“ G irl! You look absolutely fabulous!” I gawk at Layken when she meets me in the entrance of the ballroom where tonight’s Pacific Children’s Hospital Annual Art Auction is taking place. “And you really knocked it out of the park with this entire set up! Look at this place!”
She wrings her hands and bites her bottom lip. “Do you really think so?”
I scoff out a laugh. “Are you kidding? Of course I think so! You’ve talked a lot about your vision for this event and look around the room, girlfriend. It’s exactly as you had pictured it.”
The ballroom is decorated in white cloth covered tables with white table settings. The centerpieces of paper flowers in vases were made by the children from area school districts wanting to give back in some way for this event. They bring the perfect amount of color to the room. White twinkle lights hang from the center chandelier across the width of the entire room. Around the perimeter of the massive space are more easels than I can quickly count displaying a variety of artwork created by the children who enter Pacific Children’s Hospital and stay for longer than three days’ time. The amount of cheerful color surrounding this room creates an overwhelmingly happy and positive aesthetic for tonight’s guests.
“It’s simply beautiful and fun in here, Lake. You can’t look around this room and not smile.”
She wraps her arms around me in a gigantic hug. “Thank you Corr. You always know just what I need to hear.”
“Of course. You’re my best friend. You know that. I’m always going to be here for you. And I’m here for you tonight. Anything you need.” I squeeze her tightly, smiling as I feel her inhale a deep breath and release it slowly. Sometimes I know she just needs a steadying hug to settle her nerves.
Anxiety is a bitch.
“You feeling alright? I know how much nerves can get you sometimes.”
“Yeah. I think I’m okay.” She shrugs. “I just don’t want to disappoint anyone, you know?”
“What? How in the hell could you possibly disappoint anyone? Look around. Look at all you’ve done.”
“Yeah. I know it’s good. And I feel good about it. Sometimes I just get up in my own head, you know? I’m someone who is good at many things but great at nothing and therefore, somewhere in the dark parts of my brain, I fear I’m a disappointment.”
“Well, we’ll see how great at nothing you are when you help Pacific Children’s Hospital raise millions of dollars tonight.”
Layken grabs my arm, gasping. “Oh my God! Which reminds me! I haven’t even told you the best part about tonight!”
“You mean the part about the Stars helping out?”
She looks beyond me and claps her hands giddily. “Not just the Stars! So, a couple months ago I looked at the season schedule and saw who the Stars were playing next and sent their team an invitation to join us for this event alongside the Stars and…well…” She turns me around so I have a view of the main entrance where camera flashes are going off like a fireworks display as photographers and paparazzi shout to a large group of gentlemen followed closely by a group of women.
My jaw drops. “Oh, my God! Layken! Is that…is that Dex Foster?” I gasp, bringing a hand to my chest. “And Hawken Malone?”
“Yes!” She squeals. “And Milo Landric, and Colby Nelson, and Quinton Shay, and Zeke Miller!”
I spin around, unable to hide my enthusiastic smile. “You invited the Chicago Red Tails to the auction?”
Her head nods furiously. “Uh huh! And they accepted! Can you even believe it?”
“I…” I shake my head in disbelief. “No. I actually can’t believe it!”
“Your dad was a tremendous help! Turns out he and Coach Denovah were old college buddies so he made a few calls and helped me make it happen. I figured with two professional hockey teams here, along with all the guests on the list with very deep pockets, we would certainly make a killing for the hospital tonight.”
“Layken Hobbs, you are a freaking genius!”
The both of us stand by watching, emphatic smiles on our faces, as the men from the Chicago Red Tails enter the room already intermingled with our beloved Anaheim Stars. Milo Landric and Oliver Magallan shake hands in what looks like a secret handshake and head for the bar followed closely by Scarlett and Milo’s wife, Charlee, who is also Oliver’s sister. Colby Nelson, Harrison Meers, Dex Foster, and Griffin Ollenberg pose for a picture taken by Carissa Nelson, Colby’s wife. Zeke Miller and Barrett Cunningham are like old-time bros with what looks like an old fashioned already in their hands. The last group though, that’s the group I watch the longest. Hawken Malone, Ledger Dayne, Quinton Shay, August Blackstone, and Bodhi are all laughing over something Ledger must have said as they enter the room.
“Holy hell, Corrigan,” Layken murmurs next to me. “Your man looks like a fucking snack, no?”
Bodhi is dressed head to toe in black, his dress pants fitting his form perfectly as they hug his sculpted legs. With his suit jacket covering the top, I feel confident that nobody in this room except for me and his teammates know what a fine specimen his ass is. His black button-down shirt giving his outfit a sexy monochromatic vibe underneath his jacket, the only color on his body tonight is his tie. Designed by children with several handprints and squiggly lines all over it in different colors of the rainbow, his outfit is the perfect background to showcase the colorful piece.
My jaw hanging so low I wouldn’t be surprised if drool is dripping down my chin, I nod. “Not just a snack, Lake. A full four course meal.”
She giggles and nudges my elbow. “Well don’t look now but that four course meal just spotted you and is coming this way.”
