After I dropped Becca off at Grams to get ready, I took off knowing there was something I needed to take care of before going back and picking her up.
I needed to have a little conversation with Grant-Mother-Fathers-Nicholson.
Chuckling, I thought about Becca’s words. She still couldn’t bring herself to cuss. Just thinking about her silly words and phrases had me smiling in a way I hadn’t in a very long time. She didn’t know how fucking adorable she was.
I pulled into the hospital twenty minutes later.
I couldn’t let Declan know I was here. It would piss him off if he knew I was here, interfering with his case. And if King found out I was here, he would beat my ass for pissing off his brother.
Strolling up to the front desk, I smiled at Shirley.
“Hey, Blade. What can I do for you?” she asked, leaning on the counter in front of her.
“I need to know what room a patient is in.”
“You know I can’t do that, Blade.” She held up a hand to stop me when I opened my mouth. She dipped her head and spoke to the paperwork on her desk. “I heard what happened. You should know better than to ask me if Grant Nicholson is in room 428. I can neither confirm nor deny where he is at.”
“Are you sure, Shirley? I just wanted to talk to him.” I continued the ploy in case anyone close was listening.
“Absolutely not,” she said, shaking her head.
I nodded, letting her know I understood. There were video cameras covering Shirley’s desk. Cameras that did not include audio.
“I understand, Shirley. Thanks anyway.”
“Tell Beck I hope she’s ok. She was always a wonderful girl, despite that mother of hers. Thank goodness she had Willow’s influence.”
“I will, Shirley, thanks,” I said, knocking three times on the counter. Turning back the way I came, I walked toward the doors leading outside. When I knew I was out of range of the front desk cameras, I hung a right and walked through the door marked stairs. Taking them two at a time, I climbed to the fourth floor.
Marching up to his room, I noticed the guard outside was Officer Marquez. Wasn’t that a coincidence?
“Hello, Miguel, how’s the family?” Holding out my hand to him, he gave it a firm shake.
“Hey, Blade. Family’s good. Manny wants to play hockey this year at the rec center.”
“He does?”
Well… well… well. Isn’t this convenient?
“I hear hockey can be expensive. All that gear can add up quickly.”
“It sure can,” he confirmed, cocking his eyebrow at me before adding, “There are four of us families that have kids wanting to play hockey.”
I understood what he meant, loud and clear.
“Sounds like the rec center could use a hefty donation to make sure none of those kids need anything.”
Those kids would have everything they needed.
The Silver Shadows were not above bribing law enforcement when the need arose, but situations like this just kept everything cleaner.
“That would be great, Blade. I’m sure the rec center would really appreciate it.” He looked down both ends of the hallway. “If you will excuse me for a minute, nature calls.”
“I understand. Take your time, Miguel.”
He knew I wouldn’t hurt Grant, not anything permanent anyway.
I just needed to have a little talk with him.
Pushing the door open, I stepped in and inspected the body lying on the bed. I clenched my fists, wishing I could pummel him into the mattress. I reminded myself I was here to talk and kicked the bottom of his bed to wake him up.
“Hey!” Grant sat up, looking for whatever disturbed his slumber.
When his eyes landed on me, he paled. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to talk to you.”
“Well, I don’t want to talk to you.”
“That’s fine. You can just listen.” My hand reached out for his throat, and I squeezed. “I know what you tried to do, asshole. I saw the video.”
“What video?” he croaked out, his face turning red.
“The video from the cameras in the parking lot of the steakhouse where you tried to rape my woman, asshole.”
“Not… your… woman,” he rasped as I squeezed harder before loosening my grip.
Couldn’t have him passing out before I was done.
“Mine,” he grunted.
“Fuck no, she isn’t. She’s mine,” I sneered. “She’s always been mine and she will always be mine. Now listen to me, you son of a bitch. You thought what my brothers did to you was bad? Just you wait until you’re out on bail, motherfucker. Then you’re mine.”
I got into his face to make sure he heard every word.
“You see, my brothers beat your ass but left you alive for me. I don’t like you, Grant. I’ve never liked you. Until now I’ve left you to whatever the hell it is you do, ‘cause I know it ain’t just real estate. But the minute you put your sleazy hands on my girl, against her will ,” I growled, “you signed your death warrant.”
