Wings of Betrayal (Kingdom of Angels #2) Chapter 23 77%
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Chapter 23


S hit, this is bad. This is so, so bad.

The Realm of Lost Souls is a blanket of darkness, the skies black with red blood-like streaks. It appears the portal has opened on the outskirts of a city visible in the distance. Its jagged landscape and dark-grey buildings are a stark contrast to the dusty and barren landscape of dead forests surrounding it.

A river of lava cuts through the ground from the base of a vast, active volcano, winding its way through the dead forest toward the city. Lost ones hover around me, the ones who got sucked back through the portal, and they slowly drift toward the city.

I scuttle behind a large boulder, praying to the gods I won’t be seen, and search for my connection to Kyle. When I can’t find it, my heartrate kicks up a notch.

Shit, I hope that’s only because I’m in this realm, and not for another, more sinister reason.

I dig deep for my ability, hoping I can open a portal and get the heck out of here, but when I reach for that feeling, it’s not there. My lungs squeeze, and I breathe deeply to calm myself down.

It’ll be okay. You’ll be able to find a way out. Maybe you’re too strung up to open a portal right now, but you can try again later. No big deal.

Without much of a choice, I venture through the dead forest toward the city with a vague plan to stick to the shadows in the hopes I won’t be seen. Maybe I can even try to find another weapon of the gods. It makes sense if there’s one here, too.

I reach the edge of the city and pass through a large black iron gate to get in. It’s not guarded, although that doesn’t entirely surprise me. Who in their right mind would be stupid enough to sneak into this city?

I slink through the shadows and stay on high alert as I pass between buildings. Strange creatures lurk in the streets, hunched over with black spiky fur, and they move about on all fours. They growl often, their mouths gaping open to show off their jagged, sharp teeth.

I swallow hard, hoping they don’t spot me. Lost ones also move about the streets, and I hide from them as best I can as I turn a corner and head down an alleyway. Hopefully I can find a way out of here, but without opening a portal, I don’t see how I’ll get back.

My second attempt to open a portal fails. Shoot, why won’t it work? With no other option, I continue to sneak through the shadows.

And then I see it. A large open portal sucking lost ones through it when they get too close, almost like a vacuum. I move closer and see Earth through the other side. By the gods, it’s a portal back to Earth.

For a moment, I consider jumping through, but something holds me back. I may not get another opportunity like this again. Another weapon of the gods is here. I know it, and I have to see if that’s how Zalore and Amaros are controlling these lost ones. The weapon is the key, and it makes sense that there would be three of them. One here in The Realm of Lost Souls, one in Galespo, and one in the Spirit Realm.

I continue through the streets until I spot a bunch of lost ones passing through doors into a tall glass building. It’s positioned in the center of the city, and it’s got to be at least thirty stories high. Something about it seems important, and my gut instinct is telling me to go inside. That’s where the weapon will be.

I wait for the next few lost ones to pass through the doors, and when I see an opening, I hurry through after them. Rushing across the vast foyer, I sneak toward a high metal wall and hide behind it. Several watchers group together, and I’m not all that surprised to see them here, knowing Zalore is involved in this.

They’re talking about their masters, and how they must protect the weapon.

Bingo. Weapon.

They pass through a door near the back of the foyer, and I pursue them, ensuring the coast is clear before I pass through myself. On the other side, lost ones are everywhere. I hide behind some large black shelves near the edge of the room before I’m spotted.

And then I see it. The familiar blue glow.

A blue orb, glowing in the centre of the room, hovering in midair, identical to the one I saw in the Spirit Realm. That’s got to be it. Lost ones gather around the orb in a similar trance to the lost ones in the Spirit Realm. The group of watchers file in around them.

“This weapon is to be guarded at all times. We have been instructed to keep the weapon secure. We are not to allow anyone in without clearance,” the watcher in charge firmly states.

The other watchers nod.

“King Zalore’s instructions were clear. It is to be guarded at all times. Understood?”

They all nod again.

A loud screech sounds, and my gaze snaps to a lost one who has spotted me. Suddenly, all eyes are on me.

I slowly back up toward the door I came through. The watchers rush toward me.

“Seize her! Do not let her escape!”

I spin around and run as fast as I can through the foyer and back out the main doors. Gods above, don’t let them catch me. I get out of the building, where I make a beeline for the portal.

Please don’t get lost, please don’t get lost.

