Wolf’s Mark Chapter 31 89%
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Chapter 31


J ax

“Jax. This is your sweetie, your mate. Well, good news. My mother just confirmed I was born and bred for one thing. Becoming your mate. I guess my father is one of you. He was given a special honor in creating a hybrid. My scientific mind has to wonder why. Oh, yes. I guess so my identity could be a secret? Maybe your great council was told or had premonitions of the fact werewolves would try and destroy the world.”

Sedona’s voice was filled with a half dozen emotions as well as anger.

I tossed the phone onto my desk and closed my eyes. Had my mother known a mate had been pre-selected for me? Had the council members? I knew the answer.

Yes, to both.

Should I be angry? Likely.

Did the situation make more sense?


But I didn’t like it in the least.

I moved to the window in my office staring out at the landscaping. I was still having as much difficulty processing the events as my stunning mate was.

Maybe it was tough for me to think of her that way. Part wolf or not, she was set in her ways. She’d never be able to tolerate the old Wolfen ways.

Neither could I.

They were archaic.

But perhaps a portion of them were necessary.

I wasn’t interested in being at the office, but I’d needed to sign several contracts. At least my brothers and Parker were expected at any time. At this point, all four of us were concerned about how to handle the future for the corporation as well as personally.

When I heard a knock, I sighed, still thinking about Sedona. I wanted to be with her instead of here. Sadly, I doubted she wanted comfort or anything else from me at this point.

It was another situation where I couldn’t blame her.

“Come in.” I no longer recognized my own voice, the gruffness from carrying such a significant weight on my shoulders.

Both Riker and Parker walked in, each man as pensive as I was.

“You’ve heard something?” I asked my brother.

“The communication boards are going wild as you might imagine. The council meeting has gone viral, wolves in every pack threatening to boycott.”

“How the hell can you boycott being a member of the Wolfen?” Parker asked. I understood his amusement. For those who didn’t understand Wolfen politics, the entire drama that was unfolding must seem ridiculous.

“Any referendum can be revoked if enough people vote against it,” I told him. “Plus, the pack members can simply refuse to follow any orders.”

“What about joining in the fight against the werewolves?”

I studied my friend and half laughed. “They can ignore that mandate as well.”

“Well, I guess you guys are fucked just like our stocks will be if we ever conduct regular business again. I don’t know who leaked the lore to the press, but they are having a field day with it from Los Angeles to the Big Apple. They’re making fun of your name and everything else.” Parker tossed an actual physical copy of the New York Times across my desk. “It will affect business. My guess is my phone will be ringing off the hook with current clients and those prepared to go under contract. Any guesses how many cancellations there will be?”

A part of me wanted to laugh, even though it wasn’t a laughing matter. “We’ll work through them.”

Riker grabbed it. “This is dangerous,” he huffed after reading just the headlines.

I barely glanced down. “We’ve gone through this before.”

Parker lifted his eyebrows. “Not before the invention of social media, I bet. Have you seen the memes on Instagram? The crap on TikTok? It’s hilarious, but not funny at all.”

“No,” I agreed. “Not funny at all.”

Riker knew me too well. He narrowed his eyes before addressing me. “What happened? Did you not reconnect with Sedona?”

“We had a good night. She went to the lab and talked to her mother, confronting her about being a wolf.”

I sensed the two men looking at each other.

“And?” Riker asked.

“And it would appear there was a plan set in motion over two decades before to create my one and true fated mate.”

“By whom?”

“By the council. Our mother. I don’t know.” I shook my head, still trying to process her message. Yes, it had been filled with comical animosity, but she’d been telling the truth about what she’d been told.

Riker breathed out, making a face as he did. “Wow. This shit is getting deep.”

Another knock on my door was followed with Chase coming inside immediately.

“How are the great FBI?” I asked him.

“Silent. I don’t like it. After the reports hit the news, it seems they are not owning up to having anything to do with an investigation. And they’ve been asked by numerous sources. They’re up to something.”

“Yes, I believe you, brother,” I told him.

“However, I did glean from a source of mine it’s entirely possible at least one agent is keeping an eye on what’s going on in Cartersville.”

Riker snarled as he walked closer. “We need to lock down all information, including coming from the company.”

“True,” Parker agreed. “The last thing we need is to have the corporation threatened.”

“Chase. Keep a closer eye on the FBI. I don’t care how you do it. Find out what they are up to. Riker, one thing we must do is find Jeremiah’s lair. Until we do, we won’t have a chance in hell of ending this nightmare.”

“You’re assuming there’s a chance we can.”

Riker wasn’t usually this concerned about anything. Today, I sensed otherwise. “I need to, Riker.” Whether or not I accepted the role of being the lead Alpha at this point no longer mattered.

Our survival did.