Grant tried unsuccessfully to get out of my grasp.
“You will never touch her again. You won’t talk to her. You won’t even look at her. Tell me you understand what I’m telling you, Grant.”
“F-f-fuck you.”
“You just don’t learn, do you?” I clenched my hand around Grant’s throat, cutting off his oxygen until he passed out. “Asshole.”
Walking out of Grant’s room, I witnessed Miguel coming back from the restroom. Good timing.
I nodded my head and called out to him, “We’ll take care of that donation before hockey season starts, Miguel.”
“I appreciate it, Blade. Thank you. Everything good here?”
“Yes sir. The patient is sleeping soundly. Have a good night.” I saluted him with two fingers and walked away down the hall the way I came up. Taking the stairs back down to the main floor.
Leaving the hospital and climbing on my bike, I rode back to Grams’ house, only to find Becca had gone over to the clubhouse by herself.
I rushed to the clubhouse, hoping Becca was with the girls. What I found inside enraged me.
I stalked across the room, standing behind Angel, an enforcer from the Mother Chapter. His full road name was the Angel of Death. He was going to meet the Angel of Death if he didn’t get his hands off my woman.
Hearing the exchange between Angel and Jade only added fuel to an already blazing inferno that coursed through my veins.
“She told you Beck wasn’t available. I suggest you take Jade up on her offer.”
Angel turned around, keeping Becca’s hand firmly in his grasp.
I saw her wince, and my anger burned hotter.
“Excuse me?”
“Did I stutter, asshole?”
Angel finally released Becca’s hand and stood toe to toe with me.
“Maybe you have forgotten the rules, asshole . The Mother Chapter gets the first pick of the club whores.”
“She’s not a whore,” I snarled.
Angel looked back at Becca, folding his arms over his chest. “She’s not wearing a cut. That makes her available.”
Now, most people would think he was relaxed, or even bored, but I knew better. I knew he was ready to strike in a flash.
“What the fuck is going on over here?” King walked over, followed by Steele and Stone, the President and VP for the Mother Chapter. Followed by Grace, who shot me a wink. Rachel, Lily and Jade surrounded Becca. They were being guarded by Cash, Jack, Jingles, Ace and Ghost. King stepped between Angel and me, putting himself in Angel’s line of sight. The music shut off, and every brother in the room watched to see what happened.
“Your boy here doesn’t wanna follow the rules,” Angel sneered.
“And what rule is that?” King asked, his hands on his hips.
“The Mother Chapter gets first pick of the club whores,” Angel boasted.
King glanced over his shoulder at me. “That true?”
I stood tall next to my president, knowing shit was about to hit the fan. Gunner silently stepped up behind King, ready for anything at a moment’s notice.
“I came in and found him trying to drag Beck upstairs. Jade tried to stop him. She offered herself and Crystal instead and told him Beck wasn’t available.”
Angel tried to step toward me. “She ain’t wearing a fucking cut!” he bellowed. Looking back at King, he smirked. “I wasn’t dragging her. I was leading her.”
Steele stepped up, putting his hand on Angel’s shoulder. “Easy, brother.”
King looked over at Becca. “Come here, sweetheart.”
Becca hesitated and looked at me. “It’s ok, baby.”
Beck walked her over to King, and she stood in front of him. King pulled her into his chest and whispered enough that only I could hear him, “You ok, sweetheart?”
Her voice was shaky when she answered quietly, “No.”
King handed her over to me and snapped, his eyes cutting me down in a way Angel couldn’t. “Why the fuck is she not wearing a cut?”
“She came over before I got back to pick her up. It was my fault. I assumed she would wait for me.”
“I-I’m sorry,” Becca stammered, looking up at me.
“No, baby, this is all on me.”
“Damn right it is. JACK!” King yelled.
“Yea, Prez?” Jack stepped over so King could see him
“Get her a fucking cut.”
“Prez, when this is done, we’re headed up to my room.” King glared, then turned back to Angel.
“What the fuck is going on? Your boy disrespected a member of the Mother Chapter, and we’re still standing here gabbing like fucking hens? What kind of chapter are you running?”
“Watch yourself, Angel,” Steele warned.
He always stood back and let things work themselves out.
