Perfect (Love in Yorkshire #1) Ten 71%
Library Sign in


He was notably absent again during most of the day on Friday. Dad said that Connor had gone to the village to trade some cattle, but I had my suspicions that this was probably bullshit. He was still trying to avoid me. There may have been some truth in there of course but I imagined Connor had offered to go to the market to escape from whatever this ‘thing’ was between us. I knew from my father that he usually took the cows to market himself.

The weather had started to turn, the skies were bleak and there was a chill in the air, which was strange for what was usually the hot point of the summer.

I had spent the last few hours pottering around and helping Dad with bits and bobs, I’d even managed to sort out the nightmare that was his study. There were books, paperwork, and unopened letter piles on his desk, not to mention an old cup that had who knew what growing in it, but I’d eventually managed to coordinate the chaos.

As I was in the process of wiping a space I’d cleared, the phone rang but I left it, believing that Anna would pick it up. After around a minute of listening to its shrill sound, I grabbed the receiver and a pen in case I needed to take a message.

As I answered, I was greeted by silence and I repeated my ‘hello’, surmising that it was probably a Call Centre and I was waiting to be connected. I’d cottoned onto these types of calls. There was always a delay, Mum usually just hung up as she was sick to death of taking PPI and ‘were you recently involved in an accident’ calls.

“Mrs Williams?” a deep, scratchy male voice questioned. I winkled my nose as I realised he meant Rachel, and not my mother.

“No sorry, she isn’t here right now, can I help?” I questioned, tucking the phone into the crook of my neck as I pulled a bit of paper towards me.

“Sorry, who am I speaking to? Are you a relation to Mrs Williams?”

I checked the pen worked by starting to doodle my version of a plant pot on the corner of the notepaper.

“I suppose, I’m her stepdaughter,” I replied.

I was greeted with another silence and I exhaled, partly wishing I’d ignored the call, get on with it !

“I see. Look, I can only speak to members of the family. My name is David Smith and I’m calling from the bank. I have an urgent message for Mrs Williams. Could you just confirm your address, so I can check it against my system?”

I pursed my lips, already weary of the call and was just about to say that I didn’t actually know the full address, but I spotted one of Dad’s unopened letters on the desk and pulled it towards me.

I reeled off the details, including the postcode and then waited with my pen poised; concerned that a call from the bank may be quite important.

Then the line went dead.


My brow furrowed and I replaced the receiver. We’d obviously been cut off. The farm was in the middle of nowhere. I waited a minute or two for him to call back but when no call came, I wrote a quick message to say that the bank had called and took it into the kitchen. The chance of Rachel or my dad seeing it was more likely there and I popped it under one of the magnets on the fridge. Better than it being buried by papers in Dad’s office.

As I turned to leave the kitchen, Rachel came in through the front door holding something.

“Harlow, is this yours?” she began, approaching me with a peculiar expression.

I dipped my head to see what she was holding and then panic burst from my chest. What the actual F!

My stepmother was clutching my robe. My silky little number; the one I had worn that had been personally peeled away during an encounter with her son the previous night. If ‘encounter’ was the right word, it felt like such a dull way to describe that amazing heated moment between us.

Rachel gave me a guarded look, as you would do I suppose if you found part of someone’s sexy nightwear in the fricking barn of all places. Why the hell hadn’t Connor picked it up? He must have been as lost in the moment as I was to have missed it.

I was sure my eyes were bulging from their sockets and I gave myself a mental kick, speak!

“Oh, yes. Thanks. Been looking for that,” I spluttered on a semi-stutter .

She then shot me what I took to be one of those ‘woman-to-woman’ looks. A knowing, ‘I know that there is more to this that you are letting on’ type of vibe. And of course, she was right. I can just imagine her face if she was aware of the whole truth and who was actually involved in my loss of attire. I could have been out there sneaking around with any of the farmhands. Gross but true. Either that or one of the other boys from the village, as far as Rachel knew, Connor and I didn’t get along.

