What If I Knew You (Anaheim Stars Hockey #3) 26. Bodhi 87%
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26. Bodhi



“ I f ever you’re going to have a chance, it’s now, bro,” Griffin leans over and whispers to me knowing full well that Corrigan just got up from her table and went to the restroom. All the ladies from our table went as well so I can only imagine the gossip going on in there.

Why do they always travel in packs?

What I wouldn’t give to be a fly on the wall.

Or maybe I’d rather not.

“You think?”

Griffin nods. “Fuck yeah. Coach hasn’t moved at all. He’s busy talking to Denovah. You’re good.”

Dex Foster leans over from the other side me. “Why does it matter if your coach sees you kissin’ on a girl?”

“Because dumbass,” Griffin says, rolling his eyes and smirking. “His girl is Coach Hicks’ daughter.”

Dex’s eyes grow huge and his mouth opens. “No shit! Seriously? You’re fucking the coach’s daughter?”

“Who’s fucking the coach’s daughter?” Hawken Malone asks, having overheard Dex who gestures to me.

“This little shit right here.” He laughs. “Scandalous, wouldn’t you say, Malone?” He turns back to me. “You know, actually, you and Malone here should talk about how secret relationships don’t work because chances are the person you’re trying to hide from already knows you’re fucking.”

I whip my head in his direction. “There’s no way Coach knows. We’re never around each other when he’s around.”

Griffin points to me. “Maybe he does know and that’s why he was so excited to name you MVP back in New Orleans!”


No fucking way.

But is it?

I shake my head and glance over to where Coach Hicks is still seated. “I really don’t think so. I think if he knew, I’d know. He’d never let me get away with it. Even when we got here tonight, he steered me away from Corrigan and accused me of flirting with her.”

Dex cocks his head. “Were you?”

“Fuck yeah, I was. She looks hot. How could I not?”

He pats my back. “That’a boy.”

Griffin chuckles. “So, I was just telling him that now is his chance to grab Corrigan when she comes out of the bathroom and steal a kiss or a boob graze or a fuckin’ nipple twist while her dad is still having dessert. The bathrooms are out of the way. Pull her over to the side of that alcove. Nobody is going to see you with those curtains over there.”

Dex laughs. “Always the nipple twist dude. Go for the fuckin’ nipple twist. Maybe even a pussy grab if you can manage it. She’ll be eating out of your hand all night, I promise you.”

I take a deep breath and glance once more at Coach’s table.

They’re deep in conversation.

It’s now or never.

Be bold Bodhi.

Just one kiss.

One touch.

Pushing back from my chair, I lay my napkin on my seat. “Gentlemen, if you’ll excuse me. I have a girl to find.”

“Yeah you do!” Griffin gives me a fist bump. “Go get ’em tiger.”

Looping my way around the other tables in the room, I move toward the back where the restrooms are and find the perfect spot to wait for Corrigan. I can hear giggling in the bathroom so I send her a text to let her know I’m out here and then shove my phone back in my pocket.


Ten seconds. I’m outside the bathroom.

The moment the bathroom doors open and several women step out laughing together, I find Corrigan’s purple gown and grab her hand, pulling her around to the alcove on the other side of the bathroom wall.

She squeals slightly at my tug but giggles when I spin her around so her back is against the wall and then press my lips firmly against hers. Her plump soft lips move right with mine and then she lets out a soft moan as we taste each other, forgetting the world around us for just a moment.

Christ she makes me feel every fucking thing.

Her mouth alone brings me a sense of calm mixed with a sense of euphoria.

Her touch makes me brave but allows me to be vulnerable.

She’s perfection and magnificence rolled into one.

And I want her like I’ve never wanted anything in my life.

“One…two…three…” she whispers. “Better get everything you want before your ten seconds tick away.”

Guiding her lips open with the press of my tongue, I dip inside her mouth as I trail my hand up the slit of her dress, reaching for the warm softness of her pussy.

“Fucking hell, Corr. You’re soaking wet.”

Her head falls back against the wall and she gasps. “Shit! Bodhi! You make me this way.”

Trailing my tongue up the side of her neck, I nibble her earlobe and then whisper, “Kiss me again so I can swallow the orgasm I’m about to give you.”

She brings her head back down and crashes her lips to mine as I trail my fingers through her arousal.

And then suddenly I’m torn away from her. Corrigan cries out as my body is shoved hard into the wall beside her, a strong unyielding hand around my throat.

“Just what the fuck do you think you’re doing to my daughter?” Coach Hicks’ breath is hot and smells of whiskey as he pins me against the wall.

Caught off guard, I hold up my hands. “I…Coach, I?—"

“Daddy stop it! Let go of him!”

“Stay out of this Corrigan.”

“No, YOU stay out of this, Dad! What the hell are you doing?”

With one hand still around my neck, he points a chastising finger at Corri. “I told you years ago to stay away from my players, Corrigan. And never in a million years did I ever think you would defy me.” Rage flows through him like an electric current. “You are my daughter! You are supposed to be class and sophistication. If you think you’re going to find yourself an easy hook up by flaunting yourself around my guys, you can think again. You’re better than that, Corrigan.” He shakes his head. “It’s bad enough I had to find you like this, hiding in a corner with your legs open, but to find you whoring yourself out to this?—”


My fist flies into Coach’s stomach simultaneously with Corrigan’s hand on his face.


What just happened?

Did she?


She did.

She hit him.

