K yle grips my hand firmly and leads me back up the stone staircase. I stick close to his side as we hurry down the corridor. Although we just battled gods know how many lost ones, the thought of running into another one still frightens me, especially in the state I’m currently in.
I stumble a little, but Kyle holds me up.
“You good?” he asks.
My body is definitely depleted from all the healing, but I’m just thankful I could help. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. What should we do?”
We haven’t passed by any angels since being up here, not even one, and my mind is running away on me, conjuring up various explanations as to why. Has the lost one gone on a rampage through the castle and slaughtered them all? If so, then we’ll be dealing with a heck of a lot more than just one lost one.
“We need to know how many there are, or if it’s just the one,” Kyle says. “And whether it’s the same one they were taking to the cells or not.”
I glance at him. “You think it escaped?”
He shrugs as we round the next corner, and then we spot it, hovering in midair at the end of the corridor, facing away from us.
Kyle yanks my hand, and we both stop walking. He gently guides me back against the wall where we’re somewhat hidden behind a stone pillar jutting out into the corridor.
“What do we do?” I whisper.
“I don’t know.”
In the battle, I did something to those five lost ones surrounding me. I almost controlled them. Impossible, though. My mother didn’t mention that. She only mentioned I could control portals.
“There’s something you should know,” I tell him, and he peeks around the corner before facing me. “During the battle, five lost ones surrounded me. And I somehow controlled them.”
His brows draw together as he stares at me. “What do you mean, controlled them?”
“Remember what I told you? That my mother said I can open and close portals? Well, I think maybe I can control the lost ones, too. I don’t know how, and I know it sounds crazy, but I did.”
The lost one screeches, and I cover my ears at the awful sound.
“I think I can do it again.”
Kyle runs a hand through his hair. “Fuck. Are you sure you’re up for it?”
I definitely wasn’t as depleted in energy when I controlled them during the battle as I am now, but it’s worth a shot. “I think so. And if not, you can just kill it, right?”
He rubs his chin and peeks out around the pillar again. “I’d rather just kill the fucking thing now.”
I snort, then cover my mouth, hoping it didn’t hear me. Kyle gives me a nod, and I prepare myself, taking in a few deep breaths before I step out into the middle of the corridor.
The lost one immediately spots me and screeches again as it floats toward me. Standing tall, I dig deep for that same unfamiliar feeling and raise my hands while I attempt to control it the same way I did during the battle.
An invisible energy builds inside me, and I draw on it before releasing it out toward the lost one. It slows down and then just hovers there, staring at me with blank, milky eyes.
“It’s working,” Kyle says in amazement from behind me. “What now?”
The sharp scrape of metal tells me he’s drawn his sword, and I do my best to hold on to the control as he moves in to kill it. But then three guards round the corner at the opposite end of the corridor, boxing the lost one between us all.
“Wait! We need that one!” one of them says.
My control slips, my energy pool running low, and I don’t think I can hold it much longer. My arms shake, and sweat beads on my forehead. Sensing my struggle, Kyle moves in toward the guards.
“Take it now! She can’t hold it much longer,” Kyle instructs.
The guards look somewhat confused, but they take out that same wire I’ve seen used before and wrap it around the lost one. My legs shake, and I drop to my hands and knees on the cool stone ground.
Kyle hurries to my side and wraps an arm around my shoulder. “You okay?”
Once the two guards have the lost one under control, the third one walks over to us. “What were you doing just now with that lost one? How did you do that?”
“She’s tired,” Kyle states. “Now get that damn thing out of here, and don’t lose it. Are there any more?”
I squeeze my eyes closed and take in deep breaths through my nose, trying to clear the haze from my mind.
“We’ve killed a number of them. The one that was taken to the cells attacked the guards, and it had to be killed. Apollon wasn’t happy about that, so we’re going to take this one to be locked up.” The guard doesn’t wait for a response, and the three of them move down the corridor and out of sight.
Kyle rubs circles over my back that somehow help to soothe me. “Let me get you to bed. You need some rest.”
I just nod, too exhausted to speak, and he scoops me into his arms. I tuck my face into his shoulder and breathe in his cinnamon scent. Gods above, he smells good.
