“ T hat motel is really startin’ to live up to its name,” Rocco complains as he steps back inside the clubhouse and dumps a heap of balled-up sheets on the table next to me. “I just had to help Polly make up another room.”
“So the rich chicks’s stayin’?” I head behind the bar and grab myself a water. After Eden’s friend showed up I went for a long run, I figured it would help me think shit over. Things may be going well for me and Eden right now, but the club’s in some real trouble. With dead girls popping up, and Reapers making plans, we're gonna have to really be on our game to stay in control.
“We’ll be at full capacity at this rate.” Polly follows in after him, placing her cleaning caddy on the table and tutting when she sees the sheets.
“Seriously, Rocco, on the table?” She scoops the bundle up. “You don’t know what impurities are on these. I’m pretty sure it was Sinner who last spent the night in that room I asked you to strip”
“You think these tables are any better?” Rocco sniggers. “Since when have any members of this club been worried about where he gets his dick wet?”
“Well, he should be, especially since my old lady and my sister started to call this place home.” Raze’s voice makes Rocco jump when he steps outta his office and stands up behind him—instantly knocking the clever smirk from the kid’s face.
“Sorry, boss.” Rocco lowers his head and quickly gathers the sheets from Polly’s arms, taking them to the laundry bags that are waiting to be picked up.
“I made up two rooms on the third floor for your visitors,” Polly reports to Raze who nods his appreciation back at her.
“So, you know all about Eden’s friend?” I was hoping that he’d be okay with her staying, It was obvious how happy Eden was to see her, and although she’s her ex’s sister, I like the idea of her having some familiarity here. I took on what she said earlier about feeling overwhelmed.
“What friend?” Raze looks confused as hell.
“Your sister has a friend stayin’, Eden texted me and asked if I could make up a room for her too,” Polly explains.
“Did she now?” Raze blows out a breath but doesn’t seem mad at all — like myself, he’s just grateful to have Eden here.
“I put her in the room next to your old lady.” She winks at me.
“So, who are the rooms on the third floor for?” I don’t remember Raze mentioning anything about us having visitors.
“You’ll find out soon.” He checks the time on his phone looking pleased with himself.
“Is my brother here?” Alicia asks as she walks in through the side door with Peyton.
“He’s through the back with Dev, makin’ sure everythin’s ready for distribution next week,” Raze informs her. Among everything else we got going on we also have a run for Burlusconi to operate. “He should be done soon.”
“And what about you, are you done?” Peyton asks Raze, and I can see she’s worried about him.
I’ll never be done, not with all that's happenin’.” He smiles at her sadly, and when Polly’s finished preparing the laundry bags and sent Rocco on his way to the laundromat, she flops down in one of the chairs and sighs heavily.
“You look like you need something with vodka in it.” Alicia moves behind the bar and pours one from the optics, placing it in front of her. Polly makes no argument as she picks it up and knocks it back.
“You were right.” She winks as she places the glass back on the table.
“You're here, again.” Saul rolls his eyes when he comes outta church and sees his sister.
“Is that a bad thing?” Alicia snaps back at him.
“Did I say it was? Jeez, you're so touchy lately.” His head shakes as he grabs himself a beer and joins us.
“Who’s gonna join me for another?” Polly attempts to relieve some of the tension as she stands up and takes the empty glass to the bar with her.
“I’m good. I’ve gotta drive.” Alicia refuses.
“Come on, sis. Maybe a drink will cheer you up. You ain’t cut loose in ages,” Saul encourages her.
“Honestly, I’m fine,” she brushes him off.
“We can have Rocco drive us home. Just kick back and have a few.”
I know he’s been worried about Alicia since Griller died, and it’s understandable that she’s been acting strange. The whole club found out about the one-night stand she and Griller had the night before he died, and we all looked at Griller a little differently when we found out how much deeper his feelings for her went.
“Saul, I said I don’t want to.” I've even noticed a difference in Alicia since Griller’s been gone. I think she’s putting too much guilt on herself for not feeling the same way as he did.
The front door opens and when Eden steps through it with her friend, I stand up to go to kiss her and she quickly shakes her head at me.
“Everyone, this is Laura, we were at college together and she’s Mark’s sister.” Laura smiles as if Eden’s introduction wasn't just awkward as fuck.
“Laura, this is my brother Raze, and his girlfriend, Peyton,” Laura tries her best not to look terrified as she looks Raze up and down and shakes his hand. “This here is Alicia and her brother, Saul. Polly, she’s the one who got your room ready, and…” My girl gets a guilty look on her face and pauses when she gets to me.
“Wrath and I ain’t no one special.” I hold out my hand and watch Eden squirm as her best friend cautiously takes it.
“I know who you are, you're the one who smashed up my brother's office.” Laura takes back her hand once I’ve shaken it, looking way outta her depth as her eyes take in everything around her.