Feet pound the pavement behind me, but I don’t dare to look back. My only focus is getting to that portal. I ready myself to close it once I’m through. I dig for the same cooling sensation, and this time, I find it. Thank the gods for that.

The portal comes into view. There aren’t any lost ones too close by.

“Don’t let her through it!” a watcher shouts from behind me.

I pick up my pace and dive through the portal, but a watcher grabs hold of my ankle and hauls me back into the realm. I scream and furiously kick at him.

“Let go of me!”

I manage to land a kick to his face and he releases his hold on me. Scrambling through the portal, I roll onto my back on the other side and hold my hands up as I attempt to close it. Focusing all the energy I have, I dig for the cooling sensation and channel it into closing the portal. Just as the watchers reach it, I close it.

I lie back on the ground while I catch my breath. That was dangerous. I’m lucky I made it out at all.

I immediately sense Kyle through our bond and relax. He’s okay, and our bond is okay. I sense him back in Zarquon and leap to my feet, releasing my wings as I shoot up into the sky. I pass through the barrier into Zarquon, where Kyle, Apollon, Zeta, Em, and even Atticus are waiting for me in the field near the forest.

Em narrows her eyes in a suspicious glare as I land, and I do my best to ignore her. She’s the last person I want to see right now. Why is she even here?

Apollon stands with his arm around Zeta’s waist, and Atticus shuffles from one foot to the other, his enormous frame in stark contrast to the others. After seeing him at the battle on Earth, it seems he has decided that I am his daughter, after all.

Kyle rushes over and picks me up. “You’re all right. I couldn’t sense you at all, and I thought I’d lost you. I was about to go looking for you in Galespo.”

I tuck my face into his neck and breathe in his familiar cinnamon scent that’s easily becoming one of my favourite smells in all the Kingdoms. “I’m sorry I caused you to worry.”

He takes my chin in his fingers, tilting my head back so I look up at him. “Don’t be sorry, my mate. It wasn’t your fault. I’m just glad you’re okay.”

He slips his arms around my waist, and I cuddle into him again, so safe in his arms. He’s my home. Forever and always.

“Where did you go?” Apollon asks. “Tell us everything that happened.”

Kyle releases me and curls his hand around mine.

I scan their curious faces, and my focus lands on Atticus, who watches me intently. “The Realm of Lost Souls.”

They all stare at me with wide eyes. All except Atticus. He isn’t shocked because he’s the one who instructed me to open the portal there.

“How is that possible?” Zeta asks.

I tuck my hair behind my ears. “It was an ability my mother had that I apparently have, too.”

Zeta’s brows furrow as she stares at me.

“Zarla can travel between the realms,” Kyle explains, and I’m thankful he’s helping me out because this situation is strange and confusing to me as well.

Em scoffs and folds her arms over her chest, and Atticus gives her the side-eye.

“How does that work exactly?” Apollon asks.

“I’m still figuring it out, but I can somehow open portals and travel between the realms.”

How will they react to this newfound ability of mine? Will they judge me? I don’t trust Em at all, and her knowing these things about me concerns me.

“So what, then?” Em questions, her tone harsh. “While we were battling lost ones, you opened a portal and tried to save yourself, leaving us to fight?”

Kyle tenses beside me, and I run circles over the back of his hand with my thumb to calm him.

“No,” I say. “I opened a portal to suck the lost ones back into their realm, but something went wrong, and it sucked me through it.”

Em throws her arms in the air. “Great. So you risked all our lives with an ability you can’t even control.”

“That’s enough, Em,” Apollon bites out. “Zarla saved you, from what I have been told. If she hadn’t opened that portal and sucked those lost ones back through it, who knows what the outcome could have been?”

Atticus’s jaw tenses, his breathing heavy, and his fists ball at his sides like he’s fighting an inner battle with himself to control his anger. He narrows his eyes at Em, and she gulps and looks down.

Kyle rubs my back. “What was it like there?”

Images of the dead forest, lava river, and those awful creatures come to mind, and I shudder. “It was scary. I never knew such a place could exist, and I definitely never want to go back. It was dark, with barren lands, dead forests, and terrifying creatures that lurk in the shadows.”

Apollon steps closer to me. “Was there anything else, anything of importance that we should know of?”

I immediately picture the blue, glowing orb. One of the weapons of the gods, and I know I need to tell them about it. But I don’t trust Em, and I would much rather have this conversation in private.

As if sensing my hesitations, Kyle pulls me to his side. “I think that’s enough, Father. Zarla’s been through a lot tonight. She needs to rest.”