He chuckles and carries me all the way back to his quarters then sets me down on his bed. He pulls the covers back for me, and I climb in. My head must’ve only just hit the pillow before I drift off to sleep.
The following afternoon, after sleeping for almost twelve hours straight, Kyle and I make our way down to the healers’ chambers. I told him I want to see if they need any more help, and I don’t care what it takes. I will heal whoever needs it, regardless of what it may do to me.
Kyle didn’t argue, and I could see how proud he was of me, his mate, at that moment.
We open the doors, and it’s a lot calmer in here compared to the previous night. Apollon and Zeta speak with the lead healer, and Kyle and I head over to them. They both hug us, even Apollon.
“Thank the gods you’re both all right,” Zeta says. “It’s been one hell of a night. The healers have done wonders for the injured.”
Apollon looks at me. “As have you, so I’ve been told.”
My cheeks flush as I glance down at my feet. “Oh, it was nothing.”
Kyle pulls me against him. “It wasn’t nothing. She was incredible. She saved a lot of our angels.”
Just his touch alone calms me somewhat, and I’m able to relax. I’ve tried to keep my healing abilities as secret as possible, unsure how others will react knowing I have more than one power. Although, as it seems, that is a common trait amongst the gods.
“Thank you, Zarla. You risked your own well-being to take care of our kind. For that, we are forever grateful.” Zeta clasps my hands in hers, her kind eyes glistening in the light as tears fall down her cheeks. “You are a worthy mate for our son, Zarla. We are so blessed that you have joined our family.”
She quickly wipes her tears away, and Apollon wraps an arm around her waist to comfort her.
“Thank you,” I tell her. “I was more than happy to help then, and I can do so again now, if needed.”
The lead healer moves closer and places a hand on my forearm. “We were so very grateful you were here last night. We have several injured angels who we couldn’t help. Perhaps if you have the strength, you could heal them, too?”
I give her a nod, and she leads me away, where I heal another eleven angels. It doesn’t drain me as much as the previous night. Whether that’s because I have replenished my energy or because my body has grown used to the demand, I’m not sure.
I turn to find Apollon and glance across the room to see Zeta and Kyle in deep conversation.
“Kyle told us what you were able to do,” Apollon says. “With the lost one.”
I swallow hard, my chest constricting. The last thing I want is for anyone to think I’m a danger or there’s something wrong with me.
As though sensing my concerns, he gives me a kind smile. “It’s okay. We will keep it between us for the time being. But this is a very valuable trait to have. The lost one captured in the castle, thanks to your help, is being kept in the cells. Perhaps you could practice your ability, see if you can gain a better understanding of how it works. It would be useful to understand the extent of it.”
I tuck my hair behind my ears and think on it a moment. Being able to safely practice may not be such a bad idea. If I can hone my ability and control this lost one, just as I did with those five during the battle, maybe I can control even more of them at once.
“There’s something else. We know how the lost ones are being controlled. It’s Zalore. There’s a powerful weapon of the gods in Galespo. We believe that’s how Zalore could open a portal to the Realm of Lost souls and keep it open.”
Zeta and Kyle head over to join us.
“Let’s take this conversation outside, shall we?” Zeta asks.
Apollon nods, and we step out into the corridor.
“I saw something similar when I was in the…Spirit Realm,” I say to them.
Apollon draws his brows together. “You were in the Spirit Realm?”
Zeta covers her hand over her mouth, her eyes wide.
I glance between them and then look to Kyle, who takes my hand, threading his fingers through mine.
“I have been able to pass into the Spirit Realm. I’ve seen my mother there a few times. She told me it’s an ability she, too, possessed. To open and close portals between the realms.”
Apollon paces around the small space outside the healers’ chambers before he stops and looks at me. “What did it look like? The weapon you saw there?”
“It was a blue orb, hovering in the air, surrounded by lost ones and angel spirits. It’s like they were in some kind of trance, just staring at it. And there was a portal there, sucking the angel spirits through it. My mother said it’s taking them to the Realm of Lost Souls and turning them into lost ones.”
“By the gods, he’s building an army,” Zeta says.
Kyle leans up against the stone wall and pulls me against him, wrapping his arms around my waist. “So what the fuck was that yesterday? A pre-attack?”
