I shoot my powers at the watcher escorting Astelle into the room, sending him flying across the floor.
Astelle finally looks up at me with fear-filled eyes and then quickly looks to Zalore before bowing her head low.
“Astelle?” I call out and rush towards her, but several watchers restrain me.
“Let me go!” I blast my powers in a wave of energy that expands out like a bubble, zapping the watchers across the room.
The first male I blasted is on his feet, his angry glare locked onto mine, and he balls his fists and then storms toward me. I raise my hands, ready to hit him again.
“Enough!” Zalore’s voice booms through the large room, echoing around the four stone walls.
The male immediately stops in his tracks and lets out a grunt before he takes hold of Astelle’s leash and brings her to Zalore. Zalore yanks hard on the chain, and Astelle drops to her knees before him. He roughly grabs her face and forcefully kisses her, then shoves her face back. She falls backwards before quickly righting herself, and she then sits on the ground before him, head bowed.
I swallow hard, knowing the disgust I am feeling inside is showing on my face.
“So, to what do I owe this unexpected pleasure, Zarla?” His gaze traces up and down my body once more as he settles back on his throne.
The way he says my name makes my skin crawl, and I have to work hard to stop myself from being physically sick.
“I apologise for showing up unannounced, but Amaros doesn’t like me doing anything he doesn’t know about these days, and leaving the Kingdom is top of that list.”
He rests his arms on the edge of his throne, a grin lighting his face, as if deeply enjoying my disobedience toward Amaros.
“Go on,” he instructs.
I glance down at Astelle. What kind of monster is he? How could he treat a female with such disrespect, like she’s some kind of animal?
He arches a brow at me.
I clear my throat. “The watcher attacks in my Kingdom and on Earth… Were you responsible?”
He strums his fingers on the metal armrest, seeming to think it over. “I shouldn’t say…”
I roll my eyes.
He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “But now that Amaros has upheld his end of the deal, I don’t see why not.”
I frown. So it’s true, then. Amaros is working with Zalore.
“Amaros came to me, and he asked me to have my watchers kill an archangel named Kyle.”
I grit my teeth and dig my nails into my palms, waiting for him to continue.
“My watchers didn’t expect you or Kyle to be so powerful. It made the task impossible. Amaros said you were in the possession of some powerful weapons, and despite the best efforts of my watchers, you always stopped them.”
I squeeze my eyes closed and suck in a deep breath. “And what did you ask for in return?”
He smirks and nods in Astelle’s direction.
Amaros traded my sister to this monster?
I take several slow, deep breaths, really having to control myself at this point. “He had no right.”
Zalore abruptly stands and storms down the stairs toward me, and I swear he’s going to hit me. But he doesn’t. He simply stands before me, glaring down at me with rage-filled eyes.
“ You have no right to question me within my Kingdom. It is not your concern, female.”
Ignoring his proximity, I continue. “Do you have anything to do with the lost ones attacking angels on Earth or within the Kingdoms?”
He grins at me, and it’s clear that I won’t get anything else out of him.
I glance at Astelle, who is hunched over into a ball, staring at the floor. The confident female I once knew is nowhere to be seen, and it frightens me how easily he could break her. Someone as strong, confident, and scary as her.
His fingers trace across my cheek, stealing my focus, and I bat his hand away. He chuckles.
“You know,” he says, taking a step closer. “You’d be more than welcome to take her place.”
I glare at him as my stomach churns, and I have to internally battle with myself to remain composed.
“Amaros wouldn’t be pleased, but I hardly care at this point.”
The nerve of this male.
“No!” a loud but strained voice shouts.
We both stare at Astelle.
She drags her gaze from the floor and shifts it up to meet mine. “I would allow no one to go through what I have had to endure. Even you, Zarla.”
Zalore shifts toward her, raising his hand, but I grab his wrist.
“Don’t! Please!” I beg.
He reluctantly drops his hand and faces me. “You are overstepping your place, female.”
Usually I would reply with something smart, but I can’t afford to anger the male any further. He’d just take it out on Astelle once I’m gone, and I won’t allow that.
“But the offer still stands,” he says.
I would take her place in a heartbeat if I could, but I can’t. Something untoward is going on, and Amaros seems to be at the heart of it, along with Zalore. If he takes me as his prisoner, or whatever it is he’s done to Astelle, I’ll never be able to find out the truth. I’ll never be able to find my father.
I swallow hard, praying to the gods that she’ll forgive me for this. “No, I can’t take her place.”
Astelle and I stare at one another for a moment, and I try my best to convey to her that I will return, and I will save her from this. She seems to understand, and she eventually stares back down at the floor.
“Very well, then,” Zalore states. “Was there anything else?”
I tear my focus from Astelle and take in a deep breath. “I think I know where my father is.”
Zalore frowns. “Harlum? I’m sure he’s sitting comfortably in his Kingdom, surrounded by females.”
I snort. “No, my real father. Large gold wings, blond hair, green eyes. Ring any bells?”
Astelle looks up, confusion etched into her perfect features. Perhaps now she will believe me.
