“ S eize her!” Amaros commands.
In the brief moment I have, I sprint for the windows, thankful they’re open, and dive through them. My wings spring free, catching my fall and carrying me high above the castle grounds.
The swooshing of wings from behind alerts me that the guards are coming. Gods above, if they catch me, I’m screwed. I beat my wings harder and faster than I ever have as I make a beeline for the Dark Forest.
Zarla? Answer me, dammit!
It’s bad… They’re after me!
Fuck, where are you? What happened?
There’s only one place I will be safe. If I can get there.
“Zarla Quinn! You must stop immediately!” a male calls out.
The good news is they don’t sound all that close. And I’m faster than they are.
Harlum’s dead. They think I did it!
Fuck! Where are you? I’ll come help you.
A cool gust of wind whips by my face while I fly over the forest. I risk a glance behind me and spot four guards in pursuit. I’ve got to lose them somehow. In a last-minute decision, I dive straight down toward the trees, finding a gap amongst the canopy, and then pull up just as the forest floor comes into view.
You can’t help me. I have to get to Zarquon, I tell him as I dart between the trees, easily remembering the flow of the trees.
Spending as much time as I have flying through this forest has given me an advantage, and I’m willing to bet it’s more time than they have spent here. I know my way around, and I know I can gain a serious advantage.
“Stop!” one of them shouts, his voice distant.
Good. It’s working.
You don’t have to do this alone. Let me help you for once!
Gods above, he can’t help me. No one can.
I brush past leaves and branches as I wind my way through the forest. I have to get there before they do. Kyle would have sensed my panic by now, and he’ll know I’m coming.
A stray branch I don’t see in time scrapes past my cheek, and I wince as it cuts my skin. But I don’t have time to stop or check the cut. My body will heal itself anyway. I have to keep going. I’m almost there.
You can’t. I’ll be safe in Zarquon, I tell Finlay.
Zarla, no!
Yelps echo throughout the lively forest, and I recognise one of them as Keva. I pray he doesn’t come to me for fear they could harm him.
I didn’t kill Harlum, but they think I did. That means the actual killer is out there, and a sickening feeling deep in my gut tells me I already know who it is. If I don’t do everything in my power to escape, they will blame me for this. I know it.
A blast of power flies past my head, illuminating the dimly lit forest. I dart off to the left, and it narrowly misses me.
So that’s how it is. They’re going to actually use their powers on me. Nope. I’m not having it. Flipping over, I reposition myself so I’m facing them while flying backwards. I build my powers up strong and fire them at the four guards.
I hit one, and it’s enough to knock him off course and send him crashing into a tree. One down, three to go. I know this could appear like I’m guilty, but they’re going to make sure of that anyway, regardless of what really happened to Harlum.
The guard in front fires his powers back at me, and I’m surprised at their lack of strength. My powers are far superior.
I build them up again and shoot them out as long vines, wrapping them around the guard’s waist. Then I yank him forward until his head hits the tree in front of him. There’s a distinct crack, and I wince.
In the time I’ve brought two of the guards down, it’s given the other two a chance to catch up. Flying backwards isn’t a skill I have mastered yet, and it’s definitely slowing me down. I spin back around and fly between the trees, trying my best to regain the distance I’ve lost.
The clearing is visible up ahead. I have to time this perfectly if I want even a chance of making it out of here. Picturing Zarquon at the forefront of my mind, I make a beeline through the trees towards the Gateway of the Gods.
“Don’t let her get through it!” one male shouts.
I risk a glance behind me, and a guard knocks into my side, tackling me to the ground. We roll across leaves and dirt and come to a stop. Leaping to my feet, I survey the situation.
The two guards raise their hands and inch towards me, and I raise mine back at them, prepared to fight.
“Zarla Quinn, you must come with us,” one of the males states.
I dart my focus between the two of them and then toward the gateway. Guessing my plan, they reposition themselves between me and the path to Zarquon.