Apollon smashes his fist into the stone wall, cracking it. “He’s testing our defences. Seeing what we are capable of. Our wards need to be strengthened. Immediately.”
Something dawns on me then. “The weapons must be working in unison.”
“It would make sense. There must be one in the Realm of Lost souls also,” Zeta adds.
“There’s something else,” Apollon says, his expression grim. “Our spies overheard Zalore and Amaros talking about you, Zarla. Amaros has been looking for you. He wants to take you back to Silanthia.”
Kyle tightens his grip around my waist and lets out a low growl. “He can try.”
“We need to save my sister. Zalore has her in Galespo.” I can’t leave her there, no matter what issues the two of us have.
She doesn’t deserve that treatment. No female does.
Apollon balls his fists, his jaw tense. “He may be using her as bait, knowing you will attempt to rescue her. Also, having the weapon there, they will both know we plan to take it.”
Apollon’s right. He will absolutely use Astelle as bait.
“He knows I’d never let my sister die,” I say. “But if we take that weapon, and I can’t control all those lost ones guarding it, they could kill us.”
Apollon steps forward. “Unless you learn to control them.”
Over the following week, I train with the archangels, learning their unique and powerful fighting methods. I see progress.
I’m sparring with a female down in the training arena when I spot Kyle walking down the stone steps. He takes a seat in the stands and watches as we fight. Sand covers the base of the arena, which makes it that much more difficult.
This is how they learn speed. Training in these gruelling conditions makes it easier when on firm ground.
The afternoon sun beats down on my neck and back. I tie my hair up in a bun on the top of my head, and it’s a welcome relief having it off my neck. Sweat beads at my temples as I await the female’s next move. She flips in the air and strikes me hard across the face.
I roll and land on all fours before leaping to my feet again.
She smirks. “You’re getting better, Zarla. I’m impressed. Now try to strike me.”
I grit my teeth. “I have been trying.”
“Then try harder.”
I charge forward, faking to the right before spinning and landing a kick to her thigh. Her leg gives out, and I leap on top of her and tackle her to the ground. I wrap my legs around her from behind, then I flip her onto her back and stand on her neck, pinning her to the ground.
She taps her hand to the side, and I remove my foot from her neck. “Not bad, not bad.”
“Let me try.”
I jump as Kyle’s voice sounds in my ear, his breath warm against my skin, and he laughs. I spin around and whack him in the arm.
He raises his hands in the air. “Sorry, couldn’t help myself. You’re getting better. But do you think you can take me down?”
I let out a low chuckle and take up my fighter’s stance. “Oh, I don’t think I can. I know I can.”
Kyle and I circle one another, swiping out at each other when we see an opening. I wipe the sweat from my forehead. My first mistake.
Kyle charges forward and grabs hold of my wrist, yanking me forward before putting me in a headlock. I fight against him, but he has me. He takes me down to the ground, where we thrash about in the sand. My energy fades, my vision blurring, but I refuse to give up.
Just as I sense his worry, he releases his hold, and I thrust myself back up onto my feet. Kyle’s quicker, taking hold of my ankle and pulling me back down, where he pins himself on top of me. He takes my wrists, holding them above my head, and stares into my eyes. Gods above, he’s gorgeous, even in his sweaty state.
A smile curls his lips. “I can scent your arousal, my mate.”
I lick my lips as dirty thoughts pass through my mind of what I want to do to him.
“You keep looking at me like that, and I’ll have to take you behind the arena.”
I laugh, and he abruptly hauls me to my feet.
“Come on,” he says. “I need to show you a few things. You can definitely improve your form, and you could be better at striking. You have the strength. You just need to work on your technique.”
Kyle shows me a few ways to better strike an opponent, and the entire time my mind is elsewhere. I just want to taste him. It’s obvious he can sense my thoughts, and he’s trying to keep it together. It’s quite amusing, actually.
He steps in close behind me and kisses my neck behind my ear, and when I glance up, I spot Em watching us in the stands. Grimacing, she abruptly storms off back up the stairs.
“Should we visit the lost one in the cells? See if you can practice your ability?” Kyle asks.
I spin in his arms and press my lips to his, and he slips his tongue into my mouth, teasing me. I nip at his bottom lip, and he growls low.