Zalore laughs, running his gaze up and down my body. “No, that can’t be true.”
Something about his reaction tells me he knows exactly who I’m talking about.
“I cannot give you what you seek,” he says.
Without thinking, I reach out and touch his arm, and he flinches, eying my hand. “Please. I can tell you know him. He’s here, isn’t he? Just tell me where I can find him.”
He yanks his arm back, and I drop my hand. “Enough. You need to leave now, before I change my mind and decide to keep you after all.”
He is definitely lying. That much is obvious. But why? Why is it such a secret who my father is? Why can’t anyone give me any answers?
I take one last look at Astelle and attempt to reaffirm with her I will come back, and I will save her. I glance around at the other females, and they look back with helpless eyes, pleading for me to save them, too. And I will.
Enough is enough. If Zalore won’t give me any answers, Amaros will, even if I have to beat them out of him.
After I make it back into Silanthia, I storm through the castle hallways in search of Amaros. He’s not in Harlum’s quarters or the Great Library.
Great. Where in the gods is this male? I head to the academy, watching the sunset on the horizon as I fly high above the Kingdom. It’s the very end of the day now, so students will be finishing up and heading home.
Zarla! What the fuck! Finlay’s angry voice sounds in my mind.
Shoot. I had almost forgotten. I’m sorry about that, but I had to go.
You nearly gave me a damn heart attack. You can’t keep doing this to me.
He’s right, and my heart twists because of it. Finlay is my guard, and I need to trust him and trust that he can hold his own.
Where are you now?
I’m back in Silanthia. Our bond didn’t connect in Galespo. I just need to have a word with Amaros.
He sighs. Okay, then. Just be careful.
I will, I tell him. Catch up later.
I glide down and land on the grass, passing students and Zelons on my way in. The hallways are quiet as I head for the arena. Amaros trains in the academy gym from time to time, and maybe that’s where he’ll be. Several guards stand near the arena entrance, and I know he must be in there.
Pushing the arena door open, I step inside. It’s quiet in here, aside from four more guards hovering in the middle of the arena near the gym area. I scan the vast space as I slowly cross, and sure enough, Amaros is in the gym. He’s lying on a bench while lifting a heavy barbell stacked with weights.
I cross my arms and wait for him to finish. He startles when he sees me, and I smirk at his reaction.
“What are you doing here?” He gets to his feet, and my gaze drops to his shirtless body and back up again.
His lips twitch at the corners, and I mentally kick myself for checking him out, knowing how much he enjoys it when I do. He raises his brows and uses his sweat towel to wipe his face.
“You need to tell me the truth about my father. Now.”
His expression shifts in an instant from sly to cold, and he brushes past me, crossing the gym to another piece of equipment.
“How could you keep that information from me? He’s my father! You pretend to care about me, but if you really did, you would tell me what you know. Where is he, Amaros?”
He looks over his shoulder at the guards, shoots me a warning glare, and then prepares the squat rack.
“Oh, hell no. You are not going to avoid me again.” I storm across the gym and stand inside the squat rack, preventing him from using it.
I arch my brow at him, and when he still says nothing, I slap him hard across the face.
Then he snaps. He grabs my throat, maneuvers me across the gym, and throws me hard up against the wall. I gasp, winded at the force of the impact, and then step out from the wall toward him. He grips my throat again, shoving me back and pinning me in place. I will my powers to the surface.
“Don’t,” he threatens.
I can’t breathe. I claw at his hands, desperate for a breath of air.
“Do not push me. I am in charge here, not you. Did you disobey me and go to Galespo after I told you not to?”
My mind is reeling, and I can’t breathe, let alone think straight.
He shifts his attention to the guards. “Leave. Now.”
They quickly exit the arena, leaving the two of us alone. He looks me dead in the eye.
“I am more powerful than you know, and I am tiring of your disobedience. It would be in your best interest to do as I say.” He removes his hand from my throat, and I cough, gasping for air.
He strokes the back of his hand across my cheek. “I’m sorry about that. I never want to harm you. You’re everything to me.”
My hands shake, so I press them against the wall to hide them from him. I don’t need him knowing how afraid I am. I need to play along with him, pretend he’s in control here and that I am going to behave myself from now on.
“I’m sorry. I’ll do better,” I say, my voice breaking a little as I cough and rub my throat.
Once I catch my breath, I right myself and look him in the eye.
He seems satisfied with that, and I know I’ve played him well.
“I don’t know where he is. But I know he isn’t here in Silanthia, nor is he in Zarquon. I doubt he’ll even be in Galespo because he has an understanding with Zalore, and that would go against it.”
My mind races with possibilities. He’s got to be in one of the Kingdoms. It’s unlikely he would be down on Earth, although it’s possible.
He slips his fingers under my chin, tilting my face up to look at him. “He isn’t who you think he is. I’m trying to protect you.”
I search his eyes and find truth in his words. He seems to have a strong need to protect me, even if his actions and motives for that are questionable.
“I went to Galespo,” I say, confirming his earlier question.
