Wings of Betrayal (Kingdom of Angels #2) Chapter 17 57%
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Chapter 17


E verywhere I go, there are whispers about me.

“Did you know she killed her own father?”

“Did you hear she killed Harlum so she could take the throne?”

“They should lock her up in the cells.”

“How dare she show her face after what she’s done!”

“She killed our King!”

I know angels within the Kingdom think I did it. The rumor mill is well and truly turning, and it weighs heavily on my mind.

Leaving the castle grounds was a mistake. The city was rife with gossip yesterday when I ventured out. A group of angry angels surrounded me, and I was so close to using my powers to defend myself. Luckily, Mikel showed up and threatened them, giving me a chance to spread my wings and escape.

I’ve got to be more careful. Until they find the actual killer, or I can prove Amaros did it, I have to lie low. I haven’t seen Lissian since everything happened, and I know I need to pay her a visit. In fact, I’m surprised she hasn’t come to me. She always has in the past. No matter how bad a situation is, she’s there for me.

Unease knots my stomach, and I can only hope she doesn’t believe the rumors.

I wind my way through the castle hallways, hoping I don’t bump into Amaros, and head toward Lissian’s quarters. I gently rap my knuckles on the door, and she opens. Her expression hardens a bit when she sees it’s me, which coils my worries tighter.

“Zarla, hi,” she says, tugging her shawl around her shoulders. “I didn’t expect you.”

“I know. I’m sorry to show up like this, but I need to talk to you.”

She fiddles with her shawl more before stepping to the side and gesturing for me to enter with a wave of her arm. I cross the room and sit in one of her armchairs by the fire, and after closing the door, she sits down in the one opposite mine. She fidgets around, trying to get comfortable, then runs her hands over her dress.

“I didn’t do it,” I blurt out, needing to clear it up before she makes me feel any worse.

She freezes and doesn’t say a word.

“I didn’t kill Harlum,” I say, as if being more specific will help her better understand. “He was like a father to me. You don’t think I did it, do you?”

She blinks and lets out a long breath. “In all honesty, no. I don’t think you’re capable of such a thing.”

Relief washes over me, and I relax. “Everyone’s talking about it, saying I did it. It’s bad.”

She reaches out and places her hand over mine. “When have we ever cared what anyone else thinks? We both know the truth, and that’s what matters. It’ll all blow over in time.”

“I think Amaros had something to do with it. If it wasn’t him, he arranged it. I know it. And now he thinks he’s going to rule over the Kingdom.”

She frowns. “I don’t know about that. Amaros has been at Harlum’s side for a long time. I can’t imagine him turning on Harlum now. And as far as ruling the Kingdom goes, that’s out of his hands. The Throne will make that decision.”

I nod, letting her words sink in and sweep away my worries.

“Until we find out who is responsible, you must be careful. It could be anyone, someone close to you, even. It’s best to lie low for now. And don’t venture into the city. It isn’t safe.”

Following Lissian’s advice, I stay close to the castle over the following week. We’re no closer to finding Harlum’s killer, but the rumors are still circulating, and I hear whispers of them.

The Kingdom is on high alert, and angels are scared and confused. Their King was murdered, but not everyone is convinced I am responsible.

I’m sitting in the Great Library, flicking through books about the Realm of Lost Souls, when Nilo approaches me. He’s dressed in his guard leathers, which really do suit him, but his serious expression concerns me.

I lean back in my seat as I eye him. “Hey. Everything all right?”

He pulls a chair out and sits down opposite me.

“Hey. I’m sorry to interrupt you,” he says, gesturing to the books laid out before me, “but there’s something I wanted to discuss with you. It’s important.”

I arch a brow at him. “It’s okay. What is it?”

He leans forward and rests his elbows on the table. “It’s about Amaros. I don’t trust him. And I think…”

He stares out into nothing.

I gently touch his arm to bring him back to the moment. “What is it?”

He clears his throat and rubs his chin. “I just think you need to be careful. I don’t trust his motives, and I think he may be involved in Harlum’s murder.”

He stares at me, awaiting my reaction to his accusation.

“I think so, too,” I tell him simply.

He frees a relieved breath and gives my hand a squeeze. “I’m glad you see it, too. Zarla, I know what he’s doing. He’s placing doubt in the minds of The Throne, having them think you are responsible so they view him as the best fit to rule. And there’s something else. Astelle hasn’t been seen for a few weeks now. When the issue was raised, Amaros dismissed it, as if it were nothing.”

I bite my bottom lip. Despite Amaros’s threats, not to mention him gifting Astelle to Zalore, I trust Nilo. And I have to tell someone.

“She’s in Galespo. With Zalore.”

Nilo frowns. “How do you know?”

I push my seat back and stand. “Because Amaros gave her to him.”

