I watch Eden step out of Anita's door and speak to Raze about whatever she’s managed to learn from her time with Grimm’s mother, while Ruckus tries to talk to me about the tournament. Right now, the tournament is the least of my worries. Of course, I wanna get Eden her studio back, but there ain’t no point in it if it’s not safe for her to leave the compound.
“So, what’s the deal with you and her?” Ruckus gives up on talkin’ about Freddie- fuckin’- George and how good he is.
“I fucked up and now I gotta make it right,” I explain, keeping my eyes on Eden as Raze comforts her. Whatever she’s been told has made her sad, and it should be me up there with my arms around her, not him.
“And is the boss okay with that?” Ruck checks.
“We’ve talked it out and, yeah, I guess he’s okay.” I laugh to myself because I still find it hard to believe.
“And ya find that funny?” He sounds surprised, and when I take my attention from her and look at my best friend, he’s staring back at me like I’m takin’ that fact for granted.
“Not funny, just surprisin’.” I shrug.
“Why? You ain’t got a problem with the way Tawk pines over Willow, and you know if we get her back, he’s gonna claim her.” Ruck makes a very good point, and one I’ve been trying to avoid thinkin’ about. I understand that Tawk has done a lot for Willow, but no one wants to think of their sister being with another brother. Having two of ‘em myself is what makes me struggle to believe that Raze is giving me his blessing.
“ When we get her back,” I correct him, “and I guess I have to handle Tawk and Willow. He’s been a much bigger part of her life than I have these past few years.” The admission makes me feel that familiar stab of guilt. “It’s different with Tawk, I barely know him. But, me and Raze, we’re close. I gotta give him credit, it can’t be easy for him to accept. I can’t imagine how I would feel if it were you and Freya gettin’ together.” I shake my head and laugh, knowing the idea will make him squirm. The two of ‘em have never liked each other, back when we were teenagers they were always butting heads.
Ruckus doesn’t share my amusement, and there’s something about the way he lowers his eyes to the ground that I don’t fuckin’like.
“You think she ever regrets leavin’?” He asks in a much softer tone than I’m used to hearing outta him.
“She’s got a new life, now, one far from here and all this trouble,” I remind him.
“And d’ya wonder if she’d still be here if you hadn’t left?” He looks back up at me and the sadness I see makes me wonder if he might be actually missing her.
“Nah, Freya’s always been far too spirited to stay in one place, especially a place that has rules. Kills me to say it, but her leavin’ town with that travelin’ show will have been the best thing that ever happened to her.” I watch Eden and Raze go their separate ways, her heading toward her room, while he makes his way down the stairs.
“Who’s takin’ over from Sasquatch, later?” I check with Ruck. We decided it’s best to keep someone on Anita’s door, the woman may be Grimm’s mom but she’s still all kinda crazy. I’m sure she ain’t no real threat, but I heard what Rogue said on the phone about her husband and I ain’t taking no chances. I’m also not gonna be the one who’s responsible for anything happening to Grimm’s mom, especially since it’s my fault that she’s here.
“Saul. He should be back here in an hour,” he assures me, as Raze steps up toward us.
“She get anything?” I ask when he gets closer.
“Nothing much that can help, just more insight into what an evil bastard Cliff is. I need to call Grimm, from what she told Eden, it sounds like he’s got some strong connections at Forestbank. I’ll have Jessie’s old lady do her thing and try and find out who that might be.” He goes to move inside.
“Peyton’s dad rocked up while you were talkin’ to Eden, said he had somethin’ to share with ya, I told him to wait in your office,” I inform him.
“Well, ain’t today just the gift that keeps on giving?” Raze shakes his head and continues to head inside.
“Eden looked upset,” I call after him. “D’ya mind if I go to her?” I know shit’s getting heavy around here and Raze could do with his VP but seeing how sad she looked when she came outta that room is making me wanna fix her.
“I think that’s a good idea.” He lowers his head and offers me a half smile, before continuing to make his way into the club.
Ruckus slaps my shoulder before I head across the yard and climb the stairs. I nod over to Sasquatch who’s resting back in one of the white plastic chairs with his feet up on the railing, and he sniggers at me as I knock on Eden’s door.
