I pass through the gateway and land with a thud in the clearing of the Dark Forest. The air is still, almost too quiet, and it sets my nerves abuzz.
A yelp sounds in the distance, and I sense Keva is near. Unsure whether this will work, I send out a signal to let him know I’m here.
A cool breeze blows through the clearing, collecting leaves and swirling them overhead, and it smells of dirt and deception.
Something’s wrong. I feel it to my core, in every cell in my body.
The sounds of the flowing river echo around the clearing, and then Keva bounds out of the treeline headed straight for me. Thankfully, he stops just in time before barreling me over and licks his tongue across the side of my face.
I giggle. “Hey, boy. I missed you, too.”
He grunts and then bends down in an invitation for me to climb onto his back.
“You wanna take me for a ride?”
He grunts again, growing impatient, so I climb on.
Zarla? What the fuck! I have been worried sick. You’ve been gone for almost two days! Finlay says, sounding beyond worried.
I’m sorry. I had things to do, and they took longer than I planned. Where are you?
It’s bad, Zarla. I’m in The Throne Room, and Amaros is making his case before The Throne to be the new King.
That sneaky son of a bitch.
Shit! I’m on my way, I tell him.
“Fly, Keva!”
He bounds across the forest floor then lifts into the air, his immense purple-black wings flapping hard and fast. We head for The Throne Room, Keva somehow knowing that’s where we need to go.
Gods above, please don’t be too late. Please.
If Amaros takes over the Kingdom, it’ll be bad. I know his intentions aren’t good. They cannot allow him to rule.
Finlay, what’s going on?
He’s still making his case, and I hate to say it, but he’s doing a good job. And no one has even disputed it. I don’t understand.
He probably threatened anyone he assumed would oppose him. Or paid them off. Finlay, you might have to stall things. Make a scene!
The Throne Room lies ahead. We’re not far away, but it’s touch and go whether we can make it on time.
“Hurry, Keva!” I plead, and he somehow flies faster.
I can’t! I’ll be thrown in the cells. Just hurry!
Crap. Crap. Crap.
After about five minutes, Keva glides down and lands on the grass outside the main doors, and I leap down and sprint toward them. Two guards stand out front, blocking the doors.
“Move. Now,” I demand.
They stare at me for a moment but step aside and allow me to pass. I yank the doors open and rush inside.
And I’m too late. Amaros is surrounded by males congratulating him. His focus shifts to me, and he smiles, enjoying the win.
No. I’m not having it.
I rush through the crowds toward The Throne angels who hover around Amaros to congratulate him.
“Excuse me,” I say to one of them. “What’s going on here?”
The male looks down at me and frowns. “You shouldn’t be here. Amaros has been unanimously granted the right to rule as the new King of Silanthia.”
My mouth gapes open. “You can’t do that! He can’t be King!”
The other Throne angels have caught on to the commotion and so too has Amaros.
His jaw tenses as he glares down at me, clearly not used to being spoken to in this way.
“Amaros has also informed us you are an illegitimate daughter of King Harlum’s. You have no say, nor right, to be here and question our authority. Especially considering the circumstances surrounding Harlum’s murder.” He turns away from me.
My mind reels while I stare at his back, frozen in place.
“Zarla!” Finlay rushes over to me and pulls me in for a hug. “Thank the gods you’re okay. I’m not happy with you right now, but we can talk about that later.”
I scratch my head. “I’m too late.”
He snorts. “No shit. But in all honesty, they wouldn’t have listened to you anyway. Amaros told them Harlum wasn’t your father. Not to mention throwing you under the bus as a murder suspect. It’s bullshit.”
My entire body tenses at his menacing voice behind me.
Finlay darts his focus between Amaros and me. He knows Amaros is King, though, and he has to obey. He gives me an apologetic look and then walks away.
Amaros grabs my arm and turns me to face him. His nostrils flare as he takes in a deep breath. “You will never learn, will you?”
Frowning, I try to yank my arm free, but it’s no use. He hauls me through the crowds until we’re outside.