Saying the words out loud makes it so much worse. Tears well in my eyes, and I try to blink them away.

Nilo rises out of his chair and hugs me. “It’ll be all right. We can get her back.”

I let out a long breath, and he steps back.

“I don’t think so,” I say. “Not yet anyway. Amaros made a deal with him. Gods above, it’s bad. If he finds out I’ve told you any of this?—”

“He won’t. I promise,” he quickly reassures me. “Zarla, he’s going to convince The Throne to let him rule. He’s going to become King if we don’t do something.”

Nilo’s words play over and over in my mind as I fly over the Kingdom toward the Dark Forest. I cannot allow Amaros to rule. There’s a deep-rooted feeling inside me that knows it would be bad. Really bad. I don’t trust him or his intentions. I have to somehow get to the bottom of what he’s planning.

Hey, where are you? Finlay asks.

Shoot. We were supposed to catch up this evening.

I’m on my way back to the castle, I tell him and quickly change directions.

I could actually do with a shower and a change of leathers before I venture back into Galespo. And if I don’t meet with Finlay, he will suspect something, I’m sure.

I’ll meet you there, he replies.

I fly to my balcony, the quickest way in and the best way to avoid bumping into Amaros. I strip down and have a quick shower before changing into fresh leathers. As soon as my corset is on, there’s a knock on my balcony door, and Finlay waves at me through the glass.

I let him in, and he hugs me.

“You didn’t have to clean up on my behalf,” he jokes as he steps into my quarters.

I roll my eyes. “Ha-ha. Very funny.”

He folds his arms and tilts his head as he studies me. “You’re up to something.”

Dammit. How does he do that?

Because I can get inside your head, remember?

I throw my arms in the air and storm into my wardrobe to find my leather boots. “Fine. I was planning to go back to Galespo.”

“Like hell you are!”

Finlay draws closer to stand in the doorway to my walk-in wardrobe. Ignoring him, I tug my leather boots on and strap my daggers to my thighs.

“I mean it, Zarla. You can’t just go there on a whim whenever you feel like it. Especially on your own. Zalore could have taken you as his prisoner.”

I snatch up my mother’s locket and fasten it around my neck. “He wouldn’t have been able to. Trust me.”

He snorts. “Yeah, because you can totally fend off a seven-foot god.”

I spin around. Sarcastic prick.

“You know I’m right,” he says.

Rolling my eyes, I push past him on my way out. “No actually, I don’t. And for the record, I don’t plan to bump into him this time.”

Finlay follows me into my room and sits on the end of my bed as I move about, getting myself ready to go. “Seriously, though. Let me come with you.”

I swing my cloak over my shoulders and fasten the buttons down my front. “No.”

He raises his brows. “When did you get so damn stubborn?”

I can’t help but laugh at that. Then, letting out a sigh, I sit down next to him. “Look, I know you’re only trying to help. And I appreciate it. I really do. But I will not risk your life after everything you’ve been through.”

He runs a hand through his blond hair in frustration. “That’s for me to decide, not you. I chose to be your guard for a reason. I’m supposed to protect you, to be there for you when you need me. And I feel like I haven’t been able to do that lately. You keep rushing off and doing your own thing, endangering your life and having no one there to help you when things go pear-shaped.”

I rest my hand on his knee. “I love how seriously you take being my guard. How much you care about keeping me safe. But some things I must go at alone. And this is one of those. I have never met my real father, and if I find him, it’s just something I have to do myself. I hope you understand that.”

He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “I still think I should go with you. But I can see you don’t want that.”

I reach out and cup his cheek, forcing him to look at me. “It’s not about not wanting you to come with me. It’s about me needing to do this alone.”

Understanding crosses his features as he nods. “Okay, I get it. But by the gods, be careful.”

I get to my feet and tug him up with me. “I will, I promise.”

“Because I cannot mind-link with you when you’re there.”

I adjust my cloak. “Yeah, I know. I’ll be all right. Zalore wouldn’t allow harm to come to me, least of all by the hands of his watchers. He sees me as a female of value.”

He narrows his eyes at me. “That doesn’t make me feel any better about this.”

I laugh. “Yeah, well, it’s the truth. I will return unharmed.”

He pulls me into his chest, and we say our goodbyes before I’m flying back toward the Dark Forest. Yes, it’s risky returning to Galespo after my last visit. Zalore wanted to keep me. That much was clear. If he catches me in his Kingdom, uninvited again, I know he will try to keep me there. He’ll probably attempt to use me as a bargaining chip with Amaros.

But I can’t let that stop me from doing what I have to do. My father is there. I know he is. And I’m going to find him.

I pass through the gateway with ease and make my way down the mountain toward the city. It’s dark out, a bonus for getting in unnoticed. The cool wind whips by my face, lifting my cloak and swirling it around. Hopefully, it’s more sheltered within the city. Thunder booms overhead, and lightning cracks across the sky, lighting it up for a moment before blanketing the city in darkness once more.

