J ax
The stench was ripe, the air thick with the scent of wolves.
Some were because of the Alphas I’d ordered to secure the house, keeping an eye out for any unwanted creatures. However, I could also gather an odor representative of another beast.
My instincts and my keen senses told me it wouldn’t be long prior to a planned attack. Murders had continued to increase, as many as ten people attacked at a time. However, subsequent attacks hadn’t occurred within the same area.
“Why does Mama like you?”
I’d spent zero time around a child with the exception of Daphne, although even that had been limited. I’d never read a bedtime story. The kid had been a brat coming out of the womb, brilliant and precocious. She’d mastered music by age three, jumped ahead in school by several grades, and never had time to talk to her old uncle.
“Does she like me?” I asked Britney. This girl was just as precocious as my niece and she was exactly like her mother.
Ferocious with all things.
In the two days since bringing them both to live at the house, Britney and Sedona had turned one of the guest rooms into a fairy princess room. She acted as if this was one great big adventure, using the bridge as her personal playground.
“Well, duh, Jax. Can’t you see her face? The way she looks at you?” She rolled her eyes.
It was impossible not to laugh. “You’ve been watching too much television, kid.” I finished cutting the peanut butter and jelly sandwich she’d asked for, realizing I’d gotten more peanut butter on my hands than I had on the bread. And I’d mangled the sandwich to boot.
“Mommy won’t let me.”
“Uh-huh. You know the book Pinocchio ?”
“Yes, Mommy read that to me one time. I didn’t like it much.” She shook her head vehemently and frowned when she saw the condition of the sandwich as I placed it on the kitchen table.
“Well, do you remember the part about the little boy lying and his nose grew longer?” It dawned on me I could scare her to death. I would stick with Wolfen politics. It was much safer than navigating the mind of a five-year-old.
She cocked her head before hopping up in a chair. “Don’t you know you’re never, ever supposed to lie? Mommy thinks the sun and the moon rise and set on you.”
As she took a bite of her sandwich, I found myself holding my breath. The kid would keep me entertained for hours on end. She was as delightful and refreshing as her mother.
“How’s the sandwich?”
“Dry. Can I have some milk?”
“Of course.” Then again, the little girl could be the death of me.
Sedona was leaning against the cabinet when I turned, her expression both wry and full of amusement.
“I take back what I said earlier about a man doing dishes wearing a towel,” she purred.
“I wasn’t wearing a towel exactly. Don’t get that rumor started.”
“Oh, I have something to hold over your head. However, a man being told by a little girl his cooking sucks might be better.”
Using my thumb and forefinger, I grabbed her chin, able to tug her closer. She opened her eyes wide, reminding me that Britney didn’t officially know anything about our relationship. Sedona had yet to figure out what to do let alone what to say to her daughter.
“You know exactly what will happen if you attempt to do that,” I told her. “Harsh. Punishment.”
“Promises, promises, and you managed to get peanut butter on me.”
Unable to curb my desire, I rubbed my thumb through the glob, lifting my eyebrows. She didn’t need to be able to read my mind to know what I was commanding her to do.
Sedona parted her lips, dragging the tip across her bottom one. As soon as I pushed my thumb inside, she started sucking on it. If we were alone, I’d cover her entire body with peanut butter, taking my time licking it off.
I pumped it inside for a few seconds, careful to ensure Britney couldn’t see what we were doing. After she’d licked it clean, she rose onto her tiptoes, giving me a light kiss.
“Ew,” Britney said from behind us.
We both laughed and Sedona stuck her head around my arm. “Eat your late lunch.”
“I need milk.”
“That’s right. I guess Jax doesn’t make your sammies like Mommy does.”
Sedona’s tone held a hint of giddiness. I pointed my finger at her.
“Nope,” Britney said a little too enthusiastically, popping the ‘p.’
“That’s not a proper dinner, you know,” she told me as she pushed me away, heading to one of the cabinets for a glass.
I headed to the sink, turning on the water with my elbow and washing my hands. “I don’t want you returning to the lab.”
“We already went through this. A test came back much faster than we anticipated and we might be onto something.”
“A chemical compound to eradicate the change in DNA, including freezing the molecules. We think it’s possible the substance could be used in injection or gas form.”
“And just how are you going to test that without having a live sample?”
She looked at me sheepishly. “We haven’t quite worked that out yet. First is confirming in the lab. Then we’ll take it from there.”
“Mommy. Milk. Puwease?”
“Coming, princess.”
