental, but also physical. What would Ferdie think of the physical reminders of her stupidity in trusting a human? Would he be disgusted? The Goddess knew she was disgusted with herself, why wouldn't he be?

"He wouldn't. He isn't a superficial creep. He loves you." Fee patted Ticia's face. "There is no going back, only forward. Those mind and spirit connections are solid."

Yes, they were. She could see the two bonds glowing in her mind's eye. They were strong.

Shifting her hold on Fee to a cuddle, Ticia looked toward the greenhouse. The two men were talking; their expressions were serious. Whatever Jeeves had said, Ferdie nodded and clapped a hand on the kangaroo Shifter's arm. The two then went to the potting bench where there was a sink and a small refrigerator and pulled out three bottles of water.

Then Ferdie prepared a bowl for—tears formed in Ticia's eyes as the two men walked toward them. Her sweet, kind troll was bringing her cat water.

Her heart swelled at his thoughtfulness. What she felt was very much like love.

She watched as he came ever closer. The setting sun's light outlined his body in a hazy glow. He looked so strong, and despite his solidly built body, he moved like a dancer. So sexy. Her core clenched around the aching emptiness she'd been ignoring for the whole week.

Fee rubbed her cheek against Ticia's shoulder. "Ooh, you love him and think he's sexy. Why wait?"

"Fee—" Ticia was exasperated. "We've been over this."

Snorting, Fee wiggled to be down. She landed on all fours and began to nonchalantly clean her fur.

Ferdie looked between the two of them. "Problems?" He placed the bowl of water by Fee. Jeeves handed Ticia a bottle of water.

"No." She would have to keep in mind that Ferdie could read her emotions more easily because of the connection between them. "Fee and I were discussing how excited we are about attending the trade show." It was only a half-lie since she was excited about going to the event.

"Oh, sure. Excited. Still not going, though." Fee yawned. "Thanks for the water, Ferdie. I'm going to nap in the Hartley if that's okay with you. I like your greenhouse. May I visit often?"

Ferdie's strong jaw dropped when Fee addressed him, then Ticia realized her familiar hadn't spoken directly to him before.

"Um, sure. You and Ticia are always welcome." Ferdie leaned over and petted Fee's head. "I don't lock it. Just drop in whenever you feel like it."

Fee rubbed her cheek over his hand and then sauntered toward the greenhouse, stopping to bat at a butterfly that crossed her path.

"She talked to me." Ferdie stared at Fee's retreat. "Out loud. The last time was in my head." He looked at Ticia. "She likes me."

"What's not to like? Right, Ticia?" Jeeves asked.

"Absolutely." There was an awful lot to like. She smiled at both males. "It's getting late. While we still have some sun, I'll plant out the tomato and pepper starts, if that's okay with you, Ferdie?"

"More than okay. I'll just go get the trays." He hesitated, a blush touched his strong cheekbones. "Then maybe you and Fee would like to eat supper with me in the Hartley before you go home? I brought some food. It's in the refrigerator with a bottle of wine. I thought Fee would like salmon. I made Salad Nicoise for us but with salmon rather than tuna."

"If it's fish, she eats it." Ticia gave him a wide smile. "We'd love to eat with you."

Everything she knew about Ferdie was wonderful. She liked, no, she had to admit it, she loved him. But she'd felt that way about Alastair also and look at the disaster that had turned out to be.

Hmph, Fee said. No, you ignored your instincts—and mine—that time. You fell for the exterior package—the human was good-looking, dressed well, said all the right things, and was willing to finance your very chic restaurant in Paris.

Ouch. But true. She'd been shallow and had gone for looks and money.

If the shoe fits…

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