Apollon nods, his eyes focused on mine.

Zeta gently tugs on his arm. “Apollon, let her be.”

Em rolls her eyes and storms off, and Atticus paces around the field.

“That one needs to be pulled in line,” Atticus says, pointing at Em. “How can you stomach such disrespect, Apollon? Or shall I deal with it myself?”

Apollon slips his hands into his trouser pockets and moves closer to Atticus. “That’s not the way we do things anymore, my friend.”

Atticus chuckles and stops pacing. “Yes. I can see that.”

They stare at one another for a moment before laughing and embracing with a slap on each other’s backs.

“It’s good to see you again, old friend,” Atticus says.

“And you,” Apollon agrees. “It has been some time. But I can see that even time has been kind to you. You haven’t aged a day.”

Atticus tilts his head back, and a deep, throaty laugh leaves his lips. “And neither have you, it would seem,” he says with a wink.

“Now that this conversation is more private,” I say, glancing in the direction Em has gone, “there is something you need to know. I found one of the weapons of the gods in the Realm of Lost Souls. It’s the same as the one I found in the Spirit Realm. A blue orb. Also, the same as your spies described they saw in Galespo. I think this weapon is comprised of the three orbs.”

Apollon scratches his chin. “So there are at least three orbs.”

I glance at Atticus, who folds his thick arms over his wide chest, appearing deep in thought. He is an enormous male, the biggest male I have ever seen, in fact. It is so clear that he is a god, and it leaves me with endless questions.

Atticus cracks his knuckles. “How did Amaros and Zalore come to be in possession of such weapons?”

I narrow my eyes at Atticus, feeling as though there’s something he’s not telling us. But what would it be?

“Why are you even here? Why do you care?” I question.

Atticus looks at me but doesn’t respond.

Zeta places her hand on Apollon’s shoulder. “I’ll leave you to discuss these matters. I have to get back to check in on the injured.”

Gods above, I haven’t even thought about the archangels who were injured in the battle on Earth.

“Zeta, I will stop by and offer my healing abilities when I can,” I say.

She smiles, her kindness and appreciation showing in her eyes. “Thank you, Zarla. That would be much appreciated. See you soon.”

Kyle presses a kiss to my head, and I sense Atticus watching. He has no doubt picked up on the fact that Kyle and I are mated. Although he has no right to comment, I still find myself anxious about what he thinks. He is my father, after all. Even if I don’t know him.

“There’s more,” I say. “I overheard some watchers talking about Zalore, and how he instructed them to guard the weapon. Didn’t stay much longer after that because I was spotted by a lost one. I was lucky to escape, and I made it through a portal back to Earth.”

Apollon wanders away and stares out at the horizon. The clouds in the sky light up with the last of the sun’s rays as it makes its descent behind the mountains, casting the most gorgeous pink, purple and gold across the sky.

Zarquon is a beautiful Kingdom, and I have come to find I enjoy it here more than my own. Silanthia isn’t home to me anymore. I never want to go back.

The wind picks up, blowing through my hair, and I shiver. Kyle steps in behind me and curls his arms around my waist, warming me instantly.

“We should have dealt with Amaros when we had the chance all those years ago.” The wind carries Apollon’s voice, which is only just loud enough to hear.

Atticus walks over to join him, and Kyle and I do the same. We stand together, gazing out across the landscape in a surreal moment. Kyle with his father, and me with mine.

Atticus folds his thick arms across his chest. “Amaros was a sneaky son of a bitch back then, and he still is now. Even if we wanted to deal with him then, we couldn’t have. He betrayed us all.”

I glance up at Atticus. “What did he do?”

He lets out a long breath, and I can already sense it can’t be good.

“We should talk.” He doesn’t wait for my response and instead heads toward the forest.

Kyle cups my face and kisses me softly. “I think that’s a good idea. You need answers that only he can give. Come find me after.”

He releases his magnificent black wings that always take my breath away, and I thank the gods for giving me this male. He winks and then takes off toward the castle.

Apollon releases his but doesn’t leave just yet. “I know I may at times come across as cold, but I am forever thankful you found my son. You are a worthy mate for him, and I welcome you with open arms into our family.”

Wow. That was unexpected.

I swallow the lump forming in my throat, willing myself not to cry, and give him a small nod. “Thank you, Apollon. I appreciate that. I, too, am forever thankful I found Kyle.”

Apollon takes off into the sky, leaving me alone in the field.

