Duncan’s Honor (The Aegis Network: Jacksonville Division #7) Chapter 2 11%
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Chapter 2


C hastity pounded Duncan’s front door, gripping his white shirt, which she’d washed and ironed. It was the least she could do. Now it was time to go about the business of being friends. Going back to the time before she fucked him in her kitchen.

She refused to call it anything else.

Being crass somehow made her feel better about the whole thing.

The door rattled and Duncan appeared, wearing only a pair of shorts, his hair already perfectly styled for the day. It was rare that it wasn’t. Even when he rolled out of his bunk at the station house, it was close to perfection. “Chastity. What are you doing here?”

“Thought it might be less awkward if I returned this now and not at the station.” She handed him the shirt on a hanger. “It’s clean, pressed, and ready to wear again.”

“Thanks. You didn’t have to do that.”

“Not a big deal.”

“I was just making some coffee. Would you like some?” He pulled back the door and waved his hand.

“In the spirit of making things normal again. Sure. I’d love a cup,” she said, crossing the threshold. She’d been in his house over a dozen times. The crew often got together after shifts to blow off steam. They rotated houses, though everyone preferred Rex’s place. It had a nice pool and all the fancy toys. Or his boat. That was always fun.

But Duncan did have an incredible backyard, for a renter.

And impeccable taste in décor.

“Let me go put a shirt on. I’ll meet you in the kitchen.”

She looked him up and down with an arched brow. “It’s not like you don’t strut around the station house like that.” She wiggled her finger over his strong pecs.

“I don’t strut.” He laughed. “And now I feel like a piece of meat.” Resting his hand on her shoulder, he squeezed, before padding off down the hallway, button-down shirt in hand.

She sighed as she made her way toward the back of the house. She lived only a few blocks away, but her place was much smaller. Duncan had three bedrooms. Technically, she had two, but the second one was tiny and she used it for a small office. His kitchen had an island and enough room for a larger table. Hers barely had room for a table for two.

He had two full bathrooms.

She had one.

He had a deck and a large backyard, where she had a small patio and, well, that was it.

But she loved her space. She loved the neighborhood. She had Kaelie and Buddy for neighbors. Duncan too. As well as a few more from the crew. She shouldn’t be lonely.

Only, she was.

Removing the mug he’d already made, she found another cup and placed it under the coffee maker. Her pulse ran like a rabbit being chased by a wild animal, but she did her best to remain as cool as a cucumber on the outside.

What was done was done. And she wasn’t going to regret it. Nor did she have plans to repeat it, but she wouldn’t be able to put up much of a fight if he wanted to. As a matter of fact, she’d never be able to say no, even if she knew it was for the best.

Duncan would never be hers, something she’d learned last night.

“So, what are you doing this fine Sunday?” Duncan snagged one of the mugs and jumped up on the counter, swinging his legs like a small child. He took a gulp and held her gaze, as if nothing had happened.

Well, fucking good for him.

“My parents would like me to go to church.”

Duncan chuckled. “Yeah, I get the same pressure. It’s not as persistent. A dig here. A scripture comment there. A reminder about pushing forty and not being married. Sometimes I wonder if my mom is secretly praying I’m a virgin.”

Chastity’s cheeks flushed at the same time she burst out laughing. “Go through life with my name. It’s a constant reminder of the fact that my family’s religion dictates the no sex before marriage rule.” She crossed her ankles and rested an arm over her middle as she sipped her bitter brew, doing her damnedest not to think about last night.

At least they weren’t in her kitchen.

But they were in a kitchen.

He stared at her for a long, intoxicating moment with his smoldering eyes as if he were reliving every second of their encounter. Right up to the point he regretted it. He cleared his throat. “I was going to call you this morning and apologize for how I left things last night. I didn’t handle things well.”

“Don’t sweat it.” She put on her best smile and stuffed down all her emotions. “We’d both been drinking. Not to mention we’d been sending each other mixed messages for months. Now it’s out of our systems.”

“Are you sure about that?” He eased off the counter and closed the gap. Taking her mug from her fingertips, he set it aside. Using his foot, he uncrossed her legs and pressed himself between her thighs, gripping her hips.

Her chest heaved up and down with every breath she took.

“I didn’t think so,” he whispered with his lips so close to hers she could taste the hazelnut from his coffee.

It would be so easy to cave to her sexual desires. He clearly wanted her and that stirred something deep in her soul. It ignited an infinite flame. But she needed to take a moment. Needed to regroup. To find her center. To find another way to get him to see her.

All of her.