“Take Eliza and a few of the others. From what Mother told me on the phone this morning, Jeremiah possibly established a temporary lair close to Cartersville. He’d want to be where all the action is, a location where he could bring his newly created army.”

Riker nodded. “I’ll do what I can. You know it won’t be easy.” He turned to go.

“Just be careful, brother. I don’t want to lose you.”

He tipped his head, his normal grin returning. “Not a chance, Jax. I intend on remaining on this earth to bug the shit out of you.”

“I’m going to make a couple phone calls in my office,” Chase said before Riker walked out. “I have a few buddies that might be able to shed some light on the Chicago office of the FBI. Did Sedona happen to mention the agent’s name who was placed in charge?”

“Agent Janie Drummand.” The pillow talk I’d had with Sedona had included her retelling of everything that had occurred around the FBI coming to her.

“I’ll let you know what I find.”

When Parker and I were alone, I slumped into my chair. I was aware he was slowly walking toward me. “What, Parker? I don’t have all the answers. I wish I did.”

“You have more than I do.”

“Maybe, but I don’t like what I’m hearing. I never wanted to be some supreme leader. I had no clue I was being forced into an arranged marriage. The entire situation is utterly barbaric.”

He planted his hands on the desk. “You know what I find interesting?”

“Why don’t you tell me?” I knew I had an exasperated tone in my voice.

“Any time you talk about Sedona, including regarding the danger the Wolfen are in, you light up like some damn firecracker on the Fourth of July.”

I sat back, crossing my arms. “Meaning what?”

“You are one of the smartest men I know. You’re also one of the dumbest. You’re in love with her, my friend. If there is any truth regarding kismet or basic Wolfen chemistry, you are mates, including being soulmates. You love her.”

“I don’t know if I buy that.”

“There you go, shoving every single person of the opposite sex you get even remotely close to away. You can’t do that this time. You’ve told me very little about your Wolfen politics or what these werewolves are planning, but I’m smart enough to know whatever mating means, you need to do that. If for no other reason than the survival of your… species. “

“I won’t force her.”

“Then don’t. Woo her. Romance her. Treat her like an equal. Hell, toss her down onto the floor and profess your love. Whatever it takes. If you want the Wolfen to continue on into the future, that’s what you need to do.”

I drummed my fingers on the desk. “You’re a smart man for an asshole.”

He grinned. “That’s why you keep me around. I have a few regular business items to discuss. I know the corporation is last on your agenda right now, but we need to keep on keeping on, as my father would say.”

He was right and I nodded.

Even if my mind was on other things.

Including Sedona.

I hadn’t realized how much time had passed until Chase bounded into the office again. I glanced at my watch. It was almost one in the afternoon.

“You found something,” I stated. Not asked. I sensed he was as anxious as I’d seen him in a long time.

“Yeah. Somehow, it would appear the FBI are completely aware of the extended tests Sedona is doing. They also know she has no intention of sharing the results with them. From what my friend told me, they’re going to raid her office, and arrest her for treason of all godforsaken charges.”

“When?” Parker asked.

“Any time.”

I jerked to my feet. “That can’t and won’t happen.” My wolf was far too close to the surface, my eyes already starting to change.

Parker exhaled. “Calm down, Jax. I can handle this. You pay me to be your attorney. Let me do my job.”

“This agent Drummand turned on her. Shit,” I hissed.

Chase shook his head. “No. This has nothing to do with her. She’s no longer on the case.”

The way he issued the comment meant something else had occurred.

“She will not be taken,” I growled.

He nodded. “No, she won’t. You have my word.”


“You were correct in your assumptions, Doctor Willis. Their DNA and every cell within their body is mutating faster every few hours.”

“You can call me Sedona, Marla. I think this constitutes a forced friendship,” I told her, looking up long enough to see her reaction. She was a cold fish, the kind of woman who was likely a ballbuster to men. Especially human men.

The way Marla was looking at me was actually quite comical. She was doing her best not to stare but failing. “Sedona then,” she said.

I returned to the slide under my microscope briefly before shifting my attention to the computer screen. As I engaged the 3-D system just like Daphne had taught me to do, she walked into the room. The smile on her face indicated she was delighted I was using her program. It had already come in handy.

“I have the first few test results back from infusing the cells with the different poisons.”

Exhaling, I backed away from the computer, grabbing the printed documentation. I was aware Marla had moved closer. We’d started with typical diseases and poisons we hoped would work.

“Nothing,” Marla stated after looking over my shoulder.

“We expected as much. If it’s true and the werewolves have been around since the beginning of time, they will be immune to countless diseases and poisons. Just like the Wolfen.”

“Yes, we are,” she reminded me as if telling me I was one of them.

“What is the 3-D system telling you?” Daphne asked. She’d been far too attentive since our earlier discussion. I think she feared I was going to run away.