“You’re not going. I don’t give a shit.”
As she poured the milk, she gave me a dirty look. “If we don’t continue testing, how are we going to eliminate the threat?”
When I didn’t answer right away, she moved around me, grabbing the napkin I’d forgotten as well. I yanked a towel from the holder, drying my hands. She was stubborn as hell, so much so I was about ready to order her to stay.
She loathed rules as much as I did, but she was sitting prey and I was about ready to allow my wolf to take over completely.
Riker’s calls had indicated the group had found nothing. I was more than antsy. I was also prepared to go on a hunt of my own.
Sedona had her arms folded when she walked back behind the island. “I need to do this. It’s not just because of who you are and how important the work truly is, but I’m a scientist and as you noted before, I’m required to solve mysteries.”
“By whom?”
“Me. This is important work. While everything is still a blur in my mind, if I can help provide a cure then it’s also my job as a scientist.”
“You’re not going to risk your life. I won’t have it,” I told her, my voice dipping to a much lower level.
“I can protect myself. You already forced one of the men in your pack to drive me there and back. Another four guard the place like Fort Knox.”
“You’re completely aware that Jeremiah could send his creatures to capture and eliminate the one person who could make his entire plan coming to a crumbling halt.” I was trying to choose my words carefully.
“Mama. Can I go play in my room?” Britney asked.
“After you finish your milk, wipe the peanut butter off your little mouth, and bring me your things.”
Britney giggled.
I issued a low-slung growl.
Sedona gave me another harsh glare over her shoulder.
She turned toward me, her expression remaining. “You mean your queen? Are you trying to tell me that if I get taken out then the gas won’t matter?”
“I… don’t know for certain. But I am going to find out.” But I did. I’d confronted my mother the day before, forcing her to tell me what she knew about Sedona’s father and whatever the hell the special honor was. It had been another best-kept secret required by the council members. Not even the other Elders knew the deal that been struck almost immediately after I’d been born.
Our mating was to somehow alleviate some curse placed on the Wolfen. Even she wasn’t certain of the validity, blaming my father for the entire situation. Maybe that’s why she’d left, whether because of her hatred of him or by the council’s requirement.
That was a dirty sin I’d get into later after the werewolf mess was sorted out.
“Well, in the meantime, neither one of us can sit here waiting. You know that. Although you do need to stay with Britney because you’re the only person I trust.”
She shifted to putting a smile on her face to try to get my mind off the danger. But I wasn’t having it. “You’re not going.”
“Or I could just take her to Mattie’s place.”
“Don’t do this, Jax. Please. We’ll run this test and I’ll leave. That’s all I want to do. The others won’t come back until tomorrow. Then we can make a nice dinner together. Okay?”
She wasn’t going to budge and I wasn’t able to go with her. I’d committed to keeping Britney safe and that would happen. The woman had grit, I would give her that, but her determination continued to trouble me. My wolf would soon refuse to back off.
“One hour. That’s all you get. Do you understand me?”
“You drive a hard bargain, buster.”
Britney interrupted us again, bringing her dishes as required, Sedona taking them immediately. Then she stood with her hands on her hips, studying me the same way her mother did. “I think you’re a keeper.”
As she flew out of the room, Sedona placed her hand on my chest. “I’ll be fine. I don’t think I’m queen material. No matter what your mother insists. But I can take care of myself. We’re in a very secure building. You made certain of that yourself.”
Arguing with her wasn’t going to accomplish anything. “One hour. I will come and get you with Britney in the backseat if necessary.”
“No, you won’t. You care about her.”
“And I care about you, Sedona. More than you can know.”
“Then why don’t you tell me just how much?”
She’d pushed for me to say anything about how I actually felt about her since her mother’s confession. Maybe in my heart I knew, although I’d always thought I couldn’t care about anyone the way they needed. Perhaps the correct word to use was shouldn’t. I shouldn’t care because I’d been labeled a monster my entire life.
When I didn’t answer right away, as expected, she walked away from me, ensuring she was out of my reach. “One hour. That’s all I’ll need.” Without looking at me again, she walked out of the room.
There was a moment I’d been able to read her mind again, shoving aside all the formulas she had driving her brain.
She’d gone from wishing I’d tell her exactly how I felt to wishing she’d never met me.
Low and masculine, every time Jax’s voice dropped to little more than a whisper, I found myself deep in a trance. It wasn’t just his breath I felt sliding across my skin, but his husky and sensual tone that kept me aroused in his presence.
