I stare at the fifth weapon of the gods, totally and utterly captivated by it. How does this thing work? It seems to control not only the portal but the angel spirts surrounding it as well. It’s like they’re in a trance, being drawn in by the orb, only to be sucked through the portal.
If only I could swoop down there, grab the orb, and then hightail it out of this cave and into Zarquon. But it’s far too risky. If one of those lost ones saw me… Well, I don’t even want to think about what could happen. I’ve been slashed before, and it’s not something I want to experience again. Especially when I’m stuck in the Spirit Realm on my own.
There’s a shift in the air behind me, and someone touches my arm. I spin around and stifle a scream when I see my mother.
“I’m sorry I frightened you. I sensed you were here, and it concerned me when you didn’t come to me as you usually do.” She looks past me down into the vast opening and frowns.
I follow her gaze to the lost ones. “Did you know about this?”
“I did. It’s been going on for some time now, and there’s nothing we can do. I can’t get too close, or I, too, could be sucked through the portal.”
Shoot, I hadn’t thought about that.
“Let’s get out of here, then,” I suggest.
I follow her back out of the cave the same way I went in, and once we’re safely outside, she pulls me in for a hug.
“I’ve missed your visits,” she says.
“As have I.”
She runs her hand down my cheek and smiles. “I see so much of myself in you. Did you know that?”
I swallow hard and bite my bottom lip.
“You have my gifts. I can see them within you. You can control those portals, Zarla. You can open and close them, just as I once did.”
My jaw drops. “What? How? When did you do that?”
I have so many questions, my head feels heavy.
She wanders away from the cave, and I jog to catch up with her.
“It was accidental. I was practicing my powers, and I opened a portal to the Spirit Realm. Just as quickly as I opened it, it closed in on itself.”
My heart seizes, and I glance at her as we walk through the forest. Leaves and twigs crunch beneath our feet, and I enjoy the familiar sounds that remind me of home.
“You opened a portal?” I ask.
She nods. “And you can, too. That’s how you’ve been able to come here. Not just any angel or god can pass through into this realm. It takes a special ability.”
My mind reels with this new information. I take in a deep breath and blow it out slowly as I attempt to process it all.
“I know it’s a lot,” she says. “You’ll figure it out, eventually. Just be careful.”
I stop walking. “Why can’t you close the portal in that cave, then? They’re sucking angel spirits right through it.”
She tilts her head to the side, and a light breeze blows her blonde waves over her shoulder, making her even more beautiful. “I have tried. But I do not possess those powers any longer, not since I have been here.”
The sadness in her features tightens my chest. I can’t even imagine how it must feel to be trapped here in this realm with no powers. And for so long. It’s a peaceful and incredibly beautiful place, but that doesn’t make it any easier, I’m sure.
“I met my father… My real father,” I admit.
Her eyes widen, and I search her face for any sign of remorse but find none. She could have told me about him the last time I visited her, or the first time. But she didn’t.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I ask.
Her eyes glisten in the moonlight. “There is much I wanted to tell you. But I didn’t know how.”
I think about that as I look out into the forest.
“I did not want to disrupt your life. Atticus had his faults. I loved him, but he wasn’t always the best male. He did not know you were his, as Harlum prevented me from leaving the Kingdom. But he was my true mate…” How did you find him?”
I fold my arms over my chest and shiver as a cool breeze blows through. “I found him in Galespo.”
“Zarla, that’s dangerous. You shouldn’t be going there.”
“I was fine. My powers are strong, and I had some help.”
Something bangs loudly, and we both whirl toward the cave.
“You should go,” she says frantically as she ushers me back through the forest. “It’s no longer safe here. Work on your abilities. You can open portals. You must trust your intuition.”
We hurry through the forest toward the gateway, and once we arrive, I hug her tightly.
“It was so good to see you again,” I tell her.
She strokes my hair, and it feels bittersweet, having to leave here after such a short time with her again. I wish I could spend longer with her. There is so much to discuss, and I hate that I can’t stay.
She cups my cheek and smiles. “Take care, my daughter. One day, when you master your abilities, you can visit me any time you like.”
Tears sting my eyes, and I swallow the lump forming in my throat. “I’d like that.”
Another bang echoes through the forest, and she glances back. “Go to Zarquon. And be safe.”
I hug her once more and then visualise Zarquon and Kyle before stepping through the gateway. Bracing myself, I free-fall for a brief time before landing on the grass in the forest. I immediately sense Kyle, and I’m barely on my feet when he swoops down, his black wings stretched wide.