I’d thought about it, but what good would it do?

He’d come find me.

Jax, my mate. Ugh. I still couldn’t get it out of my mind.

“That everything we feared is accurate. I’ve been able to recreate a couple images, although without having one of the victims here, my findings are totally preliminary. Still, I’ve learned enough to realize the muscles are changing, bones reforming, becoming misshapen.”

“In other words, the victims are becoming werewolves,” Daphne concluded.

“Their entire human form is changing. Into what we can’t draw any conclusions as of yet.” I made the statement even though all three of us knew the answer.

Yes, I was beginning to look outside the box just like my mother had suggested I do all those years ago.

Todd suddenly walked into the room, his face ashen. Both he and Carrie were handling other business as usual in the other room, unaware of what we were working on. I’d simply told him Marla was helping with a case that had perplexed me.

“What’s wrong, Todd?”

“Um, the FBI are here and they need to see you.”

I’d known Agent Drummand was going to show up eventually. I’d thought about what to tell her about Marla, which was much of the same as my assistants had been told. “Take Agent Drummand into my office and tell her I’ll be right there.”

“No. A woman didn’t ask for you. Some guy and he’s with two others.”

A guy. I quickly glanced at Marla and knew she sensed a source of danger.

“I’ll be right there. Keep them in the reception area.”

Todd nodded, his curious self, glancing at Daphne then asking questions with his eyes. Daphne knew better than to say anything at this point.

When he walked out, I ripped off my gloves.

“Agent Drummand is the person you were working with?” Marla asked.

“I wouldn’t say working with, but yes.” Why did I have the feeling something had happened to her?

I rubbed my hands down my scrubs, loathing the fact my hands were shaking. As I headed out of the lab, I tried to think of an even more plausible explanation for how the case had progressed. It was tough to fashion a big, fat lie.

The three men in the reception area weren’t exactly like seeing a modern-day remake of Men in Black , but close. Two were wearing dark gray suits, one a dark blue, all three cheap in design just like their bad haircuts. Yes, it was just another stereotype, but I was tired of being bothered by an organization that truly had no clue what they were dealing with.

And I wasn’t going to inform them. That was way above my pay grade.

I also wasn’t that stupid. My guess was they were fishing.

“Gentlemen. How can I help you?” I asked with a pleasant smile on my face, but I was fairly certain they sensed I was mocking them.

“Doctor Willis. I’m Agent Walker. I’ve come to talk to you about the case you were working on with Agent Drummand. My co-workers are Agent Smith and Agent Jarvis.” The guy was as smug as a bug in a rug.

The other two were scanning behind me, trying to ascertain information themselves. Maybe my Wolfen was indeed kicking in. I could smell a different kind of danger. They reeked of it along with their bad aftershaves.

“As you might imagine given the nature of the case, I would prefer to talk with her.” I was polite, which surprised me given my level of exhaustion.

“I’m afraid that’s not possible,” Agent Walker said.

“Why is that? Is she on vacation or assigned to another case?” As soon as I asked the questions, the three men looked at each other. “Something happened to her. Didn’t it?”

“We’re not at liberty to say.” This time, Agent Jarvis answered. His voice was much gruffer.

I had a very bad feeling about this.

“What is this about, gentlemen? I did make it very clear with Agent Drummand that I didn’t want to have anything else to do with the case you’re working on. You need the kind of expertise I can’t provide.”

“I’m afraid you’ve overstepped your bounds, Doctor.” Agent Smith wasn’t nearly as nice as the other two.

“Meaning what?” Now I was getting angry. I sensed the others were standing in the hallway behind me.

Agent Walker smirked as he pulled two photographs from a file in his hand. “Do you recognize this gentleman, Doctor Willis?”

Well, shit. My sense of being followed had been correct, only werewolves hadn’t been the ones doing so. The two pictures were of Jax and me, both provocative enough it appeared we were lovers. “Jax Wolf is a friend of mine. So what?”

“So what, Doctor?” Agent Smith barked. “So you were made aware he is under FBI investigation for several offenses. You were also told not to have any contact with him and if you did, the act would be considered as an act of treason.”

Of course the language was ridiculous. “Bullshit, agents. I’m no fool and do know aspects of the law. And you need to tell me about Agent Drummand. What happened to her?”

“I assure you we know what we’re doing, Doctor Willis, and that is none of your business. Now, you’re going to need to come with us.”

The air in the room crackled with electricity. I could feel the heat rising as much as my anger level.

I snapped my head toward Agent Smith. “I’m not going anywhere. Tell me about Agent Drummand.”

“Then we’ll need to put you into handcuffs,” Agent Jarvis stated.

I got in Agent Smith’s face. He seemed to dislike me the most. “She’s dead, isn’t she? Agent Drummand is dead. Did you people kill her?”