Unless Steele had to intervene, he wouldn’t.
“Angel, what did Beck say when you asked her to go upstairs?” King questioned.
“When the fuck have we had to ask? The whores know why they’re here.”
King leaned into Angel’s face, and in a voice we didn’t hear often, said, “Call her a whore one more time.”
“She isn’t wearing a cut,” Angel whined again, and I heard multiple brothers snarl.
“Sweetheart, did you tell Angel you wanted to go upstairs?” King asked, his voice softer now and his eyes still on Angel.
Becca stood frozen against me.
I wrapped my arms around her and whispered, “It’s ok, baby, I’ve got you now.”
Grace stepped up to King and glared at him. “Why are you putting her through this? She has been through enough. I will tell you what the fuck happened. The girls and I were dancing when Angel walked up, said something to her and grabbed her hand, dragging her across the room. She yelled for Rachel, and I came to get you.” She poked her finger into his chest, emphasizing her last few words.
“He didn’t ask, he took. Jade stepped in, trying to halt his progress with an offer, and he said no, trying to continue on with Beck upstairs. That was when Blade came in.”
Pointing back at Angel, she insisted, “He is at fault here.”
King listened as Grace recounted what happened. He leaned down, kissing her forehead. “Thanks, babe, please go over to your girls.”
She narrowed her eyes at him before stomping over to me and whispering to Becca.
King looked at Angel. “Is what she said true?”
“King, the rule is—”
“I didn’t fucking ask you what the rule was. This is my fucking house. I know the fucking rules,” King barked. “You may outrank my men, but you don’t fucking outrank me, especially in my house. You will show me some motherfucking respect by answering my question.”
Angel seethed, knowing King was right. “Yes, it is true.”
“In this house, and in this chapter, we give women a choice. Even the club girls. We aren’t fucking cavemen. We don’t knock them over the head and carry them upstairs.” King took a deep breath, looking at the ground pinching the bridge of his nose. I was in awe of the restraint he was showing right now, out of respect for Steele and Stone.
“Did you notice the bruise on her cheek?” King asked.
“I did. I don’t know the bitch. Everyone has their kinks,” Angel replied, shrugging his shoulder at King.
King snapped his gaze to Angel. “SHE WAS FUCKING ATTACKED LAST NIGHT!”
Angel flinched at King’s words, but it didn’t stop him from digging his hole even deeper.
“How would I know that? She didn’t tell me about an attack.”
That was the moment King lost hold of his restraint. His fist moved with speed and precision.
Angel hit the floor, out cold.
The president of the Mother Chapter cut him off before he could say anything.
“No need, brother. Angel was in the wrong. I will have the boys put him in a room, and I’ll deal with his stupid ass, I assure you,” Steele confirmed, slapping King on the shoulder. “Venom, Knuckles, and Legacy! Get his ass upstairs. I want a brother posted at his door. Don’t let him out until I’ve spoken to him.”
The guys hefted Angel up and disappeared down the hallway and up the stairs.
King turned around, his gaze sweeping over Becca.
“I told you the first day you were here that you were safe. I meant it. This should not have happened, especially after what you went through last night.”
Becca left my arms, walked over to King and hugged him.
Looking up at him, she assured him, “Your people, the ones you lead, kept me safe. Thank you for being the leader you are.”
King kissed the top of her head, then handed her off to me once more.
“Take her upstairs. We’ll see you in the morning,” King said, turning toward the room. “Show’s over people. Get back to the party.”
The music resumed and life went on.
“Come on, baby, let’s go upstairs.” Becca looked up at me, nodding.
“Hey, Blade.” King stopped me before we left the room. “You do what you needed to do this afternoon?”
He had me on the spot.
Did he know I went to the hospital, or was he talking about me coming clean with Becca?
Before I answered, he took pity on me.
“I spoke to Declan.”
Nodding, I confirmed, “I did. I’ll have Colt send the donation for the rec center over next week.”
“And the other thing?”
Now I knew he meant Becca.
I looked down at my girl and back at King.
“Working on it, Prez.”
He nodded, walked to the bar and sat down next to Steele.
Becca grabbed my hand. There was a heated look in her eyes as she pulled me toward the hall.
“Let’s go to bed, Blade.”