“Drinks, we should all have a drink.” Eden looks panicky as she pulls out a chair for her friend. “Aaron, can you help me with drinks? ” The looks she shoots at me and the fact she discreetly presses her foot hard on top of mine, suggests she needs me for something.
“Of course.” I smile politely as I stand up and follow her to the bar, leaving Peyton and Alicia to make her friend feel welcome.
“Aaron, don’t make this hard,” Eden begs as she counts the heads at the table and starts placing shot glasses on a tray.
“I’m not makin’ anythin’ hard, I just thought that you bein’ my old lady meant I got to kiss ya anytime I wanted.” I rest my elbow on the table and watch her hand shake as she pours even-sized measures of tequila into each glass.
“Look, Laura’s here because she had a huge fallout with her family. She was sticking up for me and things got heated. What am I supposed to do? Tell her that, in less than a week, I’ve got over her brother and I’m in a new relationship?” She quickly knocks one of the shots back then with shaky hands gets to work replacing it.
“Relax, I’m playin’ with ya.” I place my hand on top of hers to steady it. “I can play nice and keep my hands off ya. But only until she goes to bed.” I point my finger at her in warning.
“And then what?” Whatever I’ve said must have calmed her nerves because the way she bites her lip at me is seductive.
“And then…” I lean in even closer. “I’m comin’ to your room and I’m gonna touch you everywhere...” I raise one of the glasses, “...with my tongue.” I clink it against hers and down the contents before I return to join the others at the table.
Just seeing how flustered she looks when she follows behind me a few seconds later sends all my blood to my fuckin’ dick.
“What are we toasting?” Polly asks, and Laura looks overwhelmed as Saul places a glass in her hand.
“Oh, I got one…” Peyton taps the table and clears her voice excitedly. “The past is history, the future is a mystery, but today is a gift because it’s the present.” Everyone around the table stares at her before erupting into laughter.
“What the hell was that?” Saul shakes his head.
“I thought it was cute.” Peyton blushes.
“It was cute. Very fuckin’ cute.” Raze grabs her by the jaw and kisses her and when I look across at Eden, letting her know that we should be doing the same, she blushes too.
“Are we toasting these or what?” Eden quickly looks away, slapping the table with her palm to speed everyone up.
“To histories, mysteries, and gifts.” She throws her head back and quickly downs her second shot of tequila and we all follow after her.
“Looks like the party started without us.” I spin my head around when I hear a voice come from behind me.
“Troj?” I quickly rise to my feet when I see the SGT at Arms from our Colorado charter, with a tall guy who I recognize standing beside him.
“Thought we’d come out here and help with ya sparrin’ practice,” Troj explains as Ruckus steps in after them, and when I look across at Raze he winks at me.
“Storm here fought with Freddie six months ago and managed to beat him. Figured I’d bring him along and spend a few days puttin’ you through ya paces,” Troj tells me.
“Man, I appreciate that.” I grab him by the arm and bump shoulders with him, before doing the same to his buddy, Storm.
The room quickly starts to fill, word spreads fast around here and everyone gets excited when we get visitors from another charter. It usually means one helluva party.
“I guess Grimm asked ya to check in on his mom while you're here too, huh?” Raze gets up to shake both of their hands.
“None of us had any idea he had a mom until he got the call from the care home sayin’ she was missin’. You had him real fuckin’ worried.” Storm lights himself a smoke.
“Where the hell did ya think he came from?” Ruck chuckles
“Ya know what I mean. We all got our pasts but Grimm ain’t never mentioned nothin’ about his before.”
“To be fair, Grimm don’t mention nothin’ ‘bout anythin’,” Troj points out before looking at me in particular. “He appreciates what ya did gettin’ her outta that place, but he’s real mad at himself right now. He really thought she was in the best place to help her. Hearin’ about her bein’ involved with Cliff has made him question everythin’.”
“Well, she’s in good hands,” I assure him, smiling across at Eden when I think about how kind she’s been to Anita since she arrived here.
“So, what we been missin’ out on?” He lifts up one of the glasses and sniffs. “Tequila.” His head nods like he’s impressed.
“Here, you can have mine.” Alicia lifts up her still-full glass and offers it to him.
“Wow, you really are determined to be borin’, ain’t ya?” Saul presses her again. “We can get these guys their own drinks, just drink up,” he tells her.
“Saul, I told you I’m gonna drive tonight.”
“And I told you to stop being borin’, Pol can make up more rooms, or Rocco can take us home. Just drink the damn shot and start having a good time for once.” Lifting up the glass he starts steering it toward her mouth and she protests.
“I can’t.” I can see that Alicia is getting more and more frustrated, but Saul doesn’t let up, instead he waves the glass in the air in front of her, teasing as he makes airplane sounds.
“Saul, will you just stop?” She blows out a long, exhausted breath.
“What the fuck’s the matter with ya? You’ve been actin’ weird for days.” He suddenly stops trying to make her laugh and looks real fuckin’ serious.
