Wolf’s Mark Chapter 34 97%
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Chapter 34


J ax

“She needs to be in a hospital,” Marla chided for the third time in less than an hour. She removed the stethoscope from around her neck, twisting her head so I could see the full effect of her glare.

“You know why we can’t do that,” I told her.

“He’s right,” Chase told her. “The last thing we need to do is to place the FBI on further alert or cause any trauma in the community.”


We had a killing field full of heads and massacred corpses on full display proving that there’d been a bloody battle. While cleanup was ongoing, ensuring no one would ever learn what had occurred in the dark, that would still take time. The area was being heavily guarded, but I continued to fear a breach. That would be disastrous.

I moved closer toward the bed, peering down at Sedona. She looked so pale, her soft skin blemished from chemical burns. But they would heal even without the full effect of her being a wolf. The toxins in her lungs were the most concerning. Marla was beside herself, Daphne as well. While they’d had no way of knowing what Sedona had planned given the chaotic situation, they blamed themselves for her condition.

Because they’d followed her orders.

Orders given by a future queen.

Using the gas had been a premature decision and Marla had had no idea how to handle the symptoms or if there was a cure.

I felt cold inside, dead in a way I hadn’t before. Sedona had asked me to trust her, disobeying my direct orders.

In doing so, she’d destroyed the werewolf primal family.

But at what cost?

I felt my legs starting to falter and suddenly both my brothers were by my side, keeping me upright.

“It’ll be okay, brother,” Riker said thoughtfully as he clapped his hand on my shoulder. “She’s strong. She’s a fighter. You’ve seen that.”

I had, but that meant shit at this moment. “What about the other injuries?” I asked Marla.

She pulled down the sheet, exposing the claw marks on Sedona’s arm and chest. “Well, there is no doubt the girl is Wolfen. She’s healing. More slowly than some of us would, but the process is working in her favor. The internal injuries would be considered life threatening in a hospital, but she’s stable at this point, all organs working as they should.”

“What are you doing to alleviate the toxins?” Daphne asked. “She can’t die. She’s brilliant. She’s beautiful. She’s one of us.”

Marla finally rose from the seat next to the bed, trying to offer a slightly comforting smile.

It wasn’t working. Sedona was dying. I felt it. I sensed her spirit leaving. I couldn’t hear her thoughts. I didn’t feel her pulse as I should as her mate.

“All I can do at this point is use fluids to keep her hydrated. We’re going to monitor her blood constantly for changes. There might be a few things we can do to boost her immune system, but right now, it’s wait and see. I can’t do any more.”

Hearing Marla’s words nearly destroyed me.

“Why did this happen? You need to round up the other primal members.” Daphne threw me a look.

There was one left, Jeremiah’s brother. He’d been cornered, but it was only a matter of time before he managed to sneak out of the area. He needed to be dealt with.

“No business talk in this room. Sedona needs her rest.” Marla shooed us toward the bedroom door.

I pulled Daphne aside once we were out in the hallway. “Can you do me a huge favor?”

My niece eyed me warily, finally nodding. “I’m not leaving until I know she’s okay.”

“I’m not asking you to leave. I need someone I can trust to remain here at all times to take care of Britney. She’s already asking about her mother. I need her kept calm and occupied with books, music. Something. I can’t have her wandering into the bedroom. It won’t be fair to either one of them.”

Daphne’s face brightened. “I can do that. Of course.”

Eliza was suddenly on the stairs, peering up at me with rage crossing his face.

“What is it?” I asked him, immediately on high alert.

“The fucking FBI are here. They’re demanding to see you. I put them in your office but they’re antsy.”

Antsy. Perhaps they got a whiff of blood that chilled their bones. I laughed. “What’s the status of our… project?” If they had a warrant to search the adjacent land, there could be an issue we weren’t prepared to deal with.

“Almost complete. We had to remove a solid portion of our project samples.” Eliza was a smart man, following my lead. We didn’t need any additional trouble with the FBI, although I was still pissed how they’d handled the earlier situation.

“And Marla’s lab?”

“Locked down to the best of our ability, but the gas escaped.” I wasn’t certain if that was good or bad. No one would be allowed in until the entire facility was tested and cleared. That would also take time.

The cleanup crew had been instructed to wear masks through the entire process, but I was still wary of their effectiveness. “Let Danton know we have company. He’ll know what to do.”

At least my actions had allowed other Alpha Wolfen to begin trusting in my abilities.

We’d been fortunate in that three other packs had arrived to help with our endeavor, the Alpha males providing the assistance that had secured our battle win.

If I could dare call it that. The fact Jeremiah had managed to secure humans and Wolfen to help in his revenge tour meant his influence could still be a factor. That would need to be dealt with at a later time.

When the shit settled.

I squeezed Danton’s arm and nodded to my brothers. “Let’s not keep the great FBI waiting.” I bounded down the stairs, heading toward my office. The same assholes who’d attempted to arrest Sedona had returned for more bantering.

“Gentlemen. I can’t say this is a pleasure. However, welcome to my home.” I moved behind my desk, immediately sitting down while Riker and Chase flanked both sides. It was to appear as if I was in control, my power not to be challenged.