His jaw tenses at my admission.
“I saw Astelle, and the way he’s treating her…”
He shrugs and folds his thick arms over his chest. “It’s not our place to interfere.”
I narrow my eyes at him. “It was you all along. You were the one who had the watchers attack Kyle.”
His entire demeanor shifts, and blinking rapidly, he shakes his head and runs his hands down his face, letting out a long breath. “He shouldn’t have told you that.”
I bite my bottom lip as tears well in my eyes, and I angrily wipe them before they fall.
“It was to protect you. All of it. Kyle’s dangerous, and I don’t trust his intentions. He’s an archangel, Zarla. He isn’t one of us.”
Taking a step closer, I shove his chest, but he doesn’t even budge. “Protect me? They attacked me too!”
He drops his arms at his sides as if giving me an invitation to take out my frustration and anger on him.
“We have to get her back. Do something!” I smack my hands into his chest.
“No!” His voice booms, and I jump. “We are going to stay out of it.”
I stare at him a moment then push past him and leave the arena. He is a stubborn asshole, and he will never understand. How could he just toss Astelle aside like that, after leading her to believe she actually meant something to him?
I fly back to my quarters and immediately sense Kyle. He would have felt my fear through the bond thanks to our rings. And sure enough, when I open my door, he’s waiting for me.
I take a moment’s pause before I hurry across the room and throw myself into his arms. He rubs soothing circles over my back that instantly calm me.
“You’re okay,” he whispers into my ear, and I nod. “I sensed your fear and came to find you. What happened?”
Pulling back, I look into his eyes. “Amaros. He gave Astelle to Zalore, and I went there and?—”
He takes hold of my arms, his eyes widening. “You went to Galespo? On your own? What were you thinking?”
I bite my bottom lip as it quivers. “I was looking for answers. About my father.”
Understanding seeps into his eyes, and he pulls me into his chest and kisses the top of my head. “You should have asked me to go with you.”
“I know. I’m sorry. But I had to. If Amaros finds you here?—”
“He won’t.” He pulls back and cups my face in his large hands before briefly pressing his lips to mine.
Gods above, I missed this. I missed him .
I breathe in his scent and let out a sigh. “Amaros knows something about my father, but he won’t tell me anything. Neither will Zalore.”
Kyle takes my hands in his. “I wish I could do more to help. I’m sorry I abandoned you. It was for your own good. I was worried I had a target on my back that could get you killed.”
“It’s okay. What matters is that you’re here now. Have there been any more attacks?”
He kisses my hands and gives me a tight-lipped smile. “It’s getting worse on Earth, but we strengthened our wards around the Kingdom, and we have had no further attacks since.”
He releases my hands, and I cross the room to sit on the edge of my bed.
“I went to see this female in the city,” I say. “She was around the last time the lost ones attacked. She told me our wards are weak, but when she tried to warn the King’s guard, they ignored her.”
He sits next to me and gives my thigh a squeeze. “I know. I sensed they were weak when I got here, and if I can sense that, so can the lost ones.”
I run my fingers over my lips as I think that over. It makes no sense. Why would Harlum not want our wards to be strong? It’s our best protection against lost ones, or anything else, getting into the Kingdom.
“Go to Harlum. Tell him what’s been going on, and then meet me in Zarquon. It’s not safe for you here anymore.”
I know he’s right. Harlum is either aware of this and doesn’t care, or something else is going on. Either way, he needs to know that I know. And he needs to allow the wards to be strengthened immediately.
“Yeah, okay.”
He cups my cheek and kisses me softly, and I snake my hand through his hair and pull him closer. Climbing into his lap, I straddle him and deepen our kiss, tasting him, exploring him. I don’t want this to stop, but he eventually pulls back.
“Be safe. I will know if you’re not.” He picks up my hand and runs his thumb over my bond ring.
I nod. “You too.”
He then effortlessly lifts me up and sits me down next to him. After a quick kiss on my cheek, he steps out onto my balcony and disappears, leaving me alone in my room.
I take a few deep breaths as I prepare myself to talk to Harlum. He needs to know how vulnerable we currently are with the state of our wards. I only hope I don’t run into Amaros along the way. He thinks the female in the city is crazy.
I leave my quarters and make my way through the corridors to find Harlum. He’s probably in his quarters, so I try there first. When I arrive, I immediately notice his quarters are not being guarded. That’s strange. Maybe he isn’t here. I enter regardless, and it’s deathly silent in here. Eerily so. I move through the living area and into his room when I spot him lying in a pool of blood.
A boost of adrenaline hits my heart hard, pounding it too fast, making me feel as though I may die. I hurry to him and drop to my knees at his side. Leaning down, I feel for his breath, but there’s nothing. He’s gone.
I stand and back away. Gods above, this is bad.
What’s wrong? Finlay’s concerned voice fills my mind.
Someone enters the room behind me, and I look back to find Amaros, flanked by several guards.
There’s a moment that passes between us where it feels as though he’s telling me he has me exactly where he wants me. His lips twitch, as if this is all part of whatever plan he has.