Somehow her words finally translate in my brain and I shake my head, pulling myself from whatever trance I had myself in.
“Corrigan,” he says when he finally approaches. “Layken.”
“Hi Bodhi,” Layken says with a smile and a wink. “Thank you for coming tonight.” She reaches out and gives Bodhi a gentle hug, careful not to get her makeup on his jacket or mess up her own gown and hair.
His gaze falls to me as Layken steps back and then his arms are around me and he’s whispering, “You look fucking stunning tonight.”
My cheeks heat at his compliment. “You don’t look so bad yourself, stranger.”
“Please tell me I get to peel you out of this dress later because it’s all I’m going to be thinking about all night long.”
“I guess we’ll see if you play your cards right.”
He pulls back and I smile mischievously.
“Layken, I’ll just go ahead and buy all the art so we can call this night over,” he tells her while still staring at me.
Layken laughs out loud and pats Bodhi on his shoulder. “Oh Bodhi. I’m afraid your salary can’t quite cover the amount of money I hope to make tonight on its own. I therefore have no choice but to run the event as planned.”
“Ah, I see Mr. Roche has already found a few ladies to try to flirt with, huh?” The voice I hear behind me is a voice I could never not recognize as I turn around and spot my father joining our group conversation.
He wraps his arm around me. I know he thinks it’s a loving gesture but I also know it’s a protective one since Bodhi is standing here talking to two single women.
I’ve got to sit him down and talk to him about me and Bodhi.
“You know me, Coach.” Bodhi chuckles and shows off his charming smile. “How could I not tell these ladies how beautiful they look tonight?”
“It’s true,” Dad agrees with a friendly nod. “You do both look exquisite this evening.” He wags his finger at Bodhi. “But I would encourage you to stay away from this guy. He’s nothing but young trouble.”
“Aww come on, Dad. He can’t be that bad, right?”
Come on, Dad.
Bodhi is a perfect gentleman.
What makes you see anything but?
“Yeah, I can’t be that bad, right?” Bodhi repeats my words, causing my dad to laugh. “Pretty sure you were calling me MVP not too long ago.”
“Uh huh. Right. Like we haven’t read all about your reputation in Boston.” He laughs like he’s teasing but he steps forward and wraps an arm around Bodhi’s shoulder. “Come on, Roche. Let’s go get a drink and get far away from my daughter.”
What the hell, Dad?
I’m not a child.
Bodhi doesn’t even have the chance to say goodbye before he’s turned away from me and walking with my dad across the room to the bar and I’m forced to stand here and watch.
“Ouch,” Layken murmurs nudging me. “You okay?”
I’m not okay.
I’d love nothing more than to be on Bodhi’s arm tonight.
“Yeah. I’ll be fine. It’s my fault anyway.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m the one who didn’t want to tell Dad about our relationship just yet.”
“Maybe do me a favor and don’t tell him tonight.” Layken cringes in that please-don’t-be-mad-at-me kind of way but I laugh at her suggestion.
“You do not need to worry about that. The last thing I want to do is embarrass him or upset him when he’s in public.” I squeeze her hand reassuringly. “I promise. We’ll both be on our best behavior tonight. You know that. I’ll just talk to him next week during our lunch date.”
“Now there’s a good idea. Order him a footlong wiener to shove in his mouth and then tell him you’re getting all the big dick energy from Bodhi Roche.”
If I had a drink in my mouth right now, I’d be spitting it all over myself. “Oh fuck, Layken!” I laugh. “This is why I love you so much.”
The dinner portion of the night is just about over as the wait staff hurries around the ballroom clearing plates and simultaneously refilling cups of coffee or glasses of wine as they pass out dessert. I’m stuck at a dinner table with my father, Coach Denovah and his wife, as well as the general managers for the Stars and Red Tails. Layken was beside me for much of dinner but now she has responsibilities. Events like these means schmoozing the board and showing off all the fancy details.
Needless to say, the tables to my right, where the players are all seated together, seems much more fun. I’m trying my best not to constantly turn my head to look their way or to draw attention to my obsession with Bodhi. My phone tucked inside my dress pocket – because who goes anywhere anymore without a dress with pockets—vibrates and I reach for it to check my incoming text.
I miss you.
I miss you too. I promise you’re having much more fun than I am right now.
That dress on you…
Oh, this old thing?
I’ve done nothing but think about all the ways I’d like to pleasure you while you’re wearing it…and then not wearing it.
Oh? Let’s hear them.
With a plunging neckline like that, I would definitely have easy access to those gorgeously round tits.
You chose a ballgown type of dress and not a skintight number. Why? Would it have anything to do with how high up that slit goes? The ease of which I could steal a quick touch. How long would it take for me to reach the luxurious spot between your thighs?
Guess that depends on how fast you are…
I’d give anything to have my fingers inside that sweet pussy for just ten seconds. If only you were sitting next to me right now. I’d do it right under the table and everyone around us would be none the wiser.
My face is flushing.
I see that.
“Corrigan, are you alright?” My father touches my arm as it rests on the table but I flinch at the contact, having gotten a little too carried away with Bodhi’s texts. Storing my phone back inside the pocket of my gown, I push back from the table and stand.