My eyes grow huge when it registers in my brain what we’ve both done, worried that we’ve just caused a huge scene at a very public event. But Corrigan doesn’t give two shits. She lifts her chin and stares at her father in complete defiance. There’s a tightness in her eyes I’ve never seen before.

This girl means business.

“You can say I am many things, Father,” she spits out angrily, her voice trembling. “You can say I’m a fuck-up and you can say I’m a disappointment, but don’t you EVER call me a whore again or so help me God it’ll be the last time you ever see me.”


“I LOVE HIM, Dad,” she seethes. “I LOVE HIM. And NOTHING you do or say right now is going to change that so I suggest you get your fucking hands off Bodhi right now before I make a scene and embarrass the living hell out of you for assaulting one of your very own players at a fucking public children’s charity for Christ’s sake.”

Coach Hicks’ demeanor changes when he sees how pissed off Corrigan really is. His hold around my throat weakens and then he finally lets go but reaches for her. Hastily I put myself between Coach and Corrigan.

“Don’t you fucking touch her.”

He stares me down as if he thinks I’ll step aside for him, but I merely chuckle in his face.

“If you want to hit me, Coach, hit me. But if it’s the last thing I do, I’ll fight for Corrigan’s honor. I’d fight for her every fucking day even if it means putting my own career at risk because I love her too. And I’ll be damned if you’re going to keep me from loving her the way she fucking deserves.”

He opens his mouth to speak but Corrigan shakes her head. “Not another word, Dad. You’re done here.” She gestures to the ballroom doors on the left-hand side of the room. “Get your shit and get out.”

“Corri,I didn’t mean?—”

“Get. Out,” she says, her face emotionless. “Or I’ll have security remove you.”

The moment he walks away I turn to Corrigan who is now shaking, tears falling down her cheeks. I cup her face in my hands and smooth away her tears with my thumbs. “Shit, Corri, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. Are you alright? Did he hurt you when he grabbed me?”

She shakes her head. “No. I’m fine. I’ve just…that was…” Her hands reach for my face and her brows raise as her glistening eyes meet mine. “Oh, God. Wait, are you alright?”

“Babe, I’m fine.” I pull her face to mine and kiss her lips, her tear-stricken cheeks, and then her forehead before wrapping my arms around her and pulling her into a hug. “I’m just sorry that happened. I never intended for him to?—”

“No, no, it’s okay.” She shakes her head, sniffling. “I mean I knew he might be upset but I never thought he would act like…” She steps back, squeezing her eyes closed, frustrated as she desperately wipes at her tears. “God, I’m so sorry, Bodhi. I’ve made this all a terrible mess for you.”

“Hey.” I hold her face and lean down until she opens her eyes and meets my gaze again. “I can handle myself, okay? I’m a big boy and I’m just as much a part of this as you are. I love you, Corrigan. And nothing your father says to me is going to change that. I can handle whatever he throws at me.”

“But your career…”

“He can’t do anything to me for loving his daughter. You’re not part of the contract.”

She sniffles again. “You really love me?”

Her question melts away any residual anger toward Coach Hicks and loosens the tightness in my chest. My shoulders fall and my lips turn up into a sincere smile as I nod. “Corrigan, I’m so in love with you I don’t know what to do with myself most of the time.”

Her glassy blue eyes stare back at me. “Really?”

“Really. I love everything about you.” I smooth a few loose tendrils of her hair back from her face. “I love you for your sense of humor. I love the way you take such care of your patients. I love that you’re compassionate and helpful. I love that you allow me to be vulnerable around you but then you let me take over and be my possessive self when we’re together. I love that you make me feel so many emotions all at once. I love that you’re the one who showed me how passionate and sensual and emotional and carnal and fun sex can be with the right partner. I love that I can lose track of time so easily with you. And I love that I feel amazing around you whether we’re cuddled up on the couch watching shows about people walking through stones or ones where sons kill their fathers while he’s taking a shit. I love hanging curtains with you.”

That makes her smile and laugh a little.

Her smile is my favorite thing.

“I love you so damn much, Corrigan. I’d do anything for you.”

“I love you too,” she says, the gentle touch of her hands on my chest bringing me a sense of strength, but at the same time peace and calm.

“Oh, my God, Corrigan. Are you alright?” We turn to see Layken hurrying toward us. Seeing Corrigan’s tears, her eyes widen as she asks, “What the hell happened?”

“I’m so sorry Lake,” Corrigan cries a little more. “My father found us and he attacked Bodhi and I tried not to make a scene and I’m so fucking sorry but I told him he had to get the hell out and?—”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” she says, throwing her arms around Corrigan’s neck and pulling her in for a hug. “He’s gone, okay? I watched him leave myself and he looked pretty sick and somehow I just knew something was wrong when I couldn’t find the two of you anywhere.” I watch Layken’s eyes close and hear her whisper, “Just breathe with me for a second, okay? He’s gone. He left.”

Having a front row seat to witness the love between Corrigan and Layken, I smile appreciating the bond these two ladies have with each other. There’s nothing in the world like a best friend and they’re both lucky to have one. Layken opens her eyes and raises her brows, giving me a glance as if to silently ask “Are you okay?”

I nod and she blinks slowly back at me, squeezing her best friend a little tighter. When she pulls away from Corrigan she brings her hands to Corrigan’s shoulder and says, “You know I think you may have found yourself a Mister Perfect.”

Corrigan smiles and lets out a little laugh. “I think you may be right.”

Damn right she is.

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