He lifts me into his arms, and I breathe in his cinnamon and freshly cut grass scent, which instantly relaxes me.
“I missed you,” I whisper.
“As did I,” he says into my hair then presses a kiss to my cheek. He puts me down, and his brows knit together as he searches my face. “What’s happened?”
He knows me so well, and I love that.
“I visited my mother in the Spirit Realm. I found the fifth Weapon of the Gods there. It was in a cave in the forest, surrounded by angel spirits and lost ones. Amaros and Zalore are behind it, and they’re using this weapon to open portals and suck angel spirts through it and into the Realm of Lost Souls.”
He frowns. “Why are they doing that?”
“Because they then become lost ones. They’re building an army. I’m sure of it. I met a watcher in Galespo…”
He lets out a low growl, and I reach out and squeeze his hand.
“I had to find my father,” I explain. “This watcher knew him, and that’s how I found him.”
He pulls me closer and runs soothing circles over my wrist with his thumb. “How did it go?”
“Terrible. He said he wasn’t my father and then left.”
His jaw ticks. “Is it possible he’s not your father?”
I shake my head. “No. He’s my father. I’m certain.”
“I don’t like you spending time with any watchers. They can’t be trusted.”
I take his face between my hands. “You don’t have to worry about me. This watcher was different. He was kind.”
Jealousy radiates off him in waves, and I have to say, it warms my heart at how much he cares.
“Watchers are not kind. They are devious, and they can’t be trusted. But, in saying that, I trust your judgement.”
A smile tugs at my lips, which soon disappears when I remember what Grazen told me. “His name is Grazen, and he has a friend who works as one of Zalore’s guards. He witnessed Zalore and Amaros talking about this Weapon of the Gods they’re using. And…”
His forehead creases. “And what?”
“He overheard them talking about you and your father,” I say and my voice cracks. “About how they plan to kill you both.”
He takes in a deep breath, his broad chest rising with the inhale. “We must speak with my father. Come on.”
I follow him as he takes off into the air, and we fly toward the castle and land outside the main doors. Several guards give us a nod as we pass through the front entrance. Kyle leads me through the corridors to the same room we visited the last time we were here. We find his parents sitting together on one of the many couches spaced around the vast room, both with a drink in hand.
They rise as we enter, and Kyle kisses his mother on the cheek.
“Zarla, it’s good to see you again. I have been worried about you,” she says with a kind smile before embracing me.
“It’s good to see you both, too.”
Apollon gives me a nod rather than a hug, as per usual, and gestures for us to sit. “I can sense something is wrong. I take it that’s why you have come, Zarla?”
Kyle sits on the couch opposite his parents and gently tugs me down next to him. His parents set their drinks down on a large carved wooden coffee table positioned between the couches.
“I’m not sure if you have already heard,” I begin, “but Amaros has taken the throne. He’s the new King of Silanthia. He’s out of control. I spoke with a watcher in Galespo who told me Zalore and Amaros are working together. They’re using the fifth weapon of the gods to open portals and build an army of lost ones.”
They both glance at one another, concern etched on their faces.
“We heard about Amaros being voted in as King by The Throne angels,” Apollon says. “However, he and Zalore working together is news to us both.”
Kyle leans forward. “Zarla said this watcher overheard a conversation between the two of them. They are planning to kill us, Father.”
Apollon roars with laughter. “Let them try, son.”
Relief washes over me at how unconcerned Apollon appears to be by this.
“Zalore has my sister,” I explain. “Amaros gave her to him in return for Zalore sending his watchers to attack Kyle and my Kingdom. I have to save her. The way she’s being treated is disgusting.”
Apollon leans back on the couch and stretches his arm over the back. “That is typical of the watchers. Particularly Zalore. He is a ruthless male. However, attempting to take something of his won’t go down well.”
“She is not his, ” I firmly state.
Kyle rubs my back, somehow calming me down. “We just need a solid plan, that’s all. It can be done.”
Apollon stands, holding out his hand to help Zeta up off the couch. “We will speak with the council about all of this and make a plan from there.”
Kyle and I stand too, and once Apollon and Zeta have left, he lifts me into the air and kisses me. “I want to take you somewhere. While all of this is being discussed, we have time. And I want to spend it with you. Alone.”
Warmth spreads through me at the thought of spending time alone with him. “I’d like that.”
Kyle takes me out to the forest, and we land amongst enormous trees. It’s a part of Zarquon I haven’t been to before, and it’s stunning. A blanket of green moss covers everything in sight, from the forest floor to the fallen logs. This section of the forest overlooks the ocean, and I can scent the salty air as it gently blows through the trees.
