S edona
I could remember my mother telling me before I moved to Cartersville that life was precious and I should enjoy every day.
I’d smiled like a good daughter, completely unaware of the trauma and tragedies yet to come. Maybe I’d taken her words for granted because I certainly had forgotten how to stop and enjoy the world around me.
No longer.
I’d been granted a new lease on life.
I’d been allowed to survive a deadly gas that by all rights should have killed me. The scientific reason why it hadn’t? I was part wolf. There was no denying it, and I could only revel in my new attributes. My vision was a perfect 20/20, capable of seeing the smallest details in the pitch black. My hearing could detect a pin dropping five hundred yards away. And I was much stronger.
However, science and being part Wolfen hadn’t saved me. My belief was that Jax’s love had. I was as certain of that fact as I was the sun would rise tomorrow.
Love could conquer all.
He’d whispered my name hundreds of times when I’d been in a coma. He’d held my hand, professing his love, even if he would never admit it.
He’d protected and saved me.
And he’d prayed to God I would survive.
After awakening, I’d reminded him that women were much stronger physically and emotionally than men.
He’d laughed.
And forced me to prove it.
That had been almost two months before, most of which had gone by in a blur.
He’d asked me to marry him under the pale blue moonlight weeks before. We’d have a traditional wedding so our friends could continue believing we were very human. But the mating process was entirely different.
I’d been coached, prepared by both Daphne and Marla. I’d had time to comprehend the meanings and changes and to fully accept who and what I was.
That didn’t mean I wasn’t nervous.
I was queen. I honestly had no freaking clue what that meant, but my presence had provided comfort for the members of the Cartersville pack as well as the great council I’d finally been introduced to.
They’d given their blessing, which had seemed strange, but I certainly didn’t understand wolf politics.
I’d learned so many things about myself during the last few weeks, including my love of life. And of family. Britney adored Jax and he was already like a doting father, including insisting she be given her own perfect, real live dog.
My phone rang and I grabbed it without looking. “Hello.”
“Where have you been?” Mattie chastised.
“You know I’ve been working.” I’d been working side by side with Marla, including cleaning and rebuilding the destroyed portion of her laboratory while bringing in new equipment and supplies.
“I’ve invited you out four times and you ignored me and Shelly and Camille. You owe us a night on the town.”
“Would you settle for copious bottles of wine and horror movies?” What the heck? After all the horror I’d been through, a movie wasn’t going to do a thing.
“Wow. Shocking. A horror flick. Fine. You’re on, but only if you have the girls’ night at that beautiful place you now live.”
I’d sold my house, now living in Jax’s beautiful estate. “You’re on.”
“Jax could stay, you know. He could be our bartender,” she cooed. “Our hunky monkey.”
“Touch him and die.” I found the turnoff, Jax’s cryptic directions what I’d expected. He was testing me, pushing my wolf. She wasn’t in the mood to play games. But he was the big wolf in charge.
As he continued to remind me.
She laughed. “You’re just an old fuddy-duddy now that you’re getting married. We need to discuss bridesmaid dresses by the way. Do not dare pick anything pink and frou-frou or you will no longer exist as my best friend.”
“Pink? Me? Never. Think gothic red,” I purred.
“Now we’re talking.”
I opened the window, taking a deep whiff. I was still getting used to my new attributes as Jax called them, but I didn’t need to be a wolf to detect the scent of his aftershave.
His choice on this beautiful early evening? Sandalwood and citrus with a dash of exotic spices.
My favorite.
I was close to the unknown and he was waiting.
My entire body was tingling, my nipples hard like diamonds.
Forget about my thong. It was soaked from my extreme desire.
“What are you doing tonight? Any chance I can pop by?” she asked, although I could sense she was teasing. She knew how romantic we’d become as a couple, often holding her nose when we were around her for the sheer fun of it.
“Oh, just doing some laundry.” Being mated by the big, bad wolf.
I resisted giggling. I could never tell my friends the truth, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t have a little fun with them every so often.
“See? Party pooper. You need to get out more from that lab of yours. I’m still surprised you’re no longer the medical examiner.”
If only I could tell her I was working on much bigger projects, including curing cancer with the help of Wolfen DNA. “Well, it was time for a change.”
“Uh-huh. Next week. Drinks at your place. Your friends, remember your best friends won’t take no for an answer.”
“I know. Next week. You can count on it.”
The call completed, I concentrated on finishing the drive. I knew instantly when I’d found the perfect spot in the middle of the forest. Not only did I sense Jax was close, I also felt a sense of peace and awe.
As I climbed out, I realized I was no longer afraid of darkness settling in. I didn’t have nightmares any longer and I felt safe at all times. I had yet to shift. I’d been told it would be a few months before that was possible. Was I terrified at the thought?