She pressed her hand in the center of his chest and tilted her head. “You made it clear last night that this couldn’t happen again.”

“Are you trying to tell me this isn’t why you came here?” He cupped her breast, fanning his thumb across her nipple.

Biting down on her lower lip, she arched into his body. “No. It’s not. And now you’re not playing fair. I’m attracted to you; that’s no secret. But I don’t want to make this a thing.” She dug her nails into his shoulder blades.

“You don’t want to make what a thing? Sex with me? Or sex in the kitchen with me?” He had the audacity to wink all while his thumb and index finger pinched and twisted her nipple.

She couldn’t think straight while he did that, and something told her he knew that.

“Both,” she managed between raspy gasps for air.

“Then why did you honestly come to my home at eight in the morning?”

“To return your shirt because bringing it to the station would have raised a few eyebrows and forced an explanation. My sex life isn’t up for discussion. With anyone.”

He nibbled on her earlobe. “That’s good to know, because neither is mine.” He bent over, grabbing her from behind her knees and lifting her off the floor.

“Whoa. What are you doing?”

“Moving this to the bedroom, so it doesn’t become a kitchen thing.” He carried her with ease down the hallway.

“Whatever happened to this couldn’t happen again?” While she wanted him—and this—in the worst way, she needed to understand him and what he was thinking.

“Are you trying to talk me out of it?” He kicked open the bedroom door and stumbled onto the mattress, propping himself up on his elbows, fanning her cheeks with his thumbs, staring into her eyes with those intense dark orbs of his, driving her mad with desire.

“No, but nothing has changed from last night. You have two misconceptions about me and?—”

He pressed his finger over her lips. “I’ll concede you could be over that dipshit you were dating. However, I’m not emotionally available. I can be your friend. We could do this a few times, but it won’t be anything meaningful. If that makes me an asshole, then I’ll wear that title.”

She palmed his face. “Am I slut for wanting this without the strings of a relationship attached to it?”

“Don’t ever call yourself that again.” He narrowed his stare. “You’re better than that and no, there’s nothing wrong with wanting something that isn’t serious.”

“Good. Now can we please stop talking and get naked?” She’d lost her mind. And Duncan was right. In the end, she would be the one hurt. But she was a fighter. She was strong. She’d made this decision.

Last time.

Then back to the business of being friends.

She’d make sure of it.

Duncan ripped off his shirt with more gusto than he would have liked. His heart hammered in the center of his chest. The anticipation of being with Chastity again filled his soul with the kind of hunger he’d never experienced before and utterly terrified him.

And excited him at the same time.

He grappled with her clothing like a horny teenager. He needed to feel her hot, sultry skin pressed against his as they lay in his bed. He tried to slow down, to enjoy the moment, but he couldn’t get enough.

Their bodies collided with a fiery passion, igniting a primal desire that consumed Duncan. It reminded him of the first fire he’d ever fought. That had been what he’d been born to do. Whether it be in the Air Force or as a civilian, it was the air that he breathed.

Chastity's fingertips traced the lines of Duncan's chest, sending shivers down his spine. Her lips met his in a searing kiss, their tongues dancing in a tantalizing rhythm. She was the kind of woman he could blissfully lose himself in and never search for the surface again.

He couldn't believe how much he wanted her, how much he needed her in that moment. The room filled with the sound of their ragged breathing and the intoxicating scent of their combined desire.

Last night, he told himself he could have her once and that would be the end of it—one taste, and he’d be able to walk away.

Then she showed up this morning and he’d talked himself into one more time. This was all about getting her out of his system. If he didn’t, how on earth would he ever be able to work with her again?

Duncan's resolve crumbled like sand slipping through his fingers. His hands roamed over Chastity's curves, memorizing every dip and rise of her skin. The passion between them blazed hotter with each tender touch, igniting a hunger that could not be quenched.

Chastity arched against him as Duncan's lips trailed a path of fire down her neck, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. The room seemed to shrink around him, the outside world fading away until there was only the two of them locked in an erotic dance.

In that moment, all thoughts of walking away vanished from Duncan's mind, replaced by a single-minded determination to savor this experience with Chastity.

He’d deal with the consequences later.

Only, he’d make sure he didn’t hurt her. No. He’d do whatever it took to ensure that her feelings were protected.

God, he hoped what she’d said was true and that this was purely physical for her too.

Who was he kidding? He cared for Chastity.

He just couldn’t have her. Not that way.

Needing to push her over the edge, he thrust himself deep inside her.

Chastity arched, moaning. She accepted him as if they fit together. “Yes, Duncan. Please,” she begged.