“I want to show you something,” he says with an excited glint in his eyes.
I link my fingers through his, and his large hand consumes mine. “Okay.”
He gently tugs me along through the trees until we arrive at the base of a hill, where a vast stone face stretches along the entire hillside. There’s an opening in the stone wall; it’s a cave. It instantly reminds me of the one in the Spirit Realm, sending a shiver up my spine. But it’s not the same. This one doesn’t have that sinister feeling about it like the other one.
Kyle leads me into the opening, and a soft green glow illuminates the cave ahead.
“Where are you taking me?” I ask.
He chuckles. “You’ll see.”
We venture farther into the cave, and then I spot them. Tiny glowing spots cover the roof of the cave, like stars in the night sky. I gasp in awe at how beautiful it is. I’ve never seen anything like it.
“What is that?” I ask, staring up at them.
I glance over at Kyle, and he’s watching me with interest.
“They’re glow beetles.”
“They’re beautiful.”
“Come on.” He leads me farther into the cave toward a deep natural pool, about the size of my quarters back in my castle.
He undresses himself while I stare at him, and my focus drops to his ass. He dives into the water and resurfaces moments later with a cheeky smirk, then he shakes his head, flicking his wet hair off to the side. “The water’s warm. Join me?”
I reach around my back and untie my leather corset while Kyle’s focus remains on me the entire time. I tug my pants off, and he licks his lips when I step up to the edge of the rocks and then dive in.
He’s right; the water is warm, like a lukewarm bath, that soothes my skin.
He swims toward me and rests his hands on my waist as he stares into my eyes.
“You’re gorgeous,” he tells me, and I slide my arms behind his neck and wrap my legs around his waist.
He kisses me and gently maneuvers my mouth open as his tongue moves with mine. Gods above, he tastes good. He deepens our kiss and then pulls me through the water toward the edge of the cave pool.
“I love you,” he whispers. “And I’m happy you found your father. I only hope he is a male of worth and comes to find you.”
“As do I.”
He lifts me up onto a shallow rock where the water sits waist deep. “But you should not have gone to Galespo on your own. Promise me you won’t do that again?”
I trace my fingers over his dragon marking on his chest. Although it’s hard for me to make such promises, I know he’s right. I was lucky I met Grazen, and next time I may not be so lucky.
“I know. And I won’t, I promise. But it was fine. Grazen helped me.”
A low growl rumbles in his chest.
I chuckle. “I like how protective you are, but it was honestly fine.”
“Did he touch you?” he asks, darkness shadowing his eyes.
Oh crap. I don’t want to lie, but telling him the truth may not go down so well. I bite my lip, and he grits his teeth.
“He tried, but I didn’t allow him to.”
He grips the rocks on either side of me and squeezes them, breaking off two large chunks of stone that crumble into the water around us.
I cup his cheek. “I didn’t allow him to.”
He somewhat roughly takes my face between his hands, showing a side of himself that races my heart into a frenzy. A protective and possessive side. “I believe you. But I don’t trust him. Or any other watcher. Tell me what happened with him.”
Gods above, this could go either way. But if he wants to know, then I’m going to tell him. All of it.
“He took me to a bar and told me Atticus goes there from time to time. We waited, and Atticus came in. He spotted me and then took me out the back. He said he wasn’t my father and left, but I know he is. I went back in to find him, but he was gone.
“Then Grazen and I had a couple more drinks, but it got busy, and the other watchers were getting a bit out of hand. Grazen fought them, and then we left. I don’t recall much else, but I awoke in a bed in an unfamiliar room. He saved me and took me back to his place.”
Kyle growls again then pushes off from where I’m seated and slams his fist into the stone wall, cracking it. Several pieces flake off into the water.
“He didn’t sleep in the bed with me, but if it weren’t for him, gods only know what could have happened to me. He looked after me, and he had valuable information. He is a good one. Trust me.”
Kyle sucks in a deep breath and then lets it out in a huff as he moves through the water. “Okay. I trust you, so if you trust him, then I do, too. But please, do not venture there again without me or someone else. Grazen may be a male of worth, but you cannot guarantee he will always be there to protect you.”
I nod. “I can see now that it was stupid.”
He moves in close between my legs, slides his hands up my thighs, and grabs hold of my waist, his face only inches from mine as he searches my eyes. The hunger in his gaze matches my own, and something ignites inside me. I grab his neck, pull him in the last few inches, and slam my lips against his. As I taste him, I knot my fingers in hair. He pulls back just enough to plant kisses down my jaw and over my neck, and a moan escapes my lips.