I reach the same gate, surprised the lock hasn’t yet been repaired, and slip through into the city. The streets are mostly empty, and I tug the hood of my cloak down over my face to avoid unwanted attention. I have no idea where to even begin to look for my father, but I’m out of options. I have to try.

Rounding the next corner, I spot movement in the shadows across the street, and I halt, staring into the darkness. Something’s there, creeping around. My heart pounds as a cold sweat breaks out across the nape of my neck, and then a pair of glowing red eyes emerges.

And they’re locked on me.

A four-legged black creature stalks out of the shadows, its back arched unnaturally high and the rest of it hunched low as if preparing to attack. Then another emerges, and another, until there’s a group of them.

My breath catches in my chest, and I try to swallow the lump forming in my throat.

I shuffle back, willing my powers to the surface, but using my powers will only draw unwanted attention. I can’t risk it.

The creature in front growls, baring its impossibly sharp teeth that protrude from its jaw. Saliva froths from its mouth. It bounds toward me.

Nope. Hell no. I sprint down the street, thankful I’m fast, while their growls echo behind me. Their paws pound into the pavement, but I don’t dare look at how close they are. It’ll only slow me down.

I round the next corner and spot an alleyway on my left. I risk it, run down there, and slip through a narrow gap between two buildings. Their growls sound at the end of the alleyway, and I hold my breath as I pray to the gods they don’t find me. This gap is narrow, so maybe they won’t be able to get through it.

Several pairs of red eyes emerge in the darkness. Then the creatures paw at the gap, snapping at me, trying to reach me. A scream escapes my mouth as one of their claws slashes my leg. I kick at the creature, then I think screw it and blast them with my powers.

The creature whimpers, and then they all hightail it out of there.

I let out a sigh of relief and take a moment to catch my breath before I shuffle my way back out of the narrow gap. I scan the alleyway to ensure they’re gone before I relax a little.

“You shouldn’t be here.”

I snap my focus to a large male standing in the alleyway, staring at me. Oh no, not good. I back away from him and consider climbing in between the buildings again. But I know he’ll probably get to me before I can slip in deep enough. My mind reels as I scan my surroundings for a way out of this.

He raises his hands. “I will not hurt you.”

“Then what do you want?”

Keeping his hands in the air, he takes another step forward and into the light beaming down from the building above. He’s handsome, with a thick head of blond hair and piercing blue eyes.

“You’re looking for someone,” he states.

I frown. How in the gods does he know that?

“It’s obvious. Why else would you risk coming here? We don’t have many females around here, so it isn’t the smartest idea coming alone.”

I take another step toward the gap between the buildings, knowing it’s my only escape, even if I don’t make it that far.

“You won’t make it,” he warns.

Great, he’s sussed my escape route already. “What makes you think I’m alone?”

He glances around the alleyway then looks back at me and arches a brow. “Well, aren’t you?”

I press my lips together and lift my chin. “Fine. I’m here looking for someone. Are you going to help me or what?”

He laughs and takes a step forward. “You’re different from other females. Stronger.”

I reach for my daggers, and he raises his hands again.

“Hey, not going to hurt you, remember?”

“Can you help me or not?”

He bites his bottom lip then walks over to the alleyway wall and leans up against it, crossing his arms over his chest. “Well, that depends. Who are you looking for?”

“My father.”

He laughs and nods. “All right. And why do you think your father is here?”

I take a deep breath, my annoyance at this male’s arrogant attitude growing by the minute. “Because he isn’t in the other Kingdoms. He’s huge, blond hair, green eyes, gold wings…”

A knowing look crosses over his features, and he steps out from the wall and walks toward me. I grab my daggers and hold them out in defence, but it doesn’t stop him.

He keeps walking and then stops a few feet before me. “I know him. But he doesn’t have a family.”

Great, he thinks I’m lying. “Look, this really isn’t your concern. It’s between him and me. Just forget it.”

I move past him, and he reaches out and grabs my arm. I attempt to slash my dagger across his torso, but he snatches my wrist.

“Let. Me. Go,” I growl.

His blue eyes bore into mine. This male is stubborn, maybe more so than I.

“You won’t last five minutes on these streets alone. I know him, and I know where to find him. Do you want my help and my protection or not?”

I stare at him. “Why do you want to help me?”

He lets my arm go and glances away for a moment before running his hand through his hair. “I don’t know. It could get me killed. But you seem…in need. And I don’t like females being harmed.”

I put my daggers away and gesture for him to lead the way. “Fine, then.”

He takes a step closer and smirks. “I think what you meant to say was thank you. And yes, I would love your help, kind sir.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “Don’t push it.”