I took it, thanked her again, and redirected her thoughts by saying. “Oh, you had a call from the bank.”

Her brow furrowed before she replied.


I pointed towards the fridge. “Just now, I made a note, but they didn’t leave a number.”

She pursed her lips, as if suddenly in deep contemplation.

“That’s odd. I didn’t even realise they had this number. They called on the landline?” she questioned, looking thoroughly confused.

I nodded my head.

“Yes,” also feeling perplexed.

After a moment of silence where it just felt plain weird, Rachel smiled, tightly. “OK, thank you. I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about.”

As she drifted past me into the kitchen, her body language said the complete opposite.

Breaking me out of my train of thought, my phone vibrated in the pocket of my jeans. It was from Tom detailing the arrangements for where I was to meet everyone that evening.

For most of that day I had been carefully plotting what to wear. I knew I’d need to dress carefully to give the illusion that I was older. If they didn’t let me in the club, I’d be mortified in front of the others. Anticipation punched my gut. I’d only ever gotten in a club once before and on that occasion, the bouncer has been pretty shit-faced

I had been completely honest with Dad and told him I was going to Scarborough with a group of friends. He gave me the usual safety talk and said that I could go, as long as he dropped me off and picked me up. I was also to keep my phone on me at all times.

As I stood in my bedroom, I told myself it was time to let my hair down and do what most girls my age did, minus the getting pissed and falling around like a loon of course.

Critically eying my reflection in the full-length mirror, my brow furrowed. I didn’t look like me and I certainly didn’t feel like me.

The dress I had chosen was figure-hugging and made from laced material. As I dragged the garment over my head, I was relieved to see that it wasn’t as transparent as I’d first assumed, the dress possessed a nude body liner that thankfully concealed my underwear.

I thoroughly appraised my appearance. The outfit clung to my body and was not overly short in length, but the sweetheart neckline was dangerously low and revealed pretty much most of my cleavage. It certainly ‘enhanced my femininity in all the right’ (or wrong) places.

Nervous knots started to work themselves loose within me. Was I comfortable enough to wear this in public? It certainly didn’t fall in line with my usual sense of style. Goodness only knows what Dad would say when he saw me. I did look older though, which was of course the point.

I smoothed my perfectly painted fingers over my hair, the red nails an afterthought and scanned the blonde silky paleness against the deep tone of the dress. I had purposefully left my hair loose and it fell past my shoulders in waves.

The more I appraised my appearance, the better I felt. I looked OK, a little on the slutty side but so what. It wasn’t like we were going to church or anything.

I texted Tom to confirm I’d received his message and that my dad was going to drop me off outside the bar where we were due to meet.

Dad’s eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw me coming down the stairs, but he didn’t comment.

Thanking him for the lift, we agreed I’d message him later to arrange a time for pick up. He delivered yet another safety speech and told me not to put my drink down anywhere so it couldn’t be spiked. I smiled at his concern as I was a little more streetwise than he was giving me credit for.

Pecking him on the cheek, I climbed down from the car feeling a little uneasy .

The town centre was alive with people, a variety of ages. Some were dressed for a night out, others more student-like in jeans and T-shirts.

Two bouncers opened the doors to the pub and wished me a good night. I could see from their expressions that they were appreciative of what they saw and this gave me a boost of confidence, I’d never walked into a bar alone before.

As I entered the room, it was fairly busy with the low beat of music and plenty of noisy voices. Tom and the others were huddled in a booth at the back of the main room and I casually walked over to greet them.

All eyes were upon me and Ella was there with another girl, which took me by surprise.

She was sitting opposite Kyle, Max, and Nathan and looked pretty in what appeared to be a black dress. It was hard to tell as she was sitting.

“Hey,” I greeted them. My heart dipped as I noted that Connor was a no-show. Why I had even bothered hoping he’d come was beyond me. He probably didn’t even have clothes that fit in with the dress code for a nightclub. Even at the engagement party, he’d worn jeans.