“Nothing’s the matter, I’m just?—”
“Then drink up. I get that you're hurtin’ and– .”
“I’m pregnant!” she yells over his voice, standing up and taking the glass from his hand so she can smash it on the floor. “I can’t drink because I’m fucking pregnant .”
The room goes silent as she closes her eyes and takes another long, deep breath.
“ You’re what? ” The cleverness drops from Saul’s face as he looks his sister up and down and the entire club remains still.
“I’m pregnant.” She swallows thickly, glancing around at everyone who’s staring and looking as if she’s on the verge of tears.
“Pregnant?” Saul slides back down onto the chair beside her and stares at the table.
“Yes, and it’s Griller’s. I don’t know if I’m gonna keep it. I’m just really fucking scared, okay?” Alicia’s voice tails off into a whisper as she looks down at her brother.
“Well, ain’t this just like bein’ at home?” Troj breaks the silence, looking at Storm and grinning.
It’s been a few hours since Alicia dropped her bomb, and Saul’s barely said a word since. They eventually get up and leave together, and I can only imagine how awkward the car ride home is gonna be.
I’ve spent most the night talking through things with Raze and giving Eden space to have some fun with Laura.
“I think your friend’s wasted,” I point out when Eden steps up to the bar to get more drinks.
“She’s not the only one.” She leans all her weight on me and gives me a real dopey-assed smile.
“You're cute when you're drunk,” I tell her, checking her friend ain’t looking before I steal a quick kiss from her lips.
“And you are hawt .” Eden slurs her words, “ So fucking hot. I mean, I could just stare at you and your body for eternity. I kinda hate that you have better hair than me though.” Her pout is adorable and makes me wanna fling her over my shoulder, take her to her room, and punish her for making me hold back tonight.
“Come on, you must like this one,” Peyton interrupts us, taking my girl’s hand and dragging her off to dance. I watch Eden laugh as she shakes her body and has fun with her friends. She’s looking so happy, and there ain’t nothin’ I wouldn’t do to keep it that way. Nothing but the best is good enough for her, which is why winning that tournament next week has never been so important.
“You know this place is startin’ to look more and more like the Colorado charter” Troj chuckles to himself as he takes in the same view that I am. We both look on as Peyton and Eden attempt to drag Raze up to dance and he point-blank refuses.
“That a good thing?” I ask, remembering how sorry I felt for the Colorado brothers last time I visited there. All of ‘em seemed to be settled with old ladies and families, back then the idea of caring for someone again felt like such a burden. But I was jaded. I’d loved and I’d lost, and I was never prepared to do it again. My future’s shaping up to look very different now.
There’s every chance that Eden’s gonna wanna have kids at some point, and I already know that I wouldn’t deny her a damn thing. In fact, the thought of her giving me a kid makes me wanna march on over to her and make it fuckin’ happen, right now.
“Hell, yeah, it's a good thing. It’s what Jimmer set this whole club up for. Ain’t no stronger man than a man who's fightin’ for someone he loves.” Troj is smiling when I tear my eyes away from her and back to his.
“Raze told me you’ve wanted in on this tournament for a while.” He stubs out his smoke and takes a sip of his beer.
“You think I’m crazy?” I value his opinion, ever since Raze hung up his gloves, Troj is undeniably the best fighter this club has.
“Ya want my honest opinion?” He narrows his eyes.
Troj checks the space around us in case anyone is listening before he leans in.
“If my old lady hadn’t been through enough shit to last her a lifetime, I could very well have been someone you were goin’ up against,” he lowers his voice.
“You would have entered?”
“Hell, yeah, I may not get in the ring as often as I used to, but that don’t mean I don’t miss it. I just got more important things to focus on these days. Every time you step inside the ring, there's a chance you ain’t gonna step back out of it. I got too much good goin’ on in my life to take that risk just for a buzz.”
“Yeah, well, it ain’t just about the buzz anymore. I need the money for her,” I admit, looking over at my girl and feeling the pressure.
“And that’s why my bet will be goin’ on you.” Troj stands up and slaps me hard on the shoulder. “I’m gonna go catch up with Tawk. You should get an early night in, you're gonna need it,” he warns, heading for the corner of the room where Tawk is sitting by himself.
“Jeez, those girls are extra fuckin’ wild tonight.” Raze joins me, looking a little frazzled.
“Didn’t fancy dancin’, boss?” I snigger at him.
“I got limits.” Raze takes the whiskey shot that Trinity places on the bar in front of him and we both turn our bodies to face our girls.
“Feels good havin’ her back here, don’t it?” I smile as Eden continues to let loose. I can already see that her and Peyton are becoming close, and even her stuck-up friend looks like she’s having a good time now she’s sunk a few.
“Yeah, it’s good to have her back.” He smiles as he watches her too.“Just don’t fuck it up, Wrath. I’d hate to have to kill ya.” His forehead creases as he watches his old lady and mine giggle together.