You bet your sweet ass.
But I would face the inevitable when it came.
After cutting the engine, I climbed out, surveying the surroundings. There was a river close by, the sound of the water tumbling over the rocks breathtaking.
He was close, watching me.
Encouraging me.
Teasing me as he so loved to do.
I stepped lightly over brush as I tried to find him, the light breeze skipping across my skin. I’d purposely worn a white dress. This was a wedding of sorts, after all. My skin prickled from his close presence, but I was determined to keep him in suspense.
So I took off running through the woods. He didn’t move at first, taking his time to watch me, enjoying the sight of me attempting to get away.
Of course he would hunt me as he’d always promised to do. But the big wolf waited, allowing me to feel free in the moment.
I knew the instant he began the hunt, moving silently through the trees as he trailed behind me.
I ran faster, darting in between trees and jumping over foliage. The darkness was no issue and not because of the incredible full moon high overhead. This was the most freeing feeling I’d ever experienced.
He was getting closer, refusing to allow me to get away. I laughed nervously, throwing constant looks over my shoulder. Seconds later, I noticed his incredible eyes, so bright and luminous they glowed.
“You can run, little wolf. But I will find you.”
His words spoken out loud were like smooth velvet brushing against my skin. When he threw back his head and howled, a series of red-hot shivers danced down my spine. I was wet and shivering from the intense arousal that had a firm grip on every inch of me.
I continued running until there was sudden and complete quiet.
No wind.
No night creatures.
No howls.
Just the darkness and the earth beneath my feet.
But he was there, suddenly right behind me. I remained where I was, my breathing scattered. Excitement roared through me as he approached.
The man I loved.
My friend.
My lover.
My mate.
“You’ve been a very bad girl,” he stated in his sensual husky voice.
“Always. I’ll need to punish you.”
“Really? I’m such a good girl.” I was still quivering, and when he rolled the tips of his fingers down my arm, I was certain I’d have an orgasm.
“So beautiful, but so out of touch with reality.” He could always make me laugh even though on this gorgeous night I was still nervous, the sound reflecting it.
I was suddenly driven against the largest and oldest tree in the forest. Before I could object or say a single word, he jerked up my dress, ripping my thong to shreds.
Moaning, I embraced the tree, wrapping my arms around it. I wasn’t surprised when I heard a sharp snap of his wrist a split second before he brought down the switch I’d sensed in his hand.
The whooshing sound was exhilarating as he repeated the action three more times, crisscrossing my bottom as he did so. Yes, there was blistering pain at first, but I was so turned on I couldn’t think straight.
“My bad little wolf will learn what’s good for her,” he said as he snapped the switch against my upper thighs not once but twice.
I threw my head back with a slight howl of my own. “You’re what’s good for me.”
“Good answer. But it won’t stop the spanking.” He laughed and I snarled in response as he continued the round of punishment.
My bottom was on fire, heat building throughout my entire body. My pussy ached so much the muscles were clamping and releasing. I was going to lose my mind from intense need and desire.
After issuing four more in rapid succession, he tossed the slender piece of wood away, spinning me around to face him.
So many times he’d cupped both sides of my face, but this time was extra special. With his glowing eyes and the reverent look on his face, I felt more beautiful than I ever had in my life.
“You are everything to me, little wolf, my sweet Sedona. I will cherish you always until the end of our time together. I will honor and protect you against all evils, whether human or beast. And I will love you even if you don’t want that love. You are mine. All mine. Until the end of time.”
Leaning forward, he pressed his lips against mine, but the passion was short lived. He dropped slowly to his knees, pushing my dress up to my waist and spreading my legs.
I gripped his head with one hand, slapping the other against the bark. As I leaned my head against the tree, staring directly at the moon, another moment of peace swept through my system.
This was my home.
He was my home.
And my forever.
Jax breathed across my pussy before darting a lick around my clit. I was already oversensitive from rounds of rough sex, enjoying every inch of him over and over again.
But the sensations were even greater on this night. This very special night.
He sucked on my clit until I moaned from the pleasure. As he dragged his tongue down, finally sliding it past my swollen folds, I closed my eyes.
“I will love you until the end of time,” I whispered.
There would be friends from my past who could never believe in the lore and majesty of the wolf. But I knew the truth.
As he shifted his lips to my inner thigh, a smile crossed my face.
I was Wolfen and I was proud.
The earth vibrated as he began to shift, his wolf refusing to be held back any longer. This was the moment and I wasn’t afraid.
Jax sank his canines into my skin and every cell in my body was completely on fire.
Love came from many sources, often unexpected and when you least anticipated. But somehow, I’d always known I’d been waiting for the right one.
The perfect man.
A hero.
And my mate…
The End