A maros retracts his wings and turns to the guards. “I said no harm was to come to her!”
His voice booms through the still night air, and I don’t miss the hint of possessiveness laced amongst his fury.
The guards all take a step back, intimidated by the angry male before them, who is apparently now taking on the King’s duties. How in the gods did that happen?
“And you two.” He points at the two guards he had follow my every move. “You had one simple job, yet you fail at even that.”
One of them steps forward. “Amaros, I am sorry, but she evaded us at the academy. She?—”
“Enough!” He silences them with a wave of his hand. “I do not wish to listen to your excuses. She is the King’s daughter, and she is not to be harmed. I can see she is hurt. Who is responsible?”
They all look at one of the guards, and he reluctantly places his hand over his chest.
“It wasn’t intentional,” he says. “She was going to escape, and I had to stop her, at your request.”
Amaros clenches his fists and then smacks the male across the face. “All of you, leave. Now.”
They release their wings and take off, leaving Amaros and me alone.
Zarla, you okay?
I’m with Amaros, I tell him.
He lets out a frustrated grunt. Get in touch when he’s gone, okay?
I will, I tell him.
I swallow in an attempt to clear the lump in my throat. Ice trickles down my spine as he storms toward me. I could release my wings and fly away, too, but chances are he’d just catch me. I consider blasting him with my powers, but that would only anger him more.
“How did you know where I was?” I ask, deciding I’m the one who should be angry right now, not him.
He grinds his teeth, his nostrils flaring, like I have somehow offended him. I arch a brow at him, and he rubs the back of his neck.
“Why are you in the city, alone, at night?”
Great. He’s going to avoid my questions.
“I am a grown female. I have every right to visit the city, day or night.”
He moves forward, forcing me back against the cool brick wall along the side of the alley. He’s far too close, and his breath is warm against my cheek as he leans in closer.
“What are you doing?” I demand.
His eyes bore into mine before scanning my face and settling on my lips. “You shouldn’t be out here alone at night. It isn’t safe.”
I push my hands against his chest, but he doesn’t budge. “I don’t have to explain myself to you.”
He snorts. “Actually, you do. I am responsible for your safety, and Harlum has passed down some of his responsibilities to me, including that of the safety of all angels within Silanthia.”
I narrow my eyes at him. “I can look after myself.”
He glances down for a moment, and when his gaze finds mine again, a cocky smirk spreads across his lips. And by the gods, he looks good.
Oh no, Zarla, cut that out.
“Did you know about the wards around the Kingdom being weak?” I ask.
He frowns, losing the smirk, as he braces his hands on the wall on either side of my head. “Who told you that?”
I ignore his question, the same way he chooses to ignore mine.
“Is that why you’re here? To visit a superstitious old female who has no idea what the fuck she’s talking about?”
Interesting. So he knows of the female I visited, then.
“There is powerful magic that can strengthen the wards,” I say. “It can protect the Kingdom and keep the lost ones out. Why haven’t we done that yet?”
He slams his fist against the brick, cracking it slightly, and I jump at his sudden outburst.
He points his finger at my face. “That female is nothing but a crazy old bitch. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Our wards are sound. Nothing can break through them.”
That’s such bullshit, and he knows it. I can see the lies in his eyes. He’s drowning in lies.
I step out from the wall and shove my hands into his chest, but he doesn’t budge.
“If we can strengthen the wards, we need to try. Now move,” I order.
He glares down at me, and with one hand, pushes me back up against the alley wall. Only this time, he keeps his hand pinned against me so I can’t move.
I grit my teeth as my body tenses beneath his touch. “Let me go.”
He leans into me, brushing his nose across my cheek as he takes in my scent, and then plants a kiss there. I squeeze my eyes closed, willing myself not to enjoy it, although I do. Asshole. I can feel his smirk, as if he knows he has me.
“I can scent your desire, Zarla. How about you give in to it, hmm?” He traces his fingers down my arm and across my bare skin below my leather corset.
I shudder under his touch and attempt to move again, but it’s no use. He has me right where he wants me.
“The wards are not your concern. You have no say in the matter. Do I make myself clear?”
I decide to play along with his little game. “When are you going to tell me what you know of my father?”