“Don’t,” he warns.
“I didn’t do it,” I blurt out. “I would never do something like that!”
They glance at one another, and I see the sympathy in their expressions that tell me they believe me.
“We’ve been asked to bring you in. You can explain what happened when we do.”
Like hell. “I know how this works. As soon as you have me, you’ll never let me go. I’ll be blamed for this. I know I will. It’s a setup.”
I’ve got to escape, and this is the only chance I’ll get. I blast my powers at the guards and leap into the air, flying overtop of them. Gods above, please let me make it through. The gateway glows in the magical way that it does, and as I draw closer, I picture Kyle and Zarquon and then fly straight through it.
A scream ripples from my chest as I free-fall in the darkness. The familiar small opening appears, growing in size, and before I prepare for it, I land hard on my side on the grass near the forest. My heart thumps so darn fast that I feel as though it may stop altogether. I scan the forest as I scurry back, half expecting the two guards to land on the grass before me. But they don’t.
My body shakes uncontrollably, and then the reality of what’s just happened kicks in. I let out a scream. Tears wet my cheeks as my mind reels. How did this happen?
Kyle, I need you.
Just as the thought passes through my mind, Kyle swoops down and lands next to me, his black wings stretched out wide at his sides. I meet his worried gaze, and without a word, he scoops me up and lifts off into the sky. I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face into his shoulder as uncontrollable sobs wrack my body.
“I’ve got you,” he whispers.
When he lands, I can’t tear myself away from him. He carries me for a bit before setting me down somewhere soft. His bed. Then he climbs next to me and pulls me against him.
“It’s okay. You’re safe,” he gently reassures me.
I spend the next few minutes taking deep breaths, trying to calm myself enough to explain what’s happened. Images of Harlum’s lifeless body haunt my mind. Lying in a pool of his own blood, pale, staring back at me. Sure, he wasn’t the best father figure, but he has been my father for my entire life, and now he’s gone.
Kyle strokes his hand up and down my arm, soothing me enough to stop my shaking. “I need to know what happened. You’re scaring me.”
I wipe my fingers under my eyes, drying my tears, and reposition myself so I can look at him. But when I open my mouth to say it, I can’t. It’s like my throat is too dry and raw and won’t allow the words to pass through. My lip quivers as the tears start again.
He tucks me under his arm and holds me for a while longer. “How about I get you some of my mother’s tea? It should help calm you enough so you can at least explain what’s happened.”
I give him a small nod and then move over so he can get up. He disappears from the room and reappears a while later. He holds a tray with a pale-blue teapot and two gold teacups with swirls of deep blue over them, representing the waves in the ocean. They’re beautiful. Kyle pours some tea into the two cups and then holds one out to me.
I sit up against the pillows and take the hot cup between my hands, breathing in the delicious floral scent that immediately reminds me of Zeta. I take a sip, and sure enough, the warm liquid travels down my throat, and with it, a wave of calming energy flows over me.
“Harlum’s dead.”
Kyle’s mouth gapes open, and he drops onto the bed next to me.
“I found him.”
He takes my teacup from my hands, sets it down next to the bed, and then pulls me into his chest and holds me. Surprisingly, no more tears come, and I know it’s the tea working its magic.
“I’m so sorry.”
I pull back from him and tuck my hair behind my ears. “I found him dead in his quarters, and Amaros and some guards walked in. They think I did it. So I escaped and came here through the gateway.”
He takes my hand and gives it a squeeze. “It’s okay. We’ll figure this out.”
“I think Amaros killed him. The way he looked at me, as if he knew he had me exactly where he wanted me. It was all part of his plan.”
He strokes my cheek with his free hand. “We need to tell my parents about this.”
I reluctantly agree, knowing it’s the right thing to do. But what if they think I did it? They don’t know me well enough yet to just take my word that I didn’t.
Sensing my worry, Kyle hands me my teacup, and I take another sip. The warm liquid calms me once more, and I relax.