I’d done my best to remain focused on the work, but he made it impossible. He also managed to keep me as unnerved as the work I was doing. Nothing seemed real any longer.
“You’re deep in thought,” Marla said. While we weren’t going to have a tremendous friendship, I’d already grown to respect her work in just two days.
“Yeah, I guess so. I just don’t know what to think any longer.”
“About our work or about Jackson?”
“I guess both.” I tried to laugh but the sound was hollow. “He’s the most infuriating man I’ve ever known.” I moved to see what she was working on, checking my watch since I had no doubt Jax would come storming into the lab, tossing me over his shoulder.
She continued studying the slide she was looking at. “He’s an Alpha wolf. What did you expect? Sunshine and roses? That’s not the Wolfen men.”
“Is that why you’re not involved with anyone?”
Now she lifted her head. I noticed a flash in her eyes that didn’t last very long. She was haunted by an experience. “Did Jax share that with you?”
“He did, but he didn’t give me any details.”
As she moved to the computer, I resumed my place on the other side of the room.
“I was in love once. A wolf I’d gone to college with. We’d talked about getting married. Then he got sick.”
“With what?”
She acted as if she didn’t want to tell me.
“I won’t pry.”
“You should know since most of the wolves are in denial,” she said. “Leukemia. He lost his battle within nine months.”
My mouth dropped open. “But I was told Wolfen couldn’t get sick. Heart disease. That’s what Jax had told me.”
Sighing, she returned to what she was working on. “See? Denial.”
“I don’t understand. Is this the curse?”
“Curse, my ass,” Marla snorted. “I know the council and all the Elders believe it, but the issues are all about genetics and interbreeding.”
It took me a few seconds to comprehend what she was saying. “You mean humans and wolves.” My assumptions had been on the money. What a horrible realization.
“Correct. Think of all the fabulous dog breeds. They used to be immune to cancer and even Lyme disease, but no longer. Their lives are shorter. They suffer like humans. The drugs aren’t the same for them, so veterinarians are still behind the eight ball. I watched my sweet man wither and die. Nine months.”
“That’s why you’re a doctor.”
Her smile was genuine. “Yes. Plus, I wanted to see if I could find cures. First it was cancer, but name a disease or a terrible illness and it’s popping up in the Wolfen.”
“So… I’m supposed to be this queen. Married to the grand poo-bah Alpha male. Am I supposed to be the cure?”
There was something amusing about her chuckle. “Maybe the old timers believe that too. I’m no expert on our lore, but I have heard there are two groups of old families. They were the first and of course, required to mate. Over time, the primal core was disrupted. It had to be. More pups were born than were believed could happen, turning into more hybrid children as the packs decided they wanted nothing to do with Wolfen mentality or rules.”
I took a deep breath, pushing it out through my lips. “The bloodlines were diluted.”
“Yes. That is science.”
“So the natural immune system the Wolfen were born with has been trashed.”
For the first time, she gave me an actual grin. I didn’t think she could smile. “Bingo.”
“But if I’m a wolf, which I still find tough to believe, I’m a hybrid. What good would having pups do?” I couldn’t believe I was using the word ‘pups.’
“According to legend and the great Elders, because you are primal your blood is pure like Jax’s and your pups will be born pure. Don’t shoot the messenger.”
I think I stared at her unblinking for a full minute. “Whoa.”
“Yeah, whoa. But if what I’d told you and find tough to buy is true, you won’t make it to having pups. The werewolves are our one true enemy. We pissed them off a bazillion years go. They want payback.”
Payback. That much I understood.
“One last thing. I know you aren’t certain about Jax and what he thinks about you or what he’s capable of feeling,” she told me.
“Yeah, he refuses to say anything about his emotions, his likes. I know he enjoys our time we spend together, but why can’t he tell me if he thinks I’m the one?”
“You are the one. I assure you of that and it doesn’t have anything to do with the fact you are his mate. I feel that truth in my bones. I’ve known him my entire life. I once thought I was going to marry him, pretending he was my mate. We’re just friends; don’t worry. That’s all we’ve ever been, but with you, he found the way out of his darkness. Just trust your gut with him and open your heart.”
Open my heart.
I’d already done that, becoming fearful it would be smashed into oblivion.
I wasn’t certain I could handle that.
“Come on. Let’s get to work,” I told her. “I have a primal male refusing to be without me.”
As I began the test, I tried not to think about Jax, but he was so electrifying as well as infuriating, I wasn’t working on all cylinders.