He brushes his nose across my cheek. “When you start behaving and doing what you’re told.”
I consider his answer, and I wonder whether he knows at all. Maybe he’s playing me and has no idea who my father is or where he is.
After moving his hand under the edge of my corset, he traces the bottom of my breast. I grab it and yank it out. He smirks again, knowing he can do whatever he wants right now, and I wouldn’t be able to stop him. He’s much stronger than I am.
“I know he isn’t here in Silanthia, and he’s definitely not in Zarquon. It really only leaves one place, doesn’t it?”
Despite the shadows shielding his face, my angel vision is powerful, and I don’t miss the flash of desperation that plays across his features. He doesn’t want to lose his upper hand, and he fears he just may have.
My father is in Galespo. I know it, and it appears Amaros does, too.
He points his finger at my face, his expression swiftly changing back into the hard, controlling one.
“You will not go looking for him, especially in Galespo. Do I make myself clear?”
I can’t help but smile, knowing I’m right.
“I mean it, Zarla. Zalore is a ruthless male, probably the most ruthless male I know. If you step foot in Galespo, he won’t let you leave.”
He backs away from me, giving me some much-needed space, and I finally take in a deep breath.
“Now get back to the castle. The streets aren’t safe at night.” He releases his wings and disappears into the night sky, leaving me alone.
Fine, then. If he’s not willing to give me any information about my father, I’ll just have to go to Galespo and find it myself.
I stand in the clearing, strapped to the nines with weapons, while I prepare myself to pass through the gateway and into Galespo.
You can do this. Not a problem. You’ve been to Galespo before. You are Harlum’s daughter. At least, Zalore thinks you are. And he also likely knows about Amaros’s affections towards you, so he’s unlikely to harm you and sever whatever relationship the two of them share.
What are you up to now? Finlay’s annoyed voice sounds in my mind.
I squeeze my eyes closed. Darn bond. He always knows when I’m up to something. I decide to ignore him. If I tell him what I’m really up to, he’s going to stop me or come with me. And I won’t put him in danger like that.
Zarla? I know you can hear me. It’s kind of how this whole bond works, remember?
I roll my eyes. Yes, I can hear you. I’m fine, okay?
The gateway glows a little, the way it usually does, but if you didn’t know it’s there, you may just miss it.
How do you expect me to protect you, to be there for you, when you never tell me where you are or what you’re doing?
I run my hands down my face . Look, I get it, okay? I’m sorry. There are some things I just have to do alone. I will be in touch, I promise.
Can you at least tell me what you’re planning? I won’t try to stop you, but if something goes wrong, I can find you or help you.
I slowly approach the glowing archway and close my eyes as I picture the Kingdom of Galespo. The only picture of it I have is from our recent council meeting there.
A memory passes through my mind of Kyle walking away from me, and Em placing her hand on him, before they cross through the gateway back into their Kingdom. I cringe as the memory sends a pang through my heart.
I’m going to Galespo to find my father.
What? No, Zarla! You cannot go alone. I’m coming now. Wait for me!
I instinctively press my hand into my chest, somehow thinking I can hold myself together and stop the pain, but it’s no use. My lip quivers, and I let out a whimper as tears fall down my cheeks. I angrily wipe them away, willing my body to cooperate just this once. I can’t go to Galespo crying. Watchers could be guarding the gateway. I have to be prepared for a fight. Clear-headed.
I’m going alone. I’ll be fine.
Sucking in a few deep breaths, I shake my hands out and tell myself to calm down before picturing Galespo and jumping through the gateway. The familiar free fall still startles me, despite experiencing it a few times already. I don’t know that I’ll ever get used to it. I land on my feet with a thud and immediately draw my daggers as I survey the area.
Finlay is going to be pissed. I can’t feel our bond.
The moon illuminates the clearing ahead. My angel sight is strong, so even without the light of the moon, I would be able to see well. Only now it’s just a little easier.
The leaves on the trees rustle in the cool breeze, and I remain as still as I can. It’s quiet. Which could be both a good and a bad thing. Once I’m sure I’m alone, I slide my daggers back into place. I make my way across the clearing and down the steep, rocky path along the side of the mountain toward the city in the distance.
