Day 452
Theo comes rushing toward me, his expression a mix of confusion and concern. “What happened? What song did you play?”
I lock eyes with him, noticing the pain reflected in his golden irises. He feels rejected, and I can't blame him—I almost feel the same way.
Adrian steps up, answering Theo’s question, “He played a song that sounds super romantic, but it’s really about a lover who doesn’t feel good enough for their partner. Wonder why he picked that one, huh, Theo?” He signs while winking at me .
“It doesn’t matter,” I sign back firmly, trying to cut off this conversation before it spirals.
Adrian, however, isn’t ready to let it go. “What was with you eye fucking her all night?” he smirks at me as if it's all fun and games.
Theo's eyebrows shoot up, clearly wondering the same thing. Honestly? I’m not sure myself. Ever since I helped Farron with Nessie, things have shifted. I’ve gone from seeing her as the enemy, ready to tear a rift between myself and my brothers, to wanting her. God, do I want her. I want to lay her out beneath me, her raven hair surrounding her like a halo, as she comes all over my cock, gasping my name.
Fuck .
Feeling their eyes still on me, I realize I haven’t answered Adrian’s question yet. I get up from my chair and grab my guitar, hoping to make a quick exit. Before I can slip away, Adrian grabs my arm, his grip firm.
“You aren’t leaving that easy.” Adrian signs, a smug look plastered on his face.
“What do you want?” I snap, unable to hide my frustration in my movements.
Theo snatches my attention. “Did something happen between you and Farron?”
“No, nothing happened. She’s…she’s fine, I guess.” I get out, exasperated.
“ She’s fine? Yeah, okay, buddy. You keep telling yourself she’s ‘fine’ while you rub one out tonight.” Adrian quips, grinning like an idiot.
I’ve been close to my brothers long enough to be accustomed to our candid conversations about sex and preferences. But now, a surge of jealousy hits me. Both of them have been with Farron in some capacity, and I haven’t. The thought gnaws at me—I want to taste her, to kiss her. Yet, it’s my own fault it hasn’t happened. I’m the one who keeps pushing her away. We move forward five steps, and I pull us back ten.
“You two are jackasses. I’m going to bed.” I declare.
“Hey, I didn’t do anything.” Theo protests, holding up his hands in mock surrender, his eyes wide with innocence.
I make my way up the path to the main house, guitar in hand. Adrian's voice trails after me: “Don’t let the bedbugs bite!”
I breathe in the crisp night air, trying to calm my raging hard-on. The temperature is dropping, signaling the approach of winter when snow will blanket the ground. Despite my efforts to think about anything but the woman who haunts my every waking thought, I can’t help but wonder what would have happened if she hadn’t gotten spooked. Would she have kissed Theo? Let Adrian join in? Allowed me to come up behind her and press light kisses along the column of her neck? Let me pull her hair back and whisper in her ear, asking if she wants my touch?
Jesus, get it together, I mentally scold myself.
As I approach the house, the crunch of gravel under my boots and the warm glow of the porch light come into view. Life outside these fences since everything went south has been a grind. Hunting for every meal, waking up each morning unsure if we’d survive the day, not knowing who to trust—well, that part was easy: no one. But somehow, the woman with emerald green eyes has managed to worm her way under my skin.
Now walking up to the wrap-around porch, I can’t imagine my life or my brothers’ lives anywhere else. This place has become home. It feels surreal.
I step through the front door and carefully close it behind me, trying not to wake Mr. and Mrs. Hill. The comforting creak of the floorboards under my feet is a welcome sound, grounding me in this new reality.
I head toward the stairs, but a light in the kitchen to my right catches my attention. I peek inside and see Mr. Hill sitting at the table, lost in thought. Attempting to sneak away without disturbing him, I freeze when he speaks.
“Son, come have a drink with me.”
I quickly look behind me to see if anyone else has materialized, unsure if he’s actually speaking to me, before making my way over. As I sit down, I see him pouring a second glass of whiskey.
I pick up the chilled glass, losing myself for a moment as I watch the condensation drip down the side. With a sigh, I down the alcohol in one shot and wince at the burn as it glides down my throat.
I push my hair back out of my eyes and meet Mr. Hill's steady gaze. He holds my stare momentarily before releasing a breath and looking up at the ceiling.
“As I’m sure you can tell, Farron has difficulty opening herself up. She places the world on her shoulders, no matter how much my wife and I try to carry some of that weight,” he says, pausing to take another sip of his whiskey. His eyes lock onto mine again. “But I want her happy, and I can see some of that life coming back to her eyes with you three around.”