“They won’t judge you. They know Amaros is bad news. Come on. The sooner we get this over with, the better.” He takes my teacup and sets it down, then holds his hand out to me and pulls me up off the bed. He links his fingers through mine. “We’ll get through this together.”
Kyle’s parents agree I should remain within their Kingdom, knowing it isn’t safe back in mine. The thought of going back to Silanthia now feels daunting. Amaros has probably already alerted half the Kingdom, maybe even The Throne. Warning them of the dangerous fugitive on the run who killed her own father, and their King, Harlum. How can I ever go back?
I’ve been in Zarquon for a week now and haven’t heard a thing from anyone in Silanthia. I would give anything to talk to Lacinda or Demetros about this. They would know what to do. They always have. Maybe I could go down to Earth to see them. Surely it would be okay, especially if Kyle comes with me.
Sensing my worries, Kyle links his fingers through mine and tucks my hair behind my ear.
“Hey, what’s going on in there?” He gently strokes my head, and I glance over at him.
“Do you think it’s bad that we haven’t heard anything yet? I mean, Amaros knows I’m here. Where else would I go?”
The waves gently lap at my feet as we walk down the shoreline on the beach, and the warm, salty sea breeze fills my nose. I breathe it deeply into my lungs, and it relaxes me like it always does. We’ve walked along this beach every morning that I’ve been here, and it’s one of my favourite things to do each day.
He tugs my hand, bringing me to a stop, and I look up at him.
“You must stop concerning yourself with what you cannot control. It’s not necessarily bad that we have heard nothing.”
I bite my bottom lip and pull it into my mouth.
He reaches up and cups my cheek, stroking it with his thumb. “You did nothing wrong. You’re allowed to be here, and I’m going to keep you safe. I won’t let anyone touch you. I promise.”
I smile up at him.
“Ah, a smile. I’ll take it.”
Playfully, I swat at his hand and laugh, and he tickles me.
“Stop!” I squeal and run down the beach through the water.
He chases me, grabbing me around my waist, and spinning me in his arms. I stare into his gorgeous glacial-blue eyes, so grateful I met this incredible male. How could anyone ever compare to him? I feel so safe in his arms, as if nothing in all the Kingdoms can ever harm me when I’m with him.
Our lips meet, and I wind my hands to the back of his head and pull him closer. His tongue explores mine, his familiar taste one I can never, ever get enough of.
Mine. He is mine, and I am his. As if sensing my thoughts, a low growl rumbles in his chest, and I wrap my legs around his waist. His large hands cup my ass and hold me effortlessly, and then he deepens our kiss.
Too soon, he pulls back and stares into my eyes. “I will kill anyone who touches you.”
A dark and protective undertone laces his words, one I haven’t heard from him before, and I like it. And I don’t doubt it for a second. I know he would kill for me, and I would kill for him, too.
“Sorry to interrupt.”
Two guards stand behind Kyle, and I’m surprised neither one of us noticed them approach us.
Kyle carefully sets me down and takes my hand in his. Judging by their solemn expressions, I already know the news will not be good.
“We intercepted two messenger angels at our borders. From Silanthia,” a guard says, looking at me as he mentions my Kingdom.
“And?” Kyle prompts.
“They have advised us that Zarla Quinn is a suspect in the murder of their King, Harlum Quinn, and must return to Silanthia immediately.”
I feel as though I’m going to be sick. A wave of nausea wracks my body, and I stumble back.
Kyle snakes an arm around my waist, holding me up. “Thank you.”
The guards give a curt nod then spread their black wings out and take off, leaving us alone on the beach that now doesn’t feel so calm.
Kyle tugs me against him. “It’s okay. You’re not going anywhere, and they can’t step foot in our Kingdom.”
My chest tightens. I clutch it, hoping I can force myself to take a deep breath.
Just breathe, Zarla. You know how to breathe. Just do it.
Kyle cups my face between his hands. “Hey, look at me.”