“Back to the castle. Now,” he demands.
He releases his wings and then waits while I do the same. He then gestures for me to go, and I know he is going to escort me.
“You can’t control me.”
He laughs. “Actually, I can. I am King now, and you must obey. Finally. Now go.”
I glare at him, considering my options. Can I outfly him back to the Dark Forest and through the gateway into Zarquon? It’s possible but unlikely. Sure, I am a powerful goddess, but he is a powerful god. One I may have underestimated. My chances of escape are slim.
I roll my eyes and take off toward the castle. It’s probably best to listen to him right now, especially after everything. He clearly knows I left the Kingdom. I can feel his anger, the anger he is trying to contain. His wings swoop, and I glance back to find him following me.
He flies up alongside me. “My balcony.”
I frown at him and shake my head. “No.”
He blasts me with his power, and I scream, cradling my shoulder as I fall. He glides down and catches me. Tears sting my eyes, but I refuse to look at him.
Zarla, what’s going on? Finlay’s concerned voice fills my mind.
“Disobedience will have consequences from now on. I am your King, and you will obey my command.”
I don’t bother responding. I know it won’t get me anywhere.
Thunder booms overhead, and a raindrop lands on my cheek before it turns into a complete downpour. By the time we land on his balcony, we’re both soaked, but my shoulder has healed thankfully.
Zarla? What’s going on? Are you with Amaros?
I’m okay. I’ll contact you soon, I tell him.
“You bastard!” I shout, shoving Amaros’s chest once he sets me down.
He doesn’t budge and simply smirks. “You’ve already healed, so stop complaining.”
I glare at him and take several steps back. “Why am I here?”
He moves forward and takes hold of my arm.
“Let go of me!”
“No,” he growls. “You are here because I can better keep an eye on you in my own quarters. Now get inside.”
He pushes me toward the doors, reaches around me to open them, and then shoves me once more. I stumble through them into his quarters, almost tripping. He closes the doors and storms toward me, and I swear he’s going to hit me. I brace my arms over my face, but he stops.
“I will not hurt you. I’m sorry about before.” His voice sounds gentle.
What is wrong with this male? “You’re sorry ?”
“Where were you?” he asks, and his voice holds nothing but concern.
I fold my arms over my chest and remain silent.
He squeezes his eyes closed and pinches his nose. “I swear to the gods, you’d better answer me. I do not want to hurt you, but that doesn’t mean I won’t.”
Bastard. “You know where I was.”
He narrows his eyes and then storms forward, yanking my cloak from around my neck and eying the large black T-shirt I wear. Oh no.
“What the hell is that?”
I bite my bottom lip. “It’s a friend’s.”
“A male friend? Who?”
I blow out a breath and take a step back. “It’s none of your business.”
He raises his hand at me, and I flinch.
Then he lowers it and strides across the room. “You infuriate me! I asked you a question, and may I remind you once more, I am your King, and you will obey my command! Now whose is it?”
“A watcher, okay? He helped me.”
He balls his fists and begins pacing his room like a maniac about to explode. “Helped you how? Why are you wearing his clothing? Tell me his name.”
“He helped me find my father. And then I had a few too many drinks at the bar, and he took me to his place to keep me safe. I threw up on my leathers, so he lent me his T-shirt. Okay? And no, I will not tell you his name.”
His complexion pales a bit, his shock obvious. “You found Atticus? And went to a bar? Fuck, Zarla.”
I ignore him, knowing damn well I don’t owe him anything.
He presses his balled fists into his face and slowly moves closer to me. “By the gods, answer me.”
I let out a frustrated breath. “Yes, I found him. But he refused to acknowledge he’s my father. And yes, I went to a bar.”
His jaw tenses as he runs his fingers along it, and I swear he’s pissed but not about the bar. “He’s an asshole. I told you I was only trying to protect you from him. Did this male touch you?”
“No, he didn’t. He was kind. He’s a friend.”