“Come on, before I change my mind and take you elsewhere instead.” He grabs hold of my hand and leads me behind the arena to where the cells are located.
The cells are made from carved sandstone and are quite beautiful considering what they are used for. He nods to the two guards out front, and we pass by them and head inside. We follow a narrow, dimly lit corridor where lanterns dot the walls, passing cell doors on our way before we come to a larger opening.
As soon as we step foot in the space, a loud screech echoes. I cover my ears. The lost one is in a large cell with thick iron bars locking it in. Two guards rush into the space.
“It always gets like that when we go near it. It’s relatively calm when we’re not here,” the guard explains, then whacks the bars with his wooden baton.
The lost one screeches again.
Kyle shoves the guard. “Don’t fucking do that! You’ll get it all worked up.”
The guard swallows, then takes a step back. “My apologies.”
“Leave us,” Kyle demands, and the two guards exit back down the corridor.
The lost one glares at me with its creepy milky-white eyes. I haven’t had the chance to be so close to one like this for long periods of time.
“Do you want to try to control it?” Kyle asks.
I bite my bottom lip and look at him. “Yeah. I’ll try.”
He gives my arm a reassuring squeeze, then backs up, giving me some space. I close my eyes and dig deep for the feeling inside me, my connection to the Spirit Realm. The feeling is a cool, almost tingly sensation, and I grab onto it and bring it to the surface. I allow it to seep into my fingers, and then I raise my hands and focus on sending it toward the lost one.
“I think it’s working,” Kyle whispers.
I continue to hold it before I carefully open my eyes. The lost one appears more subdued, as if in a trance, just like the ones back in the Sprit Realm. Just like the ones I controlled on the battlefield. But it’s focused on me.
Just as quickly as I’ve gained control over it, I lose it. The lost one flails about and screeches.
We both cover our ears, and then Kyle grabs me and leads me back out of the cells to the training arena. A group of guards stand there, and when they spot us, I can immediately tell something is seriously wrong. One of them rushes over to us.
“There’s a situation on Earth, and we need to get down there. Now,” the guard explains.
“Shit,” Kyle says. “Let’s go.”
We both release our wings, and I follow Kyle to the borders, where we fly down toward Earth. The guards lead us to where the situation is, and we spot about twenty lost ones attacking a group of archangels.
A flash of red catches my eye, and I spot Em battling amongst the other archangels. I grit my teeth and swallow down my annoyance.
Focus, Zarla. Who cares what she’s doing here?
We land in the street as more lost ones file through a large open portal to the side of the battle, and then it closes. Shit, there are at least forty of them now. We all rush in to help the other angels fight the lost ones, but we’re quite outnumbered.
Gold wings flash in the sky, and Atticus lands in the street with a thud. I stare at him as he charges toward me. I duck out of the way just as he swings his gigantic sword and takes the head off a lost one. We gaze at one another for a moment before he hurries away into the chaos and continues to battle the lost ones. I do the same, but there are so many of them.
Atticus looks at me and shouts, “Open a portal! You can do it!”
I frown at him, confused how he would even know about that.
“How? To where?” I shout back as a lost one slashes its claws at me.
“The Realm of Lost Souls!”
Gods above, how the heck am I supposed to do that? I have no idea where to even begin, but I have no choice. We’re outnumbered. I have to do something.
I close my eyes, focus on the same cool, tingly sensation inside me, and visualise a portal back to the Realm of Lost Souls, but nothing happens.
I open my eyes to find the lost ones aren’t as easily defeated. Several of them attempt to get to me, but Atticus and Kyle fight them off, blasting them with their powers. I close my eyes and focus again.
You can do this. Easy .
I visualise the portal once more and throw all of my energy into opening one.
“It’s working!” Atticus shouts.
I continue what I’m doing until the sensation eases a bit, and I somehow know I’ve done it. Snapping my eyes open, I use my powers to control the lost ones, moving them back through the portal into their realm. I’ve just about got them all through it when I feel myself losing control. Something doesn’t feel right, and it’s as though I’m being pulled toward the portal myself.
“Kyle!” I scream, but it’s too late.
Before he can get to me, I’m sucked through the portal into the Realm of Lost Souls.