I stare into his eyes as I fight desperately for enough air. Gods above, I’m dying.
“Breathe, Zarla. Breathe!” he demands.
His voice lulls my body into doing what it’s supposed to do, and I suck in a gasp of air. And then another. The panic slowly subsides, but then my lip quivers, and a sob escapes.
Kyle wraps his arms around me and holds me. “You’re okay. We’ll figure it out, I promise.”
After I’ve collected myself, Kyle and I fly back to his castle, where we find his parents and several guards and council members gathered around in the entranceway. Once we land, Kyle grabs hold of my hand, and I follow him through the doors and into the chaos.
“Mother,” he says, rushing over to Zeta, who somehow appears quite calm. “She can’t go back there.”
She gives his arm a squeeze. “I know. We are having discussions now about what to do next. We fear war if we don’t do as they ask.”
Kyle snorts. “So what? We can take them easily.”
This is insane. I’m not about to allow a war to break out over my presence within their Kingdom.
“No,” I say, stepping forward. “I don’t want that. I’ll go.”
Kyle shakes his head. “There is no way I will allow that. You will stay here, with me, where you belong.”
Warmth spreads over me, knowing how willing Kyle is to protect me, no matter the cost or the outcome of doing so. But I can’t let him. I won’t. I’m not about to put any angels’ lives at risk to protect myself.
As if seeing the decision in my eyes, he grits his teeth, his jaw tense. “No. You’re not going.”
I stroke his cheek. “I have to. I won’t put anyone here at risk.”
A guard rushes into the entranceway, breathing hard as if he’s just flown over the entire Kingdom to get here. “They’re here.”
Kyle storms over to his father, and I follow him. “Father, she’s not going anywhere. We can’t do that! They’ll kill her!”
I tug on his arm. “No, they won’t. I’ll be okay.”
Apollon places his hands on Kyle’s shoulders. “Son, we don’t have a choice. As the ruler of this Kingdom, I will not place the lives of many on the line for the life of one, no matter who it is. It’s my job to protect this Kingdom and the archangels within it.”
Kyle shrugs his father’s hands off him and starts pacing. He digs his fingers into his head and lets out a frustrated grunt. “This is bullshit, and you know it!”
“Enough!” Apollon shouts, and the authority in his tone halts Kyle in his tracks.
I dart my focus between the two stubborn males. The last thing I want to do is cause tension between Kyle and his father. I walk over to Kyle and wrap my arms around him, stealing his focus.
“Come with me,” I whisper and take hold of his hand.
I lead Kyle back outside, where we can have a moment alone. “I know this isn’t ideal, and I know you’re only trying to protect me. But I’m going. It’s my decision to make, and it’s the right one.”
He shakes his head and cups my face between his hands. “It’s not. I can’t lose you.”
Tears well in my eyes, and I attempt to blink them away. “Let me go. I can’t put anyone’s life at risk. I won’t.”
He searches my eyes and seemingly understands that I will not back down. I’m going, no matter what he says.
“I don’t like this.”
“I know,” I say, cuddling into him. “I’ll be okay. Amaros won’t harm me.”
His body tenses at the mention of Amaros, and a protective growl rumbles low in his chest.
Footsteps sound behind us, and I pull away from Kyle as his parents and several guards approach.
“We’ve received word that Amaros is waiting for Zarla at the border. We need to go.” Apollon gives me a grim look, and I can tell he doesn’t like this any more than we do.
We fly over the Kingdom toward the border and soon spot Amaros waiting with about ten guards. I swallow hard as we make our descent. Nerves wrack my body, swirling in my stomach like a flock of birds, and I pray to the gods that this is the right thing to do.
He won’t hurt you. You’ll be fine.
We land before them, and everyone appears on edge, tension thick in the air. Apollon and Zeta stare at Amaros, who glares right back.
“How does it feel having spent the past few thousand years hiding out in Silanthia?” Apollon asks.