He throws his head back and snorts. “A friend ? A male watcher is not your friend, Zarla. He only wants to get into your pants.”
I purse my lips and glare at him.
“You know what they’re like. You’ve seen it yourself, the way Zalore treats your sister. Tell me you’re not that stupid. His name. Now .”
I grit my teeth and storm toward the door, but he beats me there, blocking my way.
“Oh no, you’re not going anywhere. You will remain in here until I decide what to do with you.”
I attempt to shove him out of the way, but it’s no use. Then an idea pops into my head, and I knee him hard between the legs and make a beeline for the balcony doors. He grabs me from behind, lifts me into the air, and carries me over to his bed. He throws me down, and when I attempt to get up, he shoves me back again and points a finger at me.
“Don’t you dare get up,” he threatens.
I stay put. “Fuck you.”
He laughs. “If you wish.”
I shuffle back and lean up against the pillows. If I’m going to be forced to stay on his stupid bed, I’m going to be comfortable. “You will never be King in my eyes.”
He leans forward with his hands on the bed. “Well, get used to it. Because I am your King. And you will recognise me as such. In fact, finding out that your ‘father’ isn’t actually your real father, and that he’s lied to you your entire life, is quite the motive for murder, don’t you think?”
My eyes well up, and I bite my bottom lip, refusing to allow the tears to spill over. He doesn’t deserve my tears. I will my body to cooperate for once. Just once.
“Who the hell are you?” I ask.
He smirks. “You know exactly who I am. And I think deep down, you like it.”
I angrily wipe my eyes and huddle my knees into my chest, thankful I’m wearing Grazen’s T-shirt, the only comfort I have in here.
“It’s not too late to rule at my side. We could easily find Harlum’s killer, if you so choose.” He heads for the door then turns to face me. “When I get back, I want that watcher’s name.”
He raises his hand, and his black powers seep from his fingertips like a smoky vine. They travel across the room toward the balcony doors. The smoke-like vines find their way into the lock and seal me in.
I raise my hand and build my power, holding it at bay. “I will not be locked in here like a prisoner.”
“Just try it. Let’s see once and for all who’s really stronger,” he says, continuing to use his powers to lock me in.
I grit my teeth and blast my powers at him, but he’s faster and blocks them with his own. His powers override mine and I fall back on the bed.
Laughing, he steps outside the main door of his quarters and closes it behind him. His black smoky vines travel through that lock too, trapping me inside.
Tears sting my eyes. Kyle will sense something’s wrong. Hell, Finlay will too. Where is he?
I leap off the bed and try the door, despite knowing it will not open.
Okay, Finlay, I might be in trouble. Where are you?
Minutes pass, but there’s no response. Then I remember something. I rush over to the balcony doors and reach for my mother’s locket, tucked safely under Grazen’s T-shirt. I hold it up against the lock, and it immediately clicks open. Closing my eyes, I press the locket to my lips.
Thank you.
I find my cloak and throw it over my shoulders. It drips a trail of rainwater across his floor as I make my way back to the balcony. Good. I hope he slips in it and breaks his damn neck.
Sorry, what’s up? Amaros has his guards following me.
Bastard. I carefully open the doors and step out onto the balcony. If Amaros sees me, I’m screwed. But I’ve got to do something.
He locked me in his quarters, but I’ve just escaped out onto his balcony. I’m going to Zarquon.
Fuck. Be careful. I’ll come if I can lose these guards, he tells me.
I creep across the balcony and peek over the ledge to ensure there’s no one around. Rain pelts down on me, but I’m still wet from earlier, so it doesn’t matter.
I know. You be careful too, I tell him. It’s not safe here anymore. For any of us.
I will. If I can get away, I’ll meet you in Zarquon.
Leaping off the balcony, I spread my wings and shoot up high above the castle grounds. Raindrops hit my face like tiny bullets, but I ignore the discomfort. I’ve got to get higher. Once I’m where I need to be, I fly as fast as my wings can carry me toward the Dark Forest. I don’t dare look behind me for fear I’m being chased. Hell, maybe I am.
