Sorrow (Cape Frost #1) 22 65%
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Chasing after them turned out to be a huge waste of time. We didn’t know what car they were in since they sped off before we opened the door, and we couldn’t get too far away from the house in case the bastards came back. It wasn’t lost on us that the lingerie could’ve been a distraction to draw us away, we just weren’t thinking clearly enough in those first few minutes to care.

Now, however, we’ve been wasting our time for over an hour and I’m itching to go check on Samara. “Let’s just go back home and regroup. We’re not doing anything but wasting gas.”

Boo nods, falling silent until we pull in the driveway and notice her truck is gone. “What the fuck?” he snaps. “I thought you told her to stay put?”

“I did! She probably ran because she was scared. If The Sons took her, they wouldn’t have bothered with that piece of shit. Maybe they stole it and she’s still in there. Just do a perimeter check and I’ll see if I can find anything inside.”

I’m out of the truck and in the house before he can argue with me, but nothing seems amiss. “Hurricane?” I call out, heart pounding when she doesn’t respond at all, and despite what I told Boo, I don’t calm in the slightest when I find his room empty. “Samara!”

I rush into my bedroom and find a note sitting on my pillow. My whole world focuses on that ripped piece of paper until I read it seven times and fully comprehend what she’s saying.

Hayes -

Wish me luck! Be home late... or not at all if it goes well.

Thank you again xx


Or not at all.

She went to him .

My hurricane is giving herself to a man that isn’t me, and some fucking bitch boy is taking what is mine.

Mine .


I shove my record player onto the floor with a crash, stopping myself a second before my fist bursts through the drywall, and I somehow manage to keep myself from destroying my house.

Over a fucking girl.

No, not just any girl. Boo’s baby sister.

If future me traveled back to warn me of this I would have laughed in his face, but it’s time I admit that Samara Radley isn’t just some girl anymore. Or maybe I admit that she never was.

Either way, I’m done playing this game we’re playing. I’m done holding back from fucking her in fear of her leaving, because I won’t let her leave when I’m done.

She might be the hurricane here, but I’ll be a fucking tornado if I have to be. I’ll kick his door in and carry her ass home without a second thought, and if she fights me, all the better. In fact, I might need her to fight me just so I can avoid confessing my love or something else equally terrifying.

What a fucking day .

Good thing I know exactly where that prick lives, so I stomp back outside and wave Boo off. “She’s fine, I know where she’s at. Go back to the station and see if you can figure out where those fuckers went. I’ll get Samara.”

I don’t wait for him to respond before I start my car and speed over there in record time. Only... I don’t even make it to his house before I spot her. She’s walking down the street hugging herself, and regardless of the pouring rain and us being a good distance away, I know for a fact that she’s crying.

Did that pussy reject her?

Red-hot rage boils inside of me for a completely different reason now, and when I park my car and run over to get to her, I only know two things: one, I’ll kill that motherfucker, and two... I’m about to show her just how desirable she really is.

I don’t give a fuck who sees.

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