Amaros smirks. “No, not hiding. Waiting.”
Kyle cups my face in his hands and presses a kiss to my lips, then rests his forehead against mine. “I will know if you’re not safe, and I will come for you,” he whispers.
“I know.” I squeeze my eyes shut, enjoying this last moment with him before I’m taken away.
Amaros clears his throat, and I glance over at him. His expression is hard to read, but I can definitely sense jealousy. His focus drops to Kyle’s hands, which are now on my lower back, then back up to meet my gaze.
“Zarla, we must leave. Now,” he states in a firm, authoritative tone.
Zeta and Apollon say their goodbyes to me, and Kyle reluctantly lets my hand go. I wander over to Amaros. He stares down at me, his disapproval something I wonder if I will pay for later. He shakes his head at me before releasing his wings.
Amaros takes off into the sky and his guards wait to escort me back. I gaze back at Kyle, his expression torn between wanting to stop me from leaving and knowing I have to go.
Gods above, this is hard. I take a deep breath then release my wings and follow Amaros, flanked by the group of guards, back to Silanthia.
The flight back takes much longer than I remember, but I’m thankful we don’t run into any lost ones. We land outside the castle, and Amaros dismisses the guards then roughly grabs my arm and leads me through the hallways and into my quarters.
He doesn’t speak a word to me until we’re inside and the door is closed. I anxiously await his scolding, but I’m pleasantly surprised when he hugs me instead.
“Thank the gods you’re okay.”
I freeze beneath his touch, then quickly hug him back. This is strange. Something doesn’t feel right. He should be yelling at me, telling me how reckless I am, and how I should never have left the Kingdom.
“I’m sorry about Harlum,” he whispers against my ear. “I know you’re innocent.”
He pulls back but stays close.
“Yes, I am.”
He strokes my cheek, and his touch is like ice, causing me to shiver. “We have rules that must be followed. Laws that must be adhered to. It’ll be okay. We will get to the bottom of it. But in the meantime, you are to remain within the Kingdom. Do I make myself clear?”
I knew this was coming, so it doesn’t surprise me one bit. I nod.
“Why did you flee?”
I’m not sure if he’s testing me or what, but I’ll play along. For now.
“Because I knew they would blame me for it, and I didn’t do it,” I say, looking him in the eyes.
He stares right back, and despite the intensity of his gaze, I refuse to be the first to look away. He did this. I know it.
“Well, it didn’t look good. The Throne has questions, Zarla. I can’t hold them off for long.” He steps in closer, forcing me to back up until I feel the cool wall behind me. “Of course, now that Harlum is gone, we need a new ruler. I know The Throne are considering me.”
My mouth falls open, and I gasp. That’s absurd. They can’t do that.
“What did you expect?” He eyes me up and down. “They will not allow a murder suspect to rule over the Kingdom.”
“Is that why you did it? Was this all a part of your big plan?” I demand.
His expression darkens, and I know I shouldn’t push him any further.
“I’m not sure what plan you’re referring to. But I’m doing right by my Kingdom. We need a strong ruler right now. If not me, then who would you suggest is suitable for such a task?”
Although I hate to admit it, he has a point. I’m not fit to rule. And I can’t think of anyone else who would be. I don’t know the first thing about ruling a Kingdom. Maybe Mikel could, but even then, it’s a huge undertaking. Lissian may be able to do it, but I know The Throne would prefer a male ruler.
Gods above, what a mess.
A smirk curls his lips, and he leans in close, his mouth inches from mine. I let out a slow breath, remembering how his lips felt against mine. Gods above, how does he have this effect on me? He hovers there, his warm breath tickling my cheek. His scent fills my nose, and I close my eyes.
He slides his hand across my side and around to my lower back, gently tugging me closer, and I don’t fight it.
“Good to know I still have the same effect on you….” he whispers in my ear before stepping away from me.
I blink my eyes open, and he smirks then crosses the room and leaves me alone in my quarters while I question my stupidity.