Within minutes, I’m at the edge of the forest, and I swoop down lower, flying just above the treetops. I’m so familiar with the forest now, I could probably find the clearing with my eyes closed. But I won’t try that, at least not today. I’ve got to get to the gateway. If I don’t escape now, I don’t know that I ever will.
I spot the gap up ahead where the clearing is, swoop down through it, and land on the grass near the river. I’ve become so familiar with the gateway’s subtle glow, and I head straight for it, scanning my surroundings to make sure I haven’t been followed.
Movement in the bushes near the edge of the forest catches my eye, and then Keva steps out. He stares at me for a moment before bounding toward me at full speed. He nuzzles his face into my neck and licks my cheek, and I giggle.
“Hey, that tickles!”
He grunts, and I stroke his thick neck.
“I’ve missed you.” I haven’t attempted to take Keva through the gateway before because it could be dangerous, but I don’t want to leave him here either.
I’m contemplating the risk of flying with him to Zarquon when a strange, yet familiar, feeling passes through me. Something, or someone, wants me to go into the forest. I immediately trust my instincts and give Keva one last scratch behind his ears before slowly walking to the treeline. Keva lets out a quiet growl, and I glance back at him and raise my hand to let him know it’s okay.
“What is that feeling…” I wonder, stepping between the trees and into the thick of the forest.
Keva yelps from the clearing, but I push on.
The air around me shifts, and suddenly I’m no longer in the Dark Forest at all. I’m in a forest, but this one is different. Different but familiar enough to know exactly where I am.
I’m in the Spirit Realm.
I’d love to know how that works. Is it something I do, or is it certain parts of the forest that seem to be portals from one realm to another? Unlike previous visits here, the air feels calm, and I don’t sense any danger. The feeling from before, this sort of pull, is still there. So I give in to it and follow where it wants me to go.
I walk through dense forest, climbing over fallen moss-covered logs, twigs, and leaves, and eventually arrive at what appears to be the edge of the forest. Water runs nearby, but it sounds different, and I know it’s not the waterfall I have come to expect. I’m somewhere else entirely. There’s a stillness in the air that doesn’t sit right, though, and I can’t put my finger on why that is.
I check my ring, but it’s not glowing red. That’s good, at least.
While standing between two large pine trees, I look out over a meadow filled with thick, luscious grass and little blue flowers. The pull tells me to keep moving, so I do. I walk through the flowers and knee-deep grass to the other side, where the forest seems to continue. Farther in, my surroundings change, and unease grows inside me.
A cave lies up ahead nestled into a bank, and although I know I shouldn’t go in, that pull wants me to. Crap. This better not be a damn trap. I suck in a deep breath of air then head right for it. Some form of light illuminates the huge cave opening from deep inside. Who the hell, or what, is in there?
Despite every cell in my body telling me to turn back, some unseen force pulls me deeper into the cave. Knowing I can’t simply ignore it, I carry on. A humming noise echoes through the cave, and for a moment, I worry it’s a swarm of bees or some other unknown creatures. The cave narrows significantly the farther I venture into it, which doesn’t help my unease.
Whatever provides the dim lighting in here, it seems to grow brighter, lighting the cave up in a soft blue hue. What is that?
I carry on down the cave until I’m forced to duck down and crawl through the narrow space. Luckily, it opens up again to a wider cave, where the glowing blue light is even brighter. I cautiously move forward until I reach what appears to be the end of this tunnel.
It opens up into a larger area, and as I peek down into the vast opening, I see it. The source of the blue glow. A stone pillar sits in the center of the space, with some kind of glowing blue orb hovering above it. It’s so darn bright I have to shield my eyes from it, and when I do, I notice them. Hundreds of angel spirits and lost ones surrounding it.
And then I see it. There’s a large portal about ten foot wide, illuminated near the edge of the room, sucking angel spirits through it.
What the heck is this?
Gods above, this is it. This is the weapon of the gods that Grazen told me about.
I found it