Killing them wasn’t an option unless they pushed too far.

However, I also didn’t need to try to navigate a political nightmare.

Agent Walker seemed to be the one in charge. He glanced from Riker to Chase, obviously displeased they were in the room, but didn’t ask for introductions and I had no intention of providing them with any.

While Parker was on his way, a separate case holding him up in court, this wasn’t his fight to win.

It was mine.

“Is Doctor Willis available? I assume she’s here since she’s not at her house or at the morgue,” he continued.

“Yes, she’s here, but quite a bit under the weather. She can’t be bothered so you’re going to need to go through me.”

He wasn’t happy about my proclamation, and I didn’t give a shit.

“Mr. Wolf,” Agent Walker said. As he grabbed a file from one of the other agents’ hands, I knew instinctively this was show and tell time.

He placed a series of vivid color photographs of a woman’s dead and mutilated body on the desk.

“Unfortunately, murders occur everywhere, agent. Does this have anything to do with my family or my business?”

“This is our former agent, a girl who was working her first case.”

Why in God’s name would they give a new agent a case with the horrific murders and seemingly paranormal activity? Unless they hadn’t believed anything strange was ongoing.

“I’m sorry for your loss. I don’t understand what that has to do with me.”

The other two agents were highly uncomfortable.

“Well, you see,” Agent Walker said as he walked away from my desk, scratching his head. “There were hundreds of murders of this nature, most with bodies disappearing within twenty-four hours. I know what you’re thinking, the possibility is nuts. Now, we’ve had several doctors and scientists working on what the hell could be going on, which was why Agent Drummand asked for Doctor Willis’ help. The previous victims were placed in various holding containers, but always managed to get out of whatever cage we put them in. They were violent, destroying property and as you might imagine, people were afraid. That prompted military involvement, bodies sent to a very secure facility. Nothing worked.”

He stopped long enough to see if I was bothered in any way. I was surprised he was sharing this information, but it would appear they were at a crossroads.

I said with my elbows on the arms of my chair, my fingers steepled.

“However, in the last twelve hours, nothing has occurred. The victims of such horrible brutality remain dead. Our scientists are scratching their heads.”

“Well, I guess that’s good for society. I still don’t know what this has to do with me.” I laughed and both my brothers did as well. We could play this any way the man wanted.

“Mr. Wolf. May I be completely frank with you?” Now Agent Walker appeared sheepish, but it was all an act. One he was good at.

“Absolutely. I appreciate frank discussions. I don’t like wasting time.”

“Of course. I’m very well aware of your family’s history. As Doctor Willis was told likely prematurely, your family and the Wolfen Corporation have been under investigation for some time. The truth is for decades.”

Another moment passed as he allowed the information to sink in.

“And for what reason?”


The other two agents laughed uncomfortably.

“Because it’s long been suspected you come from a line of wolves with the ability to shift into human form.”

As expected, both my brothers took a second before laughing. I simply stared at him and finally shook my head.

“We’ve heard that before,” Riker said quite casually although I sensed his anger. “Imagine if we were that magical.”

This needed to be played correctly or the humans who’d suddenly decided to take up arms against us would continue.

“Agent Walker, I’m well aware my family and now our billion-dollar company have been investigated by every law enforcement agency in the country. Given none of you have ever found any improprieties in our business operations, you and all those before you decided to make your endeavor personal. Yes, we have the last name of Wolf. However, do you really believe that humans can shift into creatures of the night?”

I allowed the concept to formulate in their peon minds.

All three agents laughed, Agent Walker becoming slightly embarrassed. But he wasn’t necessarily backing down. He’d be trouble in the future. I sensed it.

“You’re right, of course,” he stated. “But there have been some unexplained deaths over the last few decades in and around this lovely town. Murders similar to what we’ve been witnessing across the country. Any idea why this might be occurring?”

His challenge was duly noted. “It’s my understanding from stories offered from my mother than there was a group of humans who also believed in this ridiculous theory. They used their concern to band together, forming a malicious and deadly group that purposely hunted down members of my family and those they considered pack members. This town has seen far too much bloodshed, Agent Walker. I suggest you turn your attention toward those who are attempting badly to imitate what they believe would be a slaughter caused by a wolf.”

The three agents glanced at each other.

“Might I suggest that you check on the methods of foraging for food done by actual wolves? They are usually peaceful creatures unless provoked. I also recommend quite highly you don’t aggravate them.”

Yes, I was issuing a threat of my own in hopes they’d hear me clearly.

I could tell by the look on Agent Walker’s face he still felt somewhat embarrassed, but not completely convinced.

“Gentlemen, do I need to contact your supervisor or obtain a restraining order?” Parker arrived as if on cue. He waltzed into the room with full authority on his face, shaking his head as if the notion was nonsense.

Little did the agents know how dangerous the situation currently was.

“While I can appreciate your frustration,” Agent Walker stated with a smile on his face, “there are murders to solve.”

“Then I suggest you spend your quality time looking for the real killers,” I told them. As I stood, I sensed they knew the meeting was over.