There’s no answer, so I bang a little harder and as I continue to wait, I feel the nerves inside my stomach get more and more uncomfortable. What if she doesn’t wanna speak to me? She opened up to me the other night and instead of comforting her, I ran out on her, again. What the hell gives me the right to be standing in front of her door?
I ignore that voice in my head and use the side of my fist to bang louder.
“ What? ” The door swings open and when I see Eden standing in front of me, drenched wet with a tiny towel covering her body, my eyes almost pop outta their sockets. A thousand words are going around my head and none of ‘em sound good enough to explain to her how much I regret every single thing I’ve done from the moment we met until now.
“Aaron?” She creases up her forehead as if she’s waiting for me to explain why I’m here and I decide not to have any more regrets. Striking hard and fast, I step over her threshold and snatch her hot, little hips in my hands. I hold her body against mine as I step further inside her room, kicking the door shut behind us as I kiss her lips, and when the towel slides from her body onto the floor, I curl my hands around her ass and lift her up onto me.
It’s such a relief when she kisses me back, and having her wet, naked body wrapped around me as her fingers skim over my neck and into my hair, makes me growl like a fuckin’ animal.
“You gonna let me show ya how it shoulda been?” I ask her between the kisses I steal from her lips. Nodding her head, she grips my hair a little tighter as I carry her over to the chair in the corner and rest her ass on its seat. I wrap my fingers around her neck, feeling her pulse throb before I slide them lower over her slippery, wet skin. She watches me touch her as I kneel in front of her, and I take my time to admire her naked body. Everything about her is fuckin’ perfect, the color of her skin, the way her body curves. I wanna touch, lick, and claim every single inch of what's in front of me.
Eden rests back, studying me as if she’s anticipating my next move, and this time she doesn’t look scared. It really is just me and her, and I have every intention of making sure she gets what she deserves. Placing both my hands on her knees, I slide them apart and bury my head between them. The sweet, little gasps she makes as I kiss the inside of her thighs makes my cock even harder and when her hips start to raise needily, I smile against her soft skin.
“Please don’t tease me, Aaron.” Her voice is a weak, desperate whisper, and I keep her waiting a little longer when I pull back and slowly shrug outta my cut. Reaching over my shoulder I slide my tee over my head and I can’t tell if Eden looks excited or nervous as she watches me. She reaches up her hand to stroke my face and I turn my cheek so I can kiss her palm before I lower my head again. I make sure our eyes stay connected as I trail my tongue directly through her soaked wet center.
Her body shudders and the moan she makes has my cock stretching painfully against my jeans, begging to be let out.
My hands grab her ankles as I continue to taste her, flicking my tongue against her clit and feeling her get wetter for me. Her hips start rolling to the rhythm of my tongue, she pants like she’s running outta air and as I watch her lose control, I vow to myself that we will never go back to the way things were. This has to be how it is from now on, no looking to the past and no holding back.
I tease her entrance with my tongue as her hand continues to slide through my long hair, holding my face tight to her pussy like she’s scared I’m gonna pull away.
“You’re so fuckin’ hot.” I release her ankles and crawl my way back up her body. Her skin smells good, like fresh rain and I want to rub myself against it as I release my cock from my jeans and let it touch against her. She smiles at me when I cup one of her round tits in my hand then as I lower my mouth and suck her nipple between my teeth she makes another sweet little gasp.
“Fuck, Eden, tell me you need this as much as I do,” I whisper against her skin. I could blow my load all over her hot, wet skin right the fuck now.
“I need it,” she tells me, sounding breathless, and when I look up at her and see how needy she looks, I decide not to deny us any longer.
Dragging her hips to the edge of the chair, I hold them in my hands and admire the way my cock looks resting between her legs. Last time I was inside her, she was hurting, and I felt so guilty. This time is gonna be so different. My girl is gonna take pleasure in every inch of cock I give her, and I’m gonna feed it to her, slowly knowing that her hungry pussy is craving it.