He laughs and walks down the alleyway, and I jog to catch up to him, pulling my hood back over my head.

“Do not make eye contact with anyone. Stay close behind me, and keep your head down. We clear?”


I follow the large, stubborn male through the streets, and just as I’m wondering if he’s genuine, he stops outside what appears to be a bar on the corner.

“This the place?” I ask, and he nods.

He reaches for the handle and glances over his shoulder at me. “Do not speak to anyone. Do not look at anyone. We will wait at the booth in the corner, and if he comes in, I’ll let you know.”

“Okay, agreed.”

He steps into the bar, and I follow him, keeping my head down. He stops near the booth in the corner and gestures for me to slip in, and he follows in close, sitting next to me. I carefully raise my head and notice the place is deserted, which helps me relax a little.

The watcher raises his hand in the air, and the barman fixes two drinks and brings them over. I look down when he approaches, and he sets the drinks on the table then leaves us to it.

“Here,” he says, sliding a glass over to me.

Intricate markings cover his hand, some of them symbols.

“Most watchers have them. It gets boring around here.”

I nod and study the blue contents in my glass. “What is it?”

He puts the glass to his lips and drinks half of it in one go, then he burps. I cringe at the male and then decide bugger it and try it myself. It’s sweet and flows easily down my throat, sending a cooling sensation along with it.

“Mmm…” I say. “That’s not bad.”

He laughs and shakes his head. “You are an interesting female. So what’s the story with your father, then?”

I bite my lip, deciding how much I want to open up to this male. I don’t know him, but there’s something about him that makes me feel I can trust him. Hell, he could’ve killed me by now, could’ve taken me to Zalore, but he hasn’t. I’m still trying to figure out why.

“I grew up thinking King Harlum was my father,” I start, and his eyes widen.

He rubs his chin. “Oh, hell.”

I take another sip of my drink, which thankfully calms my nerves. “He’s been murdered. I’m not sure if you heard about that.”

He nods. “I did. I’m sorry.”

“Well, when my mother was murdered, this male I seek showed up and took her away. And she talked about my father having green eyes in her journals. He matches the description, that’s all..”

As though sensing my uncertainty and sadness, he places his hand over mine, and I’m surprised at how sympathetic he seems. “Sorry to hear that.”

I twirl my glass on the wooden table and then take another sip, finishing it. “It’s okay. It was a long time ago.”

He raises his hand, and the barman brings over two more of the delicious blue concoction.

“So you’ve seen him in here, then?” I ask once the barman leaves.

He nods. “I have seen a male who fits the description. He comes in here every so often. His name’s Atticus.”

Having him tell me his name reassures me. He wouldn’t know that any other way than from meeting him here or hearing him speak it himself. He’s telling the truth. I take a sip of my fresh drink, and he does the same.

“So, what’s it like living here?” I ask.

He snorts. “It’s shit. No females, just grumpy-ass males.”

I purse my lips. “Yeah, that sounds a bit shit, to be fair. But you can leave, right? Go down to Earth?”

He taps his fingers on the table and drinks his entire drink in one go. “I can, and I do. But human females are…fearful. We scare them with our size and looks.”

He shifts his gaze to mine, and it drops to my lips for a moment before he looks away again. The bell above the door dings, and I glance over just as a huge male steps into the bar. He has his hood up, so I can’t see his face. He crosses to the bar and orders a drink. He throws it back then lowers his hood and scans the bar before his green eyes lock onto mine.


He gets to his feet and stalks over to me, and the male beside me gives me a look as if to ask if it’s okay. I nod, and he shuffles out of the booth.

Atticus grabs my arm and hauls me across the bar and out a back door into yet another alleyway. I struggle beneath his grasp, but it’s no use.

His huge seven-foot frame towers over me as he stares at me with bright-green eyes. “Who are you?”

Gods above, he’s big. He looks just as he did that one awful night, sixteen years ago, when he appeared in my room and took my mother away. Like a god.

He raises his brows expectantly.

I clear my throat. “I’m Zarla. Serona’s daughter.”

A haunted look crosses his features. “It can’t be…”

“Look, I know this is strange. But I think… I think you might be my father.”

He runs his hands down his face. “No. It’s not possible. She would’ve told me.”

He paces down the alleyway, mulling over my words, muttering to himself, before he faces me again. “You shouldn’t be here. You could be killed.”

“Are you my father?” I ask, ignoring his concerns.

“No,” he says, his voice loud and stern, causing me to jump. “You shouldn’t have come here.”

And with that, he storms back through the door and into the bar, leaving me alone in the dark alleyway. I stare at the door he disappeared through as it swings back and forth.

What in the gods was I thinking? Was I wrong to come here?

My lip quivers, and I bite down on it to hold back the tears.

This was a huge mistake.

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