I slip a few times on my way down, grazing my palms on the sharp gravel in the process. It’s clear this route is the main one the watchers use to get up here. That or fly, I guess. I don’t even want to risk flying. I have to keep a low profile if I want to make it in unseen.
As I get closer to the city, I yank the black hood of my cloak over my head to blend in. Anxiety creeps into my chest because they don’t have many females within their Kingdom. Going in unnoticed could be a tall order, but I don’t have much choice. A twenty-foot stone wall surrounds the city, and I scour the perimeter, looking for a way in.
Bingo. I find a tall metal gate, but it’s locked. Keeping my head down, I blast the lock with my powers. I push the gate open and squeeze through the gap into the dark, paved streets beyond.
There are only a few watchers around. Perhaps the rest are sleeping.
My powers simmer just beneath the surface, and I hold them there in case I need to use them at a moment’s notice. Several watchers stare at me as I walk by, but my hood is covering my face enough so they can’t see who I am. My size, however, may be an issue. Watchers are huge, and although I’m not small, I’m a heck of a lot smaller than they are.
I round the next corner just as the wind catches my hood and blows it off my face enough to reveal some of my blonde waves. I tug it back down, but it’s too late.
Several watchers notice, and they cross the street, their gazes locked on me. Without further thought, I turn and quickly walk back the way I just came and then round the next corner.
It’s a dead end. Crap.
Footfalls sound behind. They’ve found me, and now I’m trapped.
“Who are you?” one of them demands in a deep, authoritative voice.
I ready my powers before facing them. Five enormous males remove their hoods and then draw their weapons. I swallow hard, staring at the large swords they are each now holding.
“Show yourself,” the one in front demands. Clearly, he’s in charge.
Knowing there’s not a hell of a lot I can do, I go along with their request and slowly remove my hood. My powers are strong, stronger than they will expect. I’m not afraid of them; I’ve taken watchers down before, and I can do it again with ease.
Their eyes widen, and they gasp as they stare at me.
“Why are you here?” the one in front asks and then takes a step toward me.
I raise my hands and will my powers to flow from the ends of my fingers like vines, ready to attack.
The males are all attractive. Something I’ve come to expect of the watchers, but I can’t let that distract me from their ruthless ways. They will kill me, given half the chance. I scan the group, deciding whether to just tell them the reason for my visit or not. It’s probably easier than fighting them. There will be plenty more watchers around the next corner.
“Don’t make me ask you again,” the male growls, gripping his sword tighter while he eyes my swirling powers.
I narrow my eyes at him. “I am here to see Zalore.”
He frowns at me, confusion twisting his handsome features. “It’s King Zalore, and females as pretty as you shouldn’t be traveling the Kingdoms alone.”
“I’m not alone.”
The watchers eye my powers, and then the one in front seems to relax somewhat.
“Come. We will escort you.” He gestures with a wave of his hand and heads back out to the street.
The other watchers linger, waiting for me to do as I’m told. I raise my head a little higher as I follow the male watcher out onto the street. The other watchers follow behind me, stretching my nerves, but something tells me they won’t harm me.
I follow him through the streets of the city until a castle appears a couple of blocks up ahead. The enormous black stone structure towers over every other building in sight, and shadows loom within every corner of its vicinity.
Movement in the shadows catches my eye, and I spot some sort of four-legged animal about half the size of a Zelon. They snarl menacingly. A shudder ripples down my spine at the creatures hiding there, watching me.
Their growls echo through the still, nighttime air, and I all but drag my gaze from them to refocus on the watcher in front, leading me into this potential death trap.
Will Zalore take one look at me and kill me? One can only hope, as the alternative is not something I can stomach.
We finally make it to the main doors, and I immediately see the building is smaller than our castle back in Silanthia. I don’t doubt for one second that there is more to it than meets the eye, though.
The huge male watcher leads me through the main doors, guarded by more watchers, who whisper amongst themselves and eye me as I pass by. Gods above, how long has it been since they’ve seen a female? How many of them know Astelle is here? How many females do they have here in total? Judging by their reactions, it can’t be many.