They all said hi over each other and the lads rose to greet me. I had hugs and air kisses. Kyle, Max, and Nate were all dressed in trousers and shirts and all scrubbed up rather well, for country boys.

Ella introduced me to Natalie. A girl that I fleetingly remembered from Nate’s party. She had long black hair, deep brown eyes, and dark naturally tanned skin. She was beautiful and exotic and was dressed in tight black trousers and a floaty blouse, the print would make you feel nauseous if you stared at it for too long. Her lashes were also ridiculously long, but natural I guessed. It was explained briefly that the twins knew her from school.

Tom went to the bar to fetch me a beer and Ella moved over so I could sit in between her and Natalie. The three girls faced the three boys and when Tom came back, he pulled up a stool and positioned himself at the end of the table.

I sipped my beer. Tom wouldn’t take the money I offered him for my drink which was nice.

The conversation flowed and I scanned the pub and soaked up the charged atmosphere. A guy and girl were holding hands by the bar and my heart squeezed, they looked so wrapped up in each other. I wondered fleetingly what it would be like to stand with Connor like that and hold hands.

“So how does it feel to be staying in the country Harlow, Ella tells me you live in London,” Natalie asked. She spoke with a faint Yorkshire accent.

“Yes, it’s cool. I’m sort of used to it now and everyone was so welcoming.”

Her plump lips turned down at my response and she looked surprised.

“Really, everyone?Even Connor?”

I swallowed the looming lump, here we go again I thought. There was a bitchy note to her voice, which hadn’t been there at first.

“He was a bit standoffish at first but I suppose we didn’t really know each other,” I responded keeping it light. I wasn’t going to get into another discussion about Connor when he wasn’t there. I hated the behind-the-back approach.

Natalie grinned showing perfect, overly white teeth. She reminded me of one of those bullterrier dogs. “He’s a tough one to crack all right.”

Her comment seemed to drag Nate’s attention away from what the boys were discussing.

“He’s not the only one,” Nathan put in with a grin at Ella.

“Don’t start,” she replied, kicking him under the table and rolling her eyes.

Interesting. To whom was he referring?

Shaking off the thought I simply replied. “It’s fine. We’re good.”

Natalie took a drink from her glass, twisting sideways, eyeing me over the rim. “Tom was saying you want to be a teacher?” I knew her attempt at small talk was leading to something else.

I nodded before taking another sip of my beer. She so wasn’t really interested. “Yes, I’m thinking about it.” I could tell she was sizing me up with every syllable that left her lips.

She screwed her face up, it wasn’t a nice look.

“Doesn’t your dad own shit loads of land and stuff? Surely you don’t have to work at all.”

I stared at her with a coolly impersonal smile. Her words and tone were rude and I was surprised that no one commented. Was she usually a disrespectful bitch, or did they allow her to speak to me that way because they thought I was an overindulged brat? Even Tom hadn’t said anything, although he was more focused on Nate and the girls on the next table to us.

I chose my words carefully. I didn’t want her to think she’d won any points with her snide remark.

“My dad’s OK off I suppose but that’s not me. I still want to do my own thing.”

Natalie full-out scoffed at that one.

“Bollocks,” she put in waving her beer about.

Her use of language gave me an even lower opinion of her; stupid ignorant cow.

At last, Nathan jumped to my defence. Better late than never I supposed.

“Shut it, Nat, you’re just jealous and bricking it that you’ll end up as a hairdresser like your mother, dyeing old ladies’ hair pink and shit.”

She shot him a dirty look.

“Fuck you, Nathan. You can talk, you absolute leach. When are you going to get a job and stop sponging off your parents? You know, follow in Golden Boy’s footsteps.”

Upon Golden Boy being thrown into the mix, Tom shot a glance at Ella and she rapidly pushed to her feet, saying she needed to pee. I asked her if she wanted me to come, the whole ‘girls go to the loo in twos’ and all that, but she declined.

I shuffled in my seat now I had more room and Natalie nudged me with her elbow, her eyes roaming over my face.