While I was pressing my luck, I’d already lost my patience; they were planning on stonewalling me and that just wasn’t going to fly with me.

“Didn’t you?” I barked again.

Agent Walker was now trying to talk over me, reading me my rights and I wasn’t paying one bit of attention.

With venom in my eyes and in my voice, I pointed my finger at Agent Smith. “Is that what you do with agents who misbehave? You kill them?”

“Yes, she’s dead, Doctor Willis. And that’s because of you!” Agent Smith’s outburst was met with a heavy huff from both other agents.

I cocked my pretty little head. “I’m curious, agent . How is that possible?”

“You confronted Agent Drummand, threatening her if she didn’t tell you the details regarding this case. She feared for her life. Then she was slaughtered by the same creature we’ve been fighting, all because of you.”

The man was overtly exasperated, shocking both myself and the other agents.

Whatever was going on, the werewolves weren’t low on the totem pole of intelligence. They’d killed off anyone who had any knowledge of them and opened their mouths.

I slowly turned my head toward Daphne and Marla. I could tell they were thinking exactly what I was thinking.

Time was running out.

“If you’re not careful, we’ll attach a murder charge to the list of allegations,” Agent Jarvis stated this time.

I was pleasantly surprised to hear both Marla and Daphne growl. It would seem their she-wolves were close to the surface. At this point, I couldn’t say I minded a little girl kick-butt action in the making.

But as all heroes managed to do in the movies, Jax walked in just in time, his attorney Parker Sherman by his side. I had to admit I was very glad to see both.

Especially given the looks of shock on all three agents’ faces.

“You’re not placing my client under arrest, gentlemen. It’s unconstitutional. Whatever her relationship is with Mr. Wolf, it is certainly not considered treason under any United States government ordinance.”

As Parker started spouting off legal jargon, Jax took me by the arm, leading me away from the group. I felt somewhat numb inside, even though I didn’t really know the agent who’d been murdered.

“Just breathe and don’t say anything else,” Jax said under his breath.

“How did you know they were coming?”

“Chase knows some people within the FBI. Yes, they are wolves. What they were telling you about the agent you spoke with is true. She was found early yesterday morning by the river. She’d been mutilated, her organs feasted on. She’d been deemed food for the beasts.”

“Jesus Christ.”

“Now, you are not going to argue. You’re coming with me. Marla already offered her lab for the three of you to use. You will be staying at my house for an undetermined length of time. Before you mention your daughter, we’re going to grab some things from your house for both of you and pick her up from school. She’s coming with us.”

Maybe all my false bravado had finally slipped through the cracks and I’d fallen into shock. All I could do was nod three times. “What about the research we’ve already done?”

“Marla will bring that.”

“I can’t believe the agent is dead. They aren’t just organized. They are ceremoniously planning how and when to kill. Is that possible?” I lifted my head, darting my eyes back and forth.

“You tell me, brilliant doctor of mine.” Jax smiled and there were so many things to say to each other, so many conversations to be had.

As soon as Agent Walker started walking toward us, I stiffened. Jax had a look on his face daring the man to fuck with me.

“Doctor Willis. You’re free to go. However, don’t leave town. It’s entirely possible we’ll be speaking again.”

Jax resisted saying anything in retort and it was all I could do to keep my mouth shut.

We waited until we were certain the agents had left. It took them a few minutes, the bastards taking photographs of the front of the morgue. I stood outside with my arms crossed, glaring at them. Trying to make them feel uncomfortable had no effect.

“Come on, my little lamb. Let’s go home.” Jax tried to lead me toward the third fabulous sports car I’d seen since I’d met him.

Daphne moved beside me, gripping my arm. “You’re amazing. Go home. You need to be with your mate.”

There was that word again. I grimaced and she laughed. “Don’t do that,” I told her. “I’m not ready.”

“Like hell you aren’t. And who is that hunky attorney?”

“A human,” I told her.

“Growl,” she murmured and Jax shook his head.

“It’s time to take my mate home as I said.”

“That’s just it, Jax. That’s not my home and we’ve been pushed into an arrangement neither one of us had anything to do with or likely wanted. I don’t think being together is going to ultimately make us happy. Mate or no mate. Pheromones be damned.”

He moved in front of me, tenderly brushing a strand of hair from my face. “You need to hear this, beautiful lady. Maybe we were orchestrated into an arrangement that could potentially save the entire Wolfen population, but it wasn’t because either one of us had been forced into meeting. True?”

“Yes, but there is no way our meeting was a coincidence.”

“Why couldn’t it have been? Or maybe you’d prefer to think of it this way. Fate led us to one another. Whatever the goddamn case, I don’t really care. You need to know this right here. Right now. I found you, the person that was meant to be in my life and in my bed. And I am never letting you go.”

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