We cross a vast, open lobby before stopping at an elevator. He presses a button, and the doors open before he steps inside the small space. I gulp, and someone shoves me inside. My foot catches the edge of the elevator, and I stumble, landing in the enormous male’s arms. He breathes in my scent before somewhat reluctantly releasing me.
I quickly back up to the rear of the elevator as four other large males step inside, crowding the already small space, which makes me regret my decision to go so willingly with these deadly males. This is more than likely a trap, one I’m not entirely sure I’m prepared to get out of. Sweat beads at the nape of my neck as the elevator takes us down for what feels like an eternity. When it finally comes to a stop, there’s a ding before the doors open, and I am yet again shoved from behind. This time, though, I don’t trip.
“Where are you taking me?” I demand, and the high-pitched tone of my voice is a dead giveaway of how anxious I am right now.
The large male in front turns and smirks at me without saying a word. We stop outside another set of doors, and he opens them to reveal a vast room with jagged stone walls and impossibly high ceilings. The flooring is black stone, and there are black side tables along the walls with lit black candles. In fact, everything is black, , giving off a seriously dodgy killer vibe, and it smells like dirt and death down here. What in the gods was I thinking?
I’m shoved again, and it’s one time too many. I spin around, pulling my dagger from my thigh strap and hold it up to the male’s throat.
“Shove me again, and it’ll be the last thing you do,” I threaten.
He narrows his eyes at me, and we have a stare-off.
“Enough. Come,” the watcher in charge demands.
I reluctantly slide my dagger back into place and follow the male leading me to gods know where. Most likely my inevitable death.
“Are you taking me to Zalore?” My voice quivers a little, and even I don’t recognise myself.
And then I spot it. A ridiculously large metal throne, sitting atop a platform. Sitting on the throne is none other than Zalore. He lounges back, dressed in leather pants and a leather vest, which is open at the front, revealing his toned, tanned chest covered in intriguing markings. Some of them are symbols. The language of the gods.
More of them cover his neck and snake up the sides of his shaved head.
He locks his focus on me as he scans my entire body from head to toe and back up again. He licks his full lips.
A clattering sound steals my focus, and I see them. Four females, all naked, with metal chains attached to collars around their necks. Zalore is holding the chains, like leads on dogs, and his lips twitch in amusement as he takes in my reaction to the grotesque sight before me.
“What the hell is this?” I blurt out, and any amusement vanishes from his face.
The females—slaves, I suppose you’d call them—don’t dare look up and instead keep their eyes glued to the stone floor. Without taking his eyes off me, he bends down and clips the chains to several thick metal loops at the base of his throne. He then slowly makes his way down the stairs and stops right in front of me.
“Arms up,” he instructs, and I glare at him in disbelief.
He smirks once more, then grabs my wrists and forces my arms into the air.
“Hey!” I protest, but he ignores me and instead pats me down, taking his time around my chest and ass.
He then attempts to remove my daggers, but on instinct, I snap my hand down atop his to prevent him from taking them. He locks his eyes onto mine and drops his gaze to my lips.
I can sense his immense power, but I know that I, too, am a powerful goddess, and I won’t allow him to intimidate me.
“Do not touch my daggers.” My voice is firm and somewhat powerful, surprising myself a little, and him too, apparently.
His eyes search mine as if waiting for me to back down, and then his lips twitch at the corners.
“I respect a powerful female. It makes for more of a challenge. I think I would enjoy breaking a powerful female like you.”
I narrow my gaze at him and step closer. “Yeah? Well, good luck trying.”
He chuckles quietly under his breath and makes his way back up the steps to sit on his throne. “I can see why he likes you.”
I don’t dare take my eyes off him, knowing full well this could be a test. I can’t imagine he would ever allow a female to step up to his authority the way I just have.
“Who?” I ask.
He averts his gaze to the male watcher who escorted me in, ignoring my question.
“Bring her in.” His tone is cold, and I somehow know who he’s referring to.
I brace myself as the male watcher disappears from the room. He returns moments later, holding a chain connected to a metal collar around Astelle’s bruised neck.
I widen my eyes as I look her over, my mouth gaping open at just how awful she looks. She is pale and thin, her naked body covered head to toe in bruises. She keeps her gaze down at her feet while she’s practically dragged across the floor.
My blood boils and my fingers twitch as I will my powers to the surface.