“So where is Mr. Moody tonight?” she asked with a pointed look like I was his fucking keeper.

I shrugged. “Probably working.”

Natalie shook her hair back and I was met with a waft of perfume: had the girl bathed in it? There was a definite uniqueness about the smell, it wasn’t one that I would have worn. Bit pungent, like her attitude.

I shook off the thought upon realising she was still speaking.

“Thought it was going to kick off at yours Nate.”

To be honest, it was a shame she was there. Within the space of an hour, she had definitely soured my experience.

Nathan rolled his shoulders and then took another swig of beer; boy the guy drank fast.

“Nah, he’s a fucking nutter at times but we’ve known each other too long to fall out over a chick.”

“I see, and what chick are we talking about?” Natalie fished with eyes so narrow they had reduced to slits.

There was a pause and I felt like they were talking about something way above my head.

Nathan cleared his throat awkwardly before replying.

“Harlow of course.” Pointing his beer bottle at me with an ‘aren’t you a lucky girl’ nod, like I’d just won a fucking Brit award.

OMG, I was mortified that he just came out with it. His reply was strange considering I hadn’t actually felt that type of vibe coming from him at all. Maybe slightly at the party when he was drunk.

I laughed it off.

“So, I’m a chick now, great.”

Kyle cracked a sexist joke which cleared the air and everyone laughed. I had to force myself of course, it wasn’t actually that funny.

“Another round here, then onto The Brewers Tap?” Tom piped up, necking his beer.

Yup, he was certainly trying to play the cool guy. I felt a bit sorry for him.

After another string of bars, everyone was starting to feel the effects of the booze and I decided I needed to pace myself. Especially considering my father was due to pick me up. He’d probably never trust me again if I passed out in the car on the way home.

After around an hour in the next pub, I popped to the loo.

“You look amazing in that dress. You’re so tiny and cute,” Natalie said, appearing beside me and meeting my gaze in the mirrored glass above the sinks. Condescending cow. She too was redoing her lips. Her comment was so patronising and my palms itched.

I didn’t smile but returned her compliment, I wasn’t a total bitch of course.

“I love that top.” My voice still sounded insincere.

She started fluffing her hair.

“So, Nate reckons something is going on. You know, with you and Connor.”

I paused as I ran the lip gloss over my lips, which were suddenly quite dry .

“Really?” I replied, attempting to feign innocence.

“Yeah, especially after he went crazy on your ass?”

I gave her a half-arsed reply, which she didn’t buy. “I hadn’t thought about it. He said I wasn’t to go to Nate’s and I think I pissed him off by doing the opposite.”

Her next words almost made my head explode.

“I love controlling men. Did it turn you on? He’s so fucking fit and that body,”

I put my lipstick away and broke eye contact.

“Yes, he’s good-looking.” My reply sounded so wooden and as I raised my eyes back to her annoying reflection, her grin widened. I wanted to smack her in the face.

She tilted her head and considered me thoughtfully.

“You can be open with me you know if you’ve done stuff. Maybe we could compare notes?”

Again, another exploding head moment occurred. What the actual fuck?

“What do you mean?” I shot out, a frown creasing my face. I turned to face her; my mind spinning with questions.

Natalie also twisted from her own reflection and peered down at me with a fake trace of pity in her tone. She moistened her mouth with her tongue.

“Surely Connor’s told you about us?”

My insides started to hurt. She was about to share gory details; I could sense it. And she knew I had feelings for Connor, it must have been etched into every crease of pain on my face. My stomach felt like it had a large nest of ants in it.

“I don’t know, you used to go out?” I guessed tartly. Knowing there would be more to it than that.

Her overdone lips curled and I wasn’t sure why I’d thought her petty before.

“Connor doesn’t do relationships. We just fuck from time to time.”

The word poured spitefully from her lips and I suddenly wanted to be anywhere but there. Maybe at home, burrowing my head into my pillow.