“Yes. I’m perfectly fine.” I laugh nervously, patting my cheeks. “I think just a little too much wine. It makes my face flush. I think I’ll just run to the restroom quickly before the auction starts.” I glance around the table and pass everyone a friendly smile. “Can I bring anyone anything upon my return? Another drink? More dessert?”
Everyone shakes their heads so I excuse myself and move toward the restrooms. When I open the bathroom door, I’m practically assaulted by none other than Ella, Scarlett, and all the Red Tails WAGs.
“Corrigan!” Ella smiles and claps her hands. She rushes over to me and claps her hands on my shoulders. “Oh, my gosh, your cheeks are pretty pink. Are you okay?”
Blushing again, I nod and head right for the sink where I sprinkle a little water on my face. “Yeah uh…” A nervous laugh escapes me again. “Was just texting with Bodhi.”
Scarlett pulls a cloth towel from the sink—because this hotel is fancy—for me to blot my face. “Oh man. Let me tell you, that guy is so smitten by you. He’s done nothing but talk about you all night.”
“Oooh so this is the lovely girl of Bodhi’s dreams, huh?” Carissa Nelson asks, taking me in with a smirk. She offers me her hand and introduces herself even though I already know who she is. “I’m Carissa Nelson, Colby’s wife. And Scarlett is right. Bodhi has been talking about his girl,” she says using quote fingers, “all evening.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Carissa. I’m Corrigan Hicks.”
“Hicks?” she repeats.
“Remember Carissa?” Charlee Landric nudges her. “Corrigan is the one I told you about. She’s Coach Hicks’ daughter.”
“Oooh right!” Carissa exclaims. “Shit, I’m so sorry. My brain has been so foggy lately.”
“Pregnancy brain, am I right?” Tatum Foster laughs as Rory Malone steps out of the bathroom stall looking nearly ready to pop. “Can one hundred percent commiserate. Pregnancy brain is a thing.”
“Hi Corrigan, I’m Kinsley Shay. Quinton’s wife. Pleasure to meet you.”
“So Bodhi Roche, huh?”
“Yeah.” I nod. “Isn’t he the sweetest?”
“You tell us!” She laughs. “Because we’ve always heard that he’s a bit of a player and a kind of self-proclaimed superstar on the ice. Kudos to you for changing the kid.”
“Oh, he’s totally not the guy you all probably heard about. Trust me, I heard the same. All those articles and vlogs about the amount of women he’s had or the shit he does on the ice is totally not true. Well, I mean the way he plays may have been true. I wouldn’t really know. I was overseas working for several years so I didn’t know a ton about him until my dad hired him.”
“So, is that how you met then? Through your dad?”
I shake my head adamantly and Ella giggles. “You guys, her dad doesn’t even know they’re together.”
There’s a collective gasp in the bathroom and all eyes are on me.
“Scandalous!” Tatum sings. “Oh, my God girl we need all the tea!”
“Well, we met via text when I accidentally sent a text to my dad but hit the wrong number.”
“Seriously?” Rory asks.
“Yep. Their numbers are literally one digit off from each other and I had texted my dad over some left-over spaghetti and he answered my text. We didn’t even know who we were each talking to for weeks.”
Scarlett nudges me. “Keep going, tell them the good part.”
“Well…we sort of bonded over talking about food and then started talking about different aspects of our lives and then…” I close my eyes for a moment, trying to decide if I should say the next part or not.
Charlee raises her hand. “For the record, I know exactly what you’re going to say because Oliver and Milo were kind of giggling about it a few weeks ago over Christmas.”
“Oh, this ought to be good,” another woman says with her hand on her hip. She waves and says, “Hi I’m Ada by the way. Zeke Miller’s wife.”
“Oh hi. Nice to meet you. Anyway, uh, so sort of out of nowhere Bodhi asked if I knew if sex lessons were a thing.”
“Pbfbft!” Carissa laughs. “Oh shit! He seriously asked you that?”
“Yeah.” I nod.
“As in, he had never had sex?”
“Wait…Bodhi Roche is a virgin?” Rory’s eyes nearly bulge right out of her face.
“Well, not anymore,” I proclaim with a smile and a wink “My BFF out there, tonight’s hostess, her name is Layken, she was with me when I received that text. So, she grabbed my phone out of my hands and replied to him telling him I didn’t know but that I would fuck for food…aaaand the rest is history.” I shrug like we’re talking about brands of tampons and not the peculiar way in which my relationship with Bodhi Roche turned into several nights of lessons on how to fuck.
Ella claps her hands proudly. “Is this woman not the absolute queen when it comes to catching the perfect guy? A virgin she got to mold into the lover of her dreams and a nice guy to boot. I can one-hundred percent vouch for his personality. And the way he cares for Corrigan?” She shakes her head. “Swoon worthy.”
“Wow, girl. You are one lucky woman.” Tatum winks. “Way to work your voodoo magic.”
This time I give them a teasing shrug. “I mean a girl’s got to do what a girl’s got to do, am I right?”