“Mmm… I like when you make that sound,” he says in a husky tone.
I lick my lips, and he tugs me off the rock and into the depths of the warm water. He pulls me to the far side where there’s a shallow stone ledge, sits down, and tugs me into his lap. Straddling him, I lean down and kiss his neck, dragging my tongue over his skin, tasting him.
His hard length presses against my lower stomach, and I reach between us and stroke him.
“Fuck, Zarla…” he breathes.
I continue to stroke him while he grabs my face, our mouths moving in perfect sync as we explore one another with our tongues. Gods above, I want him. I need him inside me.
I lift myself up and move his hard length between my legs.
“Are you sure?” His voice sounds strained, and I can sense he is holding back from what he wants to do.
“I’ve never been surer of anything in my life,” I tell him, and I mean it.
I’ve waited far too long for this moment, and I can’t wait any longer.
He lifts me up by my waist, and I press his hard length against my soft folds. Then I ease down on top of him as he easily slides deep inside me. I let out a moan as both pleasure and pain take hold of me. But the pain eases almost as quickly as it comes, bathing my body in a pleasure unlike anything I have ever experienced before.
I slowly rock my hips against him, and he slides his tongue into my mouth, matching the strokes perfectly with my movements. He is large, filling me up, as if we’re made for one another. He grabs hold of my hips and helps guide me as I move against him. I stare into his eyes and can sense our bond fusing together. He reaches up and cups my breast, pinching my nipple between his fingers, and I arch my back.
“Fuck, Zarla, I’m not gonna last,” he says, then lifts me off his lap.
I’m about to complain when he picks me up and sits me on the edge of the rocks, then settles between my thighs. He kisses his way along my inner thigh before his mouth finds my delicate folds. His tongue flicks across my skin, and I lean back as I enjoy the sensations. His hand finds my breast again, and he rubs it as his tongue moves over my clit.
“Mine.” He lets out a deep, throaty growl as he grips my ass, then hefts himself out of the water and thrusts himself inside me once more.
I grab his face and kiss him, tasting myself on his lips.
“I want to taste you,” I whisper into his mouth, and he immediately shifts back.
He sits on the stone edge, and I settle between his thighs in the water, gripping them as I run my tongue from the base of his length to the tip. His hard length twitches, and I take him into my mouth. Using one hand at the base, I move it up and down, stroking him while I suck and lick at the tip, tasting his juices mixed with my own.
“That feels so damn good,” he whispers, then grips my shoulder.
He runs his hand over the side of my face, caressing my cheek.
“I want to finish inside you,” he tells me in a deep, husky voice.
I move back, and he slips into the water again and grabs my ass, pulling me closer. He lifts me up and then presses me against the stone edge of the cave pool and slams into me. Pleasure builds with each thrust, and it’s as if I’m about to burst in the best way.
I grip him, licking and nipping at his neck, and he moans in response.
“I’m close,” he says with a grunt.
He stares into my eyes and thrusts into me a few more times before we both moan in pleasure as we orgasm. He stills inside me, filling me up.
“I love you, my mate,” he whispers.
“I love you, too.”
A searing pain shoots over my back, and I cry out. It feels like my skin is on fire.
Kyle spins me around to find the source.
“What is that? It hurts,” I complain, bracing my hands against the stone edge.
He brushes his fingers across the skin between my shoulder blades. “It’s our mating mark. It signifies our bond.”
He grunts and grips the edge of the cave pool, and I notice he, too, has a marking on his back.
“Wow…” I breathe. “It’s beautiful.”
The marking consists of two circles linked with a pair of angel wings between them, and surrounding that are little stars. I run my fingers over it, and he flinches then takes my wrists and pulls me up against him.
And then I notice it. I can feel everything about him. His mood, his past, his present, and his future. I can feel his soul, as though it has been woven together with mine. Tears well in my eyes, blurring my vision of this gorgeous male before me who is now mine.
My mate.
Kyle cups my cheek in his hand and catches my tears as they fall. “You are mine.”
I press my forehead against his and breathe in his scent as I sit with our bond, consuming every part and savoring the way it makes me feel whole. Like I never have before. The bond settles into every cell in my body. We are one. And he is mine, my mate.
Two guards enter the cave and awkwardly look away when they spot us.
Kyle shifts himself so he’s in front of me, covering me as best he can with his frame.
“What the fuck do you want?” he demands.
“Apologies for the interruption, but there’s been a breach. Lost ones have entered the Kingdom.”