There was a sinking feeling in my gut. Is that where he went when he was feeling stressed, like when he’d stormed off after his argument with Rachel? To shag this hoe? I felt like emptying the contents of my stomach all over her psychedelic top .

I managed to compose myself. I was now fully feeling the jealousy vibe which was pouring out of her like lava. This I was used to and this I could deal with, couldn’t I? I saw it in girls all the time.

“Whatever, it’s not my business.”

She prodded me playfully in the arm and it made me want to snap her finger. Her nails were as garish as her outfit.

“You don’t have to be jealous. It’s just sex, there’s nothing in it,” Natalie piped in, with a forced giggle. She was thoroughly enjoying herself. How I longed to knock her off her perch.

I pretended not to be bothered, unease continuing to pound my stomach.

“I think we should find the others.”

I turned to leave the toilets. I still held the door for her for some strange reason.

“I hope I haven’t upset you. I’m surprised he doesn’t talk about me. He got a bit obsessed at one point. Couldn’t get enough.” She said in a cocky voice, knowing she was wounding me with every word. I walked away, quickening my speed.

“Good for you,” I muttered under my breath.

I saw the group and made a beeline, not waiting to see if Natalie had caught up to me.

“Hi, are you OK? You look upset? What’s she said?” Ella put in as she appeared suddenly at my side. She must have noticed the strange tension.

“She was just telling me how good my stepbrother is in bed,” I blurted with distaste, my thoughts still spinning. Why was I even letting the bitch get to me?

So, they used to shag, it wasn’t like he was my boyfriend or anything. My God, if he really had been with that slapper, there was a massive chance he’d be riddled. I attempted to use the thought to like him less, but it didn’t work.

Natalie joined the twins who were walking ahead of us, the damage was well and truly done and she knew it. You could tell from the way she trotted next to them that it was some type of victory walk. She irritated the hell out of me. I decided she was like one of those fancy, overindulged dogs that were dressed in clothes; cute to look at but fucking useless.

Ella slid an arm around me which was a surprise.

“Ignore her, she’s jealous of you because you’re hotter than her and you have Connor’s attention. She’s been after him for years.”

Her revelation needled me.

“Why are you friends with someone like that Ella?” I questioned, moving away slightly so her arm slipped off my shoulders. I didn’t really want her poor attempt at comfort.

She looked uncomfortable at my words and shrugged.

“I don’t know. Maybe because there aren’t many girls to share stuff with in the village. Most of my friends are boys.”

I felt a twinge of remorse for my comment and thought back to when I’d first met her. There had definitely been something she had wanted off her chest. Maybe she had stored it all up. I couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to share anything of importance with the overly colourful Natalie.

“So, she isn’t lying,” I said, still feeling miserable. I blinked away a sting of tears, accepting that they were probably partly drink-induced.

“No, they were definitely shagging at one point but it wasn’t serious. Just a bit of fun. Connor is too messed up to hold down a proper relationship.”

I thought back to my comment to Connor about him having fun. I certainly hadn’t meant that sort of fun, at least not with anyone else anyway.

“Are you sure you don’t have something going with Connor?” Ella’s tone was accusatory again and it wound me up.

“Are you sure you don’t?” I sniped back, still not sure if that ship had sailed.

Nate appeared between us.

“What the actual fuck, how long do you need to take a piss?”

His speech was slurred. I now felt angry at my self-pity and his appearance made me pull myself together.

“Nathan you’re gross. You don’t say that to the Ladies,” Ella chided, elbowing him in the side as he pushed between us and placed his arms around both sets of shoulders.

“If I see some, I’ll make sure I watch what I say. We’re you discussing the size of my cock?” His smile was cheeky and his dimples appeared.

“You’re such a dick. And if you get any more shit faced, I’m going home,” Ella replied with a serious edge. Clearly not happy about the cock comment .

“You love it.”

“I mean it Nathan, save it.”

I wasn’t sure whether I’d misread the look they exchanged, was there a vibe or had I just imagined it? To be honest, I was tipsy and past caring.

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