I look back to see Atticus waiting for me at the tree line and head over to join him. He doesn’t wait until I reach him and instead moves deeper into the forest. I follow him for about five minutes, neither one of us saying a word, until he stops near a large row of boulders. He releases his wings, swoops up, and lands on the top of one of them.

I do the same and land next to him.

“I am sure you have many questions,” he says as he looks out over the forest.

I absently twist my mother’s ring on my finger as nerves swirl inside me. “I do.”

He glances back at me, his bright-green eyes so different from the various shades of green around the forest. They are exactly the same as mine, just as my mother described in her journal.

“I’m sorry I left you in Galespo like that. I didn’t expect to see you there.”

“Where have you been?” I ask.

He frowns at me as if confused by my question. “I have been in Galespo, for the most part, and other places.”

I bite my lip, unsure whether I’ll get a straight answer out of him, but I have nothing to lose. “No, I mean my whole life. Where have you been?”

A mix of pain and possibly regret crosses his features for a brief moment before he replaces them with the strong, un-fazed version I have come to expect. “I didn’t know. About you. Harlum trapped Serona within Silanthia. When I finally found her, it was too late.”

The memory of Hethenos stabbing my mother comes to the forefront of my mind, and I squeeze my eyes shut as I will it to go away. I don’t want this memory, and I can understand why Amaros took it from me.

“You have another daughter. Did you know that? Her name’s Astelle. Hethenos, her mother, told me. How could you do that to my mother?”

His brows knit together, and he repositions himself, adjusting his sword on his hip holster as if the conversation makes him uncomfortable. “No, I didn’t. Hethenos manipulated me. I was lonely. I couldn’t find Serona, and I craved affection. It meant nothing.”

“So you all knew one another? My mother, Hethenos, Apollon, Amaros, and Zalore?”

He nods then settles down atop the boulder, his legs hanging over the edge. He gestures for me to join him, so I do.

“We did. We were the original gods, along with Stavros, and we forged the Kingdoms. I loved your mother, Zarla. She was my fated mate, and I am sure you can appreciate how important that is. Hethenos and Amaros were jealous, and they manipulated us both. Amaros wanted her to himself. He couldn’t be trusted, and so we banished him from the Kingdom. Until recently, we had no idea where he was.”

That creep. He wanted my mother, too?

“I haven’t seen Amaros for thousands of years,” Atticus continues.

I let out a long breath. “Gods above, thousands of years? How old are you all?”

He chuckles low. “Old. I knew you were mine the moment I laid my eyes on you. You are the spitting image of your mother. It both hurt and shocked me, and so I lied.”

Hearing this truth doesn’t fill the void I have been living with like I hoped it would. Instead, I find myself feeling more confused and alone than ever, as well as unsure of who this male is. Can he even be trusted?

He reaches out and gives my shoulder a squeeze. “I know it’s a lot, and it will take time. But I am glad you found me. And I will try to answer your questions, but for now, I fear we do not have the time. Amaros and Zalore are planning something, and it isn’t good.”

I know he’s right. We do need to focus on the task at hand and figure out a way to stop them before it’s too late.

“There must be other portals to Earth,” I say, “and these weapons of the gods are controlling them somehow. Allowing them to remain open. Do you know of these weapons?”

He runs a thick hand through his blond, dishevelled hair. “I do. These weapons are powerful, created long ago by the God of Death, Alaron. Used to control the realms. For Zalore and Amaros to be in possession of them is bad news. For all of the Kingdoms.”

I glare at him. “Why didn’t you mention this before? When we were talking about it with Apollon?”

He gazes out over the forest. “Because I don’t know who I can trust.”

It warms my heart that he feels he can trust me, his daughter he doesn’t even know. But it surprises me he doesn’t feel he can trust Apollon, one of his oldest friends, and I can’t help but wonder why Apollon doesn’t know of these weapons and who they belong to.

“You can trust Apollon and Kyle. And I haven’t seen Alaron for some time,” I say quietly, trying to remember the last time I saw Alaron.

I hope Zalore and Amaros haven’t hurt him. But I can’t imagine Alaron willingly gave them his weapons.

Atticus frowns. “You know Alaron? How?”

I smile at the protective undertone to his words. “Yes, I do. He helped me. The details don’t matter.”

Atticus scoffs. “Just as stubborn as your mother was. We will find Alaron, and we will find those weapons. Amaros thinks he’s far smarter than he is.”

I nod. Suddenly it occurs to me what we must do. “We need to go to Galespo.”

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