“Aaron, please.” Her hips buck and I tease her a little more by letting the tip of my cock stroke between her pussy lips. “Aaron!” I got her so wound up and impatient, and I enjoy every second of her frustration as I reach both my hands over her shoulder and clench the back of the chair. My body slides against hers and I ensure her soaked-wet snatch gets my cock good and wet before I fill her with it. The slow, gentle thrusts I make against her sensitive flesh, make her eyes close and her mouth drop open as she takes pleasure from the friction.
“Come for me, like this,” I whisper, gripping under her jaw and tilting her head up so I have all her attention. “Look at me and fuckin’ come.” Her eyes flicker open and stare up at me as I feel her clit pulsing against my shaft.
“I’m real close,” she tells me.
“I know, I can feel it.” I press my forehead against hers, letting my hair curtain around her. “Give it to me.” I slide my thumb over her bottom lip, and as her body tenses, the moan she makes is loud and full of relief. Her nails dig deep into my shoulders as she rubs her hungry pussy faster desperate for more friction against my shaft.
“Fuck, you look so pretty when ya come,” I kiss her so I can silence her moans and absorb all that pleasure she’s giving me.
“I’ve never stopped lovin’ you.” Now feels like the right time to tell her. I’ve lined myself up with her entrance and her tight pussy is sucking around my thick head, coaxing me to slide inside her. “I never should have left ya.” I give just a little and her pussy squeezes the life outta my tip as I tease her mouth with mine. “I’m not gonna run anymore,” I promise, pushing deeper inside her and feeling her completely take me over.
Her head falls back over the chair exposing her neck for me, and she moans some more as I trail my tongue over her throat all the way to her ear.
“You're mine now, no goin’ back. No more distance.” I still when my cock reaches her limit, ensuring she knows I mean every word as I hold myself inside her.
“Promise?” She looks up, and when I see tears in her eyes, I nod my head back at her.
“I promise, no more doubts, Eden.” I can’t believe I’m getting a second chance at this, It’s far more than I deserve and now I need to ensure that she never regrets it.
Her body is still wet from the shower, and the droplets on her skin make it shimmer as I roll my hips into hers. I take things steady, I wanna be sure she feels each thrust I push inside her, and watching her react to the way I fuck her makes it hard to keep myself from filling her with my cum. I grip the back of the chair tighter when she wraps her legs around my hips and lifts herself up to kiss me.
“Does this mean I’m a claimed woman?” she whispers seductively.
“Ya better fuckin’ believe it does.” I invade her mouth with my tongue, as I continue to thrust inside the perfect, tight snatch that belongs to me now.
I’ve never claimed a woman in my life, and knowing that Eden’s mine now makes me feel so fuckin’ feral, it’s dangerous.
“Aaron, I think I’m gonna come again.” She almost sounds afraid when her body starts to tremble and her breaths get faster.
“Yeah.” I take one of my hands and slip it between us, strumming her clit as I keep her pussy filled.
“Oh fuck, Aaron…” Her head throws back against the chair as she loses all control. “Fuck, that’s it!” I can’t get enough of how sexy she looks when she’s completely at mercy to pleasure, and it pushes me closer to the edge, myself. Being inside my girl just became my favorite place to be, any troubles we have to face seem a million miles away with her squeezing the life outta my cock.
“Ya covered?” I check, knowing that I can’t hold off much longer. She manages a nod of her head and with one final hard stroke into her perfect pussy, I finally let it go. The room starts to spin as her walls clamp around me, and I close my eyes and growl as I feel my cum spread inside her.
“Aaron.” I don’t know how long it takes for her to say my name but I love the way it fuckin’ sounds.
“Yeah, darlin’?” I manage to catch my fuckin’ breath back.
“That was totally worth the wait.”
When I open my eyes and see her beaming back at me, all the tension in my shoulders releases and I break into a laugh.
Keeping my cock inside her, I lift her up from the chair and steadily carry her across to the bed. I’m careful as I place her down on the mattress and when her pretty, long hair fans out behind her I take the time to really appreciate her. I never thought the day would come when I’d get her back and now, here she is right in front of me. I’m never letting her go again.
“Good, ‘cause we got a lotta time to make up for.” I kiss her lips and get to work.