Placing my hands on the table and intertwining my fingers, I take a moment to digest his words. Is he trying to say he’s okay with all of us dating Farron?
“Sir, I don’t think–”
“What have I told you about these pleasantries? You sleep in my house, work on my farm, and keep my baby alive. Please, son, just call me Henry.”
“Henry,” I start to say, choosing my words carefully, “I don’t think anything about this is... well, normal.”
Henry looks out the window beyond the kitchen, his gaze distant as if he's seeing another time. He takes a long moment before speaking again. “Nothing about this world is normal anymore.” He looks back at me, his eyes filled with sorrow and determination. “I never thought the dead could take out the living, take out my family, but here we are. I want Farron to be happy and to know someone will always take care of her like she’ll take care of them. And I think that someone is you and those men you have with you.”
The magnitude of his words settles heavily on my shoulders. I understand the depth of his meaning. I would do anything for Theo and Adrian, and he wants the same level of devotion for his granddaughter. Henry has earned my respect since the day we arrived, and his blessing makes me realize how foolish I’ve been.
“Kenji,” he says, his tone firm but kind. “I’ve seen how you look at her, how you care for her. She needs people who can love her for who she is, not just what she does. If you and your brothers can give her that, then I’m okay with it. Just promise me you’ll protect her heart.”
Before I can even formulate a reply, he speaks again, rising from his seat to leave the table.
“Goodnight, Kenji,” he says, his hand resting briefly on my shoulder as he makes his exit.
“Goodnight, Henry,” I reply softly, watching him go with a newfound sense of determination.
As soon as I make it back to my room, I strip down to my boxers and collapse onto the bed. The conversation with Henry has left me emotionally stirred, but now that I’m alone with nothing but my thoughts, my earlier arousal returns with a vengeance.
At first, my mind drifts to innocent scenarios—images of the three of us working together in the barn, Farron checking in on us to ensure we’ve eaten. But gradually, my thoughts take a more provocative turn, envisioning intimate moments between us, caring for Farron in ways that are not quite so innocent.
I’m caught off guard by the intensity of these thoughts. What is she doing to me? The question echoes in my mind as I wrestle with the conflicting desires stirring within me.
Reaching into my boxers, I grab my aching cock and lightly squeeze in an attempt to relieve some of the pressure. God, I’m hard. When was the last time I jerked off? I’m always with Theo and Adrian, and as comfortable as we are around each other, there are just some lines I won’t cross, which means I haven’t come in a long time. It had been months before the world ended that I even slept with someone.
This isn’t going to last long, as I think about Farron. How she sat across from me at the fire, her heated stare on me. How I felt like I was going to combust as her gaze traveled all over my body.
I give my cock a few strokes, feeling how close I am. I've been close to coming in my pants for the past hour. All I could think about while sitting outside was her sauntering over to me in those damn too-tight jeans that make her ass look amazing, her curls blowing in the evening breeze. About Farron sitting down on my lap, straddling me, as I pick up a hot marshmallow and hand feed it to her.
Stroking my cock harder now, I gather the precum at the top of my slit and use it to stroke down. When my hand comes back up, I twist at the top to glide over my head and gently squeeze.
I picture her sliding those pink lips over my fingers and sucking them clean of the sticky sweet mess. In my mind, she grabs my hand and doesn’t let me pull out of her wet hot mouth as she sucks me deeper, and I can almost feel her tongue swirl around my digits. I picture those pretty pink lips wrapped around my throbbing cock.
I pick up the pace as my breathing gets heavier, and I can tell my climax is only moments away. I picture Farron kneeling between my spread thighs as my brothers watch her pert ass sticking out while she takes me to the back of her throat, that wild hair wrapped around my fist, her green eyes holding my attention as my cock swells in her mouth.
And that’s all it takes, I’m spilling in my boxers and coming with Farron’s name on my lips. I swear I see the same stars from outside behind my vision.
I try blinking the haze away from my orgasm, taking a few steadying breaths while I get my bearings. My hands and underwear are soaked with cum, you would think I was a teenager all over again.
Pulling my hands out, I readjust myself and head for the bathroom downstairs, my mind still consumed by thoughts of Farron. Just as I’m about to enter, I spot Adrian at the end of the hall, grinning so wide it looks like it should break his face. Letting out a grunt of annoyance, I push past him and enter the bathroom, deliberately ignoring his presence.
I can practically hear the teasing remarks forming in his mind, and I’m sure I won’t hear the end of this.