“I know several judges in Chicago. I won’t hesitate to contact them to ensure you do not bother my clients again.” Parker was also having fun with this.

Agent Walker hesitated before nodding. “Please give my regards to Doctor Willis and tell her I hope she feels better.”

The three men walked out of my office, but not before Agent Walker gave me a hard stare. They would be back. But I would be ready.

Chase followed them out to ensure they left.

Once they were gone, I fisted both hands. “At least we know we managed to stop the activity for now.”

The activity. It was the only word I could think of for such devastating occurrences.

“How’s Sedona?” Parker asked.

“Not good. We won’t know for hours if not days if she’ll survive. I need you to stay here with Daphne watching Sedona’s daughter. Can you do that?”

Parker walked closer. “You’re not going to do anything stupid. Right?”

I hadn’t given him the details of our harrowing night, but he knew me well enough to realize I would never allow an attack on our community to stand.

Without retaliation.

“I don’t plan on it,” I told him.

“I’ll stay. Just remember you are human.”

No, I was not. I was Wolfen.

And I was the new leader.

The absolute Alpha wolf.

I would take my place, but only with my queen by my side.

The concept there was strength in numbers was correct.

The Warton house was just off the edges of the property the Wolfen owned, the former farmhouse once owned by a man who’d led the last group of humans in their attempt to eradicate us as a species. He’d been smart enough to realize that if the primal family was wiped out, disease and decay would follow the pack until extinction.

He’d died in a fiery death locked inside his barn.

The story was rarely told, the incident far too close to home, but my mother had provided the details. It was apropos Jeremiah had landed in the very spot where the last great attack had commenced.

Old lore said that Jeremiah’s brother had been appropriately named Adam, the first werewolf born from the flesh of the devil. He’d gone rogue, which was why Jeremiah had taken over as leader of the pack. Over time, it had been believed Adam had been killed by his own pack.

But he was alive and well, taking up space as he followed in his brother’s footsteps.

What the Wolfen had learned as children was that a pack member alone was always in the most danger. Every battle fought had only been won when the entire pack or several packs took up the endeavor.

From what I’d been told from the Wolfen soldiers surrounding the property, only a few of his new army remained, a couple of Wolfen as well. He was in a bind and I intended on making him and the others pay.

While I’d reluctantly left Sedona in Marla’s care, this had to be done to formally end what I now considered a curse on the Wolfen. Maybe we’d finally learned that our greatest strength was each other.

If not, history would repeat itself and next time, I feared we’d lose.

The packs had gone through a discussion and it was time to act on our collective decisions.

I’d also been told Adam had been injured. With the loss of his brother, it would seem he was having difficulty recuperating. While my beautiful Sedona would continue insisting there was always science behind everything that occurred in this world, I knew that not to always be true.

Maybe I should admit I’d finally embraced what I’d once believed to be nothing but fiction in our world and community. There were some things that simply couldn’t be explained with science and technology. There were ancient powers that could not be controlled with modern weapons or horrific battles.

I’d never be able to fully explain why, but it was past time for me to accept or I would never make a good leader.

We approached the house and I was still debating how I would handle Adam’s existence, even if I knew what the outcome would be.

He needed to die a final death, one that he could not return from. Not with science or by the power of the devil.

Would that mean final peace for the rest of time for the Wolfen? That I couldn’t answer, but I would be better prepared if there was a next time.

“You can do this, brother. You are meant to lead the Wolfen.”

I was somewhat surprised to hear Chase issuing the comment. As he nodded toward me, I sensed a newfound respect.

As we’d done before, two dozen Wolfen remained in human form. They were prepared to strike the match. Now it was time for the rest of us to shift.

After shedding our clothes, I lifted my head toward the sky.

Maybe our creator was smiling down at us, Wolfen finally passing the required test.

As the shift began, there was no agony as before, no sense of discomfort whatsoever. In fact, there was peace. Absolute and total.

Maybe I’d been wrong about my place in the world. Expensive toys and trinkets no longer mattered.

Family did.


My queen.

As twilight settled over the land, the Wolfen stood watching the final act of carnage. We were now as one, a dangerous group of Alphas. The men were of all races and ages, their professions everything from construction workers to accountants and doctors forced to choose their path.

Either remain human and lose their sense of being a wolf or follow the man who’d been predetermined to lead the Wolfen in their entirety.

They’d placed their trust in me as if making a silent vote amongst themselves.

I was proud, not just because of all the accomplishments I’d made in my life, but because I stood by men who respected not only the Wolf family and their leader but also the Wolfen in general.

As the fire burned brightly destroying the final timbers of the house, the contrast with the twinkling stars beautiful, my heart continued to ache.

Adam was dead, incapable of returning to life as were those who’d still followed him.

Peace would fall throughout our community, a night and subsequent days of celebration.

None of it would mean anything if I lost Sedona.

I finally turned away from the flames and stench of burning flesh. Maybe I was more beast than man, but I prayed to the human God to grant me one wish.

To save her.

Without looking back, I headed out of the forest, my phone ringing only seconds later.

Seeing Marla’s number, my hope fell into the ashes along with the dead werewolf.


“Jax. You need to come home. There’s been a development.”

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