Duncan couldn't help but smile as he felt her arms encircle him, the gentleness of her touch contrasting perfectly with the raw passion.

Her climax collided with his like a submarine exploding to the surface. It shocked his system. He hadn’t been prepared for it and he held her so tightly he thought he might break her.

She was so warm, so soft, like the embrace of a long-lost love.

He kissed her tenderly, doing his best not to immediately retreat. Because he desperately needed to.

Her eyes held a depth of emotion that spoke volumes. He knew he was playing with fire, but the pull to be with her, to feel her in every way possible, had been too strong to resist.

But as he stared into her eyes, the seriousness of the situation dawned on him—they couldn't do this. He couldn’t do this.

He pulled away slightly, reluctantly, and searched her gaze for any indication of regret or resentment. Thankfully, he found none.

"We can't do this again," he said softly, a hint of desperation tinging his voice. "We can't keep doing this."

Chastity nodded. “I know. There are so many reasons it’s a bad idea.” She smiled. It was genuine. “But know I’ll never regret this and I hope you won’t either.”

“Nope.” He kissed her nose. “But we have to find a way to put the genie back in the bottle.”

“Well, the genie usually grants three wishes.”

“Oh my God. That’s not helping.” He rolled to his side, pulling the blanket over their bodies. “Especially when you’re naked. In my bed.”

She raised up on her elbow and patted his chest. “I was kidding.”

The sound of a truck pulling into his driveway caught his attention. He glanced at his watch. “Fuck.” He jumped up from the bed and tossed a few articles of clothing at Chastity. “You might want to hurry up and get dressed.”

“Why?” She sat up, clutching her shirt to her chest, but it did nothing to cover up her perfect breasts.

He blinked. “Um, well, Arthur, Rex, and Kent are here.”

“What the hell.” She leaped from the bed. Her feet tangled in the comforter, and she face-planted on the floor.

He couldn’t help it. He chuckled.

“Not funny,” she mumbled.

Bending over, he lifted her to her feet and helped her dress, doing his best not to touch too much, but he did let his gaze soak in every inch. He burned the memory of her body into his brain because he wasn’t going to allow himself to see it again.

“Why are they here?” She wiggled into her shorts.

“We’ve got a meeting at the Aegis Network in an hour.” He turned and fiddled with his hair in the mirror. “I kind of forgot. Or should I say someone distracted me.”

“You distracted yourself. I was just returning your shirt.”

He glanced out the window. “You have about thirty seconds to get to the kitchen and act casual. Not sure what we’ll say about why you’re here.”

“That’s easy. You’re explaining why half my herbs are dead.” She turned and took two steps toward the door.

He grabbed her by the waist. “You’ve got to be kidding me. You just planted them.”

She shrugged.

“We’ll actually really talk about that another time.” He gave her a little love tap on the ass, which he probably shouldn’t have. Now all he needed to do was make the rest of this somewhat normal. The last thing he needed was to have anyone at the station house know he’d slept with Chastity. Not because he was embarrassed or ashamed or regretted it. None of those things were true.

But because the last thing either one of them needed was razzing from the rest of the crew.

Squaring his shoulders, he made his way to the front door and opened it. “You three are about fifteen minutes early.”

Arthur glanced between Rex and Kent. “Good morning, Chastity.”

Duncan swallowed as he glanced over his shoulder.

“Right back at you.” Chastity carried a to-go mug in one hand and a small plastic bag in the other.

“What are you doing here bright and early?” Kent asked with a smug grin.

“Me and my black thumb killed all my herbs that Duncan helped me grow.” She held up the little baggie. “I needed some rosemary, so I came over to steal some.” She shoved the mug in his chest. “I thought you might like to finish this. Call me when you’ve got time to help me replant my shit. You boys have a nice day.”

“I’ve got a few minutes. I’ll walk you home,” Duncan said.

She patted his chest. “Right. Because at nine in the morning, this hood is so dangerous.” She waved her hand over her head and disappeared out the door.

Arthur arched a brow. “Did she spend the night?”

“I was about to ask the same thing,” Rex said.

“She did not.” At least Duncan wasn’t lying.

“Damn, I was hoping something was finally going to happen between the two of you.” Kent shook his head.

“We’re just friends and it’s going to remain that way.” Duncan snagged his keys and slipped his feet into his boots.

"Too bad,” Arthur said. “That woman would be good for you.”

But Duncan couldn’t get his head out of his ass and trust that she wouldn’t do exactly what